Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper

Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper

Section 1
Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper (1–2 pages) outlining the significance of the health problem and describing it in terms of person, place, and time.
Write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:
Describe the population health problem in terms of person, place, and time.
From the primary research literature and Healthy People 2020, briefly explain the significance of this health problem.
Include your preliminary research question or hypothesis. Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper
Answer to Section 1
Selecting a Population Health Problem
The selected problem will be obesity prevalence among adults aged 20 and over residing in the urban areas of the United States. This study will primarily investigate adult obesity for the year 2014.


The Population Health Problem 
Overweight and obesity are defined as an excessive accumulation of fat that stands as a risk to wellbeing (WHO, 2018). It is measured by the body mass index (BMI) of a person’s weight calculated in kilograms divided by the square of his or her height in meters. A BMI more than 30 is considered obese while a BMI of 25 and above is overweight (WHO, 2018). It was considered a problem primarily in high-income countries formerly but now obesity is intensely on the rise in both low- income and middle-income countries, predominantly in the urban settings (WHO, 2018).
According to the CDC (2017), obesity prevalence among adults aged 20 years or more during 2011–2014, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among adults was less in the highest income group (31.2%) than the other groups (40.8%). Likewise, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was 38.3% among women and 34.3% among men . The prevalence of obesity was 34.5% among non-Hispanic white adults, 48.1% among non-Hispanic black adults, 11.7% among non-Hispanic Asian adults, and 42.5% among Hispanic adults.
In the socio-economic status obesity prevalence decreased with increasing income in women (from 45.2% to 29.7%), but there was no variance in obesity prevalence between the lowest (31.5%) and highest (32.6%) income groups among men (CDC, 2017).
The Significance of Adult Obesity
Obesity carries major risk factors for many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer (Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). The health consequences of overweight and obesity are numerous manifesting in premature disability and health, in high costs of health care, productivity lost, and in social stigmatization. Studies confirmed that the risk of fatality rises with increasing weight in all age group particularly among adults aged 30 to 64 years. Chrostowska, Szyndler, Hoffmann, and Narkiewicz (2013) emphasize the impact and the relationship of obesity on cardiovascular health and link to stroke, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper
Study Question 
What is the leading cause of obesity prevalence among adults (age 20 and over) population
residing in the urban areas in the United States. Examine a health problem of interest to you, and you will develop a brief paper

CC Patient Encounter Assignment

CC Patient Encounter Assignment

CC Patient Encounter

Step 1: Complete i-Human Patients® Case for Carolyn Cross.

Access i-Human Patients® by clicking the Exercise tab.

Click the Cases tab to complete the i-Human Patients® Case for CC.

  • Interview CC to obtain her complete patient history.
  • Document your findings in i-Human Patients®.
  • Complete a health assessment and focused physical exam based on current evidence. CC Patient Encounter Assignment
  • Document your health assessment and focused physical exam findings and develop a problem list for CC.


Note: You must attempt and score a cumulative 70% on the i-Human Patients® assessments in weeks 1, 3, and 5 to successfully complete the required lab component of the course.

Step 2: Interpret the data.

Determine which tests you would expect to see for CC based on the results of the history, exam, and problem list.

Evaluate the test results to determine the actual and/or potential diseases for which CC is at risk.

Create a 350-word summary note explaining how you arrived at CC’s problem list.

  • Provide relevant assessment results (questions and answers).
  • Cite the lab results that correlate with the assessment findings.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your summary, evidence-based assessment guidance, and interview results documentation. CC Patient Encounter


CC Pathophysiology and Education Priorities

Review the hypertension and type 2 diabetes concept map exemplars for guidance.

Create a concept map illustrating the pathophysiology of breast cancer. Consider the following:

  • Predisposing factors
  • Precipitating factors
  • Cellular involvement
  • Genetic changes

Note: There are several web-based concept map builders, such as Lucidchart and Popplet. Use one of those programs or develop your concept map in Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Visio®, or Prezi®. Hand-drawn assignments will not be accepted. CC Patient Encounter Assignment

Write a 175-word summary of CC’s three patient education priorities based on the results of your assessment.

Cite a minimum of two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your concept map and summary. CC Patient Encounter

Notes on your Assessment: Please review the document I have posted on the main page. There are certain steps that need to be taken to progress to the next section.


Points Earned:  12 / 14


The 14 points allotted to the assignment do not take the i-Human grade into account. In that assignment I am grading your ability to apply and synthesize the information learned through the simulation in i-Human.


The scores you find in i-Human count toward the required lab grade for the course. This is where you must complete and pass all 3 cases with an average of 70% or better.


