Health care financial management association

Health care financial management association

the threat of a Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) investigation
Paper instructions:
Prepare a four page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), on the following topic:

You are a manager with five years of experience and need to write a report for senior management on how your firm can avoid the threat of a Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.) investigation if you were to merge with other Health Care Organizations (H.C.O.s). Research on your own to select a health care organization in the United States that has been charged with an antitrust action within the last five years and use this information as the basis for your paper. In your report: Health care financial management association


a. Summarize the charges and rebuttal or mitigation of charges used by the health care organization you researched
b. Discuss lessons learned and propose actions that can be taken by your management to avoid similar anti-trust actions in your proposed merger.

Your paper must include an introduction, thesis, and conclusion and be four to five page double-spaced (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA. Utilize a minimum of three- to- five scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources

(excluding the course text) that were published within the last five years, in APA format.
1. White House health reform. Retrieved from
o This is the official website for Healthcare Reform Act in 2010.
Cleverley, W., Song, P. & Cleverley, J. (2011). Essentials of health care finance (7th ed). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 9780763789299.

Health care financial management association. (

Pam Pohly’s net guide. ( less » Health care financial management association

Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification

Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification

Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification

For this assignment the student will take on the task of using behaviorism to assess and change a personal behavior utilizing the tenants of either classical conditioning, operant conditioning or both.

Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the behavioral change.

Use the following guidelines to complete your presentation:

  1. Include a title, introduction, discussion, and reference slide (four slides minimum).
  2. Provide an overview of the definition of behavior and create an operational definition for the behavior the student wishes to change (consider using the “Dead Man Test” to help define the behavior).
  3. Explain the desire for change, why is it important to incorporate this specific behavioral change.
  4. Track the behavior for three or more days documenting; how often the behavior occurs as well as the antecedents for the behavior and the consequences. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification
  5. Explain the behavioral intervention, how will the student increase a desired behavior or decrease a maladaptive one? Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification
  6. Track the results of the behavioral change with the intervention in place, how often does the behavior occur each day, how often did the reward or punishment occur?
  7. Use a graph to compare the observation period from the experimental period.
  8. Document the results of the experiment; did change occur, what was the cause?

Behaviors may include, but are not limited to: tardiness, smoking, drinking, gambling, compulsive eating, social media addiction, interrupting, nail biting, swearing, eating fast food, compulsive shopping, speaking with your mouth full, biting pens, or biting nails Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification. You could also choose to start a new habit: taking vitamins, applying sunscreen before going outside, putting money in savings, exercise, etc.


Procrastination is NOT an appropriate behavior to choose for this assignment! You must choose something measurable!

Utilize information from the textbook and the GCU library. Information from non-peer-reviewed resources (e.g.,,, and wikipedia) will not be accepted.

Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it (50 words per slide).

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency.
BS Psychology, No Emphasis
BS Psychology, Emphasis in Performance and Sport Psychology
4.1 Implement strategies for self-management and self-improvement

PSY-255 Topic 6 Rubric: Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification Presentation

No of Criteria: 8 Achievement Levels: 5
Achievement Levels
0.00 %
Less than Satisfactory
65.00 %
75.00 %
85.00 %
100.00 %
Definition of behavior and desire for change
Definition of behavior and desire for change is not present or not discernible to the reader. Essay does not demonstrate understanding of the topic. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification
Definition of behavior and desire for change is incomplete or flawed. Essay demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Definition of behavior and desire for change is accurate and complete. Essay demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification.
Definition of behavior and desire for change is thorough and well-reasoned. Essay demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Definition of behavior and desire for change is thorough, well-reasoned, fully supported, and rich in detail. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences


Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences is not present or not discernible to the reader. Essay does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences is incomplete or flawed. Essay demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences is accurate and complete. Essay demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification.
Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences is thorough and well-reasoned. Essay demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Behavior tracking including antecedents and consequences is thorough, well-reasoned, fully supported, and rich in detail. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques
Intervention using behavioral techniques is not present or not discernible to the reader. Essay does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is incomplete or flawed. Essay demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is accurate and complete. Essay demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is thorough and well-reasoned. Essay demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is thorough, well-reasoned, fully supported, and rich in detail. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification.
Results of behavioral intervention (C4.1) Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification
Intervention using behavioral techniques is not present or not discernible to the reader. Essay does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is incomplete or flawed. Essay demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is accurate and complete. Essay demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is thorough and well-reasoned. Essay demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Intervention using behavioral techniques is thorough, well-reasoned, fully supported, and rich in detail. Essay demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Organization, Effectiveness, and Format
The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings, and subheadings to enhance the readability. The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text, small point size for fonts, and inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting is evident.
The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification.
The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately. Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability.
The layout background and text complement each other and enable the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.
The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification
Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.)
Inappropriate word choice and lack of variety in language use are evident. Writer appears to be unaware of audience. Use of primer prose indicates writer either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately.
Some distracting inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. The writer exhibits some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification.
Language is appropriate to the targeted audience for the most part.
The writer is clearly aware of audience, uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary for the targeted audience, and uses figures of speech to communicate clearly.
The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)
Slide errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader.
Slides are largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present.
Writer is clearly in control of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)
Sources are not documented.
Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. Benchmark – Personal Behavior Modification

IOM Report Review Paper

IOM Report Review Paper

Review the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership.

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words about the impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing. In your paper, include:

The impact of the IOM report on nursing education.

The impact of the IOM report on nursing practice, particularly in primary care, and how you would change your practice to meet the goals of the IOM report.

The impact of the IOM report on the nurse’s role as a leader.


Cite a minimum of three references.

Prepare this


assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. IOM Report Review.

Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign

Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign
You will now apply what you have learned in this course by developing a plan for a health communications campaign. For this original plan, you will integrate work from previous assignments.
For this assignment, assume you are making a professional presentation to gain community support for your health communications campaign. Complete the following: Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign

Compile all your module assignments for reference.
Design your health promotion campaign for your chosen public health issue.


Be sure to include the following as part of the campaign:

A separate executive summary in MS Word format. Download and review the executive summary template that you will use for this assignment.
A PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: 

A title page
At least one slide each for the following major sections: 

Preliminary analysis: Overall program goal
Outcome objectives: Behavioral, social, or organizational
Situation analysis and audience profile
Communication objectives
Communication strategies
Tactical plan: Messages, channels, materials, and activities
Evaluation plan

Notes for each slide section to provide detailed content and narrative
An attached list of examples and scholarly references

Write a 1–2-page executive summary in Word format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc.
Develop a 10–15-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. View less » Assignment 2: RA 2—Health Communication Campaign

Intermediate Coding Corrections Assignment

Intermediate Coding Corrections Assignment

Make corrections to the following;

HIT204, Intermediate Medical Coding

CPT Codes

As a medical coder, you’ll assign CPT codes for physician procedures and services. This graded project is designed to

  1. Test your knowledge of CPT coding principles and procedures
  2. Gauge your ability to accurately apply coding guidelines with regard to CPT codes and modifiers
  3. Analyze your accuracy with respect to HCPCS code assignment
  4. Determine your ability to differentiate CPT and HCPCS5.


Summarize what you’ve learned about CPT and HCPCS coding INSTRUCTIONS your graded project has three parts. Be sure to complete all three parts prior to submitting your project. Intermediate Coding Corrections Assignment

Part 1

Review the following scenario. Assign the CPT code(s). Add one or more modifiers, if necessary.

A 71-year-old male patient comes to the hospital after having been previously diagnosed with benign prostatic hypertrophy with urinary obstruction. Due to this condition, the patient is experiencing increased urination, straining during urination, and a continual feeling of fullness after the bladder has been emptied. The physician performs a cystourethroscopy to examine the condition of the bladder and urethra, and then subsequently performs aUroLifttransprostatic implant procedure using three adjustable implants.CPT code(s): __600.01__ (2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 600.01)(Barisa, 2016).

