1st Assignment

What do you believe are the primary advantages and disadvantages of having multiple revenue sources for health care services offered by an organization for planning and reporting purposes?

2nd assignment 

This assignment will require you to consider several influences to the budgeting process of a health care institution. Here, you will review payer mix and other influences to revenue as you consider revenue factors for the budget. Complete the following for this assignment:

  • For a health care organization of your choice (real or hypothetical), describe the type of organization, and determine the payer mix of patients served (percentage of Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, managed care, and private pay).
  • Take into consideration that reimbursement can be affected by the claims process, out-of-network payments, denials, audits, and legislation.
  • Assess the differences in health care budgeting as a result of these potential changes in the payer mix and payment methodologies as an outcome of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Take into consideration that while more patients may have insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket expenses will continue to create a potential uncollectable liability.
  • Evaluate how you would strategize to keep a balanced budget for all 12 months in a year using a flexible budget rather than a static budget, and provide rationale and justification.

The body of the resultant paper should be (5) pages and include at least 5 relevant academic or professional references published in the past 5 years.

Leadership Competencies

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Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #4, the MSN Essential II, and the NP Core Competencies #2.

Program Outcome #4

Integrate professional values through scholarship and service in health care. (Professional identity)

MSN Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership

Recognizes that organizational and systems leadership are critical to the promotion of high quality and safe patient care. Leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems perspective.

NP Core Competencies

# 2 Leadership Competencies

  1. Assumes complex and advanced leadership roles to initiate and guide change.
  2. Provides leadership to foster collaboration with multiple stakeholders (e.g. patients, community, integrated health care teams, and policy makers) to improve health care.
  3. Demonstrates leadership that uses critical and reflective thinking.
  4. Advocates for improved access, quality and cost effective health care.
  5. Advances practice through the development and implementation of innovations incorporating principles of change.
  6. Communicates practice knowledge effectively both orally and in writing.
  7. Participates in professional organizations and activities that influence advanced practice nursing and/or health outcomes of a population focus.

factors for measuring quality of healthcare and importance of bell-shaped

Today, healthcare department need to make improvement in their quality of services. It is because humans are much conscious for their health and also need quality treatment. In this paper, factors for measuring quality of healthcare and importance of bell-shaped curved is identified. Along with this, researcher has also discussed the acceptable and unacceptable behavior of human and recommendations for quality delivery.

Measuring Quality of Healthcare

Quality of healthcare can be measured by analyzing the people