While HIV/AIDS is still currently incurable, the prognosis for patients with this infectious disease has improved due to advancements in drug treatments. Consider the case of Kristy Aney. Kristy was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and was told she would survive, at most, 10 more years. Despite unfavorable odds, Kristy is still alive 20 years later. Since her diagnosis, she has witnessed tremendous improvements in HIV/AIDS treatments which have helped patients live longer with fewer side effects.

While she acknowledges that these drug treatments have kept her alive, she fears that improvements in drug therapy have led to more people becoming complacent about the disease (Idaho Statesmen, 2012). In fact, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States is higher than it has ever been (CDC, 2012). This poses the question: Is there a relationship between drug advancements, societal complacency, and infection?

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 49 of the Arcangelo      and Peterson text, as well as the Krummenacher et al. and Scourfield      articles in the Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on whether or not the      prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due      to more advanced drug treatment options for HIV/AIDS.
  • Consider how health care      professionals can help to change perceptions and make people more aware of      the realities of the disease.
  • Think about strategies to educate HIV      positive patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to      reduce the risk of infecting others.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of whether or not you think the prevalence of HIV cases might be attributed to increased complacency due to more advanced drug treatment options. Then, explain how health care professionals can help to change perceptions and increase awareness of the realities of the disease. Finally, describe strategies to educate HIV positive patients on medication adherence, as well as safe practices to reduce the risk of infecting others.

This work should have Introduction and conclusion

– This work should have at 3 to 5current references (Year 2012 and up)

– Use at least 2 references from class Learning Resources

The following Resources are not acceptable:

1. Wikipedia

2. Cdc.gov- nonhealthcare professionals section

3. Webmd.com

4. Mayoclinic.com

Required Readings

Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. A. (Eds.). (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

  • Chapter 8, “Principles of      Antimicrobial Therapy” (pp. 111-134)
         This chapter covers factors that impact the selection of an antimicrobial      treatment regimen. It also examines the clinical uses, adverse events, and      drug interactions of various antimicrobial agents such as penicillin.
  • Chapter 12, “Fungal Infections      of the Skin” (pp. 163-196)
         This chapter explores the pathophysiology of several fungal infections of      the skin as well as related drug treatments and examines the importance of      patient education when managing these infections.
  • Chapter 14, “Bacterial      Infections of the Skin” (pp. 181-196)
         This chapter begins by examining causes of bacterial infections. It then      explores the importance of selecting an appropriate agent for treating      bacterial infections.
  • Chapter 32, “Urinary Tract      Infection” (pp. 519-526)
         This chapter covers drugs used to treat urinary tract infections and      identifies special considerations when treating geriatric patients,      pediatric patients, and women.
  • Chapter 35, “Sexually      Transmitted Infections” (pp. 512-535)
         This chapter outlines the causes, pathophysiology, and drug treatment of      six sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, and      human papilloma virus infection (HPV). It also examines the importance of      selecting the proper agent and monitoring patient response to treatment.
  • Chapter 49, “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” (pp.      843-860)
         This chapter presents the causes, pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria,      and prevention methods for HIV. It also covers various methods of drug      treatment and patient factors to consider when selecting, administering,      and managing drug treatments.

Krummenacher, I., Cavassini, M., Bugnon, O., & Schneider, M. (2011). An interdisciplinary HIV-adherence program combining motivational interviewing and electronic antiretroviral drug monitoring. AIDS Care, 23(5), 550–561.

This article analyzes medication adherence in HIV patients and examines factors that increase adherence as well as factors that contribute to termination or discontinuation of treatment.

Drugs.com. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.drugs.com/

This website presents a comprehensive review of prescription and over-the-counter drugs including information on common uses and potential side effects. It also provides updates relating to new drugs on the market, support from health professionals, and a drug-drug interactions checker.

Scourfield, A., Waters, L., & Nelson, M. (2011). Drug combinations for HIV: What’s new? Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy, 9(11), 1001–1011.

Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article examines current therapies and strategies for treating HIV patients. It also examines factors that impact selection of therapy, including drug interactions, personalization of therapy, costs, management of comorbidities, and patient response.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Antimicrobials. Baltimore, MD: Author.

This media presentation outlines principles of antimicrobial therapy 

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

Mayer, K. H., & Krakower, D. (2012). Antiretroviral medication and HIV prevention: New steps forward and New Questions. Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(4), 312–314.


Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences:

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Intraprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Population health concerns
  6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health policy
  8. Leadership and economic models
  9. Health disparities

Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Applying Servant Leadership


Select and research a contemporary political, social, religious, or business, leader to learn about how the leader employs Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to motivate, influence, and lead others. You may use the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials if you need assistance locating potential leaders. Write a 500-750 word paper that addresses the following.

1. Summary of the principles of servant leadership employed by the leader.

2. Specific examples to illustrate the leader’s application of servant leadership principles.

3. Information about the unique way the leader inspires followership.

4. Discussion of what would you seek to emulate or see more of in your own organization from both the people who lead you and the leadership you provide to others?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, 

LDR-630-RS-Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders.docx ATTACHED


6. ‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for Bosses 

Read “‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for Bosses,” by Brooks, located on the Business News Daily website (2015).


7. 10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented Perspective 

Read “10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented Perspective,” by Tennant, located on the IT Business Edge website (2014).


8. 9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant Leadership 

Read “9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant Leadership,” by McCuistion, located on the About Leaders website (2013).

9. Being a Servant Leader in the Age of Technology 

Read “Being a Servant Leader in the Age of Technology,” by Hollis, located on the Huffington Post website (2015).


10. Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum Majors 

Read “Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum Majors,” located on the Dreams InDeed International website.



1. Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders 

The “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” resource can be used as a reference for discussion questions throughout the course and for completion of some course assignments.


Identify one innovation that has been developed in the last 20 years that has influenced the health care industry, such as:

  • Telemedicine
  • Organ transplants
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR)
  • Quick and easy access to health care information (reliable and not-so-reliable) via the internet, mobile apps, social media, etc. 

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following:

  • Identifies one innovation that has influenced the health care industry.
  • Discuss and explain how clinical research has influenced the innovation that you chose:
    • What reserach has been done and what does it show about the innovation? 
    • What type of research is needed in the future?
    • Compare and describe the external factors that influence research on the health care innovation that you chose, for example: stakeholders, funding sources, needs of the patient population.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, references to support your paper.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


There has been much recent discussion among nurse practitioners and other health professionals over the limitations in providing mental health care (diagnosis, therapy and medication) if you are not credentialed as a PMHNP. Please go to the Texas Board of Nursing and review implications for primary care NP’s who see patients experiencing mental health problems (many patients to be sure). This is available – https://www.bon.texas.gov/practice_bon_position_statements.asp


What are the needs for mental health services on a national and local level? How do believe your new role as a PMHNP may influence this? Do you feel the Board is too restrictive or appropriate in their position statement. Please post an initial posting with at least two references. If you are not located in Texas, you may apply this discussion topic to your state. After you have posted your initial posting by the third day of the module, respond substantively to at least two peers by the end of the module.


Do some research about the different rules for PMHNP practice in different states. What are the pros and cons of having Full, Limited, and Restricted practice? What is the situation in your state? Please post an initial posting with at least two current references. After you have posted your initial posting by the third day of the module, respond substantively to at least two peers by the end of the module.


  1. Freud’s psychosexual development | Individuals and Society | MCAT | Khan Academy
  2. Erikson’s psychosocial development | Individuals and Society | MCAT | Khan Academy
  3. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academyrs

Strengths-Based Leadership

It is relatively easy to describe our acquired expertise, but most of us struggle when asked to describe our natural talents.
—Rath, 2007, p. 21

Recognizing innate talents is critical not only for leveraging one’s own strengths, but for fostering a workplace environment in which everyone’s contributions are respected and maximized. This is valuable because “the opportunity for individuals to play to their strengths most of the time is the key factor that shows the greatest correlation to outstanding performance in the widest range of business outcomes including profits, productivity, customer satisfaction, and safety and employee retention” (Buckingham, 2011, p. 5).