Part 2a

Review each of the following procedures. Assign the CPT code(s). Add one or more modifiers, if necessary.

  1. An established patient comes to the office complaining of migraine headaches. The physician performs an expanded problem-focused history and exam. The physician’s medical decision making is of low complexity. During the office visit, the physician also removes a benign 0.5 cm lesion from the back of the patient’s left hand.CPT code(s): CPT Code G43.909
  2. A physician removes an intraocular foreign body from the anterior chamber of the patient’s eye. An allergy statement in the patient’s medical record indicates that the patient is allergic to local anesthesia. For this reason, general anesthesia is administered. The anesthesiologist is not available to administer anesthesia. The surgeon performs the anesthesia administration instead.CPT code(s): CPTcode 65273
  3. A surgeon performs a total abdominal hysterectomy with partial removal of the vagina, lymph node sampling, and removal of the ovary. The coder assigns code 58200-51.Is this code correct or incorrect? Why or why not? Correct. Reasons -Total abdominal hysterectomy, including partial vaginectomy, with para-aortic and pelvic lymph node sampling, with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s)(Barisa, 2016). Intermediate Coding Corrections Assignment

Part 2b

Review each of the following procedures. Assign the HCPCS code(s).

  1. A patient weighing 252 pounds sustains a hip fracture. The physician prescribes a Group 2 standard single power wheelchair with a solid seat, solid back, and as ling. Code 27267, Code 27268, and Code 27269
  2. A patient comes to the emergency room complaining of a chronic migraine. The nurse administers a 1 unit injection of onabotulinumtoxinAN .HCPCS code(s):HCPCS 2016 Code:J0585(Barisa, 2016).
  3. A patient with chronic venous insufficiency comes to the doctor’s office complaining of leg pain. The physician prescribes two thigh-length gradient compression stockings, 45 mmHg each. HCPCS code(s): I83.811 – I83.819(Barisa, 2016).

Part 3

Review the following coding scenario. Assign the CPT code(s) for the wound repair only.

A patient comes to the emergency room after sustaining a 12.2-cm wound to the left side of her face. She was cut with a piece of glass during a physical altercation with her husband. The physician performs a detailed history and examination. Medical decision making was of moderate complexity. The physician repairs the facial wound without difficulty; however, the wound requires extensive cleaning to remove the glass particles beforehand. The physician also repaired a superficial 2.5-cm wound to the left ear. Both wounds were closed using 4-0 Vicryl.CPT code(s):12001-12021_and G0168(Barisa, 2016). Intermediate Coding Corrections.



Barisa, M. T. (2016). CPT Codes. Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation, 491-504. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-34034-0_54


explore the vast array of phytochemicals in our foods and explain why phytochemicals are important for health

Purpose To explore the vast array of phytochemicals in our foods and explain why phytochemicals are important for health. These compounds are chemical in plants that hold a perceived benefit to health. Phytochemicals can be organic acids, flavor compounds, color pigments, or any plant chemical. Research supports the ingestion of foods rich in phytochemical not just the compound them selves. The highlight in Chapter 15 provides a wonderful summary of the most common phytochemicals in the diet; where they come from and their claim to fame. This activity will allow you to see the benefits of consuming various foods for the health benefit of their chemical make up. Is red wine good for you? Coffee? Does garlic really protect you from heart disease? Directions Watch this YouTube video from the University of Florida for an introduction to phytochemicals: 2- Select a phytochemical and write a one page summary about it’s attributes. 3- Write the 4-5 paragraph summary report . Include its function, why it is important and common food sources where it is found. Include information from a research article that supports its role in health. Include a complete citation of the your reference. Comment on your findings.View less »

NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper

NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper

Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]

In previous Discussions and Assignments, you have examined various aspects of the policy process: exploring the unintended consequences of policies, agenda setting, and analyzing policy recommendations. In this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to further develop your analysis skills by working through the policy analysis process. To be an effective agent for social change, you must be able to logically and critically analyze policy from multiple perspectives and contexts and then present your insights in a succinct and professional manner Policy Analysis Paper. This exercise will afford such an experience.


