Jackie is a healthy women.  She is 45 years old and 5’7″ tall.  Jackie’s current weight is 160 lbs.  She exercises 4-5 times per week but is struggling to meet her goal weight.  Jackie is seeking your clinical advice to lose 15 lbs in 3 months.  Her target weight goal is 145 lbs. 

Write a basic meal plan for your client. Include how many calories each day she will need to consume to lose 1-2 lbs each week Calculate her complete macronutrient breakdown including; total carb consumption, total fat consumption, total protein consumption and explain the rationale for all of your choices.


Jackie is a healthy women.  She is 45 years old and 5’7″ tall.  Jackie’s current weight is 160 lbs.  She exercises 4-5 times per week but is struggling to meet her goal weight.  Jackie is seeking your clinical advice to lose 15 lbs in 3 months.  Her target weight goal is 145 lbs. Write a basic meal plan for your client. Include how many calories each day she will need to consume to lose 1-2 lbs each week Calculate her complete macronutrient breakdown including; total carb consumption, total fat consumption, total protein consumptionExplain the rationale for all of your choicesStep 1: Using the following Case Study, create a meal plan. Jackie is a healthy women.  She is 45 years old and 5’7″ tall.  Jackie’s current weight is 160 lbs.  She exercises 4-5 times per week but is struggling to meet her goal weight.  Jackie is seeking your clinical advice to lose 15 lbs in 3 months.  Her target weight goal is 145 

Transcultural Assessment


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by performing a transcultural nursing assessment.

The purpose of Milestone 1 is to identify an adult who is not a relative who is willing to participate in the transcultural assessment and to secure the instructor’s approval for the assessment. Note: The actual assessment does not occur until Milestone 3. It is not a purpose for this assignment Transcultural Assessment.

Course Outcomes

CO1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO1)

CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO3)

CO4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO7)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 1 is worth 100 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR394 Milestone 1 by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 3.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.

2. Review the guidelines for Milestones 1, 2, and 3, paying particular attention to Milestone 1 for this assignment. The guidelines for all of the Milestones are located in Modules on the left-hand navigation menu. Also, read the Course Project Overview page in Introduction & Resources for more details and helpful tips.

3. Identify a potential individual who has been living in a culture other than the one of origin for at least 2 years. This individual must be born outside the United States. The individual can be a patient, friend, or colleague, such as a physician, or acquaintance, but cannot be a relative. The individual must be living in your community and must be currently receiving or have previously received healthcare services in your community. The individual’s race, ethnicity, language, religion, and culturally based beliefs about healthcare and illness should be quite different from yours. The individual must speak your language. An interpreter is not permitted for the actual assessment, which occurs in Milestone 3 (Week 6). 
Note: This is the same individual for whom you will develop verbal assessment questions in Milestone 2 and whom you will ask those questions in Milestone 3 and then reflect on your learning about the Course Project and the assessment.

4. Individuals can come from a variety of settings. Recent immigrants, migrant workers, exchange students, international students, long-term care residents, refugees, coworkers, physicians, patients, employees at local ethnic businesses, religious venues, community centers, and individuals who have recently moved to your community are some suggestions. The individual does not need to be a healthcare worker but must have received healthcare services in the country of origin as well as since arriving in the United States. Work with your instructor prior to submitting Milestone 1. Approval must be provided by your instructor before submitting Milestone 1 (this assignment).

5. Speak with the individual, and obtain permission to conduct an assessment later in the course. Clearly explain that statements made in the assessment will be recorded (written) and submitted to the instructor only. It is not intended for public distribution. Anonymity will be maintained by using first and last initials only. Do not use names in any of your documents Transcultural Assessment.

6. Download the NR394_Individual_Profile_Template (Links to an external site.). Although you are not performing the official assessment until Milestone 3, it will be necessary to obtain some general information about your individual to complete Milestone 1. This information may come from the individual or Internet sources.

7. Fill in information about the potential individual using the template. You are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling and eliminate typos.

8. Submit the completed template by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

Example: KC was born in Hwidiem, Ghana, a small village in Africa, where he did not graduate from high school. He is 72 years old. He immigrated to the United States at age 28 and has lived in Grove City near Columbus, Ohio since then. Hwidiem is considered the provincial capital (fill in information about the community or city as you can find). He was married but divorced after a traumatic brain injury. Since then, he has had many part-time jobs and studies his Bible faithfully. Grove City is a town in Ohio (fill in information about the city or community). Currently, he receives healthcare for his hypertension control. I met him 3 years ago at a senior citizens’ center where I volunteer.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.