Charged with the complex and considerable goal of promoting health care quality and safety, nurse leader-managers must learn how to draw upon each person’s strengths to foster collaboration toward this shared purpose.

In this Discussion, you assess your own strengths and consider how they can be applied in a health care organization to improve quality and safety.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources focusing on strengths-based leadership.
  • If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in Strengths Finder 2.0 to complete the online assessment and read the sections in Part II that are associated with your five top strengths.
  • Consider the results of the assessment. What insights, questions, or concerns arise as you think about these results?
  • Think about how your identified strengths relate to your current role as a leader-manager and to the professional contributions that you hope to make now and in the future. Give focused attention to patient safety and health care quality; how and why are your strengths valuable for promoting optimal patient outcomes and creating systems-level change?
  • Evaluate strategies for applying your strengths in the health care workplace. Identify at least two that you can use to add value to a team or workgroup to improve quality and safety.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of your identified strengths and explain how and why they are beneficial in your role as a nurse leader-manager. Explain at least two strategies for applying your leadership strengths in a health care organization to improve quality and safety.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Required Readings

Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press.
Part I, “Finding Your Strengths—An Introduction” (pp. 1–31)
Part II, “Applying Your Strengths” (pp. 33–172)Read Part I first, then complete the online assessment as instructed in the book. Read the sections in Part II that are associated with your five top strengths.

Note: You must purchase a new, unopened copy of this book in order to acquire the access code that you will need to complete the online assessment.

Buckingham, M. (2011). Strong leadership. Leadership Excellence, 28(1), 5.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The author explains how strengths-based leadership creates competitive advantage for organizations. “The opportunity for individuals to play to their strengths most of the time is the key factor that shows the greatest correlation to outstanding performance in the widest range of business outcomes including profits, productivity, customer satisfaction, and safety and employee retention” (p. 5).

Cooper, H., & Cottrell, R. R. (2010). Charting your career path through clear professional values and purpose. Health Promotion Practice, 11(1), 13–15.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article provides direction for clarifying professional values and purpose, and using that for career development. “The importance of understanding and articulating values at an individual level is that they can assist in developing one’s unique contribution to one’s profession, just as a professional organization’s values assist in directing the organization” (p. 14).


Please answer the following questions in your own words to the best of your understanding. If you find evidence that is not from the Gordis text, please cite it in APA Style.

  1. An investigator examined cases of fetal death in 27,000 pregnancies and classified mothers according to whether they had experienced sexual intercourse within 1 month before delivery. It was found that 11% of the mothers of fetuses that died and 2.5% of the mothers of fetuses that survived had had sexual intercourse during the period. It was concluded that intercourse during the month preceding delivery caused the fetal deaths. What guideline(s) did this researcher fail to take into account? Why is the conclusion reached by the investigator incorrect? (3 pts)
  2. How would you relate association and causation? Are these terms the same thing? (3 pts)
  3. How could an epidemiological study prove causation? Other than the examples in the book, can you discuss another example of how an epidemiological study proved causation? (3 pts)
  4. Give examples of indirect and direct causation associated with experiences in everyday life. (3 pts)
  5. Give an example of a time you experienced what you thought was causation, but turned out to be confounding. This could be an event that has happened to you or a news story that demonstrated confounding. (3 pts)

Please remember to number your responses appropriately


In each module in this course, your assignments will build upon each other. For your SLP assignments you will be creating an extensive PowerPoint presentation (PPT). 

Remember, you have been named the Administrative Director at Trident International Hospital (TIH) and will be presenting your PPT to the Board of Directors at TIH for approval. TIH is restructuring to meet the current needs of their consumers. 

