Benefits of green tea on oral health.

Benefits of green tea on oral health.

Need an argumentative essay on Benefits of green tea on oral health. Needs to be 11 pages. Please no plagiarism. The research paper “Benefits of green tea on oral health” examines the positive effects of green tea consumption on human’s body, especially teeth. Oral hygiene involves the procedure of maintaining the teeth and mouth clean to inhibit dental complications, most frequently, gingivitis, bad breath and dental cavities. There are oral pathologic illnesses that effective oral hygiene is needed for regeneration and healing of the dental issues. These illnesses included periodontitis, gingivitis, as well as dental trauma, for example, oral cysts, subluxation, and after wisdom tooth removal.


Oral health is a determining element for quality life, vital for healthiness, and a vital part of over-all health. In the European Union, the socio-economic obligation of oral illnesses is substantial: they affect a greater part of school-aged kids and grown-ups, and make up 5 percent of public health expenditure. Costs of established curative cure have escalated from 54 billion pounds in 2000 to 79 billion pounds in 2012, plus are projected to increase up to 93 bn pounds by 2020. Therapy expenditure surpasses that of other illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, dementia as well as stroke. This is alarming, since most of dental diseases burden is a veritable. A variety of health disorders is linked with oral ailment. Poorly regulated diabetes ailment is a well-recognized risk cause for fostering periodontal failure and latest research displays how protracted gum diseases may increase diabetic impediments.View less » Benefits of green tea on oral health.

United States Census Bureau

United States Census Bureau

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires that U.S. citizens and legal residents obtain qualifying health coverage. Write a report of 2,000–2,500 words that explores the individual mandate section of the new health reform law. Complete the following:


  • Explain the individual mandate included in the PPACA, and include the tax penalties that will be imposed if a person or family does not obtain qualifying health coverage.
  • Who will qualify, and what premium and cost-sharing subsidies will be available to individuals?
  • Research the income levels of individuals in your state by reviewing information available on this Web site. How do you think the individual mandate will affect the citizens and legal residents in your state? United States Census Bureau
  • If you were required to make one policy change or enhancement to ensure success of the individual mandate included in the PPACA, what would you recommend?
  • Assess the historical relationship between the cost of health care and outcomes in the United States with the cost of health care and outcomes in another country. What policies could be considered to assist in changing the relationship between costs and outcomes to a more efficient relationship in the United States, if at all?

Note: Your report should use APA formatting, and you must include 4 references, 2 of which are peer-reviewed sources from health care journals.


United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. United States Census Bureau

PICOT Question Paper

PICOT Question Paper

Reducing Infections in the Dialysis Department

The PICOT Question

For patients undergoing dialysis at the dialysis department (P),  can optimization of nursing infection preventive measures through direct supervision and step wise check-list use during and after dialysis (I) compared to the practices (absence of step-wise checklist use) (C) reduce the number of infections to the lowest cases possible and by at least 50%   (O) over a period of nine weeks (T)?. PICOT Question Paper

Dialysis Related BSIs and Evidence Based Solutions

Center for Disease control (CDC), through research and evaluation has come up with interventions, auditing tools and checklists for use in BSI infection prevention (CDC, 2020). Strict implementation and adherence of such interventions and protocols have been shown to be a solution to BSIs. These interventions reduce infection rates by 20-50% (Fisher, 2020). Lee et al (2018) discovered that the main causative problem of BSIs was inconsistent hemodialysis tunneled catheter care (HTC) protocol in the dialysis units, lack of standardized audits for the protocols and lack of patient education. Through proper implementation of infection control protocols such as ‘scrub the hub’ protocols, standardized audits, nurse and patient education, infections were reduced by up to 50% (Lee K. G., 2018). Another investigation applied strict implementations of the aseptic techniques and sterile dressing coupled with nurses training and patient education towards infection control. This resulted to more than 50% infection reduction in a 24-chair dialysis unit within a month (Hoffman, 2018).

Dialysis Related BSIs and Nursing Interventions

The CDC in conjunction with the American Society of Nephrology’s Nephrologists Transforming Dialysis Safety Initiative came up with interventions which are considered the gold standard preventive measures for BSIs. When implemented strictly, nurses can optimally prevent BSIs. This study aims at carrying out full implementation of these interventions. These interventions include; hand hygiene, catheter exit-connection and disconnection using aseptic technique and antiseptic use, catheter lumen and hub care and the assessment of these techniques every three months with nursing staff training and audits. Other nursing interventions include early patient referral to nephrologists, more specialized teams, and vascular access coordinators, implantation of early-stick grafts and early peritoneal dialysis  (Fisher, 2020).


