NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper

NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper

What’s Happening in This Module?

This course is composed of four (4) separate modules. Each module consists of an overarching topic in which each week within the module includes specific subtopics for learning. As you work through each module, you will have an opportunity to draw upon the knowledge you gain in various Digital Clinical Experiences (DCE) and lab assignment components that will be due throughout each of the modules.

Module 1: Comprehensive Health History is a 1-week module, Week 1 of the course, in which you will examine how social determinants of health such as age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental situations impact the health and risk assessment of the patients you serve. You will also consider how social determinants of health influence your interview and communication techniques as you work in partnership with a patient to gather data to build an accurate health history. NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper

What do I have to do? When do I have to do it?
Review your Learning Resources Days 1–7, Week 1
Discussion: Building a Comprehensive Health History Post by Day 3 of Week 1, and respond to your colleagues by Day 6 of Week 1.
What’s Coming Up in Module 2: Looking Ahead Review the “Looking Ahead” section for this week. You are encouraged to further review the requirements for the Shadow Health registration process for your digital clinical experiences.


Go to the Week’s Content

Week 1: Building a Comprehensive Health History

According to a 2011 Gallup poll, nurses are ranked as the most trusted professionals in the United States. One of the most admired nursing skills is the ability to put patients at ease. When patients enter into a healthcare setting, they are often apprehensive about sharing personal health information. Caring nurses can alleviate the hesitance of patients and encourage them to be forthcoming with this information.

The initial health history interview can be an excellent opportunity to develop supportive relationships between patients and nurses. Nurses may employ a variety of communication skills and interview techniques to foster strong bonds with patients and to effectively facilitate the diagnostic process. In conducting interviews, advanced practice nurses must also take into account a range of patient-specific factors that may impact the questions they ask, how they ask those questions, and their complete assessment of the patient’s health.

This week, you will consider how social determinants of health such as age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental situation impact the health and risk assessment of the patients you serve. You will also consider how social determinants of health influence your interview and communication techniques as you work in partnership with a patient to gather data to build an accurate health history. NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze communication techniques used to obtain patients’ health histories based upon social determinants of health
  • Analyze health-related risk
  • Apply concepts, theories, and principles related to patient interviewing, diagnostic reasoning, and recording patient information

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)
Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Discussion: Building a Health History

Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. Doing so will not only help you establish rapport with your patients, but it will also enable you to more effectively gather the information needed to assess your patients’ health risks.

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for a particular new patient assigned by your Instructor.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Caiaimage

To prepare:

With the information presented in Chapter 1 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a new patient profile by your Instructor for this Discussion. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your new patient profile assignment.
  • How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?
  • How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health? NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper
  • What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?
  • Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.
  • Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.
  • Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link, and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days who selected a different patient than you, using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient.
  • Suggest additional health-related risks that might be considered.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.


Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 1 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 of Week 1 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 1

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 1 Discussion

What’s Coming Up in Module 2?

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

In Module 2, you explore the impact of functional assessments, diversity, and sensitivity in conducting health assessments. You also examine various assessment tools and diagnostic tests used to gather information about patients’ conditions and examine their validity, reliability, and impact in conducting health assessments.

Next week, you will specifically examine functional assessments as they relate to diversity and sensitivity

Registration for Shadow Health

Throughout this course, you will participate in digital clinical experiences using the online simulation tool Shadow Health. The Shadow Health digital clinical experience provides a dynamic, immersive experience designed to improve nursing skills and clinical reasoning through the examination of digital standardized patients. Using Shadow Health you will participate in health histories, focused exams, and a comprehensive assessment. NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper

There will be four Shadow Health assessment components that you will need to complete in Module’s 2 and 3:

  • Health History Assessment (Week 3 & 4)
  • Focused Exam: Cough (Week 5) for a pediatric patient presenting with cough
  • Focused Exam: Chest Pain (Week 7) for an adult patient presenting with chest pain
  • Comprehensive (Head-to-Toe) Physical Assessment (Week 9)

Before you can participate in these simulations, you will need to register for a Shadow Health account. To do this:

  • Go to the Walden Bookstore and purchase access to Shadow Health and the required texts.
  • Once Shadow Health has been purchased, an access code will be emailed to you from the bookstore.
  • Review this video explaining how to register in Shadow Health:
  • Use the Shadow Health link located in the navigation menu on the left in the Blackboard course.
  • Follow the prompts to register in Shadow Health. You will need the access code provided from the bookstore to register. Once registered, Shadow Health should always be accessed via the link in Blackboard.
  • Use only Google Chrome when accessing Shadow Health and make sure all other programs are turned off on your computer. Other browsers do not work well and will not allow the Shadow Health speech to text function to work.
  •  Once registered, complete the Shadow Health Orientation in the Shadow Health website/program and review the videos designed to assist with navigating and completing assignments.
  • Read the Shadow Health Nursing Documentation Tutorial located in the Week 1 Learning Resources.

