Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal


Throughout the course, students will engage in weekly reflection and scholarly activities. These assignments are presented in Topic 1 to allow students to plan ahead, and incorporate the deliverables into the Individual Success Plan if they so choose. Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal

The weekly reflective journals and scholarly activities will not be submitted in LoudCloud each week; a final, culminating submission will be due in Topic 10. No submission is required until Topic 10.


Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal

Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into a final, course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. This course-long journal assignment will be due in Topic 10.

In each week’s entry, you should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. Your entry should address a variable combination of the following, dependent on the specific practice immersion clinical experiences you encountered that week:

  1. New      practice approaches Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
  2. Intraprofessional      collaboration
  3. Health      care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical      considerations in health care
  5. Population      health concerns
  6. The      role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  7. Health      policy
  8. Leadership      and economic models
  9. Health      disparities

In the Topic 10 submission, each of the areas should be addressed in one or more of the weekly entries.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how they met competencies and course objectives.

Scholarly Activities

Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.

In Topic 10, you will submit a summary report of your scholarly activity. You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment. Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal

perspective of postmodern relativism within health care

Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:

  1. In 250-300      words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and      ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within      health care.
  2. In 250-300      words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments      against it.
  3. In 750-1,000      words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own      personal perspective and worldview: (a) What is ultimate reality? (b) What      is the nature of the universe? (c) What is a human being? (d) What is      knowledge? (e) What is your basis of ethics? (f) What is the purpose of      your existence? perspective of postmodern relativism within health care


Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.


· Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is clear, detailed, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject. Explanation is supported by topic study materials.

· Explanation of scientism is clear and accurate. Explanations of two main arguments against scientism are clear and insightful. Details are clearly supported by topic study materials. perspective of postmodern relativism within health care

· Each of the worldview questions is answered clearly and with deep personal insight.

· Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

· Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

· Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

· All format elements are correct.

· Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. perspective of postmodern relativism within health care

Reading Research Literature Worksheet

Assignment Directions:

  1. Read over each of the following directions, the required Reading Research Literature worksheet, and grading rubric.
  2. Download and complete the required Reading Research Literature (RRL) worksheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  3. Download or access the required article. The required article must be used. O’Connor, M., Tanner, P. , Miller, L.,  Watts, K., & Musiello, T. (2017). Detecting distress: Introducing routine screening in a gynecological cancer setting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21(1), 79-85. Retrieved Reading Research Literature Worksheet from Links to an external site.


     (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  4. You must use the grading rubric to ensure you are meeting all grading criteria of the worksheet.
  5. You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREEby downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
  6. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text APA formatting.
  7. Submit the completed Reading Research Literature Worksheet to the Week 6 Assignment Reading Research Literature Worksheet

Literature Evaluation Table

 In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. Being able to articulate the information and successfully summarize relevant peer-reviewed articles in a scholarly fashion helps to support the student’s ability and confidence to further develop and synthesize the progressively more complex assignments that constitute the components of the course change proposal capstone project.  Literature Evaluation Table 


In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential 

For this assignment, the student will provide a synopsis of eight peer-reviewed articles from nursing journals using an evaluation table that determines the level and strength of evidence for each of the eight articles. The articles should be current within the last 5 years and closely relate to the PICOT statement developed earlier in this course. The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. A systematic review may be used to provide background information for the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project. Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” resource to complete this assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Literature Evaluation Table

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Mind Maps

Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:
Jennifer is a 2-year-old female who presents with her mother. Mom is concerned because Jennifer has been “running a temperature” for the last 3 days.  Mom says that Jennifer is usually healthy and has no significant medical history. She was in her usual state of good health until 3 days ago when she started to get fussy, would not eat her breakfast, and would not sit still for her favorite television cartoon. Since then she has had a fever off and on, anywhere between 101oF and today’s high of 103.2oF. Mom has been giving her ibuprofen, but when the fever went up to 103.2oF today, she felt that she should come in for evaluation. A physical examination reveals a height and weight appropriate 2-year-old female who appears acutely unwell.  Her skin is hot and dry. The tympanic membranes are slightly reddened on the periphery, but otherwise normal in appearance. The throat is erythematous with 4+ tonsils and diffuse exudates. Anterior cervical nodes are readily palpable and clearly tender to touch on the left side. The child indicates that her throat hurts “a lot” and it is painful to swallow. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 102.8oF, a pulse of 128 beats per minute, and a respiratory rate of 24 beats per minute. Mind Maps


Scenario 2:
Jack is a 27-year-old male who presents with redness and irritation of his hands. He reports that he has never had a problem like this before, but about 2 weeks ago he noticed that both his hands seemed to be really red and flaky. He denies any discomfort, stating that sometimes they feel “a little bit hot,” but otherwise they feel fine. He does not understand why they are so red. His wife told him that he might have an allergy and he should get some steroid cream. Jack has no known allergies and no significant medical history except for recurrent ear infections as a child. He denies any traumatic injury or known exposure to irritants. He is a maintenance engineer in a newspaper building and admits that he often works with abrasive solvents and chemicals. Normally he wears protective gloves, but lately they seem to be in short supply so sometimes he does not use them. He has exposed his hands to some of these cleaning fluids, but says that it never hurt and he always washed his hands when he was finished. Mind Maps

