In clinical settings, pediatric patients often present with hematologic and metabolic disorders such as anemia and diabetes. Many of these disorders are manageable with drug therapy and lifestyle changes, but they can pose serious complications for patients if left untreated. In your role as the advanced practice nurse, you must identify patients at risk of hematologic and metabolic disorders and provide the appropriate education for them and their families. Consider potential treatment, management, and education strategies for the patients in the following case studies.

Case Study 1

You see a 1-week-old Asian infant for a weight check. The infant is back to his birth weight and is breastfeeding for 10 minutes every 2 hours with one 3-hour stretch a day. He is alert, has bowel movements with each feeding, and wets 8–10 diapers a day. His blood type is A+ and his mother’s blood type is A+. Coombs’ testing at birth was negative. You note slight scleral and skin jaundice.

Case Study 2

Jimmy is a 3-year-old “picky” eater according to his mother. He refuses to eat anything but waffles for breakfast and macaroni and cheese or chicken nuggets for lunch and dinner. He will eat apples and bananas but refuses all vegetables except corn. After a normal physical examination, you obtained blood testing that revealed the hemoglobin is 11.4 mg/dl and his hematocrit is 30% (both obtained by venipuncture). The CBC revealed microcytic hypochromic RBCs.

Case Study 3

Melissa is a 13-year-old who presents to your office for a well-child check. Physical examination reveals a thin child who is short of stature. Breast Tanner stage is II and pubic hair development is Tanner I. Neurologic, skin, heart, lung, abdominal, and HEENT examinations are normal.

To prepare:

  • Review “Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders” and “Hematologic Disorders” in the Burns et al. text.
  • Review and select one of the three provided case studies. Analyze the patient information.
  • Consider a differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Think about the most likely diagnosis for the patient.
  • Think about a treatment and management plan for the patient. Be sure to consider appropriate dosages for any recommended pharmacologic and/or non-pharmacologic treatments.
  • Consider strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of the differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Explain which is the most likely diagnosis for the patient and why. Include an explanation of unique characteristics of the disorder you identified as the primary diagnosis.

Then, explain a treatment and management plan for the patient, including appropriate dosages for any recommended treatments. Finally, explain strategies for educating patients and families on the treatment and management of the hematologic or metabolic disorder.



In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.


  1. Away From Her
  2. Lorenzo’s Oil
  3. Mask
  4. My Sister’s Keeper
  5. Philadelphia
  6. Rain Man
  7. Steel Magnolias
  8. Stepmom
  9. The Elephant Man
  10. The Mighty
  11. The Tic Code


  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”
  2. Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).
  3. Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”
  4. Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.
  5. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.
  6. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.
  7. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.
  8. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.
  9. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.

In addition to submitting the presentation to the instructor, post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other students’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Design for Change Capstone Project

Please refer to milestone before completing assignment. 

  1. Review the feedback you received from your instructor for Milestone 1, and use it to develop this milestone.
  2. Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the recommended assignment specific Milestone 2 Design Proposal Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use this to write your paper. You will include the information from Milestone 1, your practice issue and evidence summary worksheets, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice.
  3. The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6 th edition.
  4. The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
  5. As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
    1. Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
    2. Change Model Overview: Overview of the ACE Star model (the model we have been discussing this session); define the scope of the EBP; identify the stakeholders, and determine the responsibility of the team members.
    3. Evidence: Conduct internal and external searches of evidence; integrate and summarize the evidence summary worksheet from Milestone 1; develop a recommendation for change.
    4. Translation: develop a hypothetical action plan; include measurable outcomes, reporting to stakeholders; identify next steps and disseminate the findings.
    5. Conclusion: Provide a clear and concise summary, inclusive of the problem issue, the five points of the ACE Star change model; and ways to maintain the change plan.
  6. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
  7. Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change.
  8. Submit your paper by 11:59 p.m. MT by Sunday of the end of Week 4.


Capstone Project Milestone 1:

Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets

For Use May 2018

Student Name: Date: 5/21/18


1. Refer to the guidelines for specific details on how to complete this assignment.

2. Type your answers directly into the worksheets below.

3. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.

4. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum. You may also email questions to the instructor for a private response.

Practice Issue Worksheet

List the topic and include the   citation for the systematic review you have selected from our approved list   (optional: an additional scholarly source of support):

Support for   healthy Breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. 

McFadden, A., Gavine, A., Renfrew, M. J., Wade, A.,   Buchanan, P., Taylor, J. L., … MacGillivray, S. (2017). Support for healthy   breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. Cochrane Database of   Systematic Reviews, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD001141.   doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001141.pub5

What is the nursing practice issue   you have identified related to the topic you have chosen?

The nursing   practice issue identified is the unavailability of resources that can   facilitate the teaching of feeding cues to the mothers and expecting mothers in   order to provide the best breastfeeding practices.

Fully describe the scope of the practice issue:

The benefits of   breastfeeding for both mother and child is widely accepted across the medical   field. The world health organization has made a recommendation that infants   should be breastfed until six months exclusively, and even continue for up to   two years exclusively as the main part of infant diet. The current level of   breastfeeding in most of the countries does not indicate that recommendation.   Knowing this, instead of offering brief lactation classes on postpartum   units, interactive and in-depth lactation support should be available to all   expecting mothers and new mothers.

What is the practice area?

___   Clinical

_x__   Education

___   Administration

___   Other (List): 

How was the practice issue   identified? (check all that   apply)

___   Safety/risk management concerns

___   Unsatisfactory patient outcomes

___   Wide variations in practice

__x_   Significant financial concerns

___   Difference between hospital and community practice

___   Clinical practice issue is a concern

___   Procedure or process is a time waster

___   Clinical practice issue has no scientific base

__   Other:

Describe the rationale for your   checked selections:

For this practice   issue, I selected significant financial concerns as a reason to why lactation   courses are not as prioritized as they should. Providing the resources needed   in order to facilitate an interactive in depth course may illuminate a   financial concern.

What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)

___   Literature search

___   Guidelines

___   Expert Opinion

___   Patient Preferences

_x__   Clinical Expertise

__x_   Financial Analysis

___   Standards (Regulatory, professional, community)

___   Other

Describe the rationale for your   checked selections: 

I selected   financial analysis because in order to supply the resources for these   lactation courses, the facilities/hospital’s financial capacity should be   considered. Hiring additional staff that offer expertise is essential in   offering quality care to the specific population.

Evidence Summary Worksheet 

Directions: Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.

Describe the practice problem in your   own words with reference to the identified population, setting and magnitude   of the problem in measurable terms:

As previously mentioned, though it has been   medically recommended for mothers of infants to breast feed for at least 6   months, the number of mothers that actually follow through with breastfeeding,   does not reflect its importance. Expecting and new mothers are not offered   enough support in regards to education, to ensure breastfeeding compliance.   As a result, the benefits of breastfeeding are not being reaped by mother and   infants.

Type the complete APA reference for   the systematic review article you chose from the list provided. It must be   relevant to the practice issue you described above. Include the APA reference   for any additional optional supplemental scholarly source related to   the review you wish to use.

Renfrew, M. J., McCormick,   F. M., Wade, A., Quinn, B., & Dowswell, T. (2012). Support for healthy   breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 5(5).

Identify the objectives of the article:

To determine the categories of breastfeeding   support that haven examined in the controlled research, the timing for the   intervention and the setting which the research and interventions are used 

To determine the efficiency of diverse modes   for offering the intervention support for instance, whether the offered   intervention is reactive, proactive and over the phone or face to face, and   if such intervention has the elements of postnatal and antenatal and their   effectiveness. 

To evaluate the effectiveness of various   caregivers and trainings in situations   where there was series of trainings. 

To explore the interactions between the rates   of breastfeeding background and support effectiveness. 

Provide a statement of the questions being addressed in the work and   how these relate to your practice issue:

Offering the support for the breastfeeding to women   both antenatal and postnatal results in the increase of the exclusivity and   duration of breastfeeding, hence better health for mother and child. The   practice issue identified, suggests that the resources and the availability   of staff may be an issue. Financially, many facilities may not deem these   interventions as those that require priority, thus dwarfing the availability   interactive lactation support courses.