Note: As nurses you typically use the word assessment to mean completing the physical exam. However, in the SOAP Note format, assessment means diagnosis so start getting in the habit of calling the physical exam exactly that.

Week 2 Case Studies

In Week 2, your Instructor will assign you a case study related to your Discussion by Day 1 of the week. Please make sure to review the “Course Announcements” area of the course to verify your assigned case study. Please plan ahead to ensure you have time to review your case study and your Learning Resources so that you can complete your Discussions and Assignments on time. NURS 6512 Module 1: Comprehensive Health History paper




Kempfert, A. E., & Reed, B. D. (2011). Health care reform in the United States: HITECH Act and HIPAA privacy, security, and enforcement Issues. FDCC Quarterly, 61(3), 240–273.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

In order for organizations to receive the incentives offered through the HITECH legislation, they must be able to demonstrate that they are using the technology in meaningful ways. The following criteria for meaningful use must be evident to qualify for EHR incentives (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). The technology must: HITECH LEGISLATION


  • Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities
  • Engage patients and families
  • Improve care coordination
  • Improve population and public health
  • Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information

For this Discussion you consider the impact of the meaningful use criteria of the HITECH legislation on the adoption of health information technology.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on the HITECH legislation and its primary goals.
  • Reflect on the positive and negative impact this legislation has had on your organization or one with which you are familiar.
  • Consider the incentives to encourage the use of EHRs. Focus on the definition of meaningful use and how it is measured.
  • Reflect on how the incentives and meaningful use impact the quality of patient care.
  • Find an article in the Walden Library dealing with one of the criteria to qualify for meaningful use and how it has been successfully met.

Post a description of how HITECH legislation has positively or negatively impacted your organization. Address how its related incentives influence the adoption of health information technology in health care and impact the quality of patient care. Provide a summary of the article you identified and explain how it demonstrates the ability of health information technology to meet the requirements of meaningful use.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. HITECH LEGISLATION

Decision Making In Specialized Areas Of Care

Decision Making In Specialized Areas Of Care

Mrs. Adams is a 96-year-old Caucasian female who has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer. She was admitted to the hospitalist service through the ED with dehydration and rectal bleeding. The bleeding resolved, and she received 2 units of PRBs and fluid/electrolyte replacement. She is stable and ready to be discharged home. Decision Making In Specialized Areas Of Care

Mrs. Adams is in remarkably good health, and other than arthritis and mild HTN, she has no significant medical or surgical history. She is able to carry out all of her essential daily living activities. She pays her own bills, is competent, and has good functional abilities. She was driving up until last year. Now, she has neighbor’s assist with weekly shopping and transportation to church. Her sensory, functional, and cogitative abilities were evaluated this admission and remain intact. She has been offered palliative surgical intervention, but deferred all treatment. Her only son is in agreement with his mother’s decision. Her parents and husband are deceased. You have been asked to obtain advanced directives. What will your discharge treatment plan be for Mrs. Adams?


To prepare:

  • Reflect on the provided patient information.
  • Think about potential outcomes for the patient in the case study you selected.
  • Consider how care, treatment, and/or support might be facilitated for the patient. Reflect on how you might also address the needs of the family.Decision Making In Specialized Areas Of Care



Please use the data, StatCrunch, and your knowledge of statistics to answer the questions below.. Download the provided CDC data into StatCrunch (located at the bottom of these directions). You will utilize this data in weeks 3 and 8 for your Healthcare Applications Assignment.  HEALTH DATA COLLECTION


Part I

  1. Calculate the correlation coefficient between each of the independent variables and the variable—diabetes. What does this value tell us about the relationship between each of the independent variables and diabetes?
  2. Run a regression using diabetes as the dependent variable and smoking as the independent variable.
    • Is there a statistically significant relationship between poverty rates and diabetes? (Use the T-stat or P-value.) Explain.
    • Write out the regression line calculated using the data.
    • Interpret b1 (the slope coefficient).
    • Suppose a state raises the tobacco tax and the rate of smoking in the state falls from 21% to 18%. What would the decrease be in the rate of diabetes based on the regression results?

