To support your work, use your course textbook readings and the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates.

For this assignment, you will complete an iHuman case study based on the course objectives and weekly content. iHuman cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program, you will use the iHuman case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning through the use of ongoing assessments and diagnostic skills and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice.

The iHuman assignments are highly interactive and a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the iHuman cases may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam.

Here you can view information on how to access and navigate iHuman.

This week, complete the iHuman case titled “Dianne Steinberg VE”.

After completing your iHuman Case Study, answer the following questions:

  • What is your list of appropriate differential diagnoses and why?
  • What is the final diagnosis and what assessment findings serve to support this?
  • What are the specific auscultation, palpation, and percussion findings of the lungs that are normal vs. abnormal?


“Though it is the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. What is the essence of this ancient faith? Is it a religion of peace or war? How does Allah differ from the God of Jews and Christians? Can an Islamic state be founded on democratic values such as pluralism and human rights?” (Reza Aslan, 2005)


1  Watch the movie – Islam in America.

                        If you are having difficulties viewing the video? Read the Films On Demand to obtain log in or creating an account information. 

2  Write a two (2) page reflection about the movie

3  Your paper should be”

                        Two (2) pages

                        Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards

Include 1-2 references


Islamic Culture


4  Post the reflection paper you conducted for M4: Assignment – Islamic Culture.

Review the reflection postings from your colleagues and respond to one post.

Connecting Eligible Immigrant Families to Health Coverage


1  Read the report Connecting Eligible Immigrant Families to health Coverage and Care.

2  Write a one page post offering solutions to the problem from the nurse’s standpoin

What is the difference between a group “at risk” for poor health and a group considered a “vulnerable” population? Provide an example of a group at risk and a group considered a vulnerable population.

  1. Explain why members of these groups cannot advocate for themselves or why advocating for these groups would be beneficial.
  2. What would you advocate for?


As an advanced practice nurse, you will examine patients presenting with a variety of disorders. You must, therefore, understand how the body normally functions so that you can identify when it is reacting to changes. Often, when changes occur in body systems, the body reacts with compensatory mechanisms.

These compensatory mechanisms, such as adaptive responses, might be signs and symptoms of alterations or underlying disorders. In the clinical setting, you use these responses, along with other patient factors, to lead you to a diagnosis.

Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Jennifer is a 2-year-old female who presents with her mother. Mom is concerned because Jennifer has been “running a temperature” for the last 3 days. Mom says that Jennifer is usually healthy and has no significant medical history. She was in her usual state of good health until 3 days ago when she started to get fussy, would not eat her breakfast, and would not sit still for her favorite television cartoon.

Since then she has had a fever off and on, anywhere between 101oF and today’s high of 103.2oF. Mom has been giving her ibuprofen, but when the fever went up to 103.2oF today, she felt that she should come in for evaluation. A physical examination reveals a height and weight appropriate 2-year-old female who appears acutely unwell.  

Her skin is hot and dry. The tympanic membranes are slightly reddened on the periphery, but otherwise normal in appearance. The throat is erythematous with 4+ tonsils and diffuse exudates. Anterior cervical nodes are readily palpable and clearly tender to touch on the left side. The child indicates that her throat hurts “a lot” and it is painful to swallow. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 102.8oF, a pulse of 128 beats per minute, and a respiratory rate of 24 beats per minute.

Scenario 2:

Jack is a 27-year-old male who presents with redness and irritation of his hands. He reports that he has never had a problem like this before, but about 2 weeks ago he noticed that both his hands seemed to be really red and flaky. He denies any discomfort, stating that sometimes they feel “a little bit hot,” but otherwise they feel fine. He does not understand why they are so red. His wife told him that he might have an allergy and he should get some steroid cream.

Jack has no known allergies and no significant medical history except for recurrent ear infections as a child. He denies any traumatic injury or known exposure to irritants. He is a maintenance engineer in a newspaper building and admits that he often works with abrasive solvents and chemicals. Normally he wears protective gloves, but lately they seem to be in short supply so sometimes he does not use them.

He has exposed his hands to some of these cleaning fluids, but says that it never hurt and he always washed his hands when he was finished.

Scenario 3:

Martha is a 65-year-old woman who recently retired from her job as an administrative assistant at a local hospital. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, which has been controlled for years with hydrochlorothiazide. She reports that lately she is having a lot of trouble sleeping, she occasionally feels like she has a “racing heartbeat,” and she is losing her appetite.

She emphasizes that she is not hungry like she used to be. The only significant change that has occurred lately in her life is that her 87-year-old mother moved into her home a few years ago. Mom had always been healthy, but she fell down a flight of stairs and broke her hip. Her recovery was a difficult one, as she has lost a lot of mobility and independence and needs to rely on her daughter for assistance with activities of daily living. Martha says it is not the retirement she dreamed about, but she is an only child and is happy to care for her mother.

Mom wakes up early in the morning, likes to bathe every day, and has always eaten 5 small meals daily. Martha has to put a lot of time into caring for her mother, so it is almost a “blessing” that Martha is sleeping and eating less. She is worried about her own health though and wants to know why, at her age, she suddenly needs less sleep.

To Prepare

· Review the three scenarios, as well as Chapter 6 in the Huether and McCance text.

· Identify the pathophysiology of the disorders presented in each of the three scenarios, including their associated alterations. Consider the adaptive responses to the alterations.

· Review the examples of “Mind Maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” media in this week’s Learning Resources. Then select one of the disorders you identified from the scenarios. Use the examples in the media as a guide to construct a mind map for the disorder you selected. Consider the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.

· Review the Application Assignment Rubric found under Course Information

To Complete

Write a 2- to 3-page paper excluding the title page, reference page and Mind Map that addresses the following:

· For each of the three scenarios explain the pathophysiology, associated alterations and the patients’ adaptive responses to the alterations caused by the disease processes.  You are required to discuss all three scenarios within the paper component of this assignment.

· Construct one mind map on a selected disorder presented in one of the scenarios. Your Mind Map must include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

  • Chapter 6, “Innate Immunity:      Inflammation and Wound Healing”

This chapter examines how the body responds to injury and infection by exploring the first, second, and third lines of defense. It also covers wound healing and alterations of the wound healing process.

  • Chapter 7, “Adaptive      Immunity”

This chapter examines the third line of defense, adaptive immunity. It also covers the roles of antigens and immunogens, the humoral immune response, cell-mediated immunity, and the production of B and T lymphocytes in the immune response.

  • Chapter 8, “Infection and      Defects in Mechanism of Defense”

This chapter covers the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of disorders resulting from infection, deficiencies in immunity, and hypersensitivity. It also examines the pathophysiology of an important immune disorder—HIV/AIDS.

  • Chapter 9, “Stress and      Disease”

This chapter evaluates the impact of stress on various body systems and the immune system. It also examines coping mechanisms and disorders related to stress.

  • Chapter 10, “Biology of      Cancer”

This chapter explores the developmental process of cancer and factors that impact the onset of cancer at the cellular level. It also describes various treatment options.

  • Chapter 11, “Cancer      Epidemiology”

This chapter reviews genetic, environmental, behavioral, and diet-related risk factors for cancer. It also examines types of cancers that result from risk factors.

  • Chapter 12, “Cancer in      Children and Adolescents”

This chapter focuses on the presentation and prognosis of childhood cancers. It examines the impact of genetic and environmental factors on these cancers.

  • Chapter 38, “Structure and      Function of the Musculoskeletal System”

This chapter covers the structure and function of bones, joints, and skeletal muscle. It also explores effects of aging on the musculoskeletal system.

  • Chapter 39, “Alterations of      Musculoskeletal Function”

This chapter examines the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment of bone, joints, and skeletal muscle disorders. Additionally, it explores musculoskeletal tumors, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Chapter 40, “Alterations of      Musculoskeletal Function in Children”

This chapter includes musculoskeletal disorders that affect children, such as congenital defects, bone infection, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, muscular dystrophy, musculoskeletal tumors, and nonaccidental trauma.

  • Chapter 41, “Structure,      Function, and Disorders of the Integument”

This chapter begins with an overview of the structure and function of skin. It then covers effects of aging on skin, as well as disorders of the skin, hair, and nails.

  • Chapter 42, “Alterations of      Integument in Children”

This chapter covers alterations of the integument that affect children. These include acne vulgaris, dermatitis, infections of the skin, insect bites and parasites, vascular disorders, and other skin disorders.

Hammer, G. G. , & McPhee, S. (2014). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine. (7th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Chapter 3, “Disorders of the      Immune System”

This chapter explores the anatomy and physiology of the immune system. It also explores the pathophysiology of various immune disorders such as primary immunodeficiency diseases and AIDS.

  • Chapter 8, “Diseases of the      Skin”

This chapter begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology of skin. It also explores the pathophysiology of various types of skin lesions and inflammatory skin diseases.

  • Chapter 24, “Inflammatory      Rheumatic Disease”

This chapter explores the pathogenesis of inflammation and its role in rheumatic diseases. It also examines the clinical presentation, etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of rheumatic diseases such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Required Media

Zimbron, J.  (2008). Mind maps—Dementia, endocarditis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www.medmaps.co.uk/beta/

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. [Image]. Used with permission of MedMaps.

This media provides examples of mind maps for dementia, endocarditis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Optional Resources

Arthritis Foundation. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.arthritis.org/ 

Lupus Foundation of America. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.lupus.org/newsite/index.html 


In a written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.

Communicable Disease Selection

Choose one communicable disease from the following list:

  1. Chickenpox

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Include the following in your assignment:

  1. Description of the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence).
  2. Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
  3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle).
  4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).
  5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.

A minimum of three references is required.

Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain” and “Chain of Infection” for assistance completing this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Su


I need a minimum of 100 words for each of the assignments on both A and B



The Plucknette article suggests that there are considerable differences between being a leader and being a manager. Is it possible or desirable to be both? Chapter 2 of the Management textbook suggests that the four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Provide one challenge posed by serving as a leader and one challenge posed by serving as a manager in each of these functions?


What roles do leadership and innovation play within each of the four management functions? Provide an example of how to integrate leadership into at least two management functions.



1. Management 

Read Chapters 1-2 and 15 in Management. 


e-Library Resource 

1. 4 Differences Between Managers and Leaders 

Read “4 Differences Between Managers and Leaders,” from Plucknette, from Plant Engineering (2014).




Provide an example of a challenge you have experienced in the workplace leading a cross-functional team or as part of a cross-functional team. How was this challenge solved? Would you have approached the challenge differently? If so, how?


Organizations are increasingly transcending country boarders and physical space limitations. What are some effective strategies to motivate dispersed team members in a virtual setting? What are some emerging trends that deal with this challenge in your field? Provide an example.



1. Management 

Read Chapters 14, 16, and 18.


e-Library 1. AlphabResource 

Read “Alphabet Soup,” by Kotler, from Marketing Management (2006).


2. Big Data: Prospects and Challenges 

Read “Big Data: Prospects and Challenges,” by Moorthy, from Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers (2015).


3. Change Management Dashboard: An Adaptive Approach to Lead a Change Program 

Read “Change Management Dashboard: An Adaptive Approach to Lead a Change Program,” by Vaccarezza and Razzi, from People and Strategy(2014).


4. How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team 

Read “How to Lead an Effective Virtual Team,” by Lepsinger and DeRosa, from Ivey Business Journal (2015).


5. Managing Virtual Team Work in IT Projects: Survey 

Read “Managing Virtual Team Work in IT Projects: Survey,” by El-Sofany and Alwandani, from International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (2014).


6. The Digital Market-Sphere (DMS): Modeling Virtual Transactons and Transvectons 

Read “The Digital Market-Sphere (DMS): Modeling Virtual Transactons and Transvectons,” by Carter and Parameswaran, from Marketing Management Journal (2012).


7. The Ins and Outs of Marketing in the Digital Age

Read “The Ins and Outs of Marketing in the Digital Age,” by Cody from Chain Drug Review (2014).


8. Three Digital Marketing Megatrends for 2015 

Read “Three Digital Marketing Megatrends for 2015,” by Friedein, from Marketing Week (2015).




An individual manager’s ability to make ethical decisions is influenced by many factors, such as individual traits and corporate culture. Applying conscious capitalism principles typically starts with a plan from the CEO and requires the plan to be implemented through various management levels and all employees. What role does ethics play in conscious capitalism and how do the ethics of conscious capitalism impact management tactics within an organization?


Post a draft of your Strategic Management and Socially Conscious Organization Presentation assignment to the Main Forum. Read two classmates’ presentations and provide feedback to your peers about their presentations. Are there areas that need adjustments?



1. Management 

Read Chapters 3-5, 8, and 13 in Management. Review Chapter 15 in Management. 


e-Library Resource 

1. Chapter 2: Conscious Capitalism and the Heroic Spirit of Business 

Read “Chapter 2: Conscious Capitalism and the Heroic Spirit of Business,” by Mackey and Sisodia, from MMR (2013).


2. Conscious Capitalism: Leaders and Organizations With a World View 

Read “Conscious Capitalism: Leaders and Organizations With a World View,” by Legault, from Integral Leadership Review (2012).


3. On the Ethics of Management Research: An Exploratory Investigation 

Read “On the Ethics of Management Research: An Exploratory Investigation,” by Frechtling, from Journal of Business Ethics (2012).


4. Questions of Ethics in Public Sector Management: The Case Study of Hong Kong 

Read “Questions of Ethics in Public Sector Management: The Case Study of Hong Kong,” by Luk, from Public Personnel Management (2012).


5. Taking Responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Leaders in Creating, Implementing, Sustaining, or Avoiding Socially Responsible Firm Behaviors 

Read “Taking Responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Leaders in Creating, Implementing, Sustaining, or Avoiding Socially Responsible Firm Behaviors,” by Jones, Mackey, Whetten, from Academy of Management Perspectives (2014).


6. Turning Corporate Social Responsibility-Driven Opportunities in Competitive Advantages: A Two-Dimensional Model 

Read “Turning Corporate Social Responsibility-Driven Opportunities in Competitive Advantages: A Two-Dimensional Model,” by Calabrese, Costa, Menichini, Rasati, and Sanfelice, from Knowledge and Process Management (2013).




What are the major elements of strategic planning? Refer to HBS case reprint, Southwest Airlines: In a Different World. What elements of strategic planning are present in the case study? Based on the case study, what are the major challenges of strategic planning, especially for large, complex organizations like Southwest airlines? What challenges does strategic planning on such a large scale pose for leaders? 


What have you experienced or what do you anticipate as the most challenging aspect of strategic planning in your field of interest? What do you think can be done to improve strategic planning processes in your own organization or field?



1. Management 

Read Chapters 7 and 8 in Management. 


2. Southwest Airlines: In a Different World 

Read Harvard Business School (HBS) case reprint, Southwest Airlines: In a Different World (2013).


Electronic Resource 

1. Overview of the Strategic Planning Process 

Watch “Overview of the Strategic Planning Process,” by Virtual Strategist (2012), located on the YouTube website.

2. Strategic and Operational Planning 

Read “Strategic and Operational Planning,” located on the Taugher Change Catalyst Consulting website.


e-Library Resource 

1. Management Use of Strategic Tools for Innovating During Turbulent Times 

Read “Management Use of Strategic Tools for Innovating During Turbulent Times,” by Tassabehji, from Strategic Change (2014).


2. Strategic Intent 

Read “Strategic Intent,” by Hamel and Prahalad, from Harvard Business Review (2005).


3. Strategy Execution A Four Step Process 

Read “Strategy Execution: A Four Step Process,” by Morgan, from MWorld (2010).



1. SWOT Analysis 

Review the “SWOT Analysis” template in preparation for the Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis assignment.




In “Business Model Innovation in Practice,” Euchner and Ganguly (2014) discuss the challenge of implementing innovations within organizations that are naturally resistant to change. They present a systematic approach for integrating innovations to increase the likelihood of acceptance and success. Review their five-step approach and discuss how the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading and controlling) can be leveraged within in their suggested approach to assist organizations in implementing successful innovations.


What do you anticipate will be the greatest challenge of operationalizing strategy across various business functions? Do you think the challenges change depending on the circumstances? Provide an example within your field. 



1. Management 

Read Chapter 11 in Management. Review Chapters 7 and 8.


Electronic Resource 

1. Business Model Innovation in Practice 

Read “Business Model Innovation in Practice,” by Euchner and Ganguly, from Research Technology Management (2014).


2. Stakeholder Analysis 

Read “Stakeholder Analysis,” located on the Mind Tools website. In addition, view the video “Stakeholder Analysis Video: Stakeholder Management and Power Interest Grid Example” that accompanies the article.


3. Strategy Mapping Overview 

Watch “Strategy Mapping Overview,” by Knowles (2013), located on the YouTube website.

e-Library Resource 

1. Business Ethics and the Development of Intellectual Capital 

Read “Business Ethics and the Development of Intellectual Capital,” by Su, from Journal of Business Ethics (2014).


2. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Real Options Approach to the Challenge of Financial Sustainability 

Read “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Real Options Approach to the Challenge of Financial Sustainability,” by Bosch-Badia, Montilor-Serrats, and Tarrazon-Rodon, from PLoS One (2015).


3. Innovation Agendas: The Ambiguity of Value Creation 

Read “Innovation Agendas: The Ambiguity of Value Creation,” by Daniel and Klein, from Prometheus (2014)


4. Intellectual Capital Approach to Modern Management Through the Perspective of a Company’s Value Added 

Read “Intellectual Capital Approach to Modern Management Through the Perspective of a Company’s Value Added,” by Survilate, Tamosiuniene, and Shatrevich, from Business: Theory and Practice (2015).


5. Stakeholder Analysis 

Read “Stakeholder Analysis,” by Gilstein, from Salem Press Encyclopedia (2013).




Return to HBS case reprint, “Southwest Airlines: In a Different World.” The case study makes it clear that a significant shift in organizational strategy requires collaboration across multiple departments, or functions, within a business. Review the case and discuss how you think Southwest’s plan to serve La Guardia would impact two primary business functions (e.g., marketing, operations, human resources, finance, accounting, and IT). Consider how coordinating efforts of the two functions to successfully serve La Guardia might affect management and decision making. How integral is collaboration among business functions to the success of Southwest’s plan? Cite specifics from the case in your response.


Provide an example in which managerial decision making has positively or negatively affected you? How did the personal decision-making styles used by managers apply to the situation? What is your take away from the example you provided after your reading about managerial decision making in this topic?


Topic: Tactical Planning (Continued)


1. Management 

Read Chapters 9 and 12 in Management. Review Chapters 7 and 8.


2. Southwest Airlines: In a Different World 

Review Harvard Business School (HBS) case reprint, “Southwest Airlines: In a Different World”(2013).


e-Library Resource 

1. (How) Does the HR Strategy Support an Innovation Oriented Business Strategy? An Investigation of Institutional Context and Organizational Practices in Indian Firms 

Read “(How) Does the HR Strategy Support an Innovation Oriented Business Strategy? An Investigation of Institutional Context and Organizational Practices in Indian Firms,” by Fang and Saini, from Human Resource Management (2010).


2. Big Data: An Innovative Way to Gain Competitive Advantage Through Converting Data into Knowledge 

Read “Big Data: An Innovative Way to Gain Competitive Advantage Through Converting Data into Knowledge,”

by Bhadani, from International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (2015).


3. Outsourcing: A Strategic Risk? 

Read “Outsourcing: A Strategic Risk?” by Relph and Parker, from Management Services (2014).


4. Practicing Human Resource Strategy: Understanding the Relational Dynamics in Strategic HR Work by Means of a Narrative Approach 

Read “Practicing Human Resource Strategy: Understanding the Relational Dynamics in Strategic HR Work by Means of a Narrative Approach,” by Kaudela-Baum and Endrissat, from German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management (2009).


5. Responsible Leadership and Stakeholder Management: Influence Pathways and Organizational Outcomes 

Read “Responsible Leadership and Stakeholder Management: Influence Pathways and Organizational Outcomes,” by Doh and Quigley from the Academy of Management Perspectives (2014).


6. The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital With Economic Value Added and Financial Performance 

Read “The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital With Economic Value Added and Financial Performance,” by Salehi, Enayati, and Javadi, from Iranian Journal of Management Science: A Quarterly (2014).




An organization’s landscape can be expansive and complex. Most organizations rely heavily upon information technology as a way to achieve outcomes. Conduct a needs assessment on your current organization or a familiar organization. Evaluate the cross-functionality of departments to identify gaps or opportunities for more effectively utilizing information technology to improve collaboration, efficiency, and communication. Recommend improvements based on your assessment. Include an explanation of the benefits in your proposal.


Respond to the “Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis: Email Adventure,” located at the end of Chapter 17 in the Management textbook.



1. Management 

Read Chapters 10 and 17 and the Appendix in Management. 


Electronic Resource 

1. Communications Planning: Getting the Right Messages Across in the Right Way 

Read “Communications Planning: Getting the Right Messages Across in the Right Way,” located on the Mind Tools website.


2. Creating Adaptive Organizations 

Read “Creating Adaptive Organizations,” by Kenney (2010), located on the American Management Association (AMA) website. 


3. The Adaptive Organization: Fostering Change in Five Areas 

Read “The Adaptive Organization: Fostering Change in Five Areas,” by Kenney (2010), located on the American Management Association (AMA) website.


e-Library Resource 

1. Complexity Leadership Generates Innovation, Learning, and Adaptation of the Organization 

Read “Complexity Leadership Generates Innovation, Learning, and Adaptation of the Organization,” by Geer-Frazier, from Emergence: Complexity and Organization (2014).


2. The Adaptability of Management Models Across Cultures 

Read “The Adaptability of Management Models Across Cultures,” by Yuksel and Durna, from International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies (2015).




From the perspective of a general manager in your field, which of the organizational control methods outlined in Chapter 19 of the Managementtextbook do you think would be the most universal? What does organizational control look like in your sphere of influence?


Consider your Strategic Plan: Presentation video assignment. Write a brief description on how you plan to organize and present your Strategic Plan or share a draft of your video. Provide feedback to your peers about their initial plans for their videos. Are there areas that need adjustments?


Topic: Evaluation


1. Management 

Read Chapter 19 in Management. 


Electronic Resource 

1. How to Share a Private YouTube Video 

Watch “How to Share a Private YouTube Video,” located on YouTube.

e-Library Resource 

1. Change the Incentives, Engage the Whole Organization 

Read “Change the Incentives, Engage the Whole Organization,”by Winston, from Supply Chain Management Review, (2014).


Psychosocial Problems

It is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. This is not the only criteria utilized for evaluation; substantive content is imperative. All questions in the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments. All responses need to be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th Ed.).

Classroom Participation

Students are expected to initially address the discussion question by Wednesday of each week. Participation in the discussion forums is expected with a minimum total of three (3) substantive postings (this includes your initial posting and posting to two peers) on three (3) different days per week. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion, you aren’t just agreeing. This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion and should be correlated to the literature.

All discussion boards will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion you will not receive these points, you may however post to your peers for partial credit following the guidelines above. Due to the nature of this type of assignment and the need for timely responses for initial posts and posting to peers, the Make-Up Coursework Policy (effective July 2017) does not apply to Discussion Board Participation.

Discussion Prompt [Due Wednesday]

Mildred is a 45-y.o. married female with three children. She presents to you with complaints of fatigue and difficulties sleeping. She states she wants to get a good night’s sleep and is requesting a prescription to help her sleep. Mildred tells you she is awake off and on during the night, frequently thinking about her husband’s recent layoff from construction work and the effect this is having on the family. She lies down often during the day and has been so fatigued that she took some time off from work during the last 2 weeks. She is tearful at times during the visit and looks sad and anxious. On further discussion, she says she feels overwhelmed, helpless, and anxious. She tells you about an episode where she felt her heart beating rapidly, had difficulty catching her breath, felt she was going to have a heart attack, and became frightened until her husband was able to help calm her down. She is not eating as much as usual, and when she reads the newspaper, she doesn’t remember what she has read.

  1. What would your focused clinical assessment include?
  2. What are your initial differential diagnoses?
  3. What major psychological question needs to be addressed?
  4. What testing would you order to rule out any medical problems?
  5. What is your plan of care?
  6. What are the mainstays of treatment?What is your initial follow up plan?
  7. What education would you provide to your patient?

Peer Responses/Participation [Due Sunday]   

  • Make sure to respond to at least two of your fellow classmates postings as well and challenge each other to go beyond just the surface.
  • Share your thoughts on how you support their ideas and explain why.
  • Present new references that support your opinions.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. 



Write for your organization a 3–5-page impact report regarding the health concerns of a new immigrant population. Describe the population’s health concerns and issues, explain current pharmacological treatments, and explain how culture and traditional practices may affect use of pharmacology. Identify evidence-based strategies for the organization and nursing staff to use to educate the population and promote health and wellness.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply practice guidelines and standards of evidence-based practice related to pharmacology for safe and effective nursing practice.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Describe current pharmacological treatment regimens for the health concerns and issues of a population.
  • Competency 2: Explain the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology and psychopharmacology.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Explain traditional beliefs and practices of a population with regard to health concerns and issues.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Explain how the cultural values and traditional practices of a population affect the acceptance and use of pharmacology.
  • Competency 3: Apply the principles and practices of cultural competence with regard to pharmacological interventions.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies an organization can use to educate a population about the appropriate use of pharmacology.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies nurses can use with a population to promote health and wellness.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Describe the health concerns and issues for a specific population.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Correctly format citations and references using current APA style. 

Assessment Instructions 

Imagine the county health department notifies your organization that a large number of immigrants are expected to be resettled in your area. The organization, wanting to be prepared to handle any health concerns of the population, tasks each department with readying for the influx of immigrants. Your supervisor asks you to prepare an impact report on the pharmacological needs of the population that can be shared with other departments.


Complete the following as you prepare for your impact report:

  1. Choose one of the global areas below as the area from which the population will be coming.      
    • Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • India.
    • China.
    • Dominican Republic.
    • Guatemala.
    • Jamaica.
    • Bangladesh.
    • Saudi Arabia.
    • Pakistan.
    • Mexico.
  2. Research the most common health concerns and issues for immigrants from your chosen global area, the pharmacological treatments that will likely be prescribed, and any cultural values or traditional practices that may impact patient outcomes.


Once you have identified the population you will be using for this assessment, include the following in your impact report:

  • Describe the health concerns and issues for the population.
  • Describe current pharmacological treatment regimens for the main health concerns and issues.
  • Explain any traditional beliefs and practices associated with the health concerns and issues. Does the population engage in culturally based methods of treating the health concern?
  • Explain how cultural values and traditional practices might affect acceptance and use of prescribed pharmacological treatments. Be sure to consider the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology.
  • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the organization can use to educate the population about the correct use of the pharmacology treatments.
  • Identify evidence-based, culturally sensitive strategies the nursing staff can employ with the population to promote health and wellness.

Write this assessment as an impact report formatted as other reports of a similar nature in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Include a title page and reference page and follow APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Number of pages: 3–5
  • At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.

Effects of Alteration In The Homeostatic State

Evaluate the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic and temporal variables

Select one of the case studies below, and include in your discussion an evaluation of the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic, and temporal variables.


  1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
  2. Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
  3. All sources must be within 5 years.
  4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.
  5. 4 pages APA not including Title page and reference page

Case Study 1

Structure and Function of the Respiratory System

Brad is 45 years old and has been working as a coal cutter in a mine for the last 25 years. He likes the job because it pays well and the same mine had employed his father. Like many of his colleagues, Brad has had problems with a chronic cough. He has avoided his annual checkups for fear that he will be told he has “black lung,” or coal worker’s pneumoconiosis. The disease causes fibrosis, decreased diffusing capacity, and permanent small airway dilation. In later stages, pulmonary capillaries, alveoli, and airways are destroyed.

  1. How can the disease described above create a mismatch between ventilation and perfusion? Use your understanding of alveolar dead space and physiologic shunt to explain your answer.
  2. Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have more difficulty exhaling than inhaling. Why is this so?
  3. In general terms, what mechanisms in lung disease can affect diffusing capacity across alveolar membranes? Use the Fick law to explain your answer.

Case Study 2

Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders

Patricia was called at work by a woman at the local daycare center. She told Patricia to come and pick up her son because he was not feeling well. Her son, three-and-a-half-year-old Marshall, had been feeling tired and achy when he woke up. While at daycare, his cheeks had become red and he was warm to touch. He did not want to play with his friends, and by the time Patricia arrived, he was crying. Later that afternoon, Marshall’s condition worsened. He had fever, chills, a sore throat, runny nose, and a dry hacking cough. Suspecting Marshall had influenza, Patricia wrapped him up and took him to the community health care clinic.

  1. Why did Marshall’s presentation lead Patricia to think he had influenza and not a cold? Why is it important to medically evaluate and diagnose a potential influenza infection?
  2. Describe the pathophysiology of the influenza virus. Outline the properties of influenza A antigens that allow them to exert their effects in the host.
  3. Marshall may be at risk at contracting secondary bacterial pneumonia. Why is this so? Explain why cyanosis may be a feature associated with pneumonia.

Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs

What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to thispatient?

These are some of the questions you might consider when selecting a treatment plan for a patient. As an advanced practice nurse prescribing drugs, you are held accountable for people’s lives on a daily basis.

Patients and their families will often place trust in you because of your position. With this trust comes power and responsibility, as well as an ethical and legal obligation to “do no harm.”

It is important that you are aware of current professional, legal, and ethical standards for advanced practice nurses with prescriptive authority. In this paper, you explore ethical and legal implications of the following scenario and consider how to appropriately respond.


You see another nurse practitioner writing a prescription for her husband who is not a patient of the nurse practitioner. The prescription is for a narcotic. You can’t decide whether or not to report the incident.

To prepare:

· Review  the following: 


Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. A. (Eds.). (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

  • Chapter 1, “Issues for the Practitioner in Drug      Therapy” (pp. 3–14)
         This chapter introduces issues relating to drug therapy such as adverse      drug events and medication adherence. It also explores drug safety, the      practitioner’s role and responsibilities in prescribing, and prescription      writing.
  • Chapter 59, “The Economics of Pharmacotherapeutics”      (pp. 1009-1018)
         This chapter analyzes the costs of drug therapy to health care systems and      society and explores practice guideline compliance and current issues in      medical care.
  • Chapter 60, “Integrative Approaches to      Pharmacotherapy—A Look at Complex Cases” (pp. 1021-1036)
         This chapter examines issues in individual patient cases. It explores      concepts relating to evaluation, drug selection, patient education, and      alternative treatment options.

As well as:

Drug Enforcement Administration. (n.d.). Code of federal regulations. Retrieved August 23, 2012, from http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/21cfr/cfr/1300/1300_01.htm

Anderson, P., & Townsend, T. (2010). Medication errors: Don’t let them happen to you. American Nurse Today, 5(3), 23–28. Retrieved from https://americannursetoday.com/medication-errors-dont-let-them-happen-to-you/

· Consider the ethical and legal implications of the scenario for all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family.

· Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and the patient’s family. Describe two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your decision making in this scenario.


Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

· Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.

· Read the case study located in the Assignment Worksheet section below and answer the questions that follow 

· Ensure that your responses are free of spelling and grammar errors. 

· Cite all sources used to support your responses in APA format.

Assignment Worksheet

Ø Case Study

Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

Grace Speak is a fourth-year student at Best University. She and her fellow classmates are working hard in their final courses and preparing for exams. Inspired by the teamwork that the healthcare profession espouses, Grace gets an idea for a study group. She thinks it will really help to share case experiences, course notes, and study tips. Unfortunately, several members of her peer group live out of town, which makes it difficult for them to participate fully. Grace is torn, as she does not want to exclude them from the study group. When she voices her concerns to a classmate, her friend suggests using social media tools as the primary medium for sharing information.


1. Two required elements that a single social media site must have to meet the needs of her study group are the ability to share ideas and experiences (chat), and share information (store documents). Research several social media sites that meet both of the required elements for Grace’s group. Select one social media tool, include its website, and explain your rationale for selecting that tool.

Selected Social Media Tool (and website)

[Write your response here.]


[Write your response here.]

2. Grace discovers that not all of the members of the group use the social media tool she selected. In your own words, create a set of simple instructions that other members of the group could follow to ensure full group participation. 

[Write your response here.]

3. Grace decides to establish a set of “ground rules” from the outset when she forms the study group. Create a set of “ground rules” that will help to create a group with full participation by all members and that will not place members of the group at risk, for either privacy or academic (plagiarism) concerns. Provide your reasoning for the “ground rules” you established.

Ground Rules

[Write your response here.]


[Write your response here.]

4. In a specific week, the assignment is particularly challenging. One of the students in the study group offers to post the “answers” he received from a student who completed this same assignment last year from the same instructor. Grace knows that one of her close friends in the study group is at risk of failing if she does not do well on this assignment. Describe how Grace might handle this situation to reduce the academic risk of plagiarism for herself, her friend, and other members of the study group.

[Write your response here.]