Dialysis Related BSIs and Patient Care

Patient care before, during and post-dialysis is key in infection prevention. Prior to vascular access, it is important to remove any restrictive jewelry and clothes from the patient’s arm. Other clinicians should be informed so as to avoid procedures such as blood pressure measurements and venipunctures on the same arm. When examining the patient, nurses should always disinfect their hands and put on gloves as an infection preventive measure. The vascular access should be checked for patency and smooth blood flow at least three times daily (Rushing, 2019).

Post dialysis, the patient should be moved in a manner that will avoid any trauma or pressure on the arm. The vascular access should be checked on a daily basis for signs of infection such as swelling, tenderness, open sores and purulent discharge. Patent education on self-care and infection prevention is paramount and this is the responsibility of his/her nurse. Patient self-care is key in preventing infections associated with dialysis and proper practice effectively reduces infections (Rushing, 2019) PICOT Question Paper

Health Care Agency Involved in BSI Prevention

CDC in collaboration with the National Safety Healthcare Network (NHSN) developed a surveillance and feedback platform for data sharing and comparisons from different facilities in the US. This plays a role in informing policy making towards mitigation methods (CDC, 2020). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality also provides support to researches and facilities aiming at reducing BSIs (AHRQ, 2020).

BSIs and Nursing Practice

Dialysis associated BSIs is a significant issue in nursing practice. In the US, BSIs arise mainly due to the failure to strictly implement and stick to the nursing protocols put in place for dialysis infection control. This largely depends on nurses and can be solved through strict nursing practice, regulations and standardized audits in dialysis units. This will lead to reduced infections, reduced hospitalizations, better clinical outcomes and reduced hospital bill burdens to patients (Fisher, 2020).


AHRQ. (2020, June 08). Retrieved from

CDC. (2020, June 07). Retrieved from

Fisher, M. G. (2020). Prevention of Bloodstream Infections in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis. . Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 132-151.

Hoffman, S. (2018). Reducing Blood Stream Infections from Tunneled Dialysis Catheters. . . Nephrology Nursing Journal.

Lee, K. G. (2018). Reducing tunneled catheter-related infection in hemodialysis patients with nationwide standardization of catheter care protocol. The journal of vascular access, 110-111.

Lee, K. G. (2018). Reducing tunneled catheter-related infection in hemodialysis patients with nationwide standardization of catheter care protocol. . The journal of vascular access, 110-111.

Rushing, J. (2019). Caring for a patient’s vascular access for hemodialysis, . Nursing Management, 47. PICOT Question Paper


Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address the problem must be a nursing practice intervention. Include a comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.  Formulate a PICOT question using the PICOT format (provided in the assigned readings) that addresses the clinical nursing problem.

The PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project change proposal.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Describe the problem in the PICOT question as it relates to the following:

  1. Evidence-based solution
  2. Nursing intervention
  3. Patient care
  4. Health care agency
  5. Nursing practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


PICOT Question Paper

No of Criteria: 9 Achievement Levels: 5
Achievement Levels
0.00 %
Less Than Satisfactory
75.00 %
79.00 %
89.00 %
100.00 %
PICOT Question
A PICOT question is not presented.
An incomplete PICOT question is presented. The PICOT does not follow the correct format.
A PICOT question is presented. The PICOT generally follows the correct format.
A PICOT question is presented. Some detail is needed for clarity.
A PICOT question is presented and provides a clear framework for the capstone project change proposal.
Nursing Intervention
The intervention and comparison are omitted
The intervention used to address the problem is not based on a nursing practice intervention. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are omitted.
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are summarized. Some information is needed. There are minor inaccuracies.
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are discussed. PICOT Question Paper
A nursing intervention used to address the problem is clearly presented. A comparison of the nursing intervention to a patient population not currently receiving the nursing intervention, and timeframe needed to implement the change process, are thoroughly discussed.
Clinical Problem and Patient Outcome
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are omitted.
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are incomplete.
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are summarized. More information and rationale are needed.
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are presented. Some minor detail is needed for clarity.
The clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome are thoroughly discussed. Strong rationale is offered for support.
PICOT Problem
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is omitted.
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is incomplete.
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is summarized. More information and rationale are needed.
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for clarity.
The PICOT problem as it relates to evidence-based solution, nursing intervention, patent care, health care agency, and nursing practice is described. Some minor detail is needed for clarity.
Organization, Effectiveness, and Format
Thesis Development and Purpose
Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.
Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.
Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.
Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.
Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Argument Logic and Construction
Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. PICOT Question Paper
Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.
Argument is orderly but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.
Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.
Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)
Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.
Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent.
Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.
Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style.
All format elements are correct.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)
Sources are not documented.
Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.
Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. PICOT Question Paper