Scenario 3:
Martha is a 65-year-old woman who recently retired from her job as an administrative assistant at a local hospital. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, which has been controlled for years with hydrochlorothiazide. She reports that lately she is having a lot of trouble sleeping, she occasionally feels like she has a “racing heartbeat,” and she is losing her appetite. She emphasizes that she is not hungry like she used to be. The only significant change that has occurred lately in her life is that her 87-year-old mother moved into her home a few years ago. Mom had always been healthy, but she fell down a flight of stairs and broke her hip. Her recovery was a difficult one, as she has lost a lot of mobility and independence and needs to rely on her daughter for assistance with activities of daily living. Martha says it is not the retirement she dreamed about, but she is an only child and is happy to care for her mother. Mom wakes up early in the morning, likes to bathe every day, and has always eaten 5 small meals daily. Martha has to put a lot of time into caring for her mother, so it is almost a “blessing” that Martha is sleeping and eating less. She is worried about her own health though and wants to know why, at her age, she suddenly needs less sleep.

To prepare:

  • Review the three scenarios, as well as Chapter 6 in the Huether and McCance text.
  • Identify the pathophysiology of the disorders presented in the scenarios, including their associated alterations. Consider the adaptive responses to the alterations.
  • Review the “Mind Maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” media in this week’s Learning Resources. Then select one of the disorders you identified from the scenarios. Use the examples in the media as a guide to construct a mind map for the disorder you selected. Consider the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.

To complete:

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain the pathophysiology of the disorders depicted in the scenarios, including their associated alterations. Be sure to describe the patients’ adaptive responses to the alterations.
  • Construct a mind map of your selected disorder. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations. Mind Maps

Translating Evidence Into Practice

Course Project: Part 3—Translating Evidence Into Practice

In Part 3 of the Course Project, you consider how the evidence you gathered during Part 2 can be translated into nursing practice.

(Link for part 1 –

(Link for part 2 –

Now that you have located available research on your PICOT question, you will examine what the research indicates about nursing practices. Connecting research evidence and findings to actual decisions and tasks that nurses complete in their daily practice is essentially what evidence-based practice is all about. This final component of the Course Project asks you to translate the evidence and data from your literature review into authentic practices that can be adopted to improve health care outcomes. In addition, you will also consider possible methods and strategies for disseminating evidence-based practices to your colleagues and to the broader health care field. Translating Evidence Into Practice

To prepare:

Consider Parts 1 and 2 of your Course Project. How does the research address your PICOT question?

With your PICOT question in mind, identify at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in two or more of the articles from your literature review. Consider what the evidence indicates about how this practice contributes to better outcomes.

Explore possible consequences of failing to adopt the evidence-based practice that you identified.

Consider how you would disseminate information about this evidence-based practice throughout your organization or practice setting. How would you communicate the importance of the practice?

To complete:

In a 3- to 4-page paper:

Restate your PICOT question and its significance to nursing practice.

Summarize the findings from the articles you selected for your literature review. Describe at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in the articles. Justify your response with specific references to at least 2 of the articles. Translating Evidence Into Practice

Explain how the evidence-based practice that you identified contributes to better outcomes. In addition, identify potential negative outcomes that could result from failing to use the evidence-based practice.

Outline the strategy for disseminating the evidence-based practice that you identified throughout your practice setting. Explain how you would communicate the importance of the practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would move from disseminating the information to implementing the evidence-based practice within your organization. How would you address concerns and opposition to the change in practice?

This part of the Course Project is due. It should be combined with the other two components of the Course Project and turned in as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.

Note: In addition, include a 1-page summary of your project.

You will combine Parts 1, 2, and 3 of your Course Project (assigned in Weeks 2, 4, and 8 respectively) into one cohesive and cogent paper.

For this final iteration, you will need to:

Submit your paper to Grammarly and SafeAssign through the Walden Writing Center. Based on the Grammarly and SafeAssign reports, revise your paper as necessary.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The School of Nursing Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available from the Walden University website found in this week’s Learning Resources). All papers submitted must use this formatting. Translating Evidence Into Practice


Please follow the below link for Templates:

Required Readings

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Chapter 12, “Sampling in Quantitative Research”

This chapter introduces key concepts concerning sampling in quantitative research. This includes such concepts as a description of populations, different types of sampling and their uses, and how to determine a manageable, yet sufficient number to be included in a sample. The chapter also includes suggestions for implementing a sampling plan.

Chapter 13, “Data Collection in Quantitative Research”

Once a sampling design is complete, the next step is to collect the data, and this is the focus of Chapter 13. The chapter describes how to develop a data collection plan, and provides information about the different types of instruments that can be used, such as structured observation and biophysiologic measures.

