. Critique the use of bank debit cards. Bank debit cards are becoming a popular alternative to using checks or credit cards. Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using a bank debit card and answer the questions below.
Here are some ideas to consider in your investigation:
o convenience to account holders
o “float” time
o record of transactions
o financial privacy/safety
o card loss/theft liability
o checkbook balancing
o vendor acceptance
o usage fees by banks
o usage fees by vendors
o ease of administration by banks
o ease of administration by vendors
a. Where did you get your information? 
o Was it the most reliable resource? Why or why not?
o How could you have improved the reliability of your resource?
o How has technology, such as online banking, affected these aspects? Pros and cons?
2. Your textbook defines an installment loan as a “loan with regular payments” on page 426. Search the internet to find an article or application of a type of installment loan that you find interesting, that you encounter on a daily basis or that you find in your profession. Present this article or application to the class and explain why you chose the example. Find the amount financed, the installment price, and the finance charge of the installment loan. Include the URL for the site you used. Do not copy the text in the site verbatim. You should summarize your findings


For health care providers, changes in governmental policies, local and national economics, and the need to integrate new technologies, tests, and procedures can all impact the financial situation of an organization. In addressing financial issues, a myriad of factors must be considered, such as the varying objectives of those providing care, resource availability, the population being served, and the implementation of government policies. As a nurse manager, you must consider the potential positive and negative impacts of new trends on your organization and all its stakeholders.

In this Discussion, you evaluate how emerging trends in the health care field impact health care decisions for patients, doctors, and nurses.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, focusing on the role of nurse managers in making financial decisions.
  • Conduct additional research from below and other relevant sources, to identify three emerging trends that are affecting healthcare todaySanford, K. (2011). The case for nursing leadership development. Health care Financial Management, 65(3), 100–104, 
  • King, M. (2012). Health reform: Special report. Health reform turns two: After passage of the Affordable Care Act, the work—and the criticisms—persist. State Legislatures, 38(3), 12–17.
  • Studer, Q. (2010). Do your nurses speak finance? Health care Financial Management, 64(6), 80–84.
  • Select one trend to discuss in detail and evaluate its implications for the delivery of care from the perspective of doctors, nurses, and patients.
  • Reflect on how this trend might impact quality of care.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of three emerging trends that are affecting health care today. Evaluate the implication of one of these trends on the delivery of health care from the perspectives of doctors, nurses, and patients. Explain how this trend might impact the quality of care.


As of 2014 health care expenditures in the United States are near 17% of our gross domestic product (GDP), with a major portion of Medicare funding goes towards chronic illness and care at the last 6 months of life. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has made some initial legislative changes in our health system, but not sufficient to address our growing expenditures and caring for our large aging population. In this assignment, learners will synthesize issues in aging with health policy solutions by writing a paper on one health issue for older individuals addressed in the topic and offering a policy solution. Example of issue: In 2014, over 50% of the costs of institutional long-term care for older persons are paid for with public funds from Medicaid.Directions:Write a 12000-1500 word paper that addresses a health issue for older individuals. Include the following:1.Evaluate what the literature suggests as a resolution to your chosen issue.2.Discuss any attempts to incorporate the solution into public policy.3.Determine the barriers to implementation of the solution.4.Analyze the options being discussed for public and/or private funding.5.Propose your own recommendation.


Part I: The world is becoming smaller and smaller and when companies look to expand they often look outside their original footprint. Rasmussen Healthcare Systems is looking to expand their system to another state. To help advise Rasmussen on this decision, you will write 4-5 pages that compare and contrast the healthcare reform policies of the state where you reside and another state of your choice. Please keep in mind the position and facility you selected. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Discuss the purpose of each state’s reform.
  2. Describe a minimum of three specific examples of similarities and differences in healthcare reform policies in the two states.
  3. Discuss in detail some of the ethical issues and moral disputes in each state’s reform.
  4. Discuss your recommendation on whether Rasmussen Healthcare Systems should expand to the second state.
  5. This portion of your assignment will require you to research and examine information from various sources. Use a minimum of five credible sources for your paper, with three being an academic source from the Rasmussen College Online Library (don’t forget to include in-text citations throughout your paper with paraphrasing or quoting).
  6. Make sure to include your APA formatted reference page.