Note: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.


NR394 Milestone_1 – May 2019

NR394 Milestone_1 – May 2019




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of individual and culture/community of origin


Provides first and last initials of individual; states profession and/or career choice of individual; describes specifically the country/community/city of birth and culture of origin of individual.

25.0 pts

Provides both the first and last initial of individual, age, profession or career choice; country of birth and thoroughly describes culture/community/city of origin.

22.0 pts

Provides first and last initial of individual age; gives general descriptions of profession or career choice; clearly describes culture/community/city of origin.

20.0 pts

Provides first and last initials of individual. Mentions specific culture/community/city but details are incomplete; fails to mention profession or career choice.

9.0 pts

Mentions individual by name instead of initials, which breaks confidentiality. Vaguely describes culture/community/city of origin and profession or career choice.

0.0 pts

Does not provide initials of individual; fails to mention profession or career choice; does not describe specific culture of origin.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime in current community, and community

States the number of years individual has resided in your community. Provides a description of the individual’s current community Transcultural Assessment.

20.0 pts

Indicates the number of years individual has resided in your community. Provides a detailed description of that community.

18.0 pts

Indicates the number of years individual has resided in the community. Provides a general description of that community.

16.0 pts

Indicates the number of years the individual has resided in this community. Provides a brief description of that community.

8.0 pts

Includes the number of years individual has resided in the community. Provides a vague description of that community.

0.0 pts

Does not include number of years individual has resided in the United States. Does not provide a description of that community

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelationship with individual

Describes how nurse is acquainted with individual.

10.0 pts

Thoroughly identifies the relationship of nurse to the individual, with details of how long each has known the other and the circumstances under which they met.

9.0 pts

Clearly identifies the relationship of nurse to individual but fails to describe the length of the relationship and circumstances under which they met.

8.0 pts

Generally identifies relationship of nurse to individual, but does not provide details of the length of the relationship or the circumstances under which each met.

4.0 pts

Vaguely identifies relationship of nurse to individual, but does not provide details of the length of the relationship or the circumstances under which each met.

0.0 pts

Does not identify relationship of nurse to individual.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains reasons individual was selected, and individual’s interaction with previous and current community’s healthcare system.

Explains details of why individual was selected that speak to individual’s culture and experiences with previous and current healthcare systems.

40.0 pts

Explains at least four reasons why the individual was selected that speak to the individual’s culture of origin and experiences with the previous and current healthcare system Transcultural Assessment.

31.0 pts

Explains three reasons why the individual was selected that mention the individual’s culture and experiences with previous and current the healthcare systems.

28.0 pts

Explains two reasons why the individual was selected but does not include those that speak to the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with previous and current healthcare systems.

13.0 pts

Explains only one reason why the individual was selected but does not include those that speak to the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with the previous or current healthcare systems.

0.0 pts

Does not explain reasons individual was selected, or gives reasons that do not include the individual’s culture of origin or experiences with the previous or current healthcare systems.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

Mechanics and formatting with minimal errors of the following: correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences

5.0 pts

Excellent mechanics and formatting used with minimal errors of the following: – correct grammar and spelling using complete sentences

4.0 pts

Good mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column.

3.0 pts

Fair mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column.

2.0 pts

Poor mechanics and formatting used and consideration given to the elements listed in the first column

0.0 pts

Very poor mechanics and formatting such that paper is difficult to read.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTemplate Use

0.0 pts

0 points deducted

Correct template used.

0.0 pts

10 points (10%) deduction Incorrect template used or NO template used results in a loss of 10 points (10%) Transcultural Assessment.


Assignment Details

Imagine that you are the CEO of a large, metropolitan, multispecialty health care organization located in an urban city within the United States. The health care organization is for-profit and privately held. The demographics of the surrounding area include military personnel, educators, government employees, professionals, factory workers, and laborers.

With the recent and proposed changes in health care regulations and the uncertainty surrounding federal law (e.g., the Affordable Care Act), the organization must cut costs and reduce the number of full-time personnel.

The board has asked you to create a bulleted Executive Summary of the key positions that must be retained within the organization and the positions that can be eliminated. Provide your opinion about how these personnel changes could impact quality and patient satisfaction HEALTH CARE AND THE CONSUMER SUBMISSION.


