A Christian Worldview for Nursing

The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative ethical analysis of the case study *attached* to study George’s situation and decision from the perspective of two worldviews or religions: Christianity and Judaism. A Christian Worldview for Nursing



In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and the Jewish faith. Refer to the the list of questions below. Once you have outlined the worldview of each religion, begin your ethical analysis from each perspective.

to understand the concept of worldview, answer the following questions:

-What is prime reality?

-What is the nature of the world around us?

-What is a human being?

-What happens to a person at death?

-Why is it possible to know anything at all?

-How do we know what is right and wrong?

-What is the meaning of human history?


In 1,500-2,000 words, provide an ethical analysis based upon the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research, and answering the following questions based on the research: (USE THE ATTACHED CASE STUDY FOR THIS PART) A Christian Worldview for Nursing

  1. How  would each religion interpret the nature of George’s malady and suffering? Is there a “why” to his disease and suffering? (i.e., is there a reason for why George is ill, beyond the reality of physical malady?)
  2. In George’s analysis of his own life, how would each religion think about the  value of his life as a person, and value of his life with ALS?
  3. What  Sorts of values and considerations would each religion focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?
  4. Given  the above, what options would be morally justified under each religion for George and why?
  5. Finally,  present and defend your own view (Christian but does not practice the faith actively, believes in god and jesus, heaven and hell but more conservative in the ideas to choose our own path and life choices vs. god’s will).

Support your position by referencing at least three academic resources in addition to the course readings, lectures, the Bible, and the textbooks for each religion. Each religion must have a primary source included. A total of six references are required according to the specifications listed above. Incorporate the research into your writing in an appropriate, scholarly manner.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required

Sources that may be utilized:

Moulton, B., & King, J. S. (2010). Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(1), 85-97. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2010.00469.x

Richard Jason, C. (2012). Making the case for ethical decision-making models. Nurse Prescribing, 10(12), 607-622.

Puchalski, C. M. (2001). The role of spirituality in health care. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 14(4), 352-357.

Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing. http://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/intervarsity-press/2006/called-to-care_a-christian-worldview-for-nursing_ebook_2e.php

Attached sources from text readings can also be utilized in addition to bible referencing for each religion as well*****A Christian Worldview for Nursing

implications of the patient’s health problem

Journal 1 Entry

Reflect on a patient who is beyond 20 weeks gestation and presented with a health problem that commonly arises during pregnancy. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. Then, explain the implications of the patient’s health problem. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last eight weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences. implications of the patient’s health problem


(Health Problem: Alcohol Consumption)

Journal 2 Entry

Reflect on a patient who presented with postpartum depression during your Practicum Experience. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. Then, explain the implications of the patient’s postpartum depression, including how this might impact the entire family unit. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last nine weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

Journal 3 Entry

Reflect on a patient who presented with a cardiovascular, neurologic, respiratory, or gastrointestinal disorder during your Practicum Experience. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. Then, explain how the patient’s gender might have impacted or influenced her care. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 10 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences. implications of the patient’s health problem

(Health Problem: Hyperlipidemia


Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2017). Women’s gynecologic health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Tharpe, N. L., Farley, C., & Jordan, R. G. (2017). Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & women’s health (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

And any other.

Requirement : One and half page each implications of the patient’s health problem

nursing and counseling theories

Assignment: Practicum – Week 1 Journal Entry

As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to connect your classroom experience to your practicum experience. By applying the concepts you study in the classroom to clinical settings, you enhance your professional competency. Each week, you complete an Assignment that prompts you to reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them to the material presented in the classroom. This week, you begin documenting your practicum experiences in your Practicum Journal. nursing and counseling theories

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Analyze nursing and counseling theories to guide practice in psychotherapy*

· Summarize goals and objectives for personal practicum experiences*

· Produce timelines for practicum activities*

In preparation for this course’s practicum experience, address the following in your Practicum Journal:

Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your practice in psychotherapy.

Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Develop at least three goals and at least three objectives for the practicum experience in this course.

Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements.

Required Readings

American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author. nursing and counseling theories

· Standard 5A “Coordination of Care” (page 54)

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.


· Chapter 11, “Group Therapy” (pp. 407–428)

Nichols, M. (2014). The essentials of family therapy (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

· Chapter 1, “The Foundations of Family Therapy” (pp. 1–6)

· Chapter 2, “The Evolution of Family Therapy” (pp. 7–28)

Breeskin, J. (2011). Procedures and guidelines for group therapy. The Group Psychologist, 21(1). Retrieved from http://www.apadivisions.org/division-49/publications/newsletter/group-psychologist/2011/04/group-procedures.aspx

Khawaja, I. S., Pollock, K., & Westermeyer, J. J. (2011). The diminishing role of psychiatry in group psychotherapy: A commentary and recommendations for change. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, 8(11), 20–23. Retrieved from http://innovationscns.com/

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Koukourikos, K., & Pasmatzi, E. (2014). Group therapy in psychotic inpatients. Health Science Journal, 8(3), 400–408. Retrieved from http://www.hsj.gr/medicine/group-therapy-in-psychotic-inpatients.php?aid=2644

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Lego, S. (1998). The application of Peplau’s theory to group psychotherapy. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 5(3), 193–196. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2850.1998.00129.x

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

McClanahan, K. K. (2014). Can confidentiality be maintained in group therapy? Retrieved from http://nationalpsychologist.com/2014/07/can-confidentiality-be-maintained-in-group-therapy/102566.html

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2014). HIPAA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/special/mhguidancepdf.pdf

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

 Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 32 minutes.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 2 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

 Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 32 minutes.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Microskills: Family counseling techniques 3 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

 Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 24 minutes.

Sommers, G., Feldman, S., & Knowlton, K. (Producers). (2008a). Legal and ethical issues for mental health professionals, volume 1: Confidentiality, privilege, reporting, and duty to warn [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Psychotherapy.net.

Note: You will access this media from the Walden Library databases. The approximate length of this media piece is 140 minutes.

Sommers, G., Feldman, S., & Knowlton, K. (Producers). (2008b). Legal and ethical issues for mental health professionals, volume 2: Dual relationships, boundaries, standards of care and termination [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Psychotherapy.net. nursing and counseling theories

Case Study: Fetal Abnormality


Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
  2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
  3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
  4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action? Case Study: Fetal Abnormality


Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

Advanced Pathophysiology Across The Lifespan

Question 2.                

A patient with a diagnosis of insomnia is surprised when his physician explains to him that his brain is still highly active during normal sleep. Which of the following statements best captures the character of brain activity during sleep?

“Fewer neurons in your brain are firing when you’re asleep, but they’re more synchronized than when you’re awake.”

“While you’re obviously less aware of stimuli when you’re asleep, your brain is actually more active when you’re asleep than when you’re awake.” Advanced Pathophysiology Across The Lifespan

“There are four types of brain activity, and actually all of them occur at different stages of sleep.”

 “Your brain alternates between periods of activity and periods of inactivity when you’re asleep, and these correspond to your eye movement.”


Question 3.                

Which of the following factors is most responsible for the fact that prefrontal lobotomy is no longer a common treatment for mental illness?

Individuals treated by lobotomy have difficulty interpreting somatic, visual, and auditory information.

Lobotomy inhibits the individual’s ability to add perception and meaning to sensory information.

Severing connections between the brain and its prefrontal areas inhibits problem solving and results in a loss of ambition. Advanced Pathophysiology Across The Lifespan

 Loss of communication to and from the pre frontal cortex changes, but ultimately exacerbates, symptoms of mental illness.

Question 7.                

A clinician is conducting an assessment of a male patient suspected of having a disorder of motor function. Which of the following assessment findings would suggest a possible upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion?

The patient has decreased deep tendon reflexes.

The patient displays increased muscle tone.

 The patient’s muscles appear atrophied.