PICOT question

            Any patient that answers yes to current smoker during a physical with their primary care physician will receive educational information from nursing staff on ways to quit smoking and resources to help them quit smoking to see if they are able to become and stay a non-smoker for 6 months versus how many patients become non-smokers with no interventions from nursing staff.

Evidence-based Solution

            There is not enough easily accessible education for patients in regards to smoking cessation. Currently there is no information provided to patients when they answer yes to being a current smoker. Not only would there be tips available to help quit smoking but also additional resources. “Many people find support groups and hotlines helpful when quitting tobacco” (American Heart Association, 2020). There will also be information available on the dangers of smoking. This is important to share with patients as per The World Health Organization it is the cause for 7 million deaths annually (McWilliams, et al., 2019, p.1059).

Nursing Intervention

            The nursing intervention will be completed by nursing staff within the clinical environment. When a patient answers yes to being a current smoker, the nursing staff will then provide the patient with education and resources to help them quit smoking. This should only take 3-5 minutes and the patient can take the pamphlet home with them. The pamphlet will include how to contact nursing staff with additional questions or support for the patient to use as needed.

Patient Care

            This pamphlet will provide information on ways to quit smoking without the use of medication for patients. It will also provide resources for additional information available online. It will also allow patients to have access to nursing staff to ask questions and provide additional support.

Health Care Agency

            The health care agency this program will assist is ProHealth Care Medical Group. There are generally classes offered from ProHealth Care but unfortunately due to COVID all classes are cancelled and there is no information online about what classes were previously offered to determine if smoking cessation classes were previously offered. This organization has 12 locations that offer family practice and/or primary care services. Once this project is complete this pamphlet for smoking cessation education can be used at all of the 12 locations.

Nursing Practice

Providing education to patients is a nurse’s duty. Having information available to assist the education can be beneficial to the nurse and the patient. The patient may have additional questions outside of the patient information pamphlet, if the nurse is unable to provide the patient an answer at that point, they can inform the patient they will find the answer, and call them at a later time. Providing the pamphlet ensures that all patients are getting the same information, as well as resources to use to help them with their smoking cessation. PICOT Question Paper


American Heart Association. (2020). Help! I want to quit smoking. Retrieved from

McWilliams, L., Bellhouse, S., Yorke, J., Lloyd, K., & Armitage, C. J. (2019). Beyond “planning”: A meta-analysis of implementation intentions to support smoking cessation. Health Psychology, 38(12), 1059–1068.

ProHealth Care. (2020). Medical services. Retrieved from


Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.

Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.

1.    Suggest one (1) plan that you would use to purchase health insurance for your organization. Determine the extent to which employee lifestyle choices and health economics would factor in to your chosen plan. Provide a rationale for your response.

2.    Analyze the implication of the Affordable Care Act on your decision to purchase insurance. Debate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of purchasing health insurance for your employees, as opposed to having your employees receive governmental insurance.

3.    Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

·         Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

·         Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

·         Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.

·         Analyze the influence of health policy and health reform on healthcare access, quality, and cost in the U.S.

·         Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics.

·         Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics.Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.

Care Coordination Assignment Paper

Care Coordination Assignment Paper

To prepare for this Care Coordination Essay Discussion:
• Review this week’s Resources. Select one media piece and one article on the patient-centered medical home or on telehealth.
• Reflect on the use of a patient-centered medical home model or a telehealth system.
• Consider two or more of the following: features, benefits, barriers, clinical outcomes, operational efficiencies, and health care costs related to the use of a patient-centered medical home or a telehealth system.
• Consider the impact of patient-centered medical home models and telehealth systems on care coordination and your role as a nurse. Care Coordination Essay.

Post the following:
• Choose a telehealth system or the patient-centered medical home as described by the media piece you selected.
• Explain the impact of your choice (telehealth or patient-centered medical home) on patient care coordination.
• Determine how this model of care can increase patients’ engagement in their care Care Coordination Essay.
• Explain the potential impact of your choice on the role of the nurse as care is provided across settings and across state lines.