Example of Potential Useful Websites


Part II: PowerPoint is typically the application of choice when conducting a meeting. There are many philosophies on how to create an effective PowerPoint, so do some research on the dos and don’ts. Then create a professional PowerPoint that you would present to the management team at your location that highlights your research. SkillSurfer in the online tutoring platform offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials on Microsoft Office products. Make sure to include the following in your PowerPoint:

  1. Length of PowerPoint is up to the student.
  2. Highlight specific policy changes in each state’s reform.
  3. Highlight each similarity and difference.
  4. Highlight your final recommendation on whether Rasmussen Healthcare Systems should expand to the other state.
  5. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
  6. You may use a free screen capture site such as Screencast-O-Matic to record a video of your presentation. Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and can be utilized on a Windows or Mac computer. (Note: You can use a similar program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is just one suggestion). Make sure that both your voice and the PowerPoint slides are captured on the video. Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less.
  7. If you are utilizing the Screencast-O-Matic option, please watch this short instructional video on how to record, upload, and provide your instructor with the web link to your recorded presentation. If you would like to present your PowerPoint document within a live session, please reach out to your instructor for more details.

Your presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity to your presentation.

Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Make sure to address the following:

  • Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location.

Must be in the paper in APA format:

Describes a minimum of three examples of similarities and differences in health care reform policies in the two states (10 Max Point Value) 
Writing is free from spelling and grammar errors. Used proper writing mechanics including proper grammar, sentence structure, transitions, and punctuation (5 Max Point Value) 
Paper meets minimum 4-page length requirement  (10 Max Point Value) 
Transferrable Skills
Communication:Discuss the purpose of each state’s reform (10 Max Point Value) 
Information Literacy:Included a properly formatted APA reference page with a minimum of 5 credible sources with 3 being academic. Used proper APA format and included in-text citations for paraphrased or quoted material. (10 Max Point Value) 
Critical Thinking:Discusses  if Rasmussen Healthcare Systems should expand to the second state. (10 Max Point Value) 
Ethics and Professional Responsibility:Discusses in detail some of the ethical issues and moral disputes in each state’s reform (10 Max Point Value)  
Communication:Included a PowerPoint highlighting the specific policy changes in each state’s reform/similarities & differences/final recommendation(10 Max Point Value) 
Communication:In the PowerPoint, used audience specific language, clarity of voice, and pronunciation of words..(5 Max Point Value) 
Digital Fluency:For the PowerPoint, employ formatting features such as proper use of design themes, transitions, animation, and photos/clipart to produce professional presentation. (10 Max Point Value) 
Digital Fluency:Used screen capture software such as Screencast-o-matic to record video. Video captured both the student’s voice and PowerPoint Slides. (10 Max Point Value)

Is obesity determined by individual lifestyle choices and/or broader social determinants?

Within public health, growing rates of overweight and obesity worldwide are generally considered to be a health crisis. This prompts questions about the causes of this public health issue, and thus how it can be addressed. There is much societal debate about whether obesity is primarily the result of biology, individual lifestyle choices, or determined by social factors, making obesity a whole-of-society concern.
This assessment task requires students to critique the determinants of obesity, in terms of the relative contribution and relationship between social determinants, and individual lifestyle choices.
Assessment specifications
Due date: Tuesday 3 April 2018, 9am
Weighting: 40%
Length and/or format: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Purpose: Demonstrate understanding of the evidence and key debates on determinants of a specific health issue, particularly in relation to personal and social responsibility for health.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3
How to submit: Electronically through Turnitin via the unit’s LEO
Return of assignment: Marks and feedback will be provided via LEO
Assessment criteria: See marking rubric below
Your task is to write an academic essay that addresses the question:
Is obesity determined by individual lifestyle choices and/or broader social determinants?
This essay requires you to consider social determinants of health, which can include social, economic, environmental and political factors that impact on health risk (or protective) factors such as diets and physical activity levels. If you wish, you can choose to focus on the determinants of obesity in a specific country.
Your essay should:
1. Include an introduction that briefly outlines your main argument in response to the essay question, and what you will cover in your essay.
2. Briefly outline the nature and scale of the obesity issue and its key behavioural risk factors: unhealthy diets and physical inactivity.
3. Most of your essay should be dedicated to clearly outlining your arguments on the relative importance of different determinants of unhealthy diets and physical inactivity, and any relationships between determinants. You may use specific examples to illustrate your argument, if you wish. Your arguments must be supported by citing academic literature and/or official statistical resources (ABS, WHO etc) as appropriate.
4. Outline the implications of your argument, in terms of whether it is a personal and/or social/government responsibility to address obesity risk factors.
5. Include a brief conclusion that concisely summarises your key points and main argument.
Useful resources:
Please also see the ‘background readings and resources’ on LEO for weeks 1-5 (especially week 4).
Black, C., Moon, G., & Baird, J. (2014). Dietary inequalities: What is the evidence for the effect of the neighbourhood food environment? Health & Place, 27, 229-242.
Brownell, K. D., Kersh, R., Ludwig, D. S., Post, R. C., Puhl, R. M., Schwartz, M. B., & Willett, W. C. (2010). Personal responsibility and obesity: a constructive approach to a controversial issue. Health Affairs, 29(3), 379-387.
Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2008). Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva: World Health Organization, available at
UK Government Office for Science (2007). Foresight report. Tackling Obesities: Future Choices, available at
APA 6th is the required referencing style for this assessment task. Please ensure that you are familiar with the formatting and usage requirements for this style. Aside from the ACU Library materials provided, you may wish to use the Academic Referencing Tool from the La Trobe University Library.
Turnitin: Turnitin is a tool used to assist in the detection of referencing problems and/or plagiarism. Turnitin generates a similarity index for a document: that is, what percentage of the document contains material that is matched to accessible sources. Presence of similarity does not necessarily indicate plagiarism: there are many reasons why similar text is discovered in student documents. For example, Turnitin often classifies reference lists themselves as “similar”—this is similarity, but not plagiarism.
Assessment policy and procedures
Students should make themselves familiar with the University’s Assessment Procedures This link outlines how to apply for an extension or special consideration (under ‘Student responsibilities’ and ‘Processes when personal circumstances affect performance’).
Please note that marks will be deducted for late submission of assignments (without an approved extension), as per the University’s policy. The policy states: “Assessment tasks submitted after the due or extended date will incur, for each whole or part of a calendar day that the work is overdue, a 5% penalty of the maximum marks available for that assessment task up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks received more than three calendar days after the due or extended date will not be allocated a mark.”
Marking rubric
In line with section 5.1 of ACU’s Assessment Policy, all assessment marking and grading must be criterion-referenced and use standards-based grading. Assessment criteria and standards are related to unit learning outcomes. Student performance on a task is evaluated against each criterion, and according to the set standards of achievement for that criterion.
Assessment criteria and standards for this task are provided in the following rubric. Each criterion is marked according to a five-point standard, from “poor” to “excellent”, with a descriptor for each standard. Within each standard there is a small marking range that further differentiates Your final mark for the task reflects evaluation against all criteria.
Relevant PUBH630 learning outcome: Assessment task 1
1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the different types of health determinants and their significance to public health practice (GA: 2, 5)
2. Evaluate the impacts, interactivity and distribution of health determinants at a community or population level, and how these relate to complex public health/societal issues (GA: 2, 4, 8)
3. Critique current debates on social and behavioural determinants of health, particularly in relation to personal and social responsibility for health (GA: 1, 2, 3)
Assessment criteria and relevant unit learning outcome(s) Standard achieved