 The patient displays weakness in the distal portions of his limbs.

Question 9.                

A 48-year-old male has a new diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Which of the following processes underlies the deficits that accompany the degeneration of myelin in his peripheral nervous system (PNS)?

The destruction of myelin causes fewer Schwann cells to be produced in the patient’s PNS.

The axonal transport system is compromised by the lack of myelin surrounding nerve cells.

Nerve cells lack insulation and impulse conduction is compromised by the destruction of myelin.

A deficit of myelin predisposes the patient to infection by potential pathogens.

Question 13.              

Which of the following diagnostic findings is likely to result in the most serious brain insult?

Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) that equals intracranial pressure (ICP)

Moderate increase in brain tissue volume secondary to a brain tumor

Increased ICP accompanied by hyperventilation

 High intracellular concentration of glutamate

Question 17.              

A nurse practitioner is assessing a 7-year-old boy who has been brought to the clinic by his mother, who is concerned about her son’s increasingly frequent, severe headaches. Which of the nurse’s following questions is least likely to yield data that will allow for a confirmation or ruling out of migraines as the cause of his problem?

“Does your son have a family history of migraines?”

“When your son has a headache, does he ever have nausea and vomiting as well?”

“Does your son have any food allergies that have been identified?”

 “Is your son generally pain free during the intervals between headaches?”

Question 19.              

Following a motor vehicle accident three months prior, a 20-year-old female who has been in a coma since her accident has now had her condition declared a persistent vegetative state. How can her care providers most accurately explain an aspect of her situation to her parents?

“Your daughter has lost all her cognitive functions as well as all her basic reflexes.”

“Though she still goes through a cycle of sleeping and waking, her condition is unlikely to change.” Advanced Pathophysiology Across The Lifespan

“If you or the care team notice any spontaneous eye opening, then we will change our treatment plan.”

“Your daughter’s condition is an unfortunate combination of total loss of consciousness with continuation of all other normal brain functions.”

Question 20.              

During a late-night study session, a pathophysiology student reaches out to turn the page of her textbook. Which of the following components of her nervous system has the highest level of control over her arm and hand action?



Basal ganglia

Frontal lobe

Question 21.              

A patient in the intensive care unit who has a brain tumor has experienced a sharp decline. The care team suspects that water and protein have crossed the blood–brain barrier and been transferred from the vascular space into the patient’s interstitial space. Which of the following diagnoses best captures this pathophysiology?

 Focal hypoxia

 Cytotoxic edema


 Vasogenic edema

Question 24.              

A 70-year-old male has been diagnosed with a stroke that resulted in an infarct to his cerebellum. Which of the following clinical findings would be most closely associated with cerebellar insult?

Flaccid loss of muscle tone

Difficulty starting movement, stopping movement, and maintaining rhythmic movement

 Tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia

 Unsteady gait and difficulty speaking and swallowing Advanced Pathophysiology Across The Lifespan

Capstone Change Proposal Project

Capstone Change Proposal Project

An implementation plan prepares students to apply the research they have identified and vetted to the problem or issue they have identified for their Capstone Change Proposal Project. A literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the Project. Capstone Change Proposal Project

In this assignment students will develop a 750-1,000-word literature review in which to synthesize what is known and unknown about the Project issue selected. Students will use the information from the PICOT Statement and Evaluation Table assignments prior in the course to develop a planned approach to implementing the evidence-based practice solution. The underlying purpose of this assignment is to analyze how the current research supports the PICOT, and to identify what is known and what is not known in the evidence, providing a logical, constructive argument.