My plan is to calculate the percentage with each of the assignment. Remember, when you view your percentage it is the 50% history and 50% physical. I will use some of the other sections in my grading for the 14 points. CC Patient Encounter Assignment



Instructions for CC Patient Encounter: 

Step 1: Complete i-Human Patients® Case for Carolyn Cross.

Access i-Human Patients® by clicking the Exercise tab.

Click the Cases tab to complete the i-Human Patients® Case for CC.

  • Interview CC to obtain her complete patient history.
  • Document your findings in i-Human Patients®.
  • Complete a health assessment and focused physical exam based on current evidence.
  • Document your health assessment and focused physical exam findings and develop a problem list for CC.

Note: You must attempt and score a cumulative 70% on the i-Human Patients® assessments in weeks 1, 3, and 5 to successfully complete the required lab component of the course. CC Patient Encounter.

Step 2: Interpret the data.

Determine which tests you would expect to see for CC based on the results of the history, exam, and problem list.

Evaluate the test results to determine the actual and/or potential diseases for which CC is at risk.

Create a 350-word summary note explaining how you arrived at CC’s problem list.

  • Provide relevant assessment results (questions and answers).
  • Cite the lab results that correlate with the assessment findings.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your summary, evidence-based assessment guidance, and interview results documentation CC Patient Encounter.


70% Average Required 


History: 100%


Physical: 21%



Percentage: 61%

Additional Notes from your assessment: 


Please take a look at your review. This will show “false” for the missed sections. Also take a look at the notes for the diagnosis. 


I understand the program difficulties. Thank you for your dedication and attempt to complete appropriately CC Patient Encounter. You have an opportunity to increase your percentage for the next sections.



General Notes on Carolyn Cross Case See Below

For the case summary you want to make sure to capture key points from your assessment. The goal for this case study is to help you conduct a history and physical exam pertinent to this patient’s clinical presentation, correlate the patient’s history with known risk factors for breast cancer, and to become familiar with the i-Human patient case player. CC Patient Encounter.

Assignment 1: Hernandez Family Assessment

Assignment 1: Hernandez Family Assessment

Assessment is as essential to family therapy as it is to individual therapy. Although families often present with one person identified as the “problem,” the assessment process will help you better understand family roles and determine whether the identified problem client is in fact the root of the family’s issues. As you examine the Hernandez Family: Sessions 1-6 videos in this week’s Hernandez Family Assessment Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat the client family.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Assess client families presenting for psychotherapy

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on family assessment.
  • View the Hernandez Family: Sessions 1-6 videos, and consider how you might assess the family in the case study.

Note: For guidance on Hernandez Family Assessment writing a comprehensive client assessment, refer to pages 137–142 of Wheeler (2014) in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Address in a comprehensive client assessment of the Hernandez family the following:

  • Demographic information
  • Presenting problem
  • History or present illness
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Medical history
  • Substance use history
  • Developmental history
  • Family psychiatric history
  • Psychosocial history
  • History of abuse and/or trauma
  • Review of systems
  • Physical assessment
  • Mental status exam
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Case formulation
  • Treatment plan

Note: Any item you are unable to address from the video should be marked “needs to be added to” as you would in an actual comprehensive client assessment

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 2 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 2 Assignment

Assignment 2: Practicum – Week 2 Journal Entry

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Apply documentation skills to examine family therapy sessions *
  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving family psychotherapy *
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders *

* The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 3.

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a family therapy session Hernandez Family Assessment. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same family session.

Then, address in your Practicum Journal the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the family session.
  • Describe (without violating HIPAA regulations) each client, and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

By Day 7 of Week 4

Submit your Hernandez Family Assessment Assignment.

Assignment 3: Board Vitals

This week you will be responding to twenty Board Vitals questions that cover a broad review of your Nurse Practitioner program courses up to this point.

These review questions will provide practice that is critical in your preparation for the national certification exam that’s required to certify you to practice as a nurse practitioner. These customized test questions are designed to help you prepare for your Nurse Practitioner certification exam. It is in your best interest to take your time, do your best, and answer each question to the best of your ability. Hernandez Family Assessment.

