Ethical descion making-Healthcare ethics

Write 2 page essay on the topic Ethical descion making-Healthcare ethics. This paper aims to show two ethical issues/dilemmas in the health care area discussing and identifying the conflicting interests and the applicable ethical theories and principles. The Ascension Health organization website will be used to gather information and ideas for this paper. Ascension Health is the nation’s largest Catholic and largest nonprofit health system, serving patients through a network of hospitals and related health facilities providing acute care services, long-term care, community health services, psychiatric, rehabilitation and residential care.The first case presented in this paper is about a rape victim who was brought to Freeman Hospital’s emergency room. The hospital authorities refused to disclose facts about the morning-after pill which the rape victim requested for information. The hospital authorities’ reason is that they are a Catholic Hospital and they are against abortion.The competing interest now is that the victim/patient has the right to make her own decisions regarding the treatment, and therefore, adequate disclosure of information must be provided so the patient can make an informed decision. However, the Freeman Hospital being a catholic institution refused to disclose information to the patient regarding the pill, claiming that they are against abortion or prevention and termination of pregnancy.

The future economic needs of the health care system

Prepare a 1,250 word paper explaining your position on national health care spending in
the United States. Include information on the following:
a. The level of current national healthcare expenditures
a. Whether the spending is too much or not enough
b. Where we, as a nation, should add or where we should cut, and why
c.Ø Prepare a 1,250 word paper explaining your position on national health care spending in
the United States. Include information on the following:
a. The level of current national healthcare expenditures
a. Whether the spending is too much or not enough
b. Where we, as a nation, should add or where we should cut, and why
c. How the health care needs of the general public are paid for, e.g. financed by the various payers and indicate the percentage of total health expenditures they represent.
Based on your position, provide a forecast of:
d. The future economic needs of the health care system
e. Why these needs have to be addressed
f. How you envision these needs will be financed

Based on your position, provide a forecast of:
d. The future economic needs of the health care system
e. Why these needs have to be addressed
f. How you envision these needs will be financed