Summarize (in your own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest   to improve patient outcomes.

In order to gain success, these courses should   be instructed by qualified personnel who are able to provide in depth   expertise. The program should provide progressive arranged visits with women   on the based on the time that they’re available. The program should be   tailored to the setting and need of the group. 

Summarize the main findings by the   authors of your systematic review including the strength of evidence for each   main outcome. Consider the relevance   to your project proposal for the Milestone 2 project paper. (If an optional supplemental source is also used, include a   statement of relevance to it as well.)

The main findings are that the support offered   by both the professional and lay persons had positive impact on the outcome   of breastfeeding. 

Factors like the face to face breastfeeding   support and personalized trainings encourage the duration and exclusivity of   breastfeeding in new mothers.

Outline evidence-based solutions that you will consider for your   project.

Evidence-based solutions that increase the   rate of breastfeeding includes; patient centered care of mothers who are   experiencing issues with breast feeding, giving support in the settings that   have high rate of initiation, and education provided by experts that enables   mothers both antenatal and postnatal to have access to all the information   they need to provide the best care for their infants. Also, the support   strategy should include face to face interactions for higher chances of   success for the breastfeeding women. 

Discuss any limitations to the studies that you believe impacts your   ability to utilize the research in your project.

The studies were limited to 100 studies, and   73 studies were limited to 29 countries which is even less than 50% of the   countries across the globe. Statistics cannot rely on such figure as   representatives. 


Please provide me with at least 150 words for each unit assignment and also answer questions individually according to their units with each individual references. 

Unit 3

You are in a place of influence in your professional life where you can help people be successful. Describe the relationship and what actions you have taken or could take to serve others. Based on the textbook, how does your response compare to the views of authority according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority?

Unit 4

What is your given “authority” at your work place and/or professional life? Describe a time when you have exercised this authority in your journey as a professional nurse? How does your response compare to the secular view of power? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority? How does your response compare to the view of power according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the view of authority according to servant leadership?

Unit 5

Describe a time in your professional life when you felt used and manipulated. What were the circumstances? Did you feel valued by the leader? Based on the textbook, explain how the issue of purpose, in the servant-leader paradigm, could have yielded a more beneficial outcome for the leader and yourself.

Unit 6

Resentment tears people and organizations apart. A servant leader focuses on leading and not dictating. Explain how you could transform feelings of resentment into a force for leading.

Unit 7

How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders using the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure that the continued success of the stakeholders will be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks? Why?

Unit 8

When we consider the word love as a verb instead of a feeling, the biblical worldview would state that this loving relationship is related to two principles: honor and protection. Explain how these two principles guide servant leadership in the workplace.

Unit 9

Servant leaders must be internally consistent with their words and actions. Describe a mentor that you have had that displayed this kind of credibility. Share an example of what you witnessed from this person. Based on the text, contrast your response to the secular view of power.

Unit 10

A credible person will do what they say. Describe a time when you felt free in displaying your integrity at work. Describe a time when you felt fearful displaying your integrity at work. What was the determining factor(s) that allowed you to lead by example versus going against your heart? If you never felt free in displaying your integrity at work, describe what conditions would need to exist for you to do so?

Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment 


Before making a case for an evidence-based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation. Select an appropriate organizational culture survey tool and use this instrument to assess the organization’s readiness.

1. Develop an analysis of 250 words from the results, addressing your organization’s readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry.

2. Make sure to include the rationale for the survey categories scores that were significantly high and low, incorporating details and/or examples. Also explain how to integrate clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organizations weaker areas.

3. Submit a summary of your results. The actual survey results do not need to be included.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. 

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, revise “Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment” for your final paper submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section B: Problem Description


Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) on your proposed problem description for your EBP project. The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention.

2. Identify the stakeholders/change agents. Who, or what organizations, are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc.

3. Use the feedback from the Topic 2 main forum post and refine your PICOT question. Make sure that the question fits with your graduate degree specialization.