Evaluate the practicality of union presence at the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and recommend

Evaluate the practicality of union presence at the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and recommend

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 
1.Evaluate the practicality of union presence at the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and recommend at least two (2) reasons why the agency should or should not have union representation. (Title this section The Agency and Unions) 
2. Evaluate the opportunity of privatization U.S. Department of Health and Human and recommend at least two (2) reasons why the agency should or should not privatize its services. (Title this section The Agency and Privatization)


3. Analyze at least two (2) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human service policies, procedures, and / or plans regarding pensions. (Title this section Employee Pension Plans) 
4. Assess the U.S. Department of Health and Human services approach to productivity and performance evaluation. (Title this section Productivity and Performance Evaluation) 
5. Recommend at least three (3) actions the U.S. Department of Health and Human services could take to improve in the areas of productivity and performance evaluation. (Title this section 6. Recommendations for Improving Productivity and Performance Evaluation)  Evaluate the practicality of union presence at the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and recommend
7. Include at least four (4) peer-reviewed references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and governmental Websites. (Include no more than one (1) non-government Website)View less »Evaluate the practicality of union presence at the U.S. Department of Health and Human services and recommend

Gregor Mendel Essay Paper

Gregor Mendel Essay Paper

Mendel’s Discoveries
Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, discovered the mechanism of inheritance.
Today, scientists know that organisms have many units of heritable material that code for particular traits, each called a gene. Each trait, or characteristic, is determined by an organism’s genes. Two hundred years ago, however, the mechanisms of inheritance were not known. Gregor Mendel (1822–84) is an Austrian monk credited with discovering the principles underlying genes and inheritance. Mendel performed a series of experiments with pea plants in the 19th century Gregor Mendel Essays. These led to the discovery of the genetic basis of inheritance (the traits that are received by offspring from parents) and resulted in him being posthumously considered the father of modern genetics. Gregor Mendel Essay Paper
The Pea Plant Experiments
Mendel used pea plants to learn the genetic basis of inheritance.
Since childhood, Mendel had been a gardener. In the monastery, he set up a series of experiments using pea plants. Mendel observed that pea plants could vary in terms of seven different characteristics:


flower color (purple or white)
flower position (axial, on the shoot where a branch begins; or terminal, at the end of the shoot)
pea color (green or yellow)
pea shape (round or wrinkled)
plant size (tall or short)
pod color (green or yellow)
pod shape (constricted or inflated)
Gregor Mendel Essays
In his experiments Mendel cross-fertilized plants with different characteristics and observed the resulting offspring. He noticed that patterns emerged; some of these patterns were immediately evident and others required multiple generations to emerge. Mendel concluded that each plant had factors that determined how the plant would look. Today, Mendel’s factors are known as genes.

To better understand Mendel’s experiments, one can follow an example using pea color as the selected characteristic. Mendel observed that peas could be green or yellow. He began by crossing a plant with green peas and a plant with yellow peas. The original two organisms that are crossed to produce offspring are called the parent generation (P). The first offspring resulting from a parental cross are called the first filial generation (F1). Gregor Mendel Essays. Mendel’s first generation plants all had yellow peas. He then pollinated one of these offspring plants with itself. The offspring of a cross between individuals of the first generation are called the second filial generation (F2). Mendel’s second generation plants had a mixture of green and yellow peas. In fact, the ratio of plants with yellow peas to plants with green peas was 3:1. Mendel then pollinated each plant in the second generation with itself, and he found that one plant with yellow peas gave only plants with yellow peas, while others continued to give plants showing the 3:1 ratio. The plant with green peas gave only plants with green peas. This is the basis for Mendel’s law of segregation.  Gregor Mendel Essay Paper

Mendel’s Pea Plant Experiments
Gregor Mendel Essays
“Mendel crossed a plant with yellow peas and a plant with green peas in the parent generation (P). This produced all yellow peas (F1). One of these plants was self-pollinated, giving a 3:1 ratio of yellow to green peas in the F2 generation.  Gregor Mendel Essay Paper

waterborne diseases prevention.

waterborne diseases prevention.

Understanding Environmental Health in Totality

Now that you have understood the impact of environmental factors on human health, create a 7- to 10- page Microsoft Word document addressing the following questions:

  • Describe three waterborne diseases and suggest methods for their prevention.
  • Provide one example of a toxic chemical that may enter the public water supply? Describe some of the health effects that are attributed to toxic chemicals present in drinking water.
  • What health hazards are associated with uncontrolled and older waste sites in the United States? Describe the processes through which hazardous solid wastes can affect human beings. waterborne diseases prevention.


  • Compare and contrast the current methods for treating sewage from those that were used in the Middle Ages? Historically speaking, what factors spurred the development of today’s sanitary sewage systems?

  • Describe the stages for processing sewage. At what stage of processing is it permissible in the United States to dispose of wastewater from sewage into waterways?
  • What health-related considerations relate to the use of recycled water? What level of processing is required for wastewater to be recycled? Describe some of the uses of recycled water.
  • Even though workers in professional occupations usually are not exposed directly to hazardous agents, they are prone to occupationally associated illnesses. What types of hazards and associated illnesses predominate in professional occupations? What interventions would you propose to mitigate these hazards?

View less » waterborne diseases prevention.

Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Assignment 3: Written Assessment – Essay

Weighting: 45%

Length and/or format:2000 words +/- 10%

Purpose:To compare and contrast interprofessional approaches to an ethical issues in the practicesetting

Students need to present an academic essay (not in the first person) that responds to each of the unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical decision making in practice.


2. Explain the Code of Ethics relevant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patient cohorts.

4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making.

5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Learning outcomes assessed:1, 2, 3, 4 & 6

How to submit:Submit into 2nd YearAssignment Box, 33 Berry Street, 6th Floor.

Return of assignment:Feedback and grades will be returned to students post release of final grades for the unit on student connect. An announcement will be placed on LEO when these results are available for student review.Document Preview:

Assignment 3: Written Assessment – Essay Weighting: 45% Length and/or format: 2000 words +/- 10% Purpose: To compare and contrast interprofessional approaches to an ethical issues in the practice setting Students need to present an academic essay (not in the first person) that responds to each of the unit Learning Outcomes: 1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical decision making in practice. 2. Explain the Code of Ethics relevant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma. 3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patient cohorts. 4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making. 5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice. Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 How to submit: Submit into 2nd Year Assignment Box, 33 Berry Street, 6th Floor. Return of assignment: Feedback and grades will be returned to students post release of final grades for the unit on student connect. An announcement will be placed on LEO when these results are available for student review. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Assignment 3: Written Assessment – Essay

Weighting: 45%

Length and/or format:2000 words +/- 10%

Purpose:To compare and contrast interprofessional approaches to an ethical issues in the practicesetting

Students need to present an academic essay (not in the first person) that responds to each of the unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical decision making in practice.


2. Explain the Code of Ethics relevant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patient cohorts.

4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making.

5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

Learning outcomes assessed:1, 2, 3, 4 & 6

How to submit:Submit into 2nd YearAssignment Box, 33 Berry Street, 6th Floor.

Return of assignment:Feedback and grades will be returned to students post release of final grades for the unit on student connect. An announcement will be placed on LEO when these results are available for student review.Document Preview:

Assignment 3: Written Assessment – Essay Weighting: 45% Length and/or format: 2000 words +/- 10% Purpose: To compare and contrast interprofessional approaches to an ethical issues in the practice setting Students need to present an academic essay (not in the first person) that responds to each of the unit Learning Outcomes: 1. Discuss national and international ethical frameworks for health care that influence ethical decision making in practice. 2. Explain the Code of Ethics relevant to different health disciplines, and identify if there are no such Codes and how this may influence decision making and patient care in scenarios where there is an ethical dilemma. 3. Differentiate between ethical and legal issues in health care in consenting vulnerable patient cohorts. 4. Identify social and spiritual factors that influence the health professional values and beliefs in ethical decision making. 5. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice. Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 How to submit: Submit into 2nd Year Assignment Box, 33 Berry Street, 6th Floor. Return of assignment: Feedback and grades will be returned to students post release of final grades for the unit on student connect. An announcement will be placed on LEO when these results are available for student review. Apply ethical normative frameworks that a health professional may appeal to in defending their position, individually and collaboratively, on moral and ethical dilemmas encountered practice.

PMHNP Certification Plan Assignment

PMHNP Certification Plan Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:

Describe the PMHNP practice environment for your home state, highlighting restrictions or limitations for practice.
Compare the PMHNP practice environment in your home state with a neighboring state or a state in which you would like to practice.
Describe a professional and/or clinical practice issue a new PMHNP will need to consider and address with the certification, licensure, credentialing, or relocation process. PMHNP Certification Plan.
Develop a checklist for passing the national certification exam, including a detailed timeline that includes academic preparation (study plan), registration, financial preparation, etc.
My state of residence is Maryland and Virginia and District of Columbia is my neighboring states


Certification Plan

Describe the PMHNP practice environment for your home state, highlighting restrictions or limitations for practice.

My home state is Maryland. Psychiatric nursing practitioners in the state must be certified as such with a registered nursing license from the State of Maryland. Additionally, the nurse should have completed all the course work and successfully passed the relevant Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Board examination. The practice environment is regulated by the Board of Nursing (Varcarolis, 2013). Also, the nurse should have the capacity to comprehensively make psychiatric evaluations, diagnosis and recommendations for treatment. Maryland State laws make a lot of demands on PMHNP. PMHNP Certification Plan Firstly, practitioners seeking state license must be registered nurses, and have hands-on and direct supervised clinical experience that covers at least 500 hours. The hands-on experience counts as part of the nursing education program and is noted in official transcripts. A supervisor’s verification should also be included as proof of the work experience. Secondly, the nurse should pass a competency-based evaluation for professional knowledge that includes summative performance evaluation for clinical competency that is managed by a board approved institution. Thirdly, the nurse should disclose the license status prior to meeting new clients. Finally, the practice license should be renewed upon expiry (Maryland Board of Nursing, 2017).

Compare the PMHNP practice environment in your home state with a neighboring state or a state in which you would like to practice.

PMHNP practice environment in Maryland State is slightly difference from the environment in Virginia State. Firstly, the practice environment in Virginia State is regulated by the Board of Nursing and Board of Medicine whereas the practice environment in Maryland State is regulated by the Board of Nursing. Secondly, in Maryland State, the regulatory structure covers full practice whereas the regulatory structure in Virginia State is for restricted practice. Finally, in Maryland State, the PMHNP license requirements are having national certification, completing a psychiatric nursing education program, and having a registered nurse license. Virginia State presents stricter requirements by demanding that the nurse must have a graduate degree along with the other requirements that are presented in the Maryland State regulations (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2018) PMHNP Certification Plan. In this respect, the main difference between the practice difference in Maryland State and Virginia State is that the later has the additional presence of the Board of medicine as a regulator and the need for practitioners to have at least a graduate degree.

Describe a professional and/or clinical practice issue a new PMHNP will need to consider and address with the certification, licensure, credentialing, or relocation process.

One of the clinical practice issues that a new PMHNP must consider and address is the need to pass the local state board administered competency-based evaluation for professional nursing knowledge. Credentialing would indicate that the nurse is a competent professional who has been evaluated by a board approved organization as well as the American Council of Education and determined to be a competent nurse (Commonwealth of Virginia, 2018).


Develop a checklist for passing the national certification exam, including a detailed timeline that includes academic preparation (study plan), registration, financial preparation, etc.

Preparing for the national certification exam would necessitate meeting the qualifications and eligibility requirements as presented by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Firstly, there is a need to meet the educational requirements by attending and graduating from a recognized institutional. This includes registering for and attending classes as well as performing well in school. Secondly, ensuring that the core courses for PMHNP are successfully completed with the minimum hours’ requirement for faculty supervised direct patient care met. Thirdly, ensuring that the education program is accredited by an independent national nursing organization recognized by the Department of Education. PMHNP Certification Plan. Fourthly, having a current registered nursing license. Fourthly, ensuring that the educational preparation is congruent with the corresponding national certification process and exam. Fifthly, registering for the national certification examination and revising to sit the exam. Finally, attending the national certification examination once all the other requirements have been met (American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, 2018; see Figure 1).


Figure 1. Checklist for passing the national certification examination


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (2018).  Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner: Certification candidate handbook. Retrieved from http://www.aanpcert.org/resource/documents/AGNP%20FNP%20Candidate%20Handbook.pdf

American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2018). State Practice Environment. Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/legislation-regulation/state-legislation/state-practice-environment PMHNP Certification Plan

Commonwealth of Virginia (2018). Chapter 19. Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing. Retrieved from https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title18/agency90/chapter19/section140/

Maryland Board of Nursing (2017). Advanced Practice Registered Nursing: Nurse practitioners. Retrieved from http://mbon.maryland.gov/Pages/adv-prac-nurse-practitioner-index.aspx

Varcarolis, E. (2013). Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A communication approach to evidence-based care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders. PMHNP Certification Plan.

Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.

Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.

Resource: How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Imagine you are a writer for a health care trade magazine. The editor has asked you to write next month’s editorial on interpersonal relationships in the health care industry. You need to do some preliminary research. As such, you have decided that you need to find answer to the following questions.

Include at least 2 academic credible references. You may use the textbook as one of the references. Include in text citations in your answers as needed. Provide reference citations at the end of the worksheet for all sources used in completing this worksheet. Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.


Word Count Requirement: The 500 to 700 words total for answers to questions 1- 5. Note: The word count for each answer will vary. Some answers will be shorter; some will be longer.
What is effective communication?
(Definition needed)

Why are quality interpersonal relationships important, particularly in the health care?
a. What are the types of supportive and defensive relationships?

b. Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.
What does assertive style mean and why is it appropriate in a health care workplace?
What can others do to self-assess their assertiveness so they might make changes in their style to positively influence their health care workplace?

To answer this, you will need to complete the How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Then use your self-assessment as an example to answer this question.

Your answer:

ReferencesView less » Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.