Create a high-level 500–750-word Executive Summary for the board that provides a brief description of the health care organization, a list of applicable laws that must be considered if staff is to be reduced, and a list of both the positions that must be retained and those that may be eliminated.

Be sure to include the following:

  • A brief description of the health care organization
  • A list of applicable laws or regulations that must be considered
  • Recommendations regarding which positions may be eliminated and which cannot be eliminated
  • Opinion about how these personnel changes could impact quality and patient satisfaction
  • At least 2 outside scholarly sources, exclusive of your textbook
    • Your textbook may be used as an additional source.
  • Always provide a Title page and References page—and these are not counted in your total assignment page count HEALTH CARE AND THE CONSUMER SUBMISSION.


View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media (

In a 750‐1,200 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions:

  1. What were the consequences of a failure to report?
  2. What impact did his decision have on patient safety, on the risk for litigation, on the organization’s quality metrics, and on the workload of other hospital departments?
  3. As Mike’s manager, what will you do to address the issue with him and ensure other staff members do not repeat the same mistakes?


A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite CRITICAL DECISION MAKING.


Literature in psychotherapy differs from other areas of clinical practice. Generally, there are no clinical trials in psychotherapy because it is often neither appropriate nor ethical to have controls in psychotherapy research. This sometimes makes it more difficult to translate research findings into practice. In your role, however, you must be able to synthesize current literature and apply it to your own clients. For this Assignment, you begin practicing this skill by examining current literature on psychodynamic therapy and considering how it might translate into your own clinical practice APPLYING LITERATURE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Evaluate the application of current literature to clinical practice

To prepare:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide.

· Select one of the psychodynamic therapy articles from the Learning Resources to evaluate for this Assignment. PSYCHOANALYSIS ON THE INTERNET: ( {see attachment} Migone, P. (2013). Psychoanalysis on the Internet: A discussion of its theoretical implications for both online and offline therapeutic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(2), 281–299.

Note: In nursing practice, it is not uncommon to review current literature and share findings with your colleagues. Approach this Assignment as though you were presenting the information to your colleagues.

The Assignment

In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

· Provide an overview of the article you selected.

o What population is under consideration?

o What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?

o What were the author’s claims?

· Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?

· Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature.

Note: The presentation should be 5–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than ½ page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the article you selected. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


· Migone, P. (2013). Psychoanalysis on the Internet: A discussion of its theoretical implications for both online and offline therapeutic technique. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30(2), 281–299. APPLYING LITERATURE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE


In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify   a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone   project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently   working or have recently worked.

The capstone project topic can be a   clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality   improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational   need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice   immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of   community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the   “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy     People 2020 website CLINICAL PRACTICE PROBLEM.


Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project   topic. Make sure to include the following:

  1. The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational     need that will be the focus of the project
  2. The setting or     context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or     educational need can be observed.
  3. A description providing a  high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion,     initiative, or educational need.
  4. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work     environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient   outcomes.
  5. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion,     initiative, or educational need and its implications to   nursing.
  6. A proposed solution to the identified project   topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed   articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. CLINICAL PRACTICE PROBLEM


As nurse practitioners strive to achieve full-autonomous practice across the country, it should be noted that many states grant this ability to practice independently to psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners. To that end, you will be engaging in projects this semester that assume that you are practicing in a state that allows full-practice authority for NPs, meaning that the PMHNP may be the “captain of the ship” concerning caring for a patient population.

The “captain of the ship” is the one who makes referrals to specialists, coordinates care for their patients/clients, and is responsible and accountable for patient/client outcomes overall. This is a decided change from a few decades ago when physicians were the “captain of the ship” and NPs played a peripheral role DEPRESSION DISORDER.

In this Assignment, you will become the “captain of the ship” as you provide treatment recommendations and identify medical management, community support resources, and follow-up plans for a client with a depression disorder.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments based on therapeutic endpoints for clients with depression disorders

· Recommend psychotherapy based on therapeutic endpoints for clients with depression disorders

· Identify medical management needs for clients with depression disorders

· Identify community support resources for clients with depression disorders

· Recommend follow-up plans for clients with depression disorders

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Select an adult or older adult client with a depressive disorder you have seen in your practicum.

In 4 pages, write a treatment plan for your client in which you do the following:

Thesis statement

Describe the HPI and clinical impression for the client.

Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments and describe specific and therapeutic endpoints for your psychopharmacologic agent. (This should relate to HPI and clinical impression.)

Recommend psychotherapy choices (individual, family, and group) and specific therapeutic endpoints for your choices.

Identify medical management needs, including primary care needs, specific to this client.

Identify community support resources (housing, socioeconomic needs, etc.) and community agencies that are available to assist the client.

Recommend a plan for follow-up intensity and frequency and collaboration with other providers DEPRESSION DISORDER.


As nurse practitioners continue to expand their role in delivering health care, it is imperative for NPs to provide the data and evidence to demonstrate the impact of NP care on patient outcomes. There are several challenges that advanced practice nurses face to provide quality care and meet productivity goals of an organization. This week it is important to explore the connection of quality care and performance measures. Some questions to consider as we discuss this topic are: QUALITY AND COST MEASUREMENT


Why are quality measures important?

What is the difference between quality measures and performance indicators?

What performance measures are used for NP productivity?

Why are incentive plans used in clinical organizations?

To prepare:

Read the article, An Incentive Plan for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: Impact on Provider and Organizational Outcomes, by Catherine A. Rhodes, Mavis Bechtle, and Molly McNett (2015)

Explore quality measures and identify at least one clinical performance measure, such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

By Day 3

Post an explanation of the importance of quality measures using the clinical performance measure you identified as an example. Then, identify the performance measures used for NP productivity in Rhodes, Bechtle, and McNett (2015) article. Finally, share your opinion on incentive payment for care, including external motivators and at least one business model QUALITY AND COST MEASUREMENT.

Communicable Disease

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of   epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to   “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of   Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment.

Communicable Disease Selection

Choose one communicable disease from the following list:

  1. Chickenpox
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Influenza
  4. Mononucleosis
  5. Hepatitis B
  6. HIV
  7. Ebola
  8. Measles
  9. Polio
  10. Influenza Communicable Disease


Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Address the following:

  1. Describe the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of     transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of     interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this     a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time,     whom to report to, etc.
  2. Describe the determinants of health     and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this   disease.
  3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to     the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host     factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental     factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic     triangle). Are there any special considerations or notifications for     the community, schools, or general population?
  4. Explain the     role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data     collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).
  5. Identify at     least one national agency or organization that addresses the     communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s)     contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
  6. Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this     addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to     a particular area? Provide an example.

A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA   Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to   beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for   successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer   to the directions in the Student Success Center.

NRS427V-RS-CommunicableDiseaseChain.doc Communicable Disease


Introduction and Alignment

This exercise will test whether you can apply first the basic principles, vocabulary, and processes you learned, both biostatistical and epidemiologic, in the first four weeks of the course, and given the practice you had with reading and responding to three different published articles in the fifth week, to actually designing a health sciences research study and writing it up in scholarly format, with all it appropriate pieces, “just as if” you had actually carried it out.  Hopefully, in the future, you will have the chance to carry out such a study for real DIVERSE POPULATION.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Design and write up a health research study on a diverse (in terms of ethnicity, nationality, or another factor) population.  Write up each component part of the study, “just as if” you had actually carried it out yourself.



  • Textbook: American Psychological Association. (2017). APA Style Central. Retrieved from
  • Textbook: Macha, K., & McDonough, J. P. (2012). Epidemiology for advanced nursing practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
  • Textbook:  Sullivan, L. M. (2018). Biostatistics in public health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    • Chapter 2 Study Designs
    • Chapter 3 Quantifying the Extent of Disease
    • Chapter 4 Summarizing Data Collected in the Sample
    • Chapter 6 Confidence Interval Estimates
    • Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing Procedures
    • Chapter 8 Power and Sample Size Determination
    • Chapter 10 Nonparametric Tests
  • Video: Week 6 Video
  • MP3: Audio only Week 6 Video
  • File: 6.3 Epidemiology Study Guide
  • File: 6.3 Epidemiology Research Websites for Generating Case Study Ideas


  1. For this paper, choose Professional format in APA Style Central as it will guide you through the writing of your abstract and author note.
  2. Download the file Exercise 6.3 Epidemiology Study Guide 10.2018
  3. Using this guide, write up an epidemiology study just as if you had performed it. Further detailed instructions are included on the guide. Abstracts are usually 250 words or less so please use the Word Count feature under the Review tab.
  4. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox DIVERSE POPULATION.