current health problems affecting the United States and global populations

For your project, using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and select three current epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with any health problem. You can also use the following websites to search for studies as they are often used as the major sources of information for health research and often report on the most current health problems affecting the United States and global populations:
U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization
What were the criteria that you used to select these papers? (For example, only English language, peer reviewed articles, only a specific age group, only United States studies, etc.)
What were the types of risk factors studied in your chosen articles? (For example, environmental, socio-economic, behavioral, etc.)
Which study design was used for this study? Why do you think the researchers chose this specific study design? Provide examples from your research.
What are the proximate or underlying determinants of risk factors that are associated with any health problem for each study?
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in an 8- to 10-page document.
Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Explain challenges in making risk- and quality-management decisions in the health care industry

Complete the worksheet that is attached than refer to the worksheet to do the following

Resources: Risk and Quality Management Tools Matrix

Imagine you are a quality leader for a health care organization and have been asked to create a manual for new employees to introduce the basic concepts of risk and quality management.

Part I:

Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word manual in which you address the following:

  • Explain basic concepts of quality improvement in the health care industry
  • Explain the concepts of risk management in the health care industry
  • Analyze the information needed for decision-making processes in risk and quality management in the health care industry
  • Explain challenges in making risk- and quality-management decisions in the health care industry

Part II:

Within your manual, you must include a matrix in which you do the following:

  • Analyze the risk-and quality management tools used in the health care industry.
  • Consider the following when completing your matrix:
  • What is the risk- and quality-management tool?
  • What is the purpose of the tool?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the tool selected?

To assist you with the development of your matrix use the Risk and Quality Management Tools Matrix located under student materials.  The matrix must be embedded within your training manual.

Format your manual according to APA guidelines.

Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Explain the cultural and socioeconomic barriers to health

Students will be assigned to groups by the course instructor. This is a two-part assignment that will consist of a presentation and an accompanying flyer.

Part 1: Presentation

Develop a 10-15 slide presentation, using PowerPoint or Prezi that includes the following information:

1.    Analyze the health care status of a specific minority group. Select a minority group that is represented in the United States (examples include: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander).

2.    Compare  the health status of the minority group you have selected to the national average. What is the current health status of this minority group? What health disparities exist for this group?

3.    You will find important health information regarding minority groups by exploring the following resources: “Minority Health” and “Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations,” both of which are located on the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

4.    Explain the cultural and socioeconomic barriers to health. How do race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education influence health for the minority group you have selected?

A minimum of three references must be used for this assignment.

The title slide and reference slide are not counted in required minimum slide count.

Part 2: Flyer

1.    Develop a one-page flyer that describes a healthy prevention strategy to address one of the 10 leading causes of death for the minority group you have selected.

2.    Refer to the resource “HealthyPeople 2020” for information regarding healthy prevention strategies.

3.    Include the flyer in your group’s presentation.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be included within the presentation using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

The similarities and differences of these two groups with regard to accessing health care

As a health care professional, it is important not only to be aware of underserved populations but the similarities and differences among these populations. In this assignment, you will create a chart in Microsoft Word that profiles two minority populations, which can be selected from the options on the Office of Minority Health (OMH) website:

The Office of Minority HealthThe Office of Minority HealthThe Office of Minority Health″>

Your profile for each population needs to contain information for the following categories:

  1. Demographics: How large is the group's population size within the United States? What is the age range that comprises the largest segment of the population?
  2. Cultural Norms: Lifestyle and diet habits that may have a significant impact on health.
  3. Religious and Spiritual Beliefs: Are there belief systems that may impact health-related decisions?
  4. Primary Insurance Coverage: What portion of the population has coverage?
  5. Education: What is the average education level for this population?
  6. Medical Conditions: Are there medical conditions common to the population?
  7. Outreach: What efforts have been made to increase medical access to the population?

Based on the chart's information, write a 800-1,000 word paper that discusses the following:

  1. The similarities and differences of these two groups with regard to accessing health care.
  2. As health care professionals, could we address these factors so as to increase trust in these populations?
  3. What role do you believe cultural proficiency among health care professionals may have in mitigating the challenges in providing service to these groups?

While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.View less »

Are there any potential acute or chronic health effects for any of the health hazards you identified

Unit III Homework Assignment

You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a production line at a manufacturing facility.