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
1. Describes the nature and scale of the obesity issue.
LO2: health determinants interactivity and distribution at a community and population levels in relation to complex public health/societal issues
1 Submission provides a comprehensive
description of the nature/scale of obesity as a public health issue, well supported by appropriate evidence.
(5- 4.5 marks) Submission provides an informative description of the nature/scale of obesity as a public health issue, supported by adequate and appropriate evidence.
(4-3.5 marks) Submission provides a satisfactory description of the nature/scale of obesity as a public health issue, supported by some evidence.
(3- 2.5 marks) Submission provides minimal description of the nature/scale of obesity as a public health issue, but requires better support with evidence.
(2- 1.5 marks) Submission provides very limited description of the nature/scale of obesity as a public health issue, supported by little to no evidence. (1- 0 marks)
2. Identify and discuss the determinants of obesity, and any relationships between determinants.
LO1: health determinants and their impact on public health LO3: Critique current debate on determinants of health in relation to personal and social responsibility for health
3 Submission
demonstrates high-level understanding of the key determinants of obesity and their interrelationships.
(5- 4.5 marks) Submission demonstrates very good understanding of the key determinants of obesity and their interrelationships.
(4-3.5 marks) Submission demonstrates satisfactory understanding of determinants of obesity and their interrelationships.
(3- 2.5 marks) Submission demonstrates limited understanding of some determinants of obesity and their interrelationships.
(2- 1.5 marks) Submission demonstrates very little (or no) understanding of the determinants of obesity or their interrelationships.
(1- 0 marks)
Assessment criteria and relevant unit learning outcome(s) Standard achieved
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
3. Clear and well-constructed analysis on whether obesity is a personal and/or social/government responsibility
Critique whether obesity is a personal or social responsibility
LO3: Critique current debate on determinants of health in relation to personal and social responsibility for health Submission provides the reader with an extremely informative analysis in relation to personal and social/government responsibility for obesity, and the implications for addressing obesity. Submission provides the reader with a reasonably informative analysis in relation to personal and social/government responsibility for obesity, and the implications for addressing obesity. Submission provides the reader with a somewhat informative analysis in relation to personal and social/government responsibility for obesity, and the implications for addressing obesity. Submission provides the reader with a barely informative analysis in relation to personal and social/government responsibility for obesity. Limited analysis of the implications for addressing obesity. Submission provides the reader with no or unfocused and/or uninformative analysis in relation to personal and social/government responsibility for obesity. Little or no analysis of the implications for addressing obesity.
2 (5- 4.5 marks) (4-3.5 marks) (3- 2.5 marks) (2- 1.5 marks) (1- 0 marks)
4. Structure and fluency of writing
Overall the essay is well-written, concise, well-structured and meets word limit requirements.
LO1: health determinants and their impact on public health LO2: health determinants interactivity and distribution at a community and population levels
1 Submission demonstrates a very high quality of writing, logical, clear and eloquent, meets word limit requirements. There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. The essay reads without interruption.
(5- 4.5 marks) Submission demonstrates very good quality of writing, mostly clear, logical and well written throughout, although with a few minor errors, meets word limit requirements. There are minimal errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible.
(4-3.5 marks) Submission demonstrates good
quality of writing, logic, meets word limit requirements. There are some errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible.
(3- 2.5 marks) Submission
demonstrates low
quality of writing, errors in spelling/sentence structure/organisation, but the meaning is discernible. Within or close to word limit requirements.
(2- 1.5 marks) Submission demonstrates poor standard of writing, no adherence to world limit requirements, there are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract significantly and/or the reader cannot make sense of the content.
(1- 0 marks)
in relation to complex public health/societal issues
LO3: Critique current debate on determinants of health in relation to personal and social responsibility for health
5. Sources and references Accurate, consistent and appropriate referencing to support claims and arguments
LO1: health determinants and their impact on public health LO2: health determinants interactivity and distribution at a community and population levels in relation to complex public health/societal issues
LO3: Critique current debate on determinants of health in relation to personal and social responsibility for health
1 All references used are credible and relevant. Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. All statements of fact and ideas taken from elsewhere are referenced. A wide range of peer-reviewed references used.
(5- 4.5 marks) All references used are credible and relevant. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. Almost all statements of fact and ideas taken from elsewhere are referenced. A good range of peer-reviewed references used. (4-3.5 marks) Most references used are credible and relevant. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions. There is a limited range of peer-reviewed references used. (3- 2.5 marks) Some credible and relevant references are used. Some errors in the use of APA referencing style. Few peerreviewed references used.
(2- 1.5 marks) Not all references are credible and/or relevant. Many inaccuracies with the APA referencing style or there are no references used.
(1- 0 marks)
Total marks available: 40 marks
Task weighting for unit: 40%View less »

quality of hospitals and it's as medical staff, buildings, and equipment.

The purpose of my report is to discuss how good the health care is and that is the main question of my report. Health care in our country need a lot of work and development which will reduce the Medical errors. I will discuss the quality of hospitals and it’s as medical staff, buildings, and equipment.Document Preview:

The purpose of my report is to discuss how good the health care is and that is the main question of my report. Health care in our country need a lot of work and development which will reduce the Medical errors. I will discuss the quality of hospitals and it’s as medical staff, buildings, and equipment. If we want to raise the quality of health care we should work to increase the capacity of medical staff to carry out their duties to the fullest and improve the design of buildings to serve large numbers of patients with a high quality using some strategies that will “hopefully” lead us to find logical solutions for the problems. INTRODUCTION Hospital 1.1 Efficiency 1.2 Buildings 1.3 Equipment 1.4 Staff Investment in health 2.1 Insurance companies 2.2 Privet hospital. Treatments “ the headline need more description” 3.1 Medicines 3.2 Physical Therapy 3.3 Recovery 4. problems and solutions 4.1 ???? 4.2 ???? “I need three or two problems with possible solutions” 4.3 ???? 5. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSION At least 5 sources and the sources must be up to date (2008-2011) Citation using APA style, and documentations are needed also by APA style Paraphrased the sources (NO WORDING FROM THE SOURCES) I need all the sources and highlight what have been taken from the sources with cross references The report must be at least 1600 words WITHOUT the introduction and conclusion You can change the outline BUT not very much You can see my instructor comment for my progress report

Describe the nature of reform in the United States and the goals of healthcare reform

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Describe the nature of reform in the United States and the goals of healthcare reform Explain policymaking and legal process that underpin the individual health care and public health systems Course outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment: HA415-6: Analyze the impact of healthcare reform on insurance coverage and financing alternatives. Health insurance coverage gives Americans and their health providers protection against the financial risk associated with the costs of health care and can help improve well-being. Healthcare reform is a daunting challenge for U.S. policy makers. The people want change, but offer little consensus on how to achieve it. Government action seems to be inevitable, but the extent of the action is likely to fall far short of what anyone could have imagined shortly after the legislation was first introduced in 1993. However, it is unlikely that any comprehensive plan for government takeover of healthcare delivery will ever happen. Instead, there will probably be incremental reforms to add coverage and access to groups at the margin. Instructions Describe the level of health insurance coverage in the United States and the financial protection provided by that coverage. Examine the source of health insurance coverage and the financial effect of that cost on the groups providing that coverage. Explain how patients with no health insurance coverage effect patients, providers and providing healthcare services in this country. Recommend a policy course of action to increase the quantity and quality of health insurance in the United States that would be the most fair equitable to all stakeholder groups. What do you think would be the best course of action to help improve this situation?” The paper should be written in APA format, include at least four references, and at least three pages in length. Requirements Writer describes the level of health insurance coverage in the United States and the financial protection provided by that coverage. Writer explains how patients with no health insurance coverage effect patients, providers and providing healthcare services in this country. Writer recommends a policy course of action to increase the quantity and quality of health insurance in the United States that would be the most fair equitable to all stakeholder groups. Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments. Submitting Your Work Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit 8_Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, 8 is your Unit number). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below: 1. Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.” 2. In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 9: Assignment. 3. In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper. 4. Click the “Add Attachments” button. 5. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.View less »

Delivering Health Care in America

HCA 501 -Health Care in America 
Text: Delivering Health Care in America 
Fourth Edition, 2008 
ISBN-13: 9780763745127, ISBN-10:076374512X 
Leiyu Shi and Douglas A. Singh 
Jones & Bartlett Learning

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) 
1. When providers deliver unnecessary services with the objective of protecting themselves against lawsuits, this practice is called 
defensive medicine 
supplier-induced demand 
primary protection 
legal risk 
2. Reimbursement is associated with which of the quad functions? 
3. Which central agency manages the health care delivery system in the United States? 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
Department of Health and Human Services 
Department of Commerce 
4. National health care programs in other countries often use which of the following mechanism to control total health care expenditures? 
Third parties 
Global budgets 
A single-payer system 
5. In the United States, who does not generally have access to basic and routine medical services? 
People who need catastrophic care 
Those eligible only for public programs 
The uninsured 
Those without private health insurance

6 .Which country utilizes socialized health insurance for employees? 
United States 
Great Britain 
7. All of the following are main elements of the systems framework EXCEPT: 
system inputs 
system foundations 
system structure 
system processes 
8. Deontology asserts: 
That no one has a duty to do what is right 
That it is society’s duty to do what is right 
That it is an individual’s duty to do what is right 
None of the above 
9. Utilitarianism emphasizes: 
Happiness and welfare for the poor 
Happiness and welfare for the deserving 
Happiness and welfare for the rich 
Happiness and welfare for the masses 
10. Supply-side rationing is also referred to as: 
Nonprice rationing 
Price rationing 
Both a and b 
None of the above 
11. Prevalence is: 
The total number of cases at a specific point in time divided by the specified population 
The total number of cases at a wide range in time divided by the specified population 
The number of new cases occurring during a specified period divided by the total population 
The number of new cases occurring during a specified period divided by the population at risk 
12. The limitations of market justice include: 
Social problems are not adequately addressed 
Society is not always protected from the consequences of ill health 
It leads to inequitable access to health care 
All of the above 
13. Crude rates refer to: 
A specific age group 
The total population 
A specific gender 
None of the above 
14. Holistic health adds which element to the World Health Organization definition of health? 
15. All of the following were factors explaining why the medical profession remained largely an insignificant trade in preindustrial America EXCEPT: 
Medical practice was in disarray 
Medical procedures were primitive 
High demand for prescription drugs 
Demand was unstable

16.The American system for delivering health care took its current shape during this period: 
Twentieth century 
none of the above 
17. Today, are the leading cause of illness, disability, and death in the US. 
chronic conditions 
acute illness 
none of the above 
18. This group was primarily responsible for leading the successful drive for 
workers’ com pensation. 
a.lnternal Revenue Code 
American Medical Association 
Blue Cross 
the American Association of Labor Legislation 
19. Capitation is: 
integration of telecommunications in healthcare 
umbrella fund for everyone 
flat rate per worker per month 
none of the above 
20. All of the following are modes of economic interrelationships EXCEPT: 
use of advanced telecommunications infrastructures in medicine 
health professionals remain in the United States 
consumers travel abroad to receive medical care 
foreign direct investment in health services enterprises

21. What is an example of health care delivery existing due to social and political needs: 
State Children’s Health Insurance Program 
Multispecialty centers 
None of the above. 
22. All states require this to be licensed in order to practice. What is a require- 
ment needed to be licensed? 
graduation from an accredited medical school that awards a Doctor of Medicine 
score of 85 on board exam 
enrollment in internship program 
none of the above 
23. What is a main difference between primary care and specialty care? 
primary care follows specialty care 
primary care focuses on disease while specialty care focuses on the whole person 
primary care is longitudinal and specialty care is episodic 
none of the above 
24. What is the principal source of funding for graduate medical education? 
Private corporations 
International companies 
none of the above. 
25. Why are physicians most likely to concentrate in metropolitan and suburban areas? 
better opportunities for high income 
greater access to modern facilities and technology 
cultural diversity 
All of the above

26. Dental do not have to be licensed. 
none of the above 
27. This act authorizes a variety of grants and scholarships to keep nurses in the field: 
American Nursing Association Act 
Reimbursement Act 
Nurse Reinvestment Act of 2002 
None of the above 
28. Who is responsible for operational, clinical and financial outcomes of organizations that deliver health services? 
Health Service Administrators 
Allied Health Professionals 
Physical Therapists 
None of the above 
29. This made additional resources available to the FDA, and resulted in a shortened approval process for new drugs. 
Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments, 1962 
Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act, 1997 
Orphan Drug Act, 1983 
Prescription Drug User Fee Act, 1992 
30. What was the purpose of certificate of need (CON) laws? 
Monitor the diffusion of new technology 
Control the flow of federal funds for private projects 
Control new health service programs 
Control new construction and modernization projects

31. Which area of personal health expend itures has seen the greatest rise in recent years? 
Long-term care 
Hospital services 
Prescription drugs 
Durable medical equipment 
32. What is the role of an Institutional Review Board (IRB)? 
Establish guidelines for the method of conducting research 
Verify the results of clinical trials 
Approve and monitor research that involves human subjects 
All of the above 
33. Generally, at the start of medical treatment 
benefits exceed costs 
cost-efficiency is minimum 
costs exceed benefits 
safety is not a major concern 
34. Health technology assessment in the US is conducted primarily by 
various government agencies 
the NIH 
the FDA 
the private sector 
35. According to the Institute of Medicine, the rise in prescription drug costs is 
mainly attributed to 
price inflation 
increased use of existing drugs 
research and development costs 
replacement of older drugs by newer ones

36. What is the main factor that determines the level of demand for health 
services in the US health care delivery system? 
health services 
none of the above 
37. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental principle that underlies the concept of insurance? 
Risk is unpredictable for the individual insured. 
Risk can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy for a group. 
Insurance provides a mechanism for transferring risk from the group to the individual. 
Actual losses are shared on some equitable basis by all member of the insured group. 
38. Most Americans obtain health insurance coverage through: 
individual plans 
employer-sponsored programs 
none of the above. 
39. The Medicare program finances medical care for: 
persons 65 years and older 
disabled individuals who are entitled to social security benefits 
people who have end-stage renal disease. 
All of the above 
40. Who is eligible for Medicaid? 
Children and pregnant women whose family income is at or below l33 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. 
Families with children 
The elderly 
none of the above

41. How does workers’ compensation differ from regular health insurance? 
it becomes supplemental coverage for eligible employees 
employers are required by law to bear the full cost of the benefits 
it is regionally managed 
none of the above 
42. This Act authorized by Congress supports “safety net” hospitals in inner cities and rural ares. 
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 
Indian Reconciliation Act of 1989 
Cost Plus Act of 1992 
None of the above 
43. What is the point of entry into the health services system? 
primary care 
coordination of care 
essential care 
44. Which factor has NOT contributed to the increase in outpatient care? 
45. are the backbone of ambulatory care and constitute the majority 
of primary care. 
home health care 
hospice services 
physicians as office-based practitioners 
alternative medicine

46. Hospice services include: 
pain management 
psychosocial support 
spiritual support 
all of the above 
47. What is a characteristic of a free clinic? 
services are provided at no charge or nominal charge 
they are not directly supported by government agencies 
services are delivered mainly by volunteer trained staff 
all of the above. 
48. ____________ are regarded as nontraditional and include a wide range of treatments. 
complementary medicine 
alternative medicine 
material medicine 
none of the above 
49. In 2004, what type of office visits were visited the most? 
a, physicians in general and family practice 
physicians in specialty services 
physicians in internal medicine 
physicians in gynecology 
50. ALOS is an indicator of 
use of hospital capacity 
frequency of use 
severity of illness 

factor that influences patient satisfaction positively in health care

Patient/Customer Satisfaction
For most health care organizations, the customer is the patient. Like other businesses, health care organizations are evaluated by many of the usual measures of customer satisfaction (e.g., convenience of location, ease of getting the appointment, waiting time, price, etc.). Unlike most businesses, health care organizations are also judged by patient outcomes. What the “customer” wants and what the “patient” needs may occasionally be in conflict, even though the “customer” and “patient” is the same person. This is one reason customer satisfaction for health care organizations can seem to be an elusive goal.
To prepare for this Discussion:
· Review this week’s Learning Resources.
· Locate and read a scholarly article that identifies factors that influence patient/customer satisfaction in a health care setting.
Post by Day 4 a brief description of and a link to the scholarly article. Then, identify and discuss what you believe is the most important factor that influences patient/customer satisfaction positively and negatively in health care. Finally, justify why those factors are important and address how the article you cited supports or refutes your opinion.
Support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and/or additional sources as appropriate. Your citations must be in APA format. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.please use apa format Thank you

Nursing and Allied Health Literature

Choose two articles related to Medicare from the list below utilizing the resources Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and the Internet Kaiser Family Foundation. (2011). Restructuring Medicare's beneficiary design: Implications for beneficiaries and spending. Retrieved from Kaiser Family Foundation. (2012). Medicare's role for dual-eligible beneficiaries. Retrieved from upload/8138-02.pdf Guterman, S., Davis, K., Schoenbaum, S., & Shih, A. (2009). Using Medicare payment policy to transform the health system: A framework for improving performance. Health Affairs, 28, 238-250. Marmor, T. (2007). Medicare's politics. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 32(2), 307-315. Oberlander, J. (2007). Through the looking glass: The politics of The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 32(2), 187-219. Zarabozo, C., & Harrison, S. (2009). Payment policy and the growth of Medicare advantage. Health Affairs, 28(1), 55-67. In a Microsoft Word document, create a 2- to 3-page report on the analysis of the selected topics. The report should also include answers to the following: Identify one or two main points from each selected article. Explain in detail the issues presented in the articles and their impact on the recipients of Medicare. Explain in detail the issues presented in the articles and their impact on the providers to Medicare recipients. Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.View less »