Include the following sections:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction section
  3. A comparison of research questions
  4. A comparison of sample populations
  5. A comparison of the limitations of the study
  6. A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research Capstone Change Proposal Project

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Capstone Change Proposal Project

Environmental Health Assignment Paper

Environmental Health Assignment Paper

Question 1

  1. In the United States, research has documented socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in residential exposures to _______________. Environmental Health Assignment Paper
[removed]   air pollution
[removed]   hazardous waste sites
[removed]   industrial facilities
[removed]   all of the above

1 points  

Question 2

  1. In the context of ionizing radiation, the term relative biological effectiveness describes _______________, per unit of radiation energy absorbed by the body.
[removed]   the relative damage caused by different types of ionizing radiation
[removed]   the relative impact of acute versus chronic exposure to ionizing radiation
[removed]   the relative risk of birth defects caused by exposure early versus late in pregnancy

1 points  

Question 3

  1. Which of the following occupations is not particularly associated with high exposure to asbestos? Environmental Health Assignment Paper
[removed]   Insulation Workers
[removed]   Oil Workers
[removed]   Shipbuilding Workers

1 points  

Question 4

  1. Which of the following diseases is a sentinel illness for asbestos exposure?
[removed]   Fibrosis
[removed]   Lung cancer
[removed]   Mesothelioma

1 points  

Question 5

  1. The half-life of a radioactive element is the time it takes for half the atoms in a sample to _______________.
[removed]   become non-radioactive
[removed]   lose an electron
[removed]   undergo radioactive decay

1 points  

Question 6

  1. Which of the following is not a syndrome associated with acute high-level exposure to ionizing radiation? Environmental Health Assignment Paper
[removed]   Bone marrow syndrome
[removed]   Central nervous system syndrome
[removed]   Gastrointestinal syndrome
[removed]   Respiratory syndrome

1 points  

Question 7

  1. Occupational exposure to cotton dust causes _______________.
[removed]   byssinosis
[removed]   lacrimosis
[removed]   tinnitus

1 points  

Question 8

  1. Which of the following types of radiation is not ionizing?
[removed]   Beta radiation
[removed]   Gamma radiation
[removed]   Infrared radiation

1 points  

Question 9

  1. Which type of radiation is most penetrating, if a person is exposed from a source outside the body?
[removed]   Alpha radiation
[removed]   Beta radiation
[removed]   Gamma radiation

1 points  

Question 10

  1. Nanoparticles are in the same size range as __________________ particulates.
[removed]   fine
[removed]   respirable
[removed]   ultrafine

1 points


Question 11

  1. Asbestos is a _______________ hazard.
[removed]   biological
[removed]   chemical
[removed]   physical

1 points  

Question 12

  1. Which of the following is not a documented health effect of noise in the workplace? Environmental Health Assignment Paper
[removed]   Cognitive failures
[removed]   Coronary heart disease
[removed]   Decrease in immune system function

1 points  

Question 13

  1. Today, with asbestos exposures in the United States largely controlled, deaths from malignant melanoma in the country are _______________.
[removed]   declining
[removed]   holding steady
[removed]   rising

1 points  

Question 14

  1. Radioactive decay occurs when an atom of a radioactive isotope _______________.
[removed]   Absorbs a burst of energy
[removed]   Ejects part of its nucleus
[removed]   undergoes fusion of the particles in its nucleus

1 points  

Question 15

  1. In the United States, research on burdens of BPA, PFCs, and PBDEs in people’s bodies or in their microenvironments has shown:
[removed]   consistently higher burdens in lower-socioeconomic-status and/or minority populations.
[removed]   consistently lower burdens in lower-socioeconomic-status and/or minority populations.
[removed]   variation in demographic patterns in body burdens. Environmental Health Assignment Paper

evidence-based practice proposal

evidence-based practice proposal

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website. evidence-based practice proposal


Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project

The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.

A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.

Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.

Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.

A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. evidence-based practice proposal 

contributors to illness

contributors to illness

Question 1 While caring for a patient from the Chinese culture, the nurse learns that the patient has a specific practice that follows yin and yang. What impact will this have on the patient’s dietary intake?

1. The patient will eat only specified combinations of food.
2. Some foods are only eaten at different times of the year.
3. There are specific foods for specific purposes.
4. Identifies if foods should be eaten hot or cold contributors to illness

Question 2 What would the nurse identify as contributors to illness?