For this Assignment, you will examine a particular policy of interest to you (perhaps the one you selected for this week’s Discussion), and apply a policy analysis framework to understand the impact associated with the implementation of the policy. You will then develop a policy analysis paper, which is due the end of Week 11. This paper will also serve as your Major Assessment for this course. NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper

To prepare for Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]:

Select a health care policy and a policy analysis framework to utilize for this Assignment. You may use the policy and framework you identified in this week’s Discussion or change your selection. Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]

To complete for Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]:

Write an 8- to 10-page analysis paper (including references) in which you succinctly address the following:

  • Part 1: Define the policy issue.
    • How is the issue affecting the policy arena?
    • What are the current politics of the issue?
    • At what level in the policy making process is the issue? NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper
  • Part 2: Apply a policy analysis framework to explore the issue using the following contexts:
    • Social
    • Ethical
    • Legal
    • Historical
    • Financial/economic
    • Theoretical underpinnings of the policy
    • Policy Analysis Paper
  • Include in this section:
    • Who are the stakeholders of interest?
    • Is there a nursing policy/position statement on this health care issue? If so, who developed it?
  • Part 3: Policy options/solutions
    • What are the policy options/solutions for addressing the issue? Include at least three levels of options/solutions: no change; partial change; radical change or maximum change.
    • What are the theoretical underpinnings of the policy options/solutions?
    • What are the health advocacy aspects and leadership requirements of each option?
    • How does each option/solution provide an opportunity or need for inter-professional collaboration?
    • What are the pros and cons of each suggested change?Policy Analysis Paper Include the cost benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency of each option along with the utility and feasibility of each option.
  • Part 4: Building Consensus
    • Outline a plan for building consensus around your recommended option/solution for solving the policy issue.
  • Part 5: References

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from appropriate Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to ensure that your in- text citations and reference list are correct. Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]

By Day 7 of Week 11 of Policy Analysis Paper [Major Assessment 2]

This Assignment is due.

NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 1: Issues in Health Care Reform (Interview)

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 2 and due in Week 9. NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper 

By Day 7 of Week 9

Submit this Assignment.

NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 2: Health Policy Proposal Analysis (Policy Brief)

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 3 and due in Week 7.

By Day 7 of Week 7

Submit this Assignment.

NURS 8100 Week 4: Policy Analysis Frameworks

Consider the social contract between the nursing profession and consumers of health care. This social contract has long been demonstrated by nurses. For example, recall the nursing pioneer Lillian Wald who in the late 1800s worked to improve the health and welfare of the immigrant population in New York. How does engaging in the policy process assist nurses with fulfilling this social contract today? To better influence health and nursing policy, which seeks to improve health and quality outcomes, nurses need to develop their policy acumen. Utilizing a policy analysis framework can assist in this process.

This week continues the examination of the policy process addressed in Week 3. You will examine how frameworks from nursing and other disciplines can work together to inform policy analysis. NURS 8100 Week 4 Assignment 3: Policy Analysis Paper

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Propose a policy analysis framework for a specific policy issue
  • Conduct a comprehensive policy analysis critically analyzing a health policy from multiple contexts

N512 Acute Pericarditis Essay

N512 Acute Pericarditis Essay

Mrs. Johnson is a thirty-five-year-old married Black female. Of importance, she presents with chest pain, rated as an eight on a scale of 1-10, that is sharp, located behind the sternum and radiates to the back. Pain increases on inhalation and is made better with leaning forward. Medical history non-contributory. Denies active medications and tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. N512 Acute Pericarditis Vitals reveal mild tachycardia. Patient confirms flu-like illness, but currently afebrile. Physical exam positive for mucus in nasal passage, erythematous oropharynx, and high-pitched squeaking sound.