Employees at the beginning of the line use a solvent to clean the surface of medium-size auto parts, and then they place the parts on a moving line. As the parts move along the line, an employee sprays them with a powder coating, and the parts

BOS 4301, Industrial Hygiene 2

move through an oven. Another employee removes the parts from the line and places them in slots in a cart for transporting to shipping.

You have been provided safety data sheets for the solvent used for cleaning the parts (click here to access) and the powder coating that is used (click here to access). Use the JHA form to identify the potential health hazards associated with the process. Click here to access the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form. You will use the Basic Hazard Analysis form to enter your responses and to answer the four questions listed below. Please upload this completed document to your instructor for grading.

Prepare a two-page homework assignment summarizing your health hazard analysis and answer these questions from the

Basic Job Hazard Analysis form.

1. What are the health hazards associated with the operation?

2. What are the primary exposure routes associated with each health hazard?

3. Are there any potential acute or chronic health effects for any of the health hazards you identified?

4. Are special hazards associated with any of the health hazards?

You may use the safety data sheets provided above, information from the OSHA or NIOSH websites, or academic references from the Internet to answer the questions. Citations are not required for this homework assignment; however you may want to use them in order to answer the questions.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

nurse intervention


Topic 1: Faith-Based Nursing
Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention.

Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public.

Faith communities play an essential role in accomplishing the goal of improving the health of the public. “From a socioecological perspective, churches can influence individual behaviors at multiple levels. The existence of social networks and social support through churches provides a context for health promotion programming. Health interventions that incorporate spiritual and cultural contextualization are effective to create change” (King, 2014). Faith communities provide many activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Due to the strong beliefs in a faith communities make the people of those communities want to follow everything that is promoted by the activities. “Health messages may be perceived as more important and have a more lasting effect on individual behavioral change by making the link between healthy behavior and taking care of God’s child” (King, 2014).

How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities?

It is important for nurses to work with parish nurses and faith communities because they have many free resources that you can provide to a patient in need. “In addition to participating in group and population activities, the FCN meets regularly with the pastoral staff and coordinates with other community leaders. Together, they identify individuals who may require further assessment or support; become aware of issues that need to be clarified, supported, or addressed; and identify individuals, groups, or issues that have not yet become a part of the congregational wellness program” (King, 2014). Working with these nurses will provide our patient with more resources to better their health.

How would such partnerships be beneficial?

The partnership between parish nurses and other nurses play an important role in accomplishing the national health objectives. There partnership creates a better opportunity to increase awareness and provide valuable resources to those that need it.

Who are some of the other stakeholders involved in promoting quality of care in health care

Quality of care and patient safety has become a driving force in the delivery of health care in the twenty-first century. Your paper should address the following:

  1. Explain the role of quality oversight in health care organizations and elaborate on how non-clinical personnel contribute to the process.
  2. Identify and describe three stakeholder organizations or agencies that contribute to quality oversight within health care organizations in a substantial way. Include at least one government and one non-government organization/agency that focuses on quality of care within the health care field.
  3. Answer the following questions for each organization/agency:

a. How does this organization/agency contribute to quality of care and patient safety?

b. What specific types of oversight does this organization/agency provide?

c. What are some of the repercussions that a health care organization could face for violating the standards of the organization/agency?

  1. Compare and contrast the three organizations/agencies.
  2. Who are some of the other stakeholders involved in promoting quality of care in health care and what role do they play?
  3. Given the vast amount of mandatory regulations imposed upon the health care industry, explain why a health care organization might subject itself to participate in voluntary accreditation activities.

Your Paper:

  1. Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following information:

a. Title of paper

b. Student’s name

c. Course name and number

d. Instructor’s name

e. Date submitted

  1. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  2. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  3. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis.
  4. Must use at least three scholarly sources; one source must be obtained at the Ashford library. Sources must be cited according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  5. Must include a reference page.

Explain who the stakeholders are in health information systems’ implementation.

Systems Gaps and Parities

This is due on or before Saturday, September 02, 2017 at 9:00 p.m. CST.