Chapter 22, “Sampling in Qualitative Research”

The focus of this chapter is on the sampling process in qualitative research. The chapter describes the different types of sampling and when they are commonly used. Sampling techniques in the three main qualitative traditions (ethnography, phenomenological studies and grounded theory studies) are highlighted. Translating Evidence Into Practice

Chapter 23, “Data Collection in Qualitative Research”

This chapter examines the process of data collection in qualitative research as well as key issues surrounding data collection. This includes such methods as self-reporting, surveys, interviews, and personal journal keeping. The chapter also highlights important considerations when utilizing unstructured observations to gather data and how to record field notes.

 Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 37–44. Copyright 2011 by Elsevier Science & Technology Journals. Used with permission of Elsevier  Science & Technology Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center. 

This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations.

 Walden University. (n.d.a.). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from

This resource provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper, which will serve as a template for formatting your papers.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Data collection. Baltimore, MD: Author. 

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Dr. Kristen Mauk discusses how she collected data for her DNP project in this video. She describes the details of her pre- and post-tests used to track nurses’ knowledge in a rehabilitation unit.

Optional Resources

Krainovich-Miller, B., Haber, J., Yost, J., & Jacobs, S. (2009). Evidence-based practice challenge: teaching critical appraisal of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines to graduate students. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(4), 186–195.

This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations.

Horsley, T., Hyde, C., Santesso, N., Parkes, J., Milne, R., & Stewart, R. (2011). Teaching critical appraisal skills in healthcare settings. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Online), 11, Art. No.: CD001270.

Melnyk, B., Fineout-Overholt, E., & Mays, M. (2009). The evidence-based practice beliefs and implementation scales: Psychometric properties of two new instruments. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 6(1), 49.

Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Evaluating research for evidence-based nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. David Company.

Chapter 9, “Evaluation of Research Instruments and Experimental Conditions” Translating Evidence Into Practice

Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Models Paper Guidelines

Updated 7/23/2017


The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction. Nursing Care Models


Course Outcomes

Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO2)

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)

CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO7)

CO6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO7)

CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO2, and 3)

CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO8) Nursing Care Models

Due Dates

Submit by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, end of Week 5.


Click to view and download the NR447 Nursing Care Models Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


This assignment is worth 200 points.


Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116.

Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.

Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following:

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.

Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.

Write your paper using APA format using Microsoft Office 2010 or later.

Submit your paper no later than 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday by the end of Week 5. Nursing Care Models

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments. Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Models Paper Guidelines

Updated 7/23/2017


The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction. Nursing Care Models

Course Outcomes

Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO2)

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)


CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO7)

CO6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO7) Nursing Care Models

CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO2, and 3)

CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO8)

Due Dates

Submit by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, end of Week 5.


Click to view and download the NR447 Nursing Care Models Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


This assignment is worth 200 points.


Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116.

Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.

Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following:

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.

Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.

Write your paper using APA format using Microsoft Office 2010 or later.

Submit your paper no later than 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday by the end of Week 5.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments. Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Models Paper Guidelines

Updated 7/23/2017


The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction. Nursing Care Models

Course Outcomes

Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO2)

CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building. (PO3)


CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO7)

CO6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO7)

CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO2, and 3)

CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO8)

Due Dates

Submit by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, end of Week 5.


Click to view and download the NR447 Nursing Care Models Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Nursing Care Models


This assignment is worth 200 points.


Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116.

Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.

Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following:

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.

Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.

Write your paper using APA format using Microsoft Office 2010 or later.

Submit your paper no later than 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday by the end of Week 5. Nursing Care Models

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments. Nursing Care Models

the evidence-based practice project


After discussion with your mentor, name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account in developing the evidence-based practice project. Explain how your proposal will, directly and indirectly, impact each of the aspects. the evidence-based practice project

Speaking with the mentor, the financial aspect of the project would be hours spent trying to get nurses educated on the proposed guidelines for late preterm infants. Hours will be needed as well to get the basic checklist implemented into the computer in this particular area, which requires going to different committees and getting approvals needed. This takes more than one nurse or person to get this done. This requires more hours of pay, and that would be the financial aspect of the proposed project.


Now, the clinical aspect that has to be taken into account with developing the project would be how the nurses will accept the project. As lifelong learners, staff nurses continually encounter new knowledge of relevance to their patients. The conscientious nurse remains alert to clinical problems and encourages investigation into ways to improve patient outcomes(Di Lenoardi, 2014). The nurses need to be given research and data that proves this could help readmission of late preterm infants. If given this data, they would be involved in the process of implementing as well,

In 2001, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended evidenced based practice to improve healthcare outcomes(Stephens, 2013). This project is to improve the quality outcome of late preterm infants and prevent their readmission to hospital.

All the aspects brought together will make a good impact on the project the author believes with the research and data given to the nurses, implementation and then follow up of results will show this is a great solution to help alleviate many readmissions nationwide as well. If this hospital shows that the guidelines are helping there, then they can show other colleagues in the nation that this helps and also will cut costs by preventing readmissions. the evidence-based practice project


Di Lenoardi, B. C. (2014). Bringing evidence-based practice to life. Retrieved from

Stephens, K. R. (2013, May 13). The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing., 18. the evidence-based practice project