Pharmacotherapy for Hematologic Disorders

In the 1970s, the average lifespan for patients diagnosed with sickle cell disease was 14 years. Today, the average lifespan has increased to 50 years and beyond (TriHealth, 2012). The patient prognosis for many other hematologic disorders such as hemophilia and cancer continue to improve as well. This can be attributed to advancements in medical care—specifically drug therapy and treatment. When managing drug therapies for patients, it is essential to continuously examine current treatments and evaluate the impact of patient factors on drug effectiveness. To prepare for your role as an advanced practice nurse, you must become familiar with common drug treatments for various hematologic disorders seen in clinical settings.

To prepare:
  • Select one of the following hematologic disorders: anemia, hemophilia, cancer, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, thrombolytic disorders, or white blood cell disorders. Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with this disorder.
  • Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how this factor might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce negative side effects.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a description of the hematologic disorder you selected including types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat associated symptoms. Then, explain how the factor you selected might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce negative side effects.

Design Considerations And Workarounds

Assignment: Application:
Design Considerations and Workarounds

When nurse informaticists are tasked with identifying the most appropriate technology to meet a specific need within a health care setting, there are many questions that must be asked.

Consider the following scenario:

Riverdale Hospital has come under recent scrutiny for their medication procedures. Many times, paper medication records are not up to date or have been misplaced. As a result, patients have increasingly received their medications at the wrong times. Though each nurse is performing to the best of his or her ability, the fast pace of the hospital has caused some to ineffectively manage patient records. 

The lead nurse informaticist, Nancy, has decided that a bar code scanner could help streamline the documentation process while also improving patient quality and safety. Nancy knows that when selecting a bar coding system she must not only examine the hardware and software of the system but also consider the various human factors that can positively and/or negatively affect the outcomes of the system implementation. As such, Nancy asked three of the most reputable bar code vendors to bring sample systems to Riverdale Hospital. 

In evaluating each system, Nancy role plays the process of scanning a patient’s bar code. She rolls the coding cart into the room to begin her mock demonstration. First, Nancy scans her identification card to gain access to the medication screen. To scan the patient’s bar code identifier, Nancy then pulls the medication cart to the patient so that the attached scanner reaches the bar code on the patient’s wristband. When the scan is complete, the computer displays a screen that houses the patient’s personal information. By navigating the screens, Nancy finds that she can use the computer to track medication administration. In addition, Nancy is able to view applicable vitals and medication history. As Nancy continues to examine this system, she reflects on the other hardware and software facets she should be sure to consider. She also thinks about how human factors will affect this and other vendor systems.

In this Assignment, you consider how hardware, software, and human factors can impact the implementation of an informatics system.

To prepare:

· Review Chapter 30, “The Role of Technology in the Medication-Use Process,” in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics. When examining computerized prescriber order entry (CPOE) systems and bar code-enabled technologies, what hardware, software, and human factors did the authors identify?

· Consider how each of these factors can negatively impact patient safety and quality of care.

· How might these factors translate to the usability, implementation, and outcomes of other informatics technologies?

· Review the media presentation Selecting New Technologies in this week’s Learning Resources. How did presenter Dr. Patricia Button take the above factors into consideration when selecting an informatics technology for her health care setting?

· When planning and selecting a new informatics system, what steps should informaticists take to ensure the system will address the needs of their health care setting? In addition, how can informatics leaders encourage all nurses to commit to using a new technology?

To complete:

Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses each part of this Assignment:

· Part 1: Design Considerations

 Identify two (2) major design considerations associated with each of the following: hardware, software, human factors. (6 considerations in total).

 Describe why informaticists should play close attention to each of these 6 considerations when evaluating an informatics technology. In your description, include the potential dangers each of these pose to patient safety and quality of care.

· Part 2: Employee Workarounds

Even with a carefully thought out design and implementation, nurses and other health care employees may adopt workarounds. With this reality in mind:

What benefits and/or consequences do you associate with workarounds?

When selecting an informatics technology, would you opt to purchase a system that mitigates the opportunity for workarounds; or do you believe that workarounds are sometimes necessary? Justify your response.

Note: Your responses should focus on informatics technologies in general, not just bar code scanners as portrayed in the scenario. You may, however, use specific examples such as bar code scanners and other informatics technologies to justify your responses.

Capstone Project Change Proposal

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,500-1,750 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem(Childhood Obesity), issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the change proposal
  4. PICOT
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
  10. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Case Assignment

Part I (approximately 1–1½ pages, total):

Copy and paste the following examples (1-6 below), then respond by classifying each of the following variables as either: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Provide a brief explanation where indicated.

  1. A researcher studying lifespan categorizes individuals into single, married, divorced, or widowed. What type of variable measurement is this?
  2. A cognitive scientist places her subjects into categories based on how anxious they tell her that they are feeling: “not anxious,” “mildly anxious,” “moderately anxious,” and “severely anxious,” and she uses the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 to label categories where lower numbers indicate less anxiety. What type of variable measurement is this? Are the categories mutually exclusive?
  3. A Physician diagnoses the presence or absence of disease (i.e., yes or no). What type of variable measurement is this?
  4. A person weighing 200 lbs. is considered to be twice as heavy as a person weighing 100 lbs. In this case, what type of measurement is body weight?
  5. A nurse takes measurements of body temperature on patients and reports them in units of degrees Farenheit as part of a study. What type of variable measurement is this?
  6. Patients rate their experience in the emergency room on a five point scale from poor to excellent (1 = very poor, 2 = not very good, 3 = neither good nor bad, 4 = quite good, and 5 = excellent). What type of variable measurement is this? Is the difference between a 1 and a 2 necessarily the same as the difference between a 3 and a 4? Explain briefly.

Part II: Statistics (1/2 page)

Given what you’ve learned in this module about the meaning of “statistics,” choose one of the examples from Part I (1-6), and raise a relevant question of your own that could be answered by a statistician. Then without answering your own question, explain how a pattern could be studied or a useful prediction made based on data that are to be collected.

Part III: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data (approximately 1–1½ pages)

A health scientist wishes to measure how well participants diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are coping. Explain how a variable such as coping could be measured quantitatively or qualitatively.

Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment.

The following guidance appears only in Module 1, but it applies to the assignments throughout the course:

File format: Your work should be prepared using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel depending upon the assignment instructions. For assignments requiring video or voice recordings, use media formats that are supported by MyTLC Courses as noted in our Trident Support page.

In-text citations and references: Be sure that all information and ideas in your papers are supported by in-text citations and corresponding references at the end of the paper.

Scholarly sources: Online sources must be limited to credible professional and scholarly publications such as peer-reviewed journal articles, e-books, or specific webpages on websites from a university, government, or nonprofit organization (these have extensions .edu, .gov, or .org). Presenting consumer sources such as e-magazines, newspapers, Wikipedia, WebMD, or other commercial websites (these have extensions .com) as references is not appropriate.

Scholarly writing: Use an academic paper format, not an essay based on your opinions or experience. Avoid using the first person in writing. Synthesize what you learned from the sources you read; write papers in your own words; and cite sources within the text, as well as include a properly formatted reference list.

Use of direct quotes: Use of direct quotes should be avoided. Only use direct quotes when preserving the exact words of an author is necessary. In the rare instance that directly quoted material is used, it must be properly cited (with quotation marks and page numbers in the in-text citation); quotes should not exceed 5-10% of the total paper content.

History Of The Identified Health Issue

APA format,  at least 500 words, 3 references

This essay is about INFLUENZA. Please please have the essay about influenza

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

In your Collaborative Learning Community, write a paper of 500-1,000 words that describes the history of the identified health issue. Include the following:

  1. Influences such as determinants of health and socioeconomic status.
  2. Past and present initiatives to address the issue.
  3. Outcome indicators that have been developed and utilized to measure progress on the issue.
  4. The current status of the issue based on measured outcomes.

Refer to “CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview.”

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract and conclusion are not required.

This is a CLC project, I have two other students I am doing this project with. Here is topic 1 of the CLC agreement attached below.

Resource 1: CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview 

Group work has benefits and liabilities. EVERYONE assigned to a CLC is expected to equally participate in the work in terms of time and quality of effort. Each participant has strengths and it is reasonable to apportion the work to make best use of this. Some are natural leaders. Our strengths can be our greatest liabilities: No one wants to be bossed around no matter how skilled the boss is. Honest communication is critical to effective group work. The best way to avoid conflict is to set very clear expectations up front. Then, if someone does not do what is expected him/her, he/she can be referred to the original agreement rather than have the confrontation become personal.

Course instructors are able to observe the group process in the CLC forum. If the work takes place outside the forum, this information will be absent. Be certain (even if communicating via e-mail, phone, or face-to-face) to record the communication in the CLC forum.

CLC Project Overview

The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze a health care issue through the focus of major concepts from each Topic. There are six components to this assignment after the CLC agreement is signed and the topic is identified. It is not expected that every member of the CLC group will contribute to each assignment, but that assignments will be divided fairly and equally among the group. Each of the written components of the CLC project will be 500-1,000 words. These papers should be in APA format with a title and a reference page. An abstract is not required. An introduction is required ONLY for Part 1 and is not required in any parts thereafter. It is the intention that if one were to take the six parts of this assignment and put them together, a comprehensive and cohesive analysis would be produced. Part 1 is worth 3 points and each of the subsequent parts (2-6) are worth 4 points each. 

Topic 1 (10 points)

Check into the CLC group and provide contact information and describe prior experience, if any, with health policy. Locate and read the CLC Agreement provided by the instructor, located within the Additional Resources Folder in Canyon Connect. Choose one member to transfer the document to the CLC forum. Decide upon the process needed to fill out the contract. Everyone should participate. Before filling out the agreement, it may be helpful for each student to describe the most difficult, frustrating, helpful, or beneficial apects of working on a collaborative project. Getting this type of information out in the open ahead of time may help to prevent conflict later on. Since no one is angry yet, you can comfortably list what is likely to make you angry and also what would make you satisfied.


Question 1 An older patient recalls family members using garlic for medicine. What purpose does garlic serve as a health care practice?

Select all that apply.

1. Forces other people to stay away
2. Belief that garlic keeps the evil spirits away
3. Cures a sore throat
4. Helps indigestion

Question 2 A group of nurses is talking about different ethnocultural practices regarding health that are followed within each of the nurses’ families. What purpose will this discussion serve?

Select all that apply.

1. Reawaken the types of HEALTH practices within each nurse’s family
2. Make known the similarities and differences across ethnic and religious groups
3. Help to realize that all people practice a certain amount of traditional medicine
4. Understand that nurses often delay in seeking professional healthcare

Question 3 A patient of the Austrian-American Jewish tradition tells the nurse how to treat boils. What will this patient most likely explain to the nurse?

1. Apply a fried chopped onion compress to the area.

2. Press cold tea bags to the area.

3. Apply a flaxseed poultice to the area.

4. Place hot Epsom salts on the area.

Question 4 Which dietary practice is followed by individuals of Swedish-American Protestant heritage to treat feeling run-down and tired?

eating a whole head of lettuce

Question 5 A patient recalls being told about various childhood illnesses by his mother. Why is heritage exploration often done through women?

1. Women are the guardians of the family’s health/HEALTH and nurturance.
2. Women live longer than men and can remember events better.
3. Women have a better recall of events within a family context.
4. Women are the authority figures within families.

Question 6 Which health restoration practice for a cold would the nurse assess in a patient of English Catholic heritage?

1. Rubbing the chest with Vicks

2. Drinking honey and vinegar

3. Gargling with water and vinegar

4. Drinking warm milk

Question 7 Which heritage group boils a beef bone, breaks up toast in the broth, and drinks as a HEALTH restoration practice for a headache?

1. German-Americans
2. Polish-Americans
3. Irish-Americans
4. Canadians

Question 8 Which actions are considered to be health restoration practices for individuals of Eastern European Jewish heritage?

Select all that apply.

1. Chicken soup

2. Glass of wine

3. Alcohol massage

4. All of the above

Question 9 Which action would a patient from Italian-American Catholic heritage perform to protect health?

1. Never washing hair before going outdoors
2. Keeping a kitchen warm
3. Drinking water with meals
4. Taking regular vitamin tonics

Question 10 Through a health history, the nurse learns that a patient’s parents were of Austrian Jewish heritage. Which health practices would the nurse most likely assess in this patient?

Select all that apply.

1. Baking bread
2. Eating homegrown fruits and vegetables
3. Wearing camphor around the neck
4. Gargling with salt water


Question 1 Which health protection activity would a patient of Iranian-American Moslem heritage practice?

Keep feet from getting wet inthe rain

Question 2 Which action is a birth belief among Shintos?

1. Saving the umbilical cord as a lasting bond between mother and child
2. Never setting up a crib for an infant until after the birth
3. Wearing white and blue bead charms on the wrist as a protection from evil
4. Hoping that a newborn is not a female baby because it will decrease the mother’s looks

Question 3 A patient who is of Greek Orthodox heritage is a new widow. What will the patient do after the death of her spouse?

1. Wear black and remain in mourning for the remainder of her life.
2. Hire a professional mourner to cry for the deceased.
3. Wash the body and prepare it for the wake.
4. Pray the Rosary aloud as part of the burial ritual.

Question 4 How would a patient of French-Canadian Catholic heritage use a HEALTH restoration practice to treat a rash?

Take an oatmeal bath

Question 5 An older patient talks about being given preparations as a child that were considered patent medications. The nurse recalls that these medications included which items?

Select all that apply.

1. Alcohol
2. Opium
3. Cocaine
4. Aspirin 

Question 6 A patient tells the nurse about using cod liver oil every day. Which heritages utilize cod liver oil as a health maintenance practice?

Select all that apply.

1. English
2. French
3. Norwegian
4. Polish

Question 7 Why is it important to examine individual familial health/HEALTH practices?

1. Helps a person become knowledgeable about the role that ethnocultural and religious heritage has played within a family
2. Identifies what HEALING practices need to be used when one is ill
3. Rejects those health/HEALTH traditions if they differ from those of the same ethnocultural group
4. Generalizes to all members of the same ethnocultural group the various health/HEALTH practices that are implemented.

Question 8 For which heritage is applying a red scarf around the chest performed for a cold or a sore throat?

1. English tradition
2. Norwegian tradition
3. Polish tradition
4. Eastern European tradition

Question 9 The nurse asks a patient of Italian-American Catholic heritage to describe health protection activities. What will this patient most likely reply to the nurse?

Select all that apply.

1. Keeping feet warm
2. Keeping warm in cold weather
3. Never washing hair at night
4. Staying out of drafts

Question 10 What would a patient of Irish Catholic heritage use to treat menstrual cramps?

Select all that apply.

1. Hot milk sprinkled with ginger

2. Shot of whiskey

3. Glass of warm wine

4. All of the above.

Psychotherapy for Addictive Disorders

“A long-standing debate has roiled over whether addicts have a choice over their behaviors. The disease creates distortions in thinking, feelings, and perceptions, which drive people to behave in ways that are not understandable to others around them. Simply put, addiction is not a choice. Addictive behaviors are a manifestation of the disease, not a cause.”

–Dr. Raju Hajela, former president of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine

A common misconception is that addiction is a choice, and addicts are often labeled as individuals who lack morals, willpower, or responsibility. However, addiction is a clinical disorder that must be treated with the support of a health care professional. Although many people who are exposed to potentially addictive substances and behaviors continue life unaltered by their experiences, some people are fueled by these experiences and spiral out of control. In your role as the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you must be prepared to not only work with these individuals who struggle with addiction, but also help them and their families overcome the social stigmas associated with addictive behavior.

This week, as you explore psychotherapy for addiction, you assess clients presenting with addictive disorders. You also examine therapies for treating these clients and consider potential outcomes. Finally, you develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy and consider legal and ethical implications of counseling these clients.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*

· Evaluate the efficacy of motivational interviewing techniques for clients*

· Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric 


   Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the  

   following in your Practicum Journal:

·  Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any  

   pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

· Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.

·  Explain whether motivational interviewing would be effective with this client.   

   Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your  

   approach with evidence-based literature.

·  Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.

·  Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


Required Readings

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

  • Chapter 7, “Motivational Interviewing” (pp. 299–312)
  • Chapter      16, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Addictions and Related Disorders”      (pp. 565–596)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


Assignment 4: Correlations

This week, you explore key statistical concepts related to data and problem solving through the completion of the following exercises using SPSS and the information found in your Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research textbook. The focus of this assignment will be on correlation coefficients, tools that can help to determine the strength of the relationship between variables. Because multiple factors influence health care variables, it is important for you to understand how to calculate and interpret correlation coefficients.

To prepare:

· Review the Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research chapters that you read as a part of the Week 6 Learning Resources. As you do so, pay close attention to the examples presented—they provide information that will be useful for you to recall when completing the software exercises. 

You may also wish to review the Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice video resources.

· Refer to the Week 6 Correlations Exercises and follow the directions to calculate correlational statistics using Polit2SetB.sav data set (see attached file)

· Compare your data output against the tables presented in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises SPSS Output document (see attached file)

· Formulate an initial interpretation of the meaning or implication of your calculations.

To complete:

· Complete the Part I and Part II steps and Assignments as outlined in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises page (see attached file). Due Thursday 10/05/17 by 6pm

This assignment requires the use of SPSS Software

Required Media

Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from

Required Readings

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

  • Chapter      23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships”

Chapter 23 explains how to use statistics to examine relationships between groups using correlational analyses, scatter diagrams, Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, and Kendall’s tau.

Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research

  • Chapter      4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation”      (pp. 59–61 and 68–78)

This chapter describes components of bivariate descriptive statistics, including crosstabulation, risk indexes, and correlation. The chapter also discusses the concepts of absolute risk, relative risk, odds ratio, and correlation matrices.

  • Chapter      9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

This portion of Chapter 9 continues the discussion of inferential statistics and explores correlation and simple linear regression.

Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Guidelines


Clear identification of the practice issue is the first step in evidence-based nursing. Next, the evidence is reviewed to determine the best intervention to change practice outcomes. Completion of the milestone will include identification of the practice issue using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a review of the evidence that will support an intervention that will change outcomes. The evidence summary will be conducted through the ‘breaking down’ of a systematic review on your topic for your change project.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO4: Develops and outlines a scientific, systematic decision-making process to integrate critical thinking with clinical judgment to assure safe and effective outcomes. (PO4)
  • CO8: Selects evidence for best practice when planning professional nursing care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO8)

Due Dates

Milestone 1 consists of the completion of ONE form with two worksheets called the Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Complete both worksheets 

Practice Issue Worksheet Directions

  1. A tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. Choose the ONE systematic review topic that is of most interest to you, or most relevant to your practice situation, from the List of Approved Systematic Reviews (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  3. Follow the grading criteria below to formulate your practice issue, which must be based on the topic of the systematic review you have selected.
  4. Use the worksheet to document the practice issue presented and approved by your instructor in the Week 2 Discussions.
  5. Your practice issue will be the same for all three Milestone assignments in this course.
  6. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.

Evidence Summary Worksheet Directions

  1. Develop an evidence summary by following the grading criteria below.
  2. Document this on the evidence summary portion of the worksheet.
  3. You will use this worksheet to incorporate your evidence summary into your Week 4 Milestone 2 assignment.
  4. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately 


Krogstad, J. M. (2015). Reflecting a racial shift, 78 counties turned majority-minority since 2000. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from

O’Daniel, M., & Rosenstein, A. H. (2008). Professional communication and team collaboration. In R. G. Hughes (Ed.). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. Rockville: MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Rogers, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations (4th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.

Sanson-Fisher, R. W. (2004). Diffusion of innovation theory for clinical change. Medical Journal of Australia, 180, 55-56.

The Joint Commission. (2009). The Joint Commission guide to improving staff communication(2nd ed.). Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources.

The Joint Commission. (2015). Quick safety: Overcoming the challenges of providing care to LEP patients. Retrieved from

Vardaman, J. M., Cornell, P., Gondo, M. B., Amis, J. M., Townsend-Gervis, M., & Thetford, C. (2012). Beyond communication: The role of standardized protocols in a changing health care environment. Health Care Management Review, 37(1), 8897. doi:10.1097/HMR.0b013e31821fa503