Systems Gaps and Parities

Before any health information system can be successfully implemented, there must be a team of experts who understand the vision and mission of both the health care organization and its stakeholders.  Strategic health care leaders are positioned to propose system upgrades and/or implementations that can withstand inevitable organizational changes.  Health information systems’ leaders understand that predicting gaps and promoting parities in an effort to reduce data security risks, costs, and liabilities can only lead to long-term profitability.  List five health information systems’ leaders, and define their roles.  Refer to your course text for these.

·         Explain who the stakeholders are in health information systems’ implementation.

·         Describe the limitations in health information systems’ data analysis.

·         Describe the opportunities in health information systems’ data analysis.

·         Explain what the literature suggests. Include any applicable statistical and/or descriptive data.

·         Summarize the impact of predicting gaps and parities on quality improvement as it relates to the situation for your Final Proposal and Presentation.

The Systems Gaps and Parities Analysis:

·         Must be three to four pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double-spaced and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·         Must Include a title page with the following:

o    Title of paper

o    Student’s name

o    Course name and number

o    Instructor’s name

o    Date submitted

·         Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

·         Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

·         Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

·         Must use at least three scholarly sources, including a minimum of one from the Ashford University Library.

·         Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·         Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Describe the opportunities in health information systems

MHA 616 Week 3 Assignment Systems Gaps and Parities Before any health information system can be successfully implemented, there must be a team of experts who understand the vision and mission of both the health care organization and its stakeholders. Strategic health care leaders are positioned to propose system upgrades and/or implementations that can withstand inevitable organizational changes. Health information systems’ leaders understand that predicting gaps and promoting parities in an effort to reduce data security risks, costs, and liabilities can only lead to long-term profitability. List five health information systems’ leaders, and define their roles. Refer to your course text for these. •Explain who the stakeholders are in health information systems’ implementation. •Describe the limitations in health information systems’ data analysis. •Describe the opportunities in health information systems’ data analysis. •Explain what the literature suggests. Include any applicable statistical and/or descriptive data. •Summarize the impact of predicting gaps and parities on quality improvement as it relates to the situation for your Final Proposal. The Systems Gaps and Parities Analysis: 1.Must be 1,200 to 1,800 words in length, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 2.Must include a title page with the following: 1.Title of paper 2.Student- name 3.Course name and number 4.Instructor- name 5.Date submitted 3.Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. 4.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 5.Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 6.Must use at least three scholarly sources, including a minimum of one from the Ashford University Library. 7.Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 8.Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Why Do We Fall ill?

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination

  1. For cell which substance is not essential?
    1. Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids
  2. According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’?
    1. UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW
  3. Which things are necessary for individual health?
    1. Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these
  4. Acute disease is?
    1. Last for short duration and severe
    2. Last for long duration and less severe
    3. Both are correct
    4. Both are incorrect
  5. Due to chronic diseases?
    1. Long duration time period
    2. Lose weight and feel tired

Document Preview:

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination For cell which substance is not essential? Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’? UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW Which things are necessary for individual health? Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these Acute disease is? Last for short duration and severe Last for long duration and less severe Both are correct Both are incorrect Due to chronic diseases? Long duration time period Lose weight and feel tired Both are correct Both are incorrect If a baby suffering from loose motions, what wat the third-level causes of the baby’s disease? Disease caused by a virus Lack of good nourishment Poverty or lack of public services both a and b correct cancers are caused by? Due to abnormal growth of a cells Due to genetic abnormalities Both a and b are correct Only a correct High blood pressure can be caused by Due to excessive weight Due to lack of exercise Option a are more accurate Both a and b are correct Peptic ulcers is a? Chronic and bacterial disease Chronic and viral disease Acute and bacterial disease Acute and viral disease Peptic ulcers caused by? Helicobacter chylori Helicobacter pylori Lactobacillus pylori Helicobacter pepticase Peptic ulcers bacterium discovered by Robin Marshall & Barry Warren Robin Warren & Barry Marshall Robin Smith Barry Warren Peptic ulcers bacterium found in? Small intestine Large intestine Lower part of the stomach In the duodenum SARS virus stand for? Severe acute respiratory syndrome Severe acute reproductive syndrome Severe acute respiratory symptoms None of these Sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma, Trypanosoma is a? Bacterial species b. viral species c. helminths d. protozoan Kala-azar caused due to? Leishmania – protozoan Staphylococci –…