Grady, J. (2014). CE: Telehealth: A case study in disruptive innovation. American Journal of Nursing, 114(4), 38–45.

Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses and healthcare professionals (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Care Coordination Essay.
• Chapter 24, “Consumer Education and Informatics” (pp. 482–503)
• Chapter 25, “Telehealth” (pp. 504–529)


Care coordination

  • Choose a telehealth system or the patient-centered medical home as described by the media piece you selected.

Telehealth Kiosks has been selected as the system under focus. It involves the installation of a booth or stall that is staffed and equipped with basic medical and communication equipment. The medical equipment captures basic medical data while the communication equipment provides consultative contact with medical personnel. The system is intended to present patients with a convenient location to access medical services and specialists such as being located on the worksite or mall for convenience. In addition, it eliminates the need for patients to set up telemedicine systems at home (eVisit, 2018) Care Coordination Essay.

  • Explain the impact of your choice (telehealth or patient-centered medical home) on patient care coordination.

The selected telehealth system has an influence on patient care coordination, particularly care utilization. In this case, the system reduces the number of visits that patients make to medical facilities. To be more precise, it ensure that unplanned visits are addressed by the telehealth system so that only planned visits are made to medical facilities. The result is better care planning and utilization patterns (McKissick et al., 2017). Besides that, the system improves ratings for care providers, communication, and overall health care (Looman et al, 2015). Care Coordination Essay.

  • Determine how this model of care can increase patients’ engagement in their care.

The identified system can improve patients’ engagement from three perspectives. The first perspective is the cognitive domain whereby the system changes how patients think about medical care, understanding that unscheduled visits can be conducted using the system while scheduled visits should be conducted in medical facilities. The second perspective is emotional domain whereby the system gives patients peace of mind by offering them a convenient care option that addresses their routine care needs in a location easily accessible to them in terms of time and cost. Care Coordination Essay The final perspective is behavioral dimension that increases patients’ contact with medical facilities by presenting a system that addresses medical conditions they consider minor and that they could have ignored otherwise (Barello et al., 2015).

  • Explain the potential impact of your choice on the role of the nurse as care is provided across settings and across state lines.

The telehealth system has an influence on the role of nurses as care providers. The system has added to the nurses’ responsibilities by manage and administer the technology associated with telehealth. To be more precise, the system will present a new category of nurses responsibilities focused on the technological needs of medicine. For that matter, it adds functions and departments associated with the technology (Grain & Schaper, 2013) Care Coordination Essay.


Barello, S., Triberti, S., Libreri, C., Serino, S., Hibbard, J., Riva, G. (2015). eHealth for patient engagement: a systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02013. Retrieved from

eVisit (2018). Telehealth systems. Retrieved from

Grain, H. & Schaper, L. (2013). Health informatics: digital health service delivery – the future is now. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Care Coordination Essay.

Looman, W., Antolick, M., Cady, R., Lunos, S., Garwick, A. & Finkelstein, S. (2015). Effects of a telehealth care coordination intervention on perceptions of health care by caregivers of children with medical complexity: a randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Health Care, 29(4), 352-363. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2015.01.007

MccKissick, H., Cady, R., Looman, W. & Finkelstein, S. (2017). The impact of telehealth and care coordination on the number and type of clinical visits for children with medical complexity. J Pediatr Health Care, 31(4), 452-458. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2016.11.006 Care Coordination Essay

occupational health & safety

occupational health & safety

The Comprehensive Final Project

has been designed for the student to identify federal and state policy roots in a specific health services organization. Each student will select a specific management area for a specific organization. The student will identify a health services setting where they have access to the policy manual (or a sample policy manual). The setting may include a single location or an organization with many types of services and many service delivery settings. Select one of the following spheres where you will map out and describe a minimum of five (5) organizational policies linked to federal or state legislative mandates. Note some policies may be required for accreditation and also related to public policy. This is the case with many NCQA standards. occupatio nal health & safety