Select all that apply.

1. Imbalance of body, mind, or spirit
2. Imbalance with the family
3. Imbalance with the community
4. Imbalance with the forces of the natural world
5. Imbalance with socioeconomic status

Question 3 While performing a home assessment, the home care nurse identifies traditional practices that the patient uses to protect health.Which are practices used to protect health? contributors to illness

Select all that apply.

1. Picture of a saint hanging on the wall in the bedroom
2. String of garlic hanging in the kitchen
3. Burning a candle on the kitchen table
4. Wearing a purple scarf
5. Chanting prayers

Question 4 Which actions would the nurse categorize as traditional mental HEALTH maintenance?

1. Activities to concentrate and stimulate the mind
2. Avoiding physically demanding hobbies
3. Using medications to preserve chemical balance in the brain
4. Wearing head covering in the cold to preserve head warmth

Question 5 Which action do most people take when experiencing a mild illness?

1. Rely on self-treatment or do nothing.
2. Ingest herbs specific to how they are feeling.
3. Consult a local faith HEALER.
4. Immediately seek medical attention.

Question 6 A patient wants to use a complementary medicine approach for a chronic health problem. Which approaches would the nurse suggest the patient use? contributors to illness

Select all that apply.

1. Hypnotherapy
2. Qi gong
3. Biofeedback
4. Reiki

Question 7 During an assessment, a patient tells the nurse, “An onion a day keeps everyone away.” How does this philosophy protect health?

1. An onion protects the person from coming in contact with those who might be ill.
2. This philosophy affirms the belief in the power of onions to prevent disease.
3. This philosophy recognizes the special antibiotic properties contained within onions.
4. This philosophy advertises that onions have special healing abilities.

Question 8 Which action does the nurse recognize as essential for maintaining health?

1. Having a strong familial and social support system
2. Practicing moderation in all activities
3. Ensuring proper balance in all aspects of life
4. Taking a daily multivitamin

Question 9 During a health history, a patient tells the nurse about following traditional epidemiological practices. What is the purpose of these practices?

1. Preserve a heritage
2. Used as a part of the patient’s religion.
3. Cure an illness
4. Uses folk medicine herbal remedies

Question 10 Which activities does the nurse recognize as being used by a patient to restore health?

Select all that apply.

1. Drinking herbal tea
2. Using massage
3. Prayer
4. Meditation
5. Purging

Question 11 A patient tells the nurse that an illness was caused by the evil eye. What are common beliefs about this cause of illness? contributors to illness

Select all that apply.

1. Power comes from the eye and strikes a victim.
2. The onset of illness is sudden.
3. The person who cast the evil eye may not be aware of the power.
4. The illness may be cured with rituals.
5. The illness will become chronic.

Question 12 Which statement would the nurse utilize to define HEALTH?

1. The balance of a person within the outside world
2. A continuous struggle between balance and imbalance
3. Recovering from an illness
4. Physical wholeness for activity

Question 13 While assessing a patient from the Jewish culture, the nurse learns that the patient believes that an illness is being caused by another soul. What is this health belief considered?

1. Aberglobin

2. Kayn aynhoreh

3. Szatan

4. Dybbuk

Question 14 While working with community members of different cultures, the nurse learns a variety of beliefs about the evil eye. What are the consistent variables of this cause of illness?

Select all that apply.

1. How it is cast
2. Who can cast it
3. Who receives it
4. Degree of power it has
5. What body part is afflicted 

Question 15 The nurse is trying to determine if a treatment that a patient has been taking for an illness is considered a homeopathic remedy. Which are criteria of homeopathy?

Select all that apply.

1. The person, and not the disease, is being treated.
2. Does not conform to scientific standards
3. A substance used would cause symptoms in a healthy person.
4. Spinal manipulation realigns mental impulses.

Question 16 The nurse notes that a patient’s religion is identified as being Christian Science. How will this religious belief impact the health care that the patient will want?