4. State the purpose and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. The objective should address what is to be gained. This is a restatement of the question, providing focus. Measurements need to be taken before and after the evidence-based practice is introduced to identify the expected changes.

5. 5) Provide supportive rationale that the problem or issue is an important one for nursing to resolve using relevant professional literature sources.

6. Develop an initial reference list to assure that there is adequate literature to support your evidence-based practice project. Follow the “Steps to an Efficient Search to Answer a Clinical Question” box in chapter 3 of the textbook. Use “NUR-699 Search Method Example” to assist you.

7. 7) The majority of references should be research articles. However, national sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and others may be used when you are gathering statistics to provide the rationale for the problem.

8. Once you get into the literature, you may find there is very little research to support your topic and you will have to start all over again. Remember, in order for this to be an evidence-based project, you must have enough evidence to introduce this as a practice change. If you find that you do not have enough supporting evidence to change a practice, then further research would need to be conducted.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. 

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine “Section B: Problem Description” for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?

Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways. 

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a presentation with an infographic to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

                                                       To Prepare:

Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources. 

Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.

Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Develop a simple infographic to help explain these concepts. 

NOTE: For guidance on infographics, including how to create one in PowerPoint, see “How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint” as presented in the Resources.

Present the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum( the answer of the discussion question is attached bellow in a document). Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ replies. 

                                                      Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

• Chapter 1, “Nursing Science and the Foundation of Knowledge” (pp. 7–19)

• Chapter 2, “Introduction to Information, Information Science, and Information Systems” (pp. 21–33)

• Chapter 3, “Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model” (pp. 35–62)

24Slides. (2018). How to make an infographic in PowerPoint. Retrieved September 27, 2018, from https://24slides.com/presentbetter/how-make-infographic-powerpoint/

Nagle, L., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. (2017). Evolving role of the nursing informatics specialist. In J. Murphy, W. Goossen, & P. Weber (Eds.), Forecasting Competencies for Nurses in the Future of Connected Health (212–221). Clifton, VA: IMIA and IOS Press. Retrieved from https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_4A0FEA56B8CB.P001/REF 

Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(1).

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Health Informatics and Population Health: Trends in Population Health [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Accessible player  

Public Health Informatics Institute. (2017). Public Health Informatics: “translating” knowledge for health [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLUygA8Hpfo.



1.  Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following:

●   a representation of your career goals, your aspirations, and how you want to move forward with your career

●   an overview of where you would like to focus your time and energies within the profession

a.  Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.

2.  Complete a professional summary (suggested length of 3–4 pages) that includes the following:

a.  Explain how the specific artifacts or completed work or both in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional.

b.  Discuss how the specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths.

c.  Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program.

i.  Explain how you overcame these challenges.

d.  Explain how your coursework helped you meet each of the nine nursing program outcomes.

Note: Refer to the attachment “Nursing Conceptual Model.”

e.  Analyze how you fulfilled the following roles during your program:

•   scientist

•   detective

•   manager of the healing environment

f.  Discuss how you have grown professionally since the beginning of your program.

B.  Complete the following within the section “Quality and Safety”:

1.  Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of quality and safety developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a.  Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b.  Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i.  Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part B1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2.  Discuss the importance of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) certificate for your future role as a professional nurse.

C.  Complete the following within the section “Evidence-Based Practice”:

1.  Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of evidence-based practice developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a.  Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b.  Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i.  Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part C1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2.  Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your understanding of evidence-based practice and applied nursing research by doing the following:

a.  Discuss how you are able to evaluate current primary research and apply the concepts to your nursing practice, considering the following:

•   relevancy and believability of data

•   differences between quality improvement and research (places and uses of each)

•   differences between primary and secondary research and resources and the implications of each in clinical practice

b.  Explain how your experience in the program helped you achieve excellence in evidence-based practice.

D.  Complete the following within the section “Applied Leadership”:

1.  Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of applied leadership you developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a.  Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b.  Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i.  Explain how these artifacts support the definition from part D1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2.  Summarize (suggested length of 1 paragraph to 1 page) your Learning Leadership Experience task by doing the following:

a.  Discuss the importance of professional collaboration for effective nursing leadership.

E.  Complete the following within the section “Community and Population Health”:

1.  Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of community and population health you developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a.  Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b.  Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i.  Explain how these artifacts support the definition from part E1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2.  Summarize (suggested length of 1 page) your Community and Population Health task (STIs) by doing the following:

a.  Discuss what you learned during your Community Health Nursing task (STIs).

b.  Discuss what you learned led to your community diagnosis ( Nursing Diagnosis Statement: Sexually transmitted infections are common among adolescent individuals living in Florida).

c.  Discuss how your initial focus and diagnosis evolved after working with your population.

Nursing Practice Issue


The purpose of this assignment is:

· To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue.

· The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through this process. Your change process is to be set up as a pilot project.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO#2)

CO8: Selects evidence for best practices when planning professional nursing care involving systems, processes, and devices for individuals, families, aggregates and communities. (PO#8)


The assignment is worth 225 points.

Due Date

Submit your completed assignment by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59 p.m. MT.


A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed here: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

EBP Change Process (form)

1. Download the EBP Change Process form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. during Week 1.

2. The use of this specific form is REQUIRED and is due at the end of Week 6.

3. A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed in the short video above.

4. Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed.

5. Locate a systematic review on your topic from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews located in the Chamberlain Library. Be sure this involves nursing actions.

6. Work through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation, Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided on the form.

7. Follow the activities and thinking of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the ‘Illustration’ part of each lesson. He will be working through a clinical topic and nursing practice issue to demonstrate a change (ACE Star Model and systematic review).

8. Work on a portion of the process each week, as the illustration unfolds.

9. Please reach out to your instructor for feedback or assistance with your PICOT question as needed.

10.Required and Additional Background Reading in Weeks 1 and 2 under Readings is available for more information on the ACE Star Model and the use of systematic reviews.

11.Please cite any references (in APA format) of your systematic review or other scholarly document (optional) as needed. Paraphrasing information, rather than quoting, is expected. No quotes for this assignment please!

12.For questions about this assignment, please contact your instructor.

13.Use the grading rubric as a final way to check that all components of the form have been completed. The rubric is the tool your instructor will use to assess your content.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.

NOTE: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.



This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO 1 – Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)
  • CO 2 – Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO 1)
  • CO 3 – Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3)

The Assignment

This week you have your choice of three discussion topics! Select the one that most interests you and answer the corresponding questions completely.

Remember to reference both the book or lesson, and an outside scholarly source.

Option #1:

You are the nurse assessing an Orthodox Jewish client with peptic ulcer. The client is strictly religious and refuses to eat the food provided at the health care facility.

  1. Describe how you would further assess and provide care for this client.
  2. What steps could you take to increase your cultural competence, if you were not familiar with this faith?

Option #2:

You are the nurse caring for a client with Crohn’s disease. The client believes he is being punished by God. The client is spiritually distressed and cannot come to terms with the illness.

  1. How would you respond to this client?
  2. What are some identified risk factors for spiritual distress, and recommended interventions?

Option #3:

Describe a time in your clinical nursing practice when you have cared for a client of cultural, religious, or spiritual practices different from your own.

  1. What were some of the challenges you faced caring for this client?
  2. What steps did you take (or could you have taken) to ensure the patient received culturally/spiritually competent care?


Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems for nurses as well as the field of nursing.

Login to all social media sites in which you engage. Review your profile, pictures and posts. Based on the professional standards of nursing, identify items that would be considered unprofessional and potentially detrimental to your career and that negatively impact the reputation of the nursing field.

In 500-750 words, summarize the findings of your review. Include the following:

  1. Describe the posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing.
  2. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with the standards governing the profession of nursing at work and in their personal lives. Include discussion of how personal conduct can violate HIPAA or be considered unethical or unprofessional. Provide an example of each to support your answer.
  3. Based on the analysis of your social media, discuss what areas of your social media activity reflect Christian values as they relate to respecting human value and dignity for all individuals. Describe areas of your social media activity that could be improved.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.