**** PLEASE NOTE!! ****

For your Module 2 assignment, the board has requested you to identify and recommend 3 ancillary services for TIH to better serve the population and boost revenue. You are to research current trends in ancillary services and add to your presentation 5 slides covering these services. In your new slides, you need to address/state the following: 

  1. Three chosen ancillary services
  2. Identify the chosen ancillary service trends and/or rational for current popularity
  3. Rationalize how your chosen ancillary services could boost revenue. 

Your PPT should be professional and provide substantial information about your chosen ancillary services. 

At this point (with the continuation of slides from Module 1 assignment), your total presentation should be at least 10-12 slides (not including the title and reference slide). Speaker notes are required

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your design of your department organization chart.  
  2. Limit your total PPT to a maximum of 12 slides.
  3. Support your assignment with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3-4 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
  5. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: https://www.edb.utexas.edu/petrosino/Legacy_Cycle/mf_jm/Challenge%201/website%20reliable.pdf.

Managing Conflict in the Workplace

High-pressure environments, life-or-death implications, constant change, and long days of exhausting work … It is not surprising that conflicts arise in health care settings. In the fast-paced environment in which nurses work, small differences in decision making, processes, work ethic, and personal characteristics can quickly escalate

As a nurse manager, you need to develop and model skills that effectively address conflict situations. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, offers sound advice that can be applied to conflict management and resolution. In Habit 4, Think Win-Win, Covey (2004) explains, “[m]any people think in terms of either/or: either you’re nice or you’re tough. Win-win requires that you be both. It is a balancing act between courage and consideration.” Ultimately, how you manage conflict in your setting will determine whether you foster an environment that breeds contempt or one that fosters growth.

Conflict abounds in any workplace; it is a normal part of organizational life. Instead of avoiding or ignoring conflict, the role of the nurse manager is to coach employees through conflict situations and to exercise judgment on how and when to intervene. When managed effectively and focused on substantive issues, conflict can actually lead to better outcomes. However, when interpersonal conflicts go unaddressed, employee morale and engagement–two factors that can seriously impact quality of patient care—will dwindle.

When nurse managers observe employees engaging in toxic or inappropriate workplace behaviors, they must prepare to give difficult feedback. Delivering difficult feedback can be challenging for nurse managers, as they must address employees in a way that is authoritative, supportive, and resolute. One strategy nurse managers can use to deliver difficult feedback is to employ the scripting framework. In this week’s Discussion, you gain experience with using the scripting framework to resolve a conflict situation that you have observed in your past or present workplace.

To prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the various forms of conflict that can occur in the workplace.
  • Consider the types of conflict, including bullying, horizontal violence, toxic and disruptive employees, misuse of social media, unbalanced power, harassment, and favoritism, that exist in your current organization or past place of employment.
  • Select one type of conflict you have observed. How has conflict impacted your work environment? How have nurse mangers attempted to address conflict situations?
  • Examine the six-step scripting framework for delivering difficult feedback in Chapter 7 of the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Then, use this framework to script a conversation between you and the employee(s) involved in the conflict situation you selected.
  • When drafting your script, reflect on how HR might be able to help you in addressing this issue, both before you talk to this employee and if the problem continues to exist.
By Day 4

Post a brief overview of the conflict you selected and how this specific type of conflict has impacted the work environment. Share the script you drafted and explain at least one way you would enlist HR’s help in managing this situation. Support your response by referencing authentic examples from the workplace and the Learning Resources as applicable.

Required Readings

Manion, J. (2011). From management to leadership: Strategies for transforming health care (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 7, “Coaching and Developing Others” (pp. 339–341)Review the scripting model on these pages. In this chapter, Manion discusses motivation and explains how leaders can make the most of it through coaching. She explains the leader’s role, the coaching role, and the difference between coaching and being a coach.

Alichnie, C. (2012). Social media and nursing. Pennsylvania Nurse, 67(1), 3–10.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article discusses the use of social media in nursing. The author determines that social media can be a means to an end if it’s used wisely, professionally, and within legal and ethical boundaries.

Barrett, A., Piatek, C., Korber, S., & Padula, C. (2009). Lessons learned from a lateral violence and team-building intervention. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 33(4), 342–351.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This study focuses on nurse interaction in relation to lateral violence. The authors conclude that the key to a cohesive work environment is a nurse leader who is able to drive and sustain change.