1. The patient will choose the method of health care that is the most effective.
2. The patient will use similar treatments for healing disease.
3. The patient uses aromas for healing.
4. The patient will ask for spinal manipulation.

Question 17 The nurse notes that a patient’s religion is identified as being Christian Science. How will this religious belief impact the health care that the patient will want?

1. The patient will choose the method of health care that is the most effective.
2. The patient will use similar treatments for healing disease.
3. The patient uses aromas for healing.
4. The patient will ask for spinal manipulation.

Question 18 In some cultures, spitting is a health protection activity done after giving someone else a compliment. What is the purpose of this action?

1. Prevents the recipient of the compliment from receiving an evil spell
2. Avoids direct speech afterwards with the person who receives the compliment
3. Prevents the recipient of the compliment from being too flattered
4. Makes the air better to take in the compliment

Question 19 Which patient statement reflects a spiritual belief that defines illness?

1. “I am being punished for breaking a religious code.”
2. “It is a necessary part of my religious culture.”
3. “I failed to wear special amulets to ward it off.”
4. “I am sick because I violated dietary practices.”

Question 20 The nurse learns that a patient used to follow homeopathic medicine but now only uses allopathic medicine approaches. What is the significance of allopathic medicine?

1. Espouses empiric methods for treating disease
2. Accepts other forms of therapy as valid for treating disease
3. Is practiced only where it is accepted
4. Encompasses different treatment modalities within its framework contributors to illness

Written Patient Consult And Referral profile

Written Patient Consult And Referral profile

No Plagiarism please, assignment will be checked with Turnitin. 

Will need minimum of 5 full pages, title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and (3 references within 5 years 2014-2018) with intext citations). 

Patient care hinges in part on adequate and timely information exchange between treating providers. Referral and reply letters are common means by which doctors and nurse practitioners exchange information pertinent to patient care. Ensuring that letters meet the needs of letter recipients saves time for clinicians and patients, reduces unnecessary repetition of diagnostic investigations, and helps to avoid patient dissatisfaction and loss of confidence in medical practitioners. Written Patient Consult And Referral profile


As a Nurse Practitioner (NP) you will need to know the difference between a consultation and a referral for treatment, when ordering and when carrying out consultations or referrals.


A consultation is a request for opinion or advice, so that the requestor can manage the patient. A consultation is billed under one of the consultation codes listed in Physicians’ Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) (99241-99245 for outpatient of office consultations). If the NP is the consultant, the NP should document the request for a consultation, the reason for the consult, and the NP’s evaluation and recommendations.

When an NP requests a consultation from another provider, the N P should request “consultation” on the referral form, rather than “referring.”


A referral is made when the referring provider wants to turn the management of the patient over to the referred-to provider, at least for the current complaint. Written Patient Consult And Referral profile

When a NP refers a patient, the NP should state on the referral form that the NP is “referring the patient for evaluation and treatment.” The referred-to provider will bill an evaluation and management code, rather than a consultation code.

Writing Assignment: Consult: 

Write up a consult request and include all key elements.

Ms. Perez has been referred to Ms. Wilson FNP-C,APRN, MSN  for consultation regarding eczema unresponsive to treatment in the past six months.

Document the evaluation and recommendations for how Ms. Wilson FNP-C,APRN,MSN should deal with the consultation request and bill a consultation code.

Writing Assignment: Referral:

Write up a referral request and include all key elements.

As an NP and Ms. Perez primary care provider, you decide to refer her to Dr. Owens a dermatologist for evaluation and treatment regarding eczema unresponsive to treatment in the past six months.

1. Document your referral to Dr. Owens

2. Document the evaluation and recommendations for how Dr. Owens should deal with the referral and bill a referral code.

Written Paper (Microsoft Word doc): minimum 5 FULL PAGES, doubled spaced, words using 6th edition APA formatting  

Please review the grading rubric under Course Resources in the Grading Rubric section. Written Patient Consult And Referral profile