Private Partnerships in the French healthcare

Case Study: France Public – Private Partnerships in the French healthcare 1. PPP Law/Legal Framework/PPP Policy in Health France is known for its’ long tradition of concession arrangements that grew significantly over the second half of the 20th century to place France among the most PPP prominent countries in the world (EPEC, 2012). In the health sector though PPPs had to wait important reforms allowing tenders of design, construction and maintenance aspects to be conducted by private providers and permit deferred payment mechanisms. These are among others: Public Health Code : ? Law n° 2003-850 of September 2003 on simplification of the structure and the functioning of health system in France; ? Law n° 2004-559 of June 2004 on partnership contracts; ? Law n° 2004-806 on public health policy: o Hospital leasing (Bail Emphytéotique Hospitalier – BEH) is governed by articles L. 6148-1 to 6148-1 6148-6 and R. 6148-1 to R. 6148-3 of the Public Health Code (CSP); o Administrative leasing (Bail Emphytéotique Administrative – BEA) is governed by Article L. 315-9 of the CASF (Code of Social action and families) and by Article L.1311-2 of the General Code for Territorial entities 2. Centralised PPP Unit on health at country level/ Decentralised decision making (devolved/decentralized approach used for management of PPP) At the national level the Ministry of health is supported by MNAIH (Mission nationale d’appui à l’investissement hospitalier) currently submerged under ANAP (Agence Nationale d’Appui à la Performance des établissements de santé et médico-sociaux) At the Regional level, PPPs are under the responsibility of regional hospitalization agency (ARH -Agence Régionale d’hospitalisation) incorporated in the regional public health authority (agence régionale de la santé – ARS) As per article L6113-10 of the Public Health Code ( ANAP/historique/ConventionConstitutiveANAP.pdf) the main tasks of ANAP are among others: – The development and dissemination of tools and services to help healthcare facilities improve their performance and quality of services; – The support and assistance for restructuring, reconstructions and property management; – Evaluation, audit and expertise of hospital projects especially in real estate and information systems; – The control and conduct audits on the performance of healthcare facilities; – Support to regional health agencies in their mission operational control and improved health facility performance; Health and Economics Analysis for an Evaluation of the Public Private Partnerships in Health Care Delivery across EU 112 – The support of the central government in its task of strategic management of the provision of healthcare and medical services. Therefore ANAP is responsible for technical supervision and support to the ARHs and public healthcare institutions (EPSs) from inception of individual schemes onwards and is responsible for the development of legal and financial framework. Thus parallel to the monitoring and control investment plans ANAP (or previously MAINH) has developed various methodological tools: a guide to PPP implementation (BEH guide), hospital revitalization guide, observatory hospital construction. On its part, ARS was set up in bid rationalize the provision of healthcare services. It is responsible for policy implementation regarding all public health services. It ensures and monitors compliance with the rules on behalf of the central government (Ministry of health). It is in charge of authorizing the establishment and operation of all health facilities and health services and participates in the control of these institutions. 3. First PPP Contract: (year, name) Following the legal framework the 1st PPP project was signed in 2005: Douai Logipôle Hospital signed – 05/09/2005. The project had the value € 30 milions for design, build, finance and operation of a logistical support platform (logipole) at the Douai Hospital. In the same year (2005) the ophthalmological hospital Quinze Vingts in Paris followed and soon after were PPPs for: ? Centre hospitalier universitaire de Caen; ? Centre hospitalier du Sud Francilien at Corbeil-Essonnes; ? Centre hospitalier universitaire de Rennes; ? Centre les Tilleroyes at Besançon. 4. Total Number of PPP Contracts Under the framework of Plan Hôpital 2007, the Ministry of Health launched a national call for project proposals from hospitals. 35 proposals were submitted in 2003 of which 20 were selected following discussions with the MAINH. First contracts were signed in 2005. A second wave of PPP projects was launched in 2006 (not only falling under Plan Hôpital 2007) among which about a dozen used the Partnership contracts –PC rather than BEH. By 2012 about 50 contracts (40 BEH and 10 PC) had been signed of which the construction of 35 hospitals were completed and already at the operational phase (EPEC, 2012). 5. Model Since PPPs were introduced most of awarded contracts are related to real estates, most case PPPs fall under DBFO (design, build, finance, operate) involving infrastructure, Electronic medical records and Hospital Management as well as logistics. A number of PPPs was concluded as leasing and partnership contracts. It is worth noting that in France the term ‘public – private partnership’ primarily refers to contracts based on fee payment by a public authority while contract based on revenue operations are known as ‘concessions’ or ‘delegations de service public’. The diagram below gives an overview of the two widely used PPP models in

Identify key health indicators that provide a good description of the health situation in that country

Due date : 27 march 2018 midnight 
Task description 
Focus on one low or middle income country of your choice and undertake an assessment and critical analysis of its health and development status. Due date : 27 march 2018 midnight 
Task description 
Focus on one low or middle income country of your choice and undertake an assessment and critical analysis of its health and development status. Identify key health indicators that provide a good description of the health situation in that country. Also include relevant sustainable development goals from your chosen focus country. 
You should structure this assessment task like a report and start by presenting some background to your country (include social, economic and political situation, including relevant historical factors), then clearly presenting the relevant indicators. You then need to discuss the meaning of the indicators and their value (and limitations) within a local and global context. 
You should demonstrate your ability to interpret and discuss the health indicators in relation to those that are relevant from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but are encouraged to go beyond simply presenting and interpreting these data. Provide an assessment of whether SDG targets are being met and how this compares to other countries in the region and beyond. 
You should also consider the country's national health policy, global and other external influences (such as economic and political influences of external donors), and the impact of any international programs such as key Global Funds. Comment on how these factors may have affected the health and development situation. Make an assessment of other key challenges and what priorities might be included in the era of the SDGs. 
Please note: You should not structure this assignment solely around the SDGs (e.g. we do not want one section on each SDG) as many of these indicators will not be relevant to your assignment while other non-SDG indicators will be relevant. Also, the most pertinent indicators for your chosen country may be different from other countries depending on what you consider best illustrates the health and development status in the country and its health and development priorities. 
In summary, use relevant health and development indicators to provide an overall summary report of health and development in a low or middle income country of your choice. 
Key learning outcomes for this assessment include: 
• being able to gather and sort relevant data from available sources (such as country-based databases and reports, WHO, UNDP websites and interactive databases such as and, and peer-reviewed journal articles) 
• collating data and presenting the most important data clearly, using text, tables and figures; and assessing data quality and noting contradictions 
• interpreting data and showing an understanding of contextual influences on health indicators 
• backing up all data presented with clear referencing and acknowledgement of sources 
• demonstrating ability to move beyond description to critique and analysis 
This assessment task addresses the course learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4. . Also include relevant sustainable development goals from your chosen focus country. 
You should structure this assessment task like a report and start by presenting some background to your country (include social, economic and political situation, including relevant historical factors), then clearly presenting the relevant indicators. You then need to discuss the meaning of the indicators and their value (and limitations) within a local and global context. 
You should demonstrate your ability to interpret and discuss the health indicators in relation to those that are relevant from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but are encouraged to go beyond simply presenting and interpreting these data. Provide an assessment of whether SDG targets are being met and how this compares to other countries in the region and beyond. 
You should also consider the country's national health policy, global and other external influences (such as economic and political influences of external donors), and the impact of any international programs such as key Global Funds. Comment on how these factors may have affected the health and development situation. Make an assessment of other key challenges and what priorities might be included in the era of the SDGs. 
Please note: You should not structure this assignment solely around the SDGs (e.g. we do not want one section on each SDG) as many of these indicators will not be relevant to your assignment while other non-SDG indicators will be relevant. Also, the most pertinent indicators for your chosen country may be different from other countries depending on what you consider best illustrates the health and development status in the country and its health and development priorities. 
In summary, use relevant health and development indicators to provide an overall summary report of health and development in a low or middle income country of your choice. 
Key learning outcomes for this assessment include: 
• being able to gather and sort relevant data from available sources (such as country-based databases and reports, WHO, UNDP websites and interactive databases such as and, and peer-reviewed journal articles) 
• collating data and presenting the most important data clearly, using text, tables and figures; and assessing data quality and noting contradictions 
• interpreting data and showing an understanding of contextual influences on health indicators 
• backing up all data presented with clear referencing and acknowledgement of sources 
• demonstrating ability to move beyond description to critique and analysis 
This assessment task addresses the course learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4.

Identify key health indicators that provide a good description of the health situation in that country

Due date : 27 march 2018 midnight 
Task description 
Focus on one low or middle income country of your choice and undertake an assessment and critical analysis of its health and development status. Due date : 27 march 2018 midnight 
Task description 
Focus on one low or middle income country of your choice and undertake an assessment and critical analysis of its health and development status. Identify key health indicators that provide a good description of the health situation in that country. Also include relevant sustainable development goals from your chosen focus country. 
You should structure this assessment task like a report and start by presenting some background to your country (include social, economic and political situation, including relevant historical factors), then clearly presenting the relevant indicators. You then need to discuss the meaning of the indicators and their value (and limitations) within a local and global context. 
You should demonstrate your ability to interpret and discuss the health indicators in relation to those that are relevant from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but are encouraged to go beyond simply presenting and interpreting these data. Provide an assessment of whether SDG targets are being met and how this compares to other countries in the region and beyond. 
You should also consider the country's national health policy, global and other external influences (such as economic and political influences of external donors), and the impact of any international programs such as key Global Funds. Comment on how these factors may have affected the health and development situation. Make an assessment of other key challenges and what priorities might be included in the era of the SDGs. 
Please note: You should not structure this assignment solely around the SDGs (e.g. we do not want one section on each SDG) as many of these indicators will not be relevant to your assignment while other non-SDG indicators will be relevant. Also, the most pertinent indicators for your chosen country may be different from other countries depending on what you consider best illustrates the health and development status in the country and its health and development priorities. 
In summary, use relevant health and development indicators to provide an overall summary report of health and development in a low or middle income country of your choice. 
Key learning outcomes for this assessment include: 
• being able to gather and sort relevant data from available sources (such as country-based databases and reports, WHO, UNDP websites and interactive databases such as and, and peer-reviewed journal articles) 
• collating data and presenting the most important data clearly, using text, tables and figures; and assessing data quality and noting contradictions 
• interpreting data and showing an understanding of contextual influences on health indicators 
• backing up all data presented with clear referencing and acknowledgement of sources 
• demonstrating ability to move beyond description to critique and analysis 
This assessment task addresses the course learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4. . Also include relevant sustainable development goals from your chosen focus country. 
You should structure this assessment task like a report and start by presenting some background to your country (include social, economic and political situation, including relevant historical factors), then clearly presenting the relevant indicators. You then need to discuss the meaning of the indicators and their value (and limitations) within a local and global context. 
You should demonstrate your ability to interpret and discuss the health indicators in relation to those that are relevant from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but are encouraged to go beyond simply presenting and interpreting these data. Provide an assessment of whether SDG targets are being met and how this compares to other countries in the region and beyond. 
You should also consider the country's national health policy, global and other external influences (such as economic and political influences of external donors), and the impact of any international programs such as key Global Funds. Comment on how these factors may have affected the health and development situation. Make an assessment of other key challenges and what priorities might be included in the era of the SDGs. 
Please note: You should not structure this assignment solely around the SDGs (e.g. we do not want one section on each SDG) as many of these indicators will not be relevant to your assignment while other non-SDG indicators will be relevant. Also, the most pertinent indicators for your chosen country may be different from other countries depending on what you consider best illustrates the health and development status in the country and its health and development priorities. 
In summary, use relevant health and development indicators to provide an overall summary report of health and development in a low or middle income country of your choice. 
Key learning outcomes for this assessment include: 
• being able to gather and sort relevant data from available sources (such as country-based databases and reports, WHO, UNDP websites and interactive databases such as and, and peer-reviewed journal articles) 
• collating data and presenting the most important data clearly, using text, tables and figures; and assessing data quality and noting contradictions 
• interpreting data and showing an understanding of contextual influences on health indicators 
• backing up all data presented with clear referencing and acknowledgement of sources 
• demonstrating ability to move beyond description to critique and analysis 
This assessment task addresses the course learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4.

Socioeconomic Characteristics


  • A. Research the most recent health assessment data/report(s) for your county of residence. Review the report examples attached in the M1-M4 Dropbox, or look for websites such as these: RWJF County Health Rankingsor Florida Charts. Be thorough on your research, then:
    • Step 1: Summarize your findings in comparison to statewide statistics for all data provided in eachthe following six categories. (This might be a great place to have fun and demonstrate your creativity!!)
      1. 1. Behavioral Risk Factors (i.e.; smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, teen pregnancy, etc.)
      2. 2. Socioeconomic Characteristics (i.e.: unemployment, violent crime, HS graduation rates, etc.)
      3. 3. Health Status (i.e.: Cancer rates, rates of heart disease, etc.)
      4. 4. Maternal, Infant and Young Child Health (i.e.: birth rates, infant death rates, etc.)
      5. 5. Social and Mental Health (i.e.: alcohol related car accidents, violent crime, suicide, etc.)
      6. 6. Infectious Disease-or Communicable Disease (i.e.: rates of HIV/AIDS, TB, pneumonia, etc.)
  • Step 2: Answer the following questions :
    • What issuesdo you or your county officials note as significant outliers (either positive or negative) in the statistics for your county?
    • What programs have been initiated in your county to address the significant health issues highlighted above?
  • B.Research the current employment status of health care professionals in your county. Answer the following questions: 1) How does employment for healthcare professions rank overall compared with other professions? 2) What are the major healthcare employers in your area, and how many employees are at these institutions? 3) What are average salaries for a few of the major health professions in your county (or professions of interest to you), and how do those salariescompare with national averages? (Search credible articles and websites for this information. Here is an example:
  • C. Research how information technology is being utilized in your county to improve both the collection of assessment data and the health status of the residents. You might explore news items on your local hospital websites, hospital community reports, health departments, etc.Provide an overview and specific examples.

Note: Your report must be in APA format (link to guidelines: APA Reference Style Guidelines) and must include an APA formatted list of all sources/references. No abstract is needed for this report. You might review the grading rubric for this assignment in advance: Rubric HSA4431 – Health Assessment. Review again the Plagiarism Policy.Your written report (i.e. not including charts, graphs, etc. from Part A/Step 1) should be three pages in length in Word or pdf format. You will want to be complete and concise (i.e. quality not quantity!). Your grade will be based on how thoroughly and creatively you completed each step of the assignment. Assume you are employed in healthcare, and have been asked to submit this assignment to your supervisor!

Information Technology

Meryln. Health policy timeline

Choosea health policy issue in the United States to create a timeline of evolution.

Researchevents related to the policy’s creation, development, implementation, and modification.

Createa 700- to 1,050-word timeline detailing the evolution of your chosen health policy. Include the following:

A summary of the chosen policy. In your summary, include the objective of the policy and a discussion of the role the policy has played in the evolution of the US health care systemAt least five key events tracing the policy’s path from inception to its current status.For each event, include a 75- to 150-word explanation of why the event was significant in the development of the chosen policy.

Includeat least two references.

Formatany citations consistent with APA guidelines.Document Preview:

Q1: Information Technology. Healthcare Case Study, Stage 1: Process AnalysisINTRODUCTION In healthcare systems, there are several areas that need improvements. This depends on the various hospitals, people or culture in a given area, beliefs and various reasons too. There are various models for improvement, in which, they have two basic components, for instance, it begins by addressing various fundamental questions, like, how can we know if a given change is an improvement?The second part is a vigorous cycle improvement cycle. In this second part of the QI plan we will be dealing with a specific healthcare performance area, discussing the various models of improvement, current technology and various benchmarks and milestone that can be taken for improvement in our plan(Strome, 2013). Sol:1 Improving quality Health literacy can be viewed as a degree to which individuals have a capacity to obtain, understand common information that deals with the health care facilities, this is also related to the basic information that is needed in making good and appropriate health care decisions. Quality improvement models are hence needed to attain a suitable health literacy in all of the health care facilities(Carnevale, 2012). We will concentrate on the three common models, which include the Plan-Do-Study-Act model, the lean model commonly referred to the Toyota model in the business world and lastly the six sigma quality improvement model. Quality improvement models Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) This method has been widely used by the institute of the healthcare Improvement for a wide range of improvement, this is done so that to make a positive change in the healthcare systems and affecting its outcomes for positive results and hence the use of the Plan-Do-Study-Act model(Carnevale, 2012). This model is capable of impacting and assessing various changes due to its cyclical nature. The primary objective of this model is to come up with a functional relationship between the…

Community health care administrators,


In Week 2, we examined the efforts of the federal and state government with implementing population health initiatives. One of the popular initiatives is Healthy People 2020, which is designed to improve the health outcomes across the country. Unlike this initiative, there are smaller scale initiatives that states and even local government implement to improve the health of the population.

As we transition into Week 3, we will examine a variety of secondary data sets from federal and state resources and from private stakeholder groups.

When you complete this week, you will:

  • Evaluate population health data
  • Design population health initiatives to address community needs

Please locate all of the items under the Week 3 tab and carefully read all content including the instructions and review the videos. It is imperative that you are mindful of the due dates of all activities .

2.Project: Final Project Data Analysis and Initiative Proposal

Your final assignment for this course (referred to as the Final Project) begins in Week 3 with the completion of a Community Needs Assessment. This project builds by sections during Weeks 3, 6, 8, and 11. It is important that you select a health topic in Week 3 that you will be able to write about at length during the four weeks you are developing your project. This week, you begin your Community Needs Assessment Final Project by completing an analysis of your local community to identify the top health problems.

Community Needs Assessments are used by health care administrators, decision makers, and policy makers to identify health inequities and to ensure that health care resources are maximized for health improvement. A Community Needs Assessment describes the health and welfare of the priority population, identifies the major health risk factors, and the top health problems, and helps to identify the next steps to address these factors.

To prepare for this Assignment

Consider the parameters of your geographic area. This is a population based project; please choose a city or county in your state – or country. You will complete and submit both sections of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

  • Complete Section One of the Data Collection Worksheet Template provided in this week’s Learning Resources. The data you enter on the worksheet should be based on a city or county – plus US data. (International students may choose a region of their country and compare this data to their country’s national data)
  • Compare your city or county data to the national data in the appropriate column. You will summarize these findings in Section Two.
  • Complete Section Two. Based on your analysis and identification of top health problems, choose one population health issue and reply to the questions/topics in this section.
  • Submit the entire worksheet, which includes your data in Section One and responses to the items in Section Two.
  • This assignment will be 4-5 pages. The information will be used in your Final Project assignments during Weeks 6, 8, and 11.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK3Pj+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 3 Project Rubricto review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 3 Projectlink. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK3Pj+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Project Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Week 3 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7

To submit your Assignment:

Week 3 Project

How well does the policy reflect nursing values of caring, collaboration, collectivity, and high-touch care?

dq 1

Health Care Reform


Health care reform is at the forefront of social policy, and the role of nursing in influencing health care policy is not only needed but required by the ANA ethical mandates on policy formation.

For this discussion, select and respond to oneof the two situations below on health care policy and the role of the nursing profession. Provide short answers to the questions that follow the chosen situation.

Situation 1: In its health care reform position paper, the American Nurses Association (ANA) identified four key factors that need to be addressed when reforming the health care system in the U.S.:

  • Select one of these key factors and discuss, within the complex adaptive systems theoretical framework, how it might be achieved:

1. Access.

2. Cost.

3. Quality.

4. Workforce .

  • Identify nursing roles (both individual and professional organizations) within the four spheres of political action (workplace, government, professional organizations, and community) in which nursing is, or could be, active to help achieve the selected health care reform goal.
  • Discuss how the political roles you identified align with or are counter to the ANA's mandates for policy involvement.

Situation 2:Select a current nursing or health care issue, perhaps the one you are working on for your Health Care and Nursing Policy Critique Project.

  • Analyze the policy that most directs and regulates nursing care and health care in this area, using the ethics of care model.
  • Consider the following questions, but only provide short answers, as you don't need to reply at length:
    • How attentive is the policy to the needs of health care consumers? Is health care accessible, affordable, and appropriate?
    • Who is responsible for ensuring that care is delivered to those in need? In what ways do they meet this responsibility? In what ways do they fall short?
    • How well does the policy reflect nursing values of caring, collaboration, collectivity, and high-touch care?
    • What are the power relations between those in need of care and those providing care (both the institutions and its individual members)? How empowering is the policy for patients for nursing care providers and for institutions in the health care system?
    • To what extent does the policy support the provision of comprehensive care? To what extent does it fragment care?
    • What challenges to care or gaps in care does this policy present?
    • What ethical issues does this policy raise in the delivery of care, and in maintenance or creation of health disparities?

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference. The reference can be a text, an assigned readings, or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library.

Response Guidelines

Select one fellow learner's posts. Critique each learner's analysis pertaining to policy and policy change, identifying the strengths and limitations of each. Response post is to be about 75 words and are not required to be APA referenced, but may be.

dq 2

Advocacy Plan of Action


Building on your work in this unit's Health Care Reform discussion, create a plan of action for advocating a particular policy response to a selected nursing and health care concern. In your plan of action, be sure to consider:

  • Political context of the issue.
  • Stakeholders (support and opposition).
  • Policy options.
  • Value assessment of the advocated policy response.
  • Policy goals.
  • Selection of a specific strategic approach to policy change.
  • Strategic use of the media in your advocacy effort or campaign.
  • Action steps.

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference. The reference can be a text, an assigned readings, or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library.

Response Guidelines

Select one fellow learners' posts and provide suggestions on how they might enhance their advocacy plan. Response post is to be about 75 words and is not required to be APA referenced, but may be.

American Nurses Association

dq 1

Health Care Reform


Health care reform is at the forefront of social policy, and the role of nursing in influencing health care policy is not only needed but required by the ANA ethical mandates on policy formation.

For this discussion, select and respond to oneof the two situations below on health care policy and the role of the nursing profession. Provide short answers to the questions that follow the chosen situation.

Situation 1: In its health care reform position paper, the American Nurses Association (ANA) identified four key factors that need to be addressed when reforming the health care system in the U.S.:

  • Select one of these key factors and discuss, within the complex adaptive systems theoretical framework, how it might be achieved:

1. Access.

2. Cost.

3. Quality.

4. Workforce .

  • Identify nursing roles (both individual and professional organizations) within the four spheres of political action (workplace, government, professional organizations, and community) in which nursing is, or could be, active to help achieve the selected health care reform goal.
  • Discuss how the political roles you identified align with or are counter to the ANA's mandates for policy involvement.

Situation 2:Select a current nursing or health care issue, perhaps the one you are working on for your Health Care and Nursing Policy Critique Project.

  • Analyze the policy that most directs and regulates nursing care and health care in this area, using the ethics of care model.
  • Consider the following questions, but only provide short answers, as you don't need to reply at length:
    • How attentive is the policy to the needs of health care consumers? Is health care accessible, affordable, and appropriate?
    • Who is responsible for ensuring that care is delivered to those in need? In what ways do they meet this responsibility? In what ways do they fall short?
    • How well does the policy reflect nursing values of caring, collaboration, collectivity, and high-touch care?
    • What are the power relations between those in need of care and those providing care (both the institutions and its individual members)? How empowering is the policy for patients for nursing care providers and for institutions in the health care system?
    • To what extent does the policy support the provision of comprehensive care? To what extent does it fragment care?
    • What challenges to care or gaps in care does this policy present?
    • What ethical issues does this policy raise in the delivery of care, and in maintenance or creation of health disparities?

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference. The reference can be a text, an assigned readings, or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library.

Response Guidelines

Select one fellow learner's posts. Critique each learner's analysis pertaining to policy and policy change, identifying the strengths and limitations of each. Response post is to be about 75 words and are not required to be APA referenced, but may be.

dq 2

Advocacy Plan of Action


Building on your work in this unit's Health Care Reform discussion, create a plan of action for advocating a particular policy response to a selected nursing and health care concern. In your plan of action, be sure to consider:

  • Political context of the issue.
  • Stakeholders (support and opposition).
  • Policy options.
  • Value assessment of the advocated policy response.
  • Policy goals.
  • Selection of a specific strategic approach to policy change.
  • Strategic use of the media in your advocacy effort or campaign.
  • Action steps.

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference. The reference can be a text, an assigned readings, or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library.

Response Guidelines

Select one fellow learners' posts and provide suggestions on how they might enhance their advocacy plan. Response post is to be about 75 words and is not required to be APA referenced, but may be.View less »