Barton, S. A., Alamri, M. S., Cella, D., Cherry, K. L., Curll, K., Hallman, B. D., et al. (2011). Dissolving clique behavior. Nursing Management, 42(8), 32–37.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article addresses clique behavior in health care settings. The argument is that the current economic climate encourages regression in health care workers.

Brinkert, R. (2010). A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(2), 145–156.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The author assesses the effects of conflict communication on nursing. The study concludes that conflict will always be a part of nursing but that it can be mitigated if nurse managers use employee-effective intervention methods.

Cronquist, R., & Spector, N. (2011). Nurses and social media: Regulatory concerns and guidelines. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 2(3), 37–40.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Creating, Developing, and Leading Effective Teams

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
—Henry Ford

A critical skill for all nurse managers is the ability to create, develop, and lead effective teams. When people are part of an effective and well-functioning team, they are more productive and have a stronger commitment to the organization. Nurse managers have a responsibility to create teams that fulfill functional needs within their units or departments. These can include leadership teams, ad hoc project teams, or primary work teams.

As a nurse manager, there is a variety of ways that you can enhance team functioning. The first step is developing the structural elements of the team and then designing the team with the appropriate membership. Just as you must critically examine each application during the employment process, so will you critically examine the skills and attributes of each employee before appointing him or her to a collective team.

In this week’s Discussion, you lay the groundwork for creating and developing a team for your unit, department, or health care setting. You also identify leadership strategies that you could employ to increase the team’s organizational effectiveness.

To prepare

  • Review Chapter 5, “The Art of Effectively Facilitating Processes” from the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Carefully examine the section, “Essential Elements of a Team” to identify the six steps of creating an effective team.
  • Consider a team you might create for your current organization or one with which you are familiar. For example, is there a project to be accomplished or a problem to be solved? Perhaps there is a need for a leadership team within your unit or department?
  • Identify the purpose or goal for your team. Then, reflect on the following questions:
    • What type of team would you create (leadership, ad hoc, or primary work team) to accomplish this purpose or goal? What are the benefits or disadvantages of creating this type of team?
    • What staff members would you want on this team? Why? How could their skill sets and positions make them effective team members?
  • Explore this week’s Learning Resources to identify leadership strategies you might employ before, during, and after the team-building phase. For example, what leadership strategies might influence synergy among team members while also increasing the effectiveness of the team?

Post a description of the team you would create, including the purpose or goal the team would serve, the team type, and the specific skills each member would contribute as well as their job positions. Describe at least two leadership strategies you could implement to help this team effectively achieve its purpose or goal.

Required Readings

Manion, J. (2011). From management to leadership: Strategies for transforming health care (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 5, “The Art of Effectively Facilitating Processes” (pp. 179–242)This chapter describes the many components that make up the facilitating process. Some of these elements include empowerment, authority, resolutions, and negotiation.

Chapter 6, “Getting Results” (pp. 243–282)The main points of this chapter are the components that contribute to effective teamwork. The author lists the benefits and pitfalls of proactive behavior, group decision making, and problem solving.

Beeson, J. (2011). Build a strong team. Leadership Excellence, 28(2), 15.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Beeson’s article focuses on the importance of building a structured team. He provides five steps that leaders can implement in the workplace to create a strong team that benefits the whole workplace.

Calendrillo, T. (2009). Team building for a healthy work environment. Nursing Management, 40(12), 9–12.  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

In this article, Calendrillo states that skilled communication is the foundation for strong team building in clinical settings. When skilled communication has been mastered and used, quality patient care and healthy work environments are among the many results.

Pentland, A. (2012). The new science of building great teams. Harvard Business Review, 90(4), 60–70.  Retrieved from https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/pl/76756181/76756183/15ba87a24642f03cb8854352b1d046fc

This article addresses how communication is a key to team efficiency. The author provides three communication dynamics that were used by the teams that were most communicative.