Part II

Suppose you work for a local hospital. Your manager requests that you use the CDC data on diabetes and smoking, obesity rate, physical activity, and poverty rate to present a compelling argument to the board regarding the importance of creating state initiatives to reduce diabetes rates. You must present statistical data in a written report to the board. Write an APA formatted paper, double spaced, 2-4 pages in length, with a cover page and references page addressing the following: HEALTH DATA COLLECTION

  • Include a minimum of four types of statistical tests to make your case. Examples include hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, correlations, regressions, etc. You may use statistical tests that you have completed in weeks 3 and 8 or develop your own.
  • Include a minimum of three graphs with your report. Examples include scatter plots, histograms, regression lines, box-plots, etc. You may use graphs that you have completed in weeks 3 and 8 or develop your own.
  • Write an essay using these statistics and graphs to make a convincing argument for the need to create an initiative to reduce the rate of diabetes.  In your essay, explain the relationship between diabetes and obesity, smoking, physical activity, and poverty rates utilizing statistical data, tests, and graphs. Be sure to explain your results and how these results show there is a need to create an initiative to reduce the diabetes rates.  HEALTH DATA COLLECTION



Report Issue

  1. Assignment 1: The Primary Care Clinic
  2. Due Week 4 and worth 160 points
  3. You are the manager of a new primary care clinic located about twenty five (25) miles outside of a small city (population of 50,000). With five (5) family physicians, two (2) nurse practitioners, two (2) physicians’ assistants (PAs), and twenty (20) clinical support staff consisting of RNs, LPNs, and CMAs, the clinic provides primary care services to a diverse community of people living and working outside the city limits. Originally a rural area, the community has been growing and now includes promising opportunities in employment, education, and comfortable living spaces for young families. However, there are still many residents who struggle to make ends meet with older farms that have belonged to families for generations.   HEALTH SERVICES ORGANISATION
  4. The central city includes two (2) large acute care facilities, and one (1) tertiary care facility that is known for its excellent pulmonary care. Both acute care hospitals provide the usual services such as labor and delivery, outpatient surgery, chronic diseases care, etc. and have fully equipped ancillary departments, such as lab and radiology. Up until this point, the residents have used the facilities’ emergency departments for routine illnesses and conditions when their private physicians were not readily available.


  5. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

  6. Analyze some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years.
  7. Create a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic, and discuss how it will facilitate the provision of quality services.
  8. Analyze and discuss one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Determine what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions.
  9. Decide how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Identify three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Begin by naming a goal, and then identify a quantifiable measurement you could use for each to determine if you are coming close or falling short of the goal.
  10. Determine how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place.HEALTH SERVICES ORGANISATION
  11. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  12. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  13. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  14. Analyze the critical management issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations.
  • Examine the political, economic, and social forces that have influenced the organizational foundations of the United States healthcare system.
  • Explain how public policy has shaped the development of the U.S. healthcare system.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services organization management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about health services organization management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 160 Assignment 1: The Primary Care Clinic
Criteria  UnacceptableBelow 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations60-69% D  Fair70-79% C  Proficient80-89% B  Exemplary90-100% A
1. Analyze some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years.Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely analyzed some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years. Insufficiently analyzed some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years. Partially analyzed some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years. Satisfactorily analyzed some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years. Thoroughly analyzed some of the key social, political, and economic factors that have led to the proliferation of urgent care facilities and primary care practices over the last 20-30 years.
2. Create a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic, and discuss how it will facilitate the provision of quality services.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely created a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic; did not submit or incompletely discussed how it will facilitate the provision of quality services.HEALTH SERVICES ORGANISATION Insufficiently created a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic; insufficiently discussed how it will facilitate the provision of quality services. Partially created a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic; partially discussed how it will facilitate the provision of quality services. Satisfactorily created a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic; satisfactorily discussed how it will facilitate the provision of quality services. Thoroughly created a comprehensive mission statement for the clinic; thoroughly discussed how it will facilitate the provision of quality services.
3. Analyze and discuss one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Determine what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions.Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely analyzed and discussed one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Did not submit or incompletely determined what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions. Insufficiently analyzed and discussed one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Insufficiently determined what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions. Partially analyzed and discussed one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Partially determined what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions. Satisfactorily analyzed and discussed one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Satisfactorily determined what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions. Thoroughly analyzed and discussed one (1) or more directions the clinic might take to grow its business. Thoroughly determined what factors you would consider when deciding what services to provide in-house and which ones to affiliate with other institutions.
4. Decide how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Identify three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services.Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely decided how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Did not submit or incompletely identified three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Insufficiently decided how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Insufficiently identified three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Partially decided how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Partially identified three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Satisfactorily decided how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Satisfactorily identified three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services. Thoroughly decided how you will determine if the clinic is meeting its goals. Thoroughly identified three (3) performance measurements you could use to evaluate the success of the clinic’s services.
5. Determine how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place.Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely determined how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place. Insufficiently determined how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place. Partially determined how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place. Satisfactorily determined how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place. Thoroughly determined how you would then address whatever opportunities for improvement seem to exist and what processes you would put in place.
6. 3 references Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; some references high quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirementsWeight: 10% More than 8 errors presentHEALTH SERVICES ORGANISATION 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present



Cognitive Development and Decline

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky’s developmental theories offer us two frameworks for understanding our cognitive processing as we age. Aspects of cognition, such as information processing, attention, or memory can be different in childhood as compared to senior adulthood.

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider what Piaget and Vygotsky had to say in their theories of cognitive development.


By Day 3, post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • How do the patterns of cognitive development, observed throughout childhood, contrast with those seen in advanced aging?
  • Is cognitive decline inevitable with aging?
  • What are some strategies for maintaining and/or enhancing cognition in advanced age?HEALTH INFORMATION




Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Aging across the lifespan: Cognitive development [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 33 minutes.

In this week’s media, presenters Dr. Nina Lyon-Bennett and Dr. John C. Cavanaugh discuss: the development of a sense of self; motor development and Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development; theorist Lev Vygotsky and the impact of culture on cognitive development; the differences in information processing between adolescents and adults; practical intelligence; lifelong learning; and physiology and cognition as we get older, including memory issues and information processing.


  • Course Text:   Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.  
    • Chapter 4, “The Emergence of Thought and Language: Cognitive Development in Infancy and Early Childhood”
    • Chapter 6, “Off to School: Cognitive and Physical Development in Middle Childhood”
      • Section 6.1, “Cognitive Development”
    • Chapter 8, “Rites of Passage: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence”
      • Section 8.3, “Information Processing During Adolescence”
    • Chapter 10, “Becoming an Adult: Physical, Cognitive, and Personality Development in Young Adulthood”
      • Section 10.3, “Cognitive Development”
    • Chapter 13,  “Making It in Midlife: The Biopsychosocial Challenges of Middle Adulthood”
      • Section 13.2, “Cognitive Development”
    • Chapter 14, “The Personal Context of Later Life: Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Issues”
      • Section 14.3, “Cognitive Processes”
  • What makes an individual? While it could be argued that it is one’s physiological appearance or how one interacts with others, it is cognition—the mental processes of active acquisition of knowledge and comprehension—that, in many ways, defines who we are. The brain’s higher-level functions encompass language, imagination, perception and planning; shaping our outlook on life and our approach to others. In this week’s textbook reading, you will examine elements of cognition such as: thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving across the lifespan.
  • Article: Lindberg, M., Chapman, M., Samsock, D., Thomas, S., & Lindberg, A. (2003). Comparisons of three different investigative interview techniques with young children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164(1), 5-28. Retrieved from

    This article presented the results of a study on finding the answers to four questions. First, what interviewing technique for children gives us the most correct versus incorrect, coached, and suggested information? Second, how is information that is provided by child witnesses received and interpreted by interviewers? Third, what implications do these relations have in terms of the practice of training new interviewers? Fourth, what do these results have to say about theories of memory in general?
  • Article: Memon, A., & Vartoukian, R. (1996). The effects of repeated questioning on young children’s eyewitness testimony. British Journal of Psychology, 87(3), 403-415. Retrieved from

    This article studies the impact of repeated questioning on children’s memory performance.

Optional Resources


  • Video: PBS. (Producer). (2009, June). NOVA science now: How memory works [Web Video]. Retrieved from
  • Video: PBS. (Producer). (2002). Frontline: Inside the teenage brain [Web Video]. Retrieved from INFORMATION


  • Exploratorium. (1998). Memory lecture series. Retrieved from


The Impact of Device Design on Work Flow

To prepare for this Discussion, search the Internet for an example of a mobile device that a health practitioner uses in tasks associated with his/her job.

By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • Briefly describe the device and its purpose.
  • What are positive outcomes from using this device?
  • What are negative outcomes from using this device?
  • Should the organization mandate the use of this device? What could happen if the practitioner refused?
  • How could you convince the health practitioner that this is a useful device that could positively impact patient care?




Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Health informatics: Workflow redesign and human factors [Video file]. Retrieved from


  • Topical Study Guide
  • Piechowski, R. (March/April 2006). Making CPOE Work: Redesign Workflows to Optimize Benefits. Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare. Retrieved at:
  • Karsh, B., Weinger, M., Abbott, P., & Wears, R. (2010). Health information technology: fallacies and sober realities. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA, 17(6), 617–623.
  • Norris, B. (2009). Human factors and safe patient care. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(2), 203–2 11.
  • Erickson, L., & Lyon, T. (2008). How to fix a flawed process: The four rules of work design. Family Practice Management, 15(6), 29–33.
  • Elrod, J., & Androwich, I. (2009). Applying human factors analysis to the design of the electronic health record. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 146, 132-6.
  • Green, M. (2009). Medical equipment: Good design or bad design? Retrieved from
  • Carayon, P. (2010). Human factors in patient safety as an innovation. Applied Ergonomics, 41(5), 657-665.
  • Agarwal, R., Khuntia, J. (2009). Personal Health Information and the Design of Consumer Health Information Technology: Background Report. (Prepared by Insight Policy Research under Contract No. HHSA290200710072T. AHRQ Publication No. 09-0075-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. June 2009.) Pages 1–31 and 54–80. Retrieved from
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2009, December 4). Glossary of Health-IT Terms.

  • Wilkins, M. A. (2009). Factors influencing acceptance of electronic health records in hospitals. Perspectives in Health Information Management, (Fall 2009), 1–20.

Optional Resources


  • Agarwal, R., Khuntia, J. (2009). Personal Health Information and the Design of Consumer Health Information Technology: Background Report. (Prepared by Insight Policy Research under Contract No. HHSA290200710072T. AHRQ Publication No. 09-0075-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. June 2009.)
  • Boston-Fleischhauer, C. (2008). Enhancing healthcare process design with human factors engineering and reliability science, part 1: Setting the context. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(1), 27–32.
  • Healthcare Informatics. (2012, March 29). ONC Announces Heart Health Apps Winners. Retrieved from
  • Raths, D. (2012, September 17). Is Mobile PHR the New Killer App? Healthcare Informatics. Retrieved from
  • Perna, G. (2012, March 8). The Curious Case of iPads in Healthcare. Healthcare Informatics. Retrieved from
  • Healthcare Informatics. (2012, April 5). Allscripts EHRs Get iPad Application. Retrieved from
  • Beuscart-Zéphir, M., Pelayo, S., & Bernonville, S. (2010). Example of a Human Factors Engineering approach to a medication administration work system: Potential impact on patient safety. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79(4), 43-57.
  • Wolters Kluwer Health. (n.d.). Overcoming Clinician Resistance to Medication Decision Support within CPOE. Retrieved from


  • Motion Computing INFORMATION



Jack Baldwin is a 50 years old man who come to the hospital c/o left groin sharp pain that irradiate to the left testicle that started 6 hours ago, he feels nausea and threw up once. he stated he was helping a friend with some moving when the pain started. Standing makes it worse, especially standing up straight and bending over makes it worse, too. I haven’t found anything that makes it better. My scrotum feels achy mostly on the left side.

Physical Exam: HR:130 BP:170/94


abdomen: Visible swelling in the left groin with extension into the scrotum, without erythema
•Mildly swollen, indurated left groin causing tension to overlying skin


•Diffuse left-groin tenderness to palpation
genitourinary: The left groin region is visibly swollen and indurated to palpation. Right side normal.
•There is tenderness within the left inguinal canal; right inguinal canal normal;
•The scrotum is swollen on left side
•The testicles are normal in size and nontender to palpation
•Normal penile shaft, without lesions or discharge
•No flank tenderness to percussion

Differential diagnosis:

– hernia, inguinal

– epididymitis

– testicular torsion

– nephrolitiasis/ kidney calculi

Final diagnosis:

hernia, inguinal

Scrotal ultrasound reveals the following:

  • Loop of bowel in the left scrotum
  • Normal blood flow to each testicle
  • Normal testicular size bilaterally


  • Provide a reference for your treatment plan (in APA format). The reference may come from a journal, a book, etc.
  • Cite all sources using APA format.HEALTH REPORT
  • Include three differential diagnoses and support your diagnoses with supporting literature.

    Other active problems:HypertensionMedical, surgical, obstetric, hospitalizations:Kidney stone requiring lithotripsyAllergies:NoneMedications:LisinoprilPreventive Health:Cancer-screening modalities for gender/age: prostate exam
Recommend smoking cessation – patient not ready
Fitness: encouraging increasing exercise
Nutrition: recommending better choices when eats out
Stress reduction: exercise recommendationImmunizations:Up to dateFHx:Father: Hypertension, CAD, prostate cancer
Mother: Hypothyroidism, breast cancer
Siblings: NoneSHx:Marital status/personal support system: Married x 20 years
Housing: Condominium
Occupation: Accountant
Tobacco use: Smokes 1 ppd;
Alcohol: 1 to 2 drinks/day;
History of: narcotic abuse (Percocet)
Sexual history: Monogamous HEALTH REPORT

Heritage Assessment

Heritage Assessment

Report Issue

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by CCNE and AACN using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, their specific care discipline, and their local communities.

The learning activity and corresponding assignment in this topic requires students to perform a heritage assessment with families selected by the student from their local community.Heritage Assessment


Click on in order to access the “Heritage Assessment Tool.”

Interview three families from different cultures. One family should be from your own culture. Compare the differences in health traditions between these cultures.

Assess the three families using the “Heritage Assessment Tool.” In 1,000-1,500 words discuss the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment to evaluate the needs of families and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Include the following:

  1. Perform a heritage assessment on three families. One of these families should be from your own culture.
  2. Complete the “Heritage Assessment Tool” and submit to: – one assessment for each of the three families interviewed. You are not required to include the tool in your LoudCloud submission.
  3. Identify common health traditions based on cultural heritage. Evaluate and discuss how the families subscribe to these traditions and practices. Address health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration as they relate to your assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.Heritage Assessment

Health Promotion Program

Health Promotion Program

Assume that you are working in a community health department. The department has some federal money that it wants to allocate to two health promotion programs from the following:

  • Decrease in deaths from cardiovascular disease
  • Decrease in deaths from breast cancer
  • Decrease in teenage pregnancy
  • Decrease in cigarette smoking
  • Decrease in incidence of diabetes
  • Decrease in motor vehicle accidents
  • Decrease in osteoporosis and hip fractures among women
  • Decrease in obesity


Identify the health promotion programs that you would want to investigate and get them approved by your instructor.

Write a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document, addressing the following questions:

  • Identify the risk factors associated with the selected health promotion programs.
  • What is the target population associated with the selected health promotion program? Consider the hypothetical target population, consisting of middle-aged women, male adolescent gang members, premature infants, etc., and describe the characteristics of each program.Health Promotion Program
  • What are the risk factors that you want to focus on in order to achieve the objective of the health promotion program?
  • What intervention would you recommend to be most appropriate to reduce exposure to these risk factors? You can choose at what level of intervention you want to implement each program (primary, secondary, tertiary health intervention).
  • What will be the process by which this intervention will achieve the goal of the program?
  • What will be the anticipated outcome of this intervention?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.Health Promotion Program



Assignent Objectives

Demonstrate the integration and utilization of key concepts and knowledge from prior courses to solve the selected problem

Apply critical thinking and relevant concepts to the final project

All projects should have a comprehensive plan for successful completion. This week, you must provide details about your project that are designed to organize and manage all relevant resources to achieve specific goals and objectives.


Write 4–5 pages that explain the following:

  • Problem statement
  • Measurable goals and objectives
  • Resources required
    • Human
    • Financial
  • A list of the tasks that are required for successfully implementing the project
  • Budget
  • Communication plan
  • Key stakeholders
    • Direct
    • Indirect

Abbreviated Example

  • Board approval: Present the project to the board, including the executive summary. Obtain approval to move forward with requests for proposals (RFPs). HEALTH PROJECT
  • Resource allocation: Submit requests for proposals to the 2 vendors that are identified. Include the return on investment (ROI) requirement. Meet with the bank representatives regarding financing. Meet with marketing to develop a campaign promoting the new process.
  • Implementation tasks: Schedule employee meetings to share the plan to use new laboratory equipment that will allow a shorter time for obtaining results. Meet with all staff to communicate the plan, and create teams to handle the different components of the implementation. It is necessary to communicate the purpose of the proposed change and highlight the benefits. Create training schedules to allow the nursing staff time to learn the new laboratory process. The receptionists will need to be trained to identify which patients will be using the new laboratory and the standard process. HEALTH PROJECT

Please include at least 4 references in APA format