Prepare a final Poweroccupational health & safetyPoint presentation with no more than 10-15 content slides. A cover and reference slide must be provided. Draw on what you have learned throughout the class including: a summary of each organizational policy and the federal/state legislative roots for each policy (by name and statute), any pending changes to the legislation, and your metrics for the organization in terms of performance. Health Management Areas (select one):

facilities planning and maintenance

occupational health & safety

prevention programs for health disparities

payment processing and billing

human resources

health information technology and EMR

pharmacy services

laboratory services

supply chain Medical Equipment/ Technology

patient/customer and community relations

patient support services

strategic planning and new service development

advertising or marketing

Internal Quality Control

Direct Patient Care occupational health & safety

Discussion: Stimulus Control Assignment

Discussion: Stimulus Control Assignment

Cooper, Heron, and Heward (2020) describe stimulus control as, “A situation in which the frequency, latency, duration, or amplitude of a behavior is altered by the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus” (p. 800). In operant conditioning, the three-term contingency refers to antecedent – behavior – consequence. To establish stimulus control, a discriminative stimulus must reliably be followed by reinforceable response, and the probability of receiving reinforcement must be greater under the presence of the SD than in its absence (Borgen, et al., 2017). Each stimulus – response – reinforcer contingency strengthens stimulus control, while each stimulus – response – no reinforcer contingency will weaken stimulus control (Borgen, et al., 2017). For example, my dog has established stimulus control over my letting him outside. He approaches me and makes a very specific sound (SD) which is followed by my opening the door (response) so he can go outside to play (reward) Discussion: Stimulus Control. The first time he made the sound, it had no effect, or control over the environment, but with repeated pairings of the SD with the desired response and reinforcement, stimulus control has been established. If I decided the sound were aversive, I could stop letting him outside when he made the noise. He would eventually stop making the noise and find a new SD to elicit his desired reinforceable response. Discussion: Stimulus Control Assignment


Borgen, J. G., Mace, F. C., Cavanaugh, B. M., Shamlian, K., Lit, K. R., Wilson, J. B., & Trauschke, S. L. (2017). A method to establish stimulus control and compliance with instructions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50(4), 830–842.

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.


Discussion: Stimulus Control

Photo Credit: zenstock –

In the context of ABA, the applied behavior analyst often seeks to increase socially desirable behaviors and decrease socially undesirable behaviors. When a behavior is triggered (i.e., promoted or inhibited) by the presence or absence of some stimulus, the situation is said to have stimulus control. In operant conditioning, the stimulus control originates in something that comes before the behavior, called the antecedent. Therefore, in order to change a behavior, it is useful to understand what antecedents might promote or inhibit a behavior Discussion: Stimulus Control.

For this Discussion, you will consider examples of stimulus control in your environment, including identifying the stimuli that evoke certain desired and undesired behaviors. Discussion: Stimulus Control Assignment

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media program, to gain an understanding of stimulus control. Note: It is important for you to review the media for this week prior to completing this Discussion.
  • Consider stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Stimulus Control Knowledge Check.”

By Day 4 of Week 10

Post what is meant by stimulus control and describe stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 10

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of what is meant by stimulus control and whether you would respond in a similar way to the stimulus.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments Discussion: Stimulus Control.

Stimulus control occurs when a behavior happens when a particular “stimulus” is there, and does not happen when that “stimulus” is not there (Cooper et al., 2020, p. 40). An example of stimulus control that I experience in my everyday life is traffic lights. In the presence of a red traffic light, the behavior of stopping my car by pressing on the brake is increased. In the presence of a green light, the behavior of putting my foot on the gas is increased. In the case of a yellow light, the behavior of slowing my car by taking my foot off the gas is increased. Another example of stimulus control is my phone making a noise, whether it be a notification or ring. In the case of a notification or ring, I pick up my phone to check it. In the absence of these notifications, I do not typically check my phone. Additionally, after my kids go to bed, I close doors more quietly and walk more quietly throughout the house. These quiet behaviors are increased by my children being asleep, and do not occur when they are awake.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson Discussion: Stimulus Control. Discussion: Stimulus Control Assignment

Ethics in Nursing Informatics

Ethics in Nursing Informatics

Assignment 1: Week 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use Paper
Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. Ethics in Nursing Informatics


To prepare:
In this Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it.
• Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text.
• Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use.
• Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use?
By Day 7 of Week 6
Write a 4- to 5-page essay in which you:
• Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation.
• Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization.
• Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use.
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Assignment 1: Week 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use Paper Why are many health care organizations hesitant to adopt electronic health records (EHR) when they have the potential to improve quality, increase access, and reduce costs? Some organizations are concerned with the ethical and legal issues that may arise in daily operations. In 2010, legislators noticed health care’s reluctant transition into full EHR integration, and began to provide financial incentives to those organizations that not only adopt EHRs, but also use them meaningfully to improve quality of patient care. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to be aware of the challenges, policies, and incentives associated with integrating EHR systems. It is also critical that you understand the concept of “meaningful use” and how it plays out in today’s health care organizations. To prepare: In this Assignment, you analyze meaningful use criteria to determine the authentic legal, financial, and ethical issues that may surround it. Reflect on the information presented in the Learning Resources, focusing on meaningful use legislation and the “Ethics in Nursing Informatics” section of your course text. Investigate the legal, financial, and ethical issues surrounding meaningful use. Ask yourself: What are the goals of meaningful use? By Day 7 of Week 6 Write a 4- to 5-page essay in which you: Summarize the legal, financial, and ethical issues that may arise as a result of meaningful use legislation. Explain how these issues might present barriers to successful implementation within an organization. Discuss ways that health care organizations can make the most of their electronic health record investments in light of meaningful use. Explain how EHR-related meaningful use legislation is being implemented in your organization. Grading Criteria He is the grading rubic for this assignment NURS8210 Grading RubricWeek 6 Assignment: Meaningful Use PaperPoints PossiblePoints EarnedYou summarized the legal,… Ethics in Nursing Informatics

Nursing Practicum Assignment

Nursing Practicum Assignment

Nursing Practicum Assignment – Vaginal Discharge.

Reflect on a patient who presented:

1. with a vaginal discharge during your Practicum Experience. 2.

2. Describe key signs and symptoms that were consistent with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) versus a non-STI related infection.

3. If you diagnosed the patient with an STI, describe your experience in telling the patient that she had an STI, as well as the patient’s reaction to the diagnosis.

4. Explain how the diagnosis might impact the patient’s life short-term and long-term.

5. Include an explanation of the patient’s medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient, you may select a related case study from a reputable source. Nursing Practicum Assignment


(2). Nursing Practicum Assignment – endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or amenorrhea

Reflect on a patient who presented:

1. with endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or amenorrhea during your Practicum Experience. (Choose one d/o).

2. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.

3. Then, explain how treatment modalities differ for endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and amenorrhea, as well as the implications of these differences when diagnosing and treating patients.

4. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient, you may select a related case study from a reputable source.

(3). Nursing Practicum Assignment- Breast Condition

Reflect on a patient who presents with:

1. with a breast condition during your Practicum Experience.

2. Describe the patient’s personal and medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care.

3. Then, explain your patient education strategies for patients with or at risk of breast conditions.

4. Include a description of how you might teach patients to perform breast self-examinations.

5. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last six weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source. Nursing Practicum Assignment



There are 3 individual Journal Assignments here:

1. No plagiarism what so ever.

2. ALL work APA format.

3. A scholarly written work from a grad; preferably a NURSE.

4. Must address EACH number by paragraph.

5. Use 4 to 5 sources/reference on EACH journal; must be from reputable sources.

Here are some recommended sources use.

Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2017). Women’s gynecologic health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Tharpe, N. L., Farley, C., & Jordan, R. G. (2017). Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & women’s health (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012b). Women’s health. Retrieved from

National Institutes of Health. (2012). Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH). Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Hu man Services. (2012a). Retrieved from Practicum Assignment


Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles

Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles

California State University San Bernardino
Department of Natural Science
Main campus
NSCI 351: Health and Human Ecology
Spring Quarter 2018

Term Paper

1. Identify a Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.
2. Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles.
3. Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic
4. What is the reason for your interest or analysis?
5. What changes or recommendations should be made?
6. Would you try to influence your area of interest?
Why or why not? How? Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles
Note: The 6-8 page paper must be typed (12-14 point font), with separate reference (scholarly using MLA, APA or Scientific) and title page.


1) Term Paper for Health; Water or Air Quality(Indoor), Asthma, Food Safety, Nutrition , GMO’s vs Organic, Obesity, Drugs and addictions
2) Term Paper for Human Ecology; Poverty, Housing, Wastes, Sanitation, Food Security and, Human Hazards (Radiation, and Pesticides); or School Dropouts, Juvenile delinquency and Crime
3) Natural Hazards (Fire, Flood, Freezing, Earthquakes), and Disease epidemiology (Ebola, malaria etc.)
4) Science information/data/research can be used for advocacy of a special interest group, showing differences of expert s, contrasting positions and taking-sides or showing the trade-offs.
How are Impacts or hazards measured or assessed? i.e. cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, or health/ecological thresholds/indicators.
What are the time frames for decisions? Emergency, Law Enforcement procedures, planning process
Is there an environmental health strategy; Health Education/Promotion, Design with Nature, pollution prevention, or environmental enhancement. Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles