Burden of Disease

Global Health: Burden of Disease -Nursing Research & Analysis Assignment


Identify a country that you are most familiar with and prepare a policy brief on one health problem from those listed below.
(1) HIV, Malaria, LRI or Diarrhea (if the country of your choice is classified as ‘low income’ or as a ‘lower-middle income’ country),
(2) Ischemic heart disease, stroke, COPD, drug use disorder, or breast cancer (if the country of your choice is classified as ‘high income’ or as an ‘upper-middle income country’).

The policy brief should be around 1000 words long (excluding references) and should capture key issues on the health condition, such as the nature and magnitude of the problem in terms of fatal and non-fatal burden as well as risk factors associated with the condition. It should also discuss the population group (or groups) that are most affected by the condition and the priority actions and steps that need to be undertaken to address the health problem.

The key information on risk factors, number of deaths, years of life lost due to premature mortality and years lived with ill health and related health indicators should be drawn from either the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) databases/publications, but you can also use other equivalent high quality publications from the study country itself. A number of model policy briefs are posted in the Moodle site for your reference and to provide you with an example of what the best paper would look like.

Your final grade for the assignment will be determined based on the comprehensiveness of the policy brief, the quality of your argument, and the number and appropriate use of relevant reference materials used in the paper.

To ensure academic integrity the essay will be subjected to text matching software, known as URKUND. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with URKUND and how to self- check and submit their assignments using the URKUND platform. In this unit, written assignments submitted only through this system will be assessed.

Analyse health information

HLT51612 Diploma in Nursing 
HLTAP501C Analyse health information 
Body System Disorder 40% 
Student will be required to research a disease / disorder relating to a body system that has been discussed within this unit. 
Student will need to set out the assignment as follows: 
• Introduction to the disease 
• Set the body of the assignment under each heading of the ‘key areas to be covered’ as set out below. 
• Name and student ID displayed on the footer of each page. 
The specific date of your assignment will be confirmed by your teacher. 
Key areas to be covered: 
1. The occurrence of the disorder (Occurrence = Patterns and frequency). 
2. The aetiology of the disorder (Aetiology = All the factors involved in causing the disease). 
3. The clinical presentation of individuals with the disorder = manifestation (signs and symptoms of the disease). 
4. The nursing interventions utilised to manage and/or alleviate the disorder (use nursing diagnoses to guide your interventions and the rationale for these interventions. 
5. The medical, allied health management including health education. 
6. Relevant health and community services/agencies available to support individuals and/or their families with this particular disorder. 
You may like to collect relevant brochures, pamphlets and other primary health material relevant to this disorder and submit them into your Portfolio Presentation. 
Word Count: approx. 500 words 
Referencing: Harvard Referencing System 
Due date: 27/1/15 
HLT51612 Diploma in Nursing 
HLTAP501C Analyse health information 
STUDENT NAME: _____________________ DATE: __________________ 
STUDENT GROUP: ____________________ ID NO: ___________________ 
Assessment Criteria 
Allocated marks Mark achieved 
1. Introduction / definition 2 
2. Occurrence of the disorder 2 
3. The aetiology of the disorder 

4. Clinical presentation 

5 Therapeutic and nursing interventions 
6 Medical allied health and nursing interventions 

7. Relevant health and community services 3 
Presentation (spelling and grammar) 

40 Marks 

Chronic and bacterial disease Chronic and viral disease Acute and bacterial disease Acute and viral disease Peptic ulcers

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination

  1. For cell which substance is not essential?
    1. Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids
  2. According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’?
    1. UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW
  3. Which things are necessary for individual health?
    1. Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these
  4. Acute disease is?
    1. Last for short duration and severe
    2. Last for long duration and less severe
    3. Both are correct
    4. Both are incorrect
  5. Due to chronic diseases?
    1. Long duration time period
    2. Lose weight and feel tired

Document Preview:

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination For cell which substance is not essential? Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’? UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW Which things are necessary for individual health? Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these Acute disease is? Last for short duration and severe Last for long duration and less severe Both are correct Both are incorrect Due to chronic diseases? Long duration time period Lose weight and feel tired Both are correct Both are incorrect If a baby suffering from loose motions, what wat the third-level causes of the baby’s disease? Disease caused by a virus Lack of good nourishment Poverty or lack of public services both a and b correct cancers are caused by? Due to abnormal growth of a cells Due to genetic abnormalities Both a and b are correct Only a correct High blood pressure can be caused by Due to excessive weight Due to lack of exercise Option a are more accurate Both a and b are correct Peptic ulcers is a? Chronic and bacterial disease Chronic and viral disease Acute and bacterial disease Acute and viral disease Peptic ulcers caused by? Helicobacter chylori Helicobacter pylori Lactobacillus pylori Helicobacter pepticase Peptic ulcers bacterium discovered by Robin Marshall & Barry Warren Robin Warren & Barry Marshall Robin Smith Barry Warren Peptic ulcers bacterium found in? Small intestine Large intestine Lower part of the stomach In the duodenum SARS virus stand for? Severe acute respiratory syndrome Severe acute reproductive syndrome Severe acute respiratory symptoms None of these Sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma, Trypanosoma is a? Bacterial species b. viral species c. helminths d. protozoan Kala-azar caused due to? Leishmania – protozoan Staphylococci –…


A researcher wants to know why individuals in Community A have a higher rate of a rare form of cancer when compared to those living in Community B. To find out the reasons for the differences in cancer rates in these two communities, the investigator surveyed residents about their lifestyle, noted the types of businesses that were present in the community and searched medical records. The researcher found that the headquarters for the Toxico Chemical Plant is located in Community A, there is a higher rate of cigarette smoking in this community and residents tended to delay or skip going to the doctor for an annual checkup. In Community B, the largest employer was a department store and on average, residents did not smoke as much as residents from Community A. However, like individuals from Community A, Community B residents tended to delay or skip their annual checkup with their doctor.


  1. Read the scenario above.
  2. Answer the following questions:
    1. What makes this a descriptive study?
    2. Why did the researcher collect information about the lifestyle of community residents? What about the type of businesses present in each community? Medical records?
    3. Can the investigator establish that the chemical plant and cigarette smoking are the cause for the higher rate of cancer among those in Community A?
    4. Can the investigator establish that lower smoking rates and the absence of a chemical factory explains the lower rate of cancer among those in Community B?
  3. Your post should be a minimum of 250-300 words.
    • Back up your arguments with reliable evidence.
  4. Please respond to at least one peer.


Below are the final exam questions for the Final Exam Case Study, Columbia Custom Carpentry, which is attached below. The file name is HRMD 640 Final Exam.pdf. You are to answer all of the questions. Please ensure that your answers are complete.

1. In your opinion, what is causing the turnover at Columbus Custom Carpentry? 5 points.

2. How would you characterize the internal and external equity at Columbus Custom Carpentry? 10 points.

4. Are the craters underpaid? If so, why? Will they still be underpaid if the custom hand-work portion of their job is eliminated by the jig system? Explain. 15 points.

3.  Are the assembly technicians overpaid? Explain. 5 points.

4. Given the case and market information, is the CFO position best aligned with that of an accounting manager, director, or a CFO? Explain. 5 points

5. Are there differences in pay that appear to be based on sex/race/ethnicity rather than performance or length of service? How so? 20 points

6. Would you want to work for this company? Why or why not? How, if at all was your answer affected by the job analysis and compensation information in the case study? 10 points

7. Given your answers to the previous questions, exactly how would you rectify the key issues within Columbus Custom Carpentry? What resources/references support your plan of action? 30 points.

PLEASE INCLUDE CITATIONS and attachment are posted for the topic


Chapter 3 discusses methods to assess the quality of simulations. You learned about three different views of simulation quality. Suppose you lead a task force that is developing a simulation to provide strategic planning recommendations for property use zoning for a county of 750,000 residents. The zoning board and county commissioners want a simulation that allows them to assess the impact of various zoning decisions based on a variety of dynamic factors, including age, race, education, and income status. Which of the three views discussed would provide the best quality assessment for this type of simulation? How would you ensure the highest level of accuracy with your simulation, and how would you go about determining accuracy? Ask other students a question about each of the three views covered in chapter 3.

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, identify which of the three views discussed in the chapter that would provide the best quality assessment for the situation described above, and explain your decision. How would you ensure the highest level of accuracy with your simulation, and how would you go about determining accuracy? Then ask three questions for other students to answer. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 3. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.


1. The Fauves, led by Matisse, made __________ the most important feature of their canvases.

A. line
B. composition C. texture
D. color

2. The exterior of Falling Water (Figure 32.23) suggests that the construction method includes

A. Roman arch. B. cantilever.
C. gothic arch. D. moorish arch.

3. Einstein’s theory of relativity asserted that

A. in studying subatomic particles, time and space were relative. B. planetary movement could not be accurately calculated.
C. the earth’s rotational speed depended on the time year.
D. all of Galileo’s theories were inaccurate.

4. The American poet who exalted individualism in his lyric works by affirming that he took the road “less traveled” was

A. Ezra Pound. B. Carl Sandburg. C. Robert Frost. D. Walt Whitman.

5. Nonobjective art as practiced by Malevich, Kandinsky, and Mondrian eliminated __________ from art.

A. nudity
B. color
C. subject matter D. brushstrokes

6. The celebrated Les Demoiselles d’Avignon shocked observers because

A. it depicted women with unprecedented brutality. B. it portrayed nudity in exceptional detail.
C. its subjects wore Japanese warrior masks.
D. it featured unusual colors for skin tones.

7. The Italian art movement that emphasized the close relationship between science and art was

A. cubism. B. pointillism. C. futurism. D. scientism.

8. Le Corbusier (Figure 32.26). The apartment block in Marseilles is an example of this building method.

A. cantilever steel beam B. reinforced concrete C. post and lintel
D. steel cage

9. The most controversial ballet of the first half of the twentieth century was Stravinsky’s 1918 creation,

A. Pierrot lunaire.
B. Bluebeard’s Castle. C. The Rite of Spring. D. Salome.

10. Freud considered his work on __________ to be his most valuable contribution.

A. the Oedipus complex B. dreams
C. sexual preference
D. early childhood

11. According to Freud, the greatest block to civilization was

A. aggression.
B. class division. C. totalitarianism. D. ignorance.

12. Included in the collective unconscious of Jungian theory were ALL BUT which one of these archetypes?

A. earth mother B. wise old man C. the garden D. older sister

13. Marcel Proust’s primary objective was to

A. depict an old man’s dreams.
B. analyze a mother–son relationship. C. rediscover a sense of the past.
D. assess the influence of the superego.

14. Influenced by Freudian theories, James Joyce employed a __________ technique in his novel


A. dream analysis
B. hypnosis
C. stream of consciousness D. symbolist

15. The American poet e. e. cummings sought to sharpen the focus of his poems by

A. convoluting syntax and word placement.
B. limiting the subject matter of his poetry.
C. accompanying his written work with drawings.
D. snipping words out of magazines and newspapers.

16. Expressionist artists created a style that featured

A. pastel colors.
B. huge patches of white. C. collage.
D. distorted forms.

17. According to Marcel Duchamp, the modern artist should be the

A. conscience of a society. B. destroyer of tradition. C. eyes of the people.
D. advocate for peace.

18. Of the human senses, the one Proust finds most powerful for unlocking long-lost memories is

A. sight
B. smell/taste C. hearing
D. touch.

19. This fragment from James Joyce’s Ulysses: “Night sky moon, violet, color of Molly’s new garters” is reminiscent of the early twentieth-century school of poetry known as the

A. dadaists. B. romantics. C. imagists. D. surrealists.

20. The artistic movement in Dresden and Munich that came to be called German Expressionism was heavily influenced by the art of

A. Africa and Oceania.
B. the United States.
C. the classical eighteenth century. D. ancient Greece.

21. World War I, or the Great War of 1914, began in part because of

A. rivalry between France and England.
B. a system of defensive alliances among European states. C. a rebellion in Eastern Europe.
D. African demands for independence.

22. The “bible” of the Chinese Revolution was

A. Quotations from Chairman Mao B. Li Hua’s Roar!
C. Lenin’s State and Revolution D. Stalin’s Diary

23. Like Hemingway and Owen, the German novelist __________ was deeply affected by his personal war experience.

A. Heisenberg B. Remarque C. Fichte
D. Schoenberg

24. The artistic style that portrayed social problems in an objective manner was called social

A. objectivity. B. realism.
C. determinism. D. relativism.

25. The bull and horse in Picasso’s Guernica may be regarded as a metaphor for

A. totalitarianism.
B. violent combat.
C. advanced technology.
D. bureaucratic incompetence.

26. For much of his music, Copland drew on

A. American folk songs.
B. Stravinksy’s ballets.
C. the twelve-tone system. D. wartime themes.

27. The artist who walked around the canvas while working in order to literally be “in” the painting was

A. Jackson Pollock.
B. Mark Rothko.
C. Helen Frankenthaler. D. Edward Hopper.

28. The creator of whimsical wire constructions or mobiles was

A. Edward Albee.
B. James Evans.
C. Collier Smith.
D. Alexander Calder.

29. The most celebrated existentialist film maker, who directed The Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries, was

A. John Ford.
B. Mark Rothko.
C. Edward Hoffman. D. Ingmar Bergman.

30. A symbol of corporate wealth, skyscrapers designed in the __________ style embodied the spirit of the West in the late twentieth century.

A. functional B. international C. horizontal D. capitalistic


31. In writing music for twelve radios and twenty-four performers, John Cage was questioning the relationships between

A. traditional instruments.
B. artistic conception and execution. C. music education and genius.
D. symphony and conductor.

32. In Alice Walker’s short story, “Elethia”, “Uncle Albert” is

A. the owner of a restaurant.
B. the benefactor of poor, local blacks.
C. a totally fictional character.
D. the stereotypical equivalent of Aunt Jemima.

33. In his Message to the Grass Roots, Malcolm X focuses his audience’s attention on their “common enemy,” which is

A. the U.S. Constitution. B. Jim Crow laws.
C. the white man.
D. disunity.

34. Ralph Ellison’s novel The Invisible Man referred to the invisibility of

A. the individual in mass society. B. blacks in a white world.
C. workers in a capitalist economy. D. city dwellers.

35. Jazz, which began in New Orleans, had its origins in ALL BUT which of the following?

A. African tribal dance
B. European marching bands C. ragtime
D. French art songs

36. In Latin America, the United States government has traditionally supported

A. ordinary farmers. B. the Church.
C. the economic elite. D. dissidents.

37. Native Son, an expression of African American’s defiance and despair, was written by

A. Langston Hughes. B. LeRoi Jones.
C. Richard Wright. D. Toni Morrison.

38. Throughout the centuries, three of the leading proponents of civil disobedience were Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, and

A. Martin Luther King. B. Malcolm X.
C. Bloke Modisan.
D. Franz Fanon.

39. Jacques Ellul asserts that technology has created a “psychological collectivism” that has

A. made the world into a global village.
B. robbed humankind of freedom and self-esteem.
C. allowed archetypes to emerge from the human consciousness. D. enabled technocrats to replace philosophers.

40. Digital computers were first used widely in the

A. 1930s. B. 1950s. C. 1970s. D. 1990s.

41. Since the 1960s, postmodernism has featured all the following EXCEPT

A. parody.
B. a pastiche of styles from former eras. C. a taste for popular imagery.
D. a revival of the classical heritage.

42. Paz is representative of the postmodern poet’s concern with

A. nature.
B. language. C. race.
D. love.

43. In Oates’ Ace, the main figure is characterized as a(n)

A. university student.
B. inveterate gambler.
C. disenchanted physician. D. overgrown boy.

44. Both string theory and chaos theory are concerned with

A. identifying the underlying patterns in nature. B. finding sources of electronic energy.
C. mapping the human cellular system.
D. uniting matter and spirit.

45. In Isabel Allende’s story “Two Words,” the surprising insight of Belisa Crepusculario into the situation of the Colonel is

A. that he will be the next president.
B. that he is afraid.
C. that he is lonely.
D. that, like her, he is of humble origins.

46. In Chinua Achebe’s Dead Man’s Path, the most important function of the footpath turns out to be

A. that it is the path of new life.
B. that it provides access to a source of water. C. that it leads to a burial ground.
D. that it is a shortcut to a main road.

47. The meaning of the African proverb, “let the hawk perch and let the eagle perch,” that best suits the situation in the story “Dead Man’s Path” is

A. the headmaster and his wife should both be respected.
B. the old ways of the village are superior to the modern ways of the headmaster. C. the village priest is opposed to the school regulations.
D. old and new regulations should be allowed to coexist.

48. Dillard suggests that nature is

A. unpredictable and inconsistent. B. violent and merciless.
C. comprehensible and transparent. D. peaceful and benevolent.

49. One of the principal influences on the rise of pop art was

A. language theory. B. computers.
C. mass advertising. D. digital imaging.

50. The technique that Warhol employed to achieve the commercial image was

A. silkscreen. B. lithograph. C. woodcut. D. engraving.

51. In the work of all “total art” it is true to say that

A. the final product is of ultimate importance. B. process is more important than product. C. aesthetic value is purely theatrical.
D. electronic documentation is essential.

52. Minimalist artists worked essentially out of an aesthetic inspired by

A. machine technology.
B. commercial advertising. C. computer digitization.
D. environmental concerns.

53. The Grand Castigation series of Wang Guangyi reflects the influence of

A. Maoist reform principles. B. pop art.
C. minimalist art.
D. neoexpressionism.

54. Frank Gehry’s spectacular new Guggenheim Museum is located in

A. Washington, D. C. B. Paris, France.
C. Bilbao, Spain.
D. London, England.

55. The Japanese poetic form that has three lines and seventeen syllables is called __________. ________________________________________

56. The creator of The Rite of Spring, which would later be recognized as the “birth certificate of modern music,” was __________.


57. In the excerpt from Swann’s Way, Proust uses the technique of __________ to bring up memories related to petites madeleines, or cookies.


58. Freud divided the psyche into three parts, __________, __________, and __________. ________________________________________

59. The Swiss physician who affirmed the existence of a universal layer of unconscious life was __________.


60. The American who photographed the Migrant Mother, sometimes called the “Madonna of the Dustbowl,” was ______________________.


61. Known as the “dean of American music,” __________ joined regional themes with lyric harmonies.


62. One of the most moving testimonies to the Holocaust is the autobiographical Night by __________.


63. The Irish poet who despaired that the world was falling apart, “the center cannot hold,” was __________.


64. According to Sartre, individuals are defined by the __________ that they make. ________________________________________

65. Existentialists affirm that the sense of total responsibility for one’s destiny leads to a sense of __________.


66. The American artistic movement of the 1940s and 1950s that embodied the break with traditional, representational art was called __________.


67. The exploitation of Latin America by capitalist corporations is reflected in “The United Fruit Co.” by __________.


68. The search for African-American self-identity and the demands for equality led to a flowering of creative expression in New York City known as the __________.


69. The Feminine Mystique, which argued that the media, especially advertising, had brainwashed women into subordinate positions, was written by __________.


70. In her book The Second Sex, __________ analyzed the biological, political, and psychological reasons for women’s traditional dependence on men.


71. The belief that the Church should support the drive for socialism in Latin America is called __________ theology.


72. According to the text, __________ and __________ are two forms of technology that have altered many aspects of life in the late twentieth century.


73. The increase in carbon dioxide levels, which elevates the earth’s temperatures, is known as the __________.


74. The famous Bulgarian artist whose earth sculpture “fenced” terrain in California is __________. ________________________________________

75. The conceptual artist who broadcasts paradoxical and sometimes subversive messages on electronic billboards (e.g. “Lack of charisma can be fatal”) is ________________________.


In Topic 2, you were asked to  read three articles on the topic of doctoral identity and to complete an  annotated bibliography to demonstrate their understanding of the  material. In Topic 3, you were asked to take this process a step further  and identify themes found in the three articles and to complete a  synthesis worksheet where the themes were supported by evidence from  each article. In this assignment, you will build on your worksheet  efforts and write a paper about the three themes. The narrative will not  only present the evidence from the articles to support the identified  themes, but also will provide an analysis for each theme by synthesizing  the information collected.

General Requirements:

  • Locate the Synthesis Worksheet you completed in Topic 3.
  • Locate and download “Synthesis Paper Template” from the Course Materials for this topic.
  • Review the articles by Baker & Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and  Smith & Hatmaker (2014) located in the Course Materials for this  topic.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning  the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful  completion.


Using the Synthesis Worksheet you completed in Topic 3 and  considering the themes you developed and the feedback provided by your  instructor, write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the three  articles. Your paper should include the following:

  1. An introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic.  This includes giving a brief description of each article and its  purpose, identifying the three themes that emerged from your reading,  describing how they will be discussed in the paper, and presenting a  clear thesis statement.
  2. Support for your identified themes with evidence from each article.  Provide analysis of these findings to strengthen your narrative.
  3. A discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles  are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of  the group of articles?

Counseling Strengths, Needs, and Cultural Background information

Often in Human Services, it is helpful to obtain background information on your clients. This is often done via a psychosocial assessment. However, there are various approaches in obtaining this information.

One common approach when working with families is referred to as the Strengths, Needs, and Cultural Assessment. This is a great way to find out information about the individual, and his or her family and their culture in an individualized and strengths-based way.

Refer to the “Guidelines for Strengths, Needs, and Culture Discovery.” You may also search online for other government agencies’ assessments. A good example is Butler County Strengths, Needs, Cultural Discovery Domain Interview through Ohio state government (www.fcf.ohio.gov).

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to perform a strengths, needs, and cultural assessment to gauge your abilities to conduct this type of information gathering. Your supervisor has given you the option of completing a strengths, needs and cultural assessment on a family member or friend. Your supervisor has emphasized that you change the name of the individual you use as the basis of the assessment to protect their privacy.

Use the Adapted Counseling Strengths, Needs, and Cultural Assessment to record the results of your assessment.  Be sure to address your areas of strength and needs. 

Use the results of the assessment to develop a treatment plan to address your needs. 

complete the  attached “Counseling Strengths, Needs, and Cultural Assessment Worksheet”


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Read the following scenario and write a 500 minimum word essay in response to the questions at the end of the case scenario, reflecting and referencing this week’s chapter readings. Be sure to follow APA formatting and include both a cover page and reference page.
Case Scenario:
Katherine has two employees who have never seemed to get along. One of the employees has a history of being vindictive and manipulative but never in an obvious enough way for Katherine to have sufficient proof to reprimand her in writing. One day, this employee comes to Katherine’s office to report that she saw the other employee, who has an exemplary record, taking drugs from the supply cabinet. Questions: How does Katherine react to this situation? What steps should Katherine take from here?