Mrs. Johnson’s likely diagnosis is acute pericarditis. She presents with the classic indications of pericarditis pain (Hammer & McPhee, 2019):

  • Sharp and retrosternal in nature
  • N512 Acute Pericarditis
  • Worsens with deep breathing, coughing, lying flat
  • Improved with sitting upright and leaning forward

A high pitched three component squeaking sound is also heard on cardiac examination. She could potentially have infection, acute myocardial infarction, thoracic cavity trauma. Although medication side effects can potentially cause some of these symptoms, she reports no medication use to include street drugs. N512 Acute Pericarditis According to Hammer and McPhee, “Viruses, particularly, the coxsackieviruses, are the most common cause of acute pericarditis. Viruses are also probably responsible for “idiopathic” pericarditis” (2019). Other potential viral culprits include echovirus, adenoviruses, parvovirus B19, HIV, influenza as well as multiple herpes viruses such as EBV and CMV. There is also evidence of bacterial infections as etiologies, but it is not usually seen in developed countries (Dababneh & Siddique, 2020) N512 Acute Pericarditis. Based on clinical presentation of shotty anterior cervical lymphadenopathy, the most likely etiology is viral infection. This is further strengthened by the patient’s report of recent flu-like illness. According to Dababneh & Siddique, “Due to the parietal layer’s rich innervation, any inflammatory process mediated by an infectious, autoimmune or traumatic insult can result in severe retrosternal chest pain, as is commonly seen in acute pericarditis. N512 Acute Pericarditis This explains why the vast majority of presentations (>90%) have chest discomfort” (2020). A thorough post discharge plan of care would include:


  • Educating patient on indicators of worsening disease processes. When to notify primary care provider, when to seek emergency help
  • Take prescribed medicines as directed. First line of treatment is most often NSAIDS. Some cases will also require treatment with antibiotics and/ or steroids.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Drink appropriate fluids. Get enough sleep/exercise. N512 Acute Pericarditis
  • Manage stress. According to the case study she is married. Utilize family support to decrease anxiety and tension. Assess job responsibilities as a potential source of stress and implement ways to lower strain.


Dababneh, E., & Siddique, M. S. (2020). Pericarditis. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. N512 Acute Pericarditis

Hammer, G. & McPhee, S. (2019). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education /Medical


Discussion 2

Jackie Johnson, a 35 y.o. African-American, married female, advertising executive, presents to the emergency department with complaints of chest pain N512 Acute Pericarditis. The pain is described as 8 on a scale ranging from 1 to 10, retrosternal, and sharp in nature. It radiates to the back, is worse with taking a deep breath, and is improved by leaning forward. On review of systems, she has noted a “flulike illness” over the last several days, including fever, rhinorrhea, and cough. She has no medical history and is taking no medications. She denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. On physical examination, she appears in moderate distress from pain, with a blood pressure of 125/85 mm Hg, heart rate 105 bpm, respiratory rate 18/min, and oxygen saturation of 98% on room air. She is currently afebrile. Her head and neck examination is notable for clear mucus in the nasal passages and a mildly erythematous oropharynx. N512 Acute Pericarditis The neck is supple, with shotty anterior cervical lymphadenopathy. The chest is clear to auscultation. Jugular veins are not distended. Cardiac examination is tachycardic with a three-component high-pitched squeaking sound. Abdominal and extremity examinations are normal.

In this discussion:

  1. Provide and discuss this patient’s likely diagnosis with your colleagues. Why do you support this “likely” diagnosis?
  2. Discuss your differential diagnoses clinical reasoning. Why do you support this list of potential differential diagnoses?
  3. Provide and discuss what the most common causes of this disease are, and which is most likely in this patient?
  4. Identify the pathophysiologic mechanism for her chest pain N512 Acute Pericarditis.
  5. Develop a plan of care post-discharge based upon your recommendations living arrangements and social supports.

Support your discussion with citations from the external literature and your textbook.

Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for Participation Guidelines & Grading Criteria. N512 Acute Pericarditis Essay


The symptoms experienced by 35-year-old Jackie Johnson is suggestive of acute pericarditis which I strongly support based upon her history.  Her presenting complaint is sharp retrosternal chest pain radiating to the back which worsens with deep breaths and improves when leaning forward, 8 out of 10 on the pain scale.  She further complains of “flu-like illness”, fever, rhinorrhea, and cough for several days and denies any previous medical or medication history.  Her cardiac examination revealed that she was tachycardic with a pulse rate of 105 and a three-component high-pitched squeaking sound.  Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium which is a fluid-filled sac surrounding the heart and is commonly diagnosed in a primary care setting based on physical examination, and electrocardiogram (ECG), and patient history such as the symptoms experienced by Jackie Johnson (Rahman & Saraswat, 2017) N512 Acute Pericarditis.

Some differential diagnosis would include myocardial infarction (MI), pulmonary embolism, and pneumonia to name a few (Rahman & Saraswat, 2017).  Chest pains are quite common in an MI so cardiac enzymes and an ECG would be needed to rule this out.  Pulmonary embolism also can present with chest pains so a D-dimer blood test and lung scans can rule this out. N512 Acute Pericarditis The patient also complained of cough, fever, and  “flu-like” symptoms which can be caused by pneumonia so a chest x-ray, blood cultures, and a complete blood count can confirm this diagnosis.  “The characteristic ECG findings in patients with acute pericarditis are a diffuse elevation of the ST-segment and ST-segment depression in lead aVR and depression of the PR segment, especially in leads V5 and V6 (Saricam & Saglam, 2016).

There are multiple causes for pericarditis and the most common is a viral disease caused by the coxsackievirus but bacterial, mycotic organisms, and tuberculosis can be the causal factors in addition to other medical conditions such as neoplasms and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (Hammer & McPhee, 2019).  Based on Jackie Johnson’s complaint of “flu-like” symptoms, she may have a viral cause for her pericarditis.  Her chest pain was probably caused by the inflammation of the pericardium and the three-component high-pitched squeaking sound in her heart was likely due to pericardial friction rub (Hammer & McPhee, 2019) N512 Acute Pericarditis.

Before discharge planning, I will have a conversation with the physician, patient, and spouse to be clear on the medication, follow-up appointment, psycho-social considerations, and activity restrictions.  With this information, I will teach the patient about the medications and side effects, notifying her physician if there is any worsening of symptoms, make sure she has a follow-up appointment, offer her psychological counseling if needed, advise her of social support groups, and stress the importance of rest and avoidance of strenuous activities (Rahman & Saraswat, 2017).



Hammer, G. & McPhee, S. (2019). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education /Medical

Rahman, A., & Saraswat, A. (2017). Pericarditis. Australian Family Physician, 46(11), 810-814. Retrieved from https://search-proquest- N512 Acute Pericarditis

Saricam, E., & Saglam, Y. (2016). Potentially missed acute pericarditis: Atypical pericarditis. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 34(12), 2451-2453. doi:  Retrieved from N512 Acute Pericarditis

Identify 3 tools from the CMS Web site that are helpful to achieving the goals set forth by your organization

HEALTHCARE Weekly tasks or assignments Individual or Group Projects will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid has taken on a more visible role in health care. A great deal of changes have transpired to improve patient safety and implementation of additional quality metrics. The new Health Care Reform has begun to change the reimbursement fees/structures of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for health care services. For this assignment, write a 500-word presentation that you will deliver to your organization's board of trustee members on how the new reimbursement structure will impact the organization's revenue structure. In your presentation, address the following questions: • Why did CMS become more involved in the reimbursement component of health care? How does their involvement impact health care organizations? • What tools can be implemented to ensure an organization is meeting the policies and procedures set forth by CMS? • Identify 3 tools from the CMS Web site that are helpful to achieving the goals set forth by your organization.

Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.

HA610 Health Policy and Management

Unit 8 Discussion

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

Analyze how policies influence the structure and financing of health care, practice, and health outcomes.

Develop institutional, local, state and/or federal policy initiatives.

Consider the role of government and various professional organizations in the process of planning and implementing policies at management levels for diverse healthcare environments.

Examine the effect of legal, ethical, and regulatory processes on nursing practice (and/or change to providers), healthcare delivery, and outcomes while maintaining balance with administrative and fiscal responsibilities.

Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.

Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.

Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

What was the most valuable thing you learned in this course?View less »Jul 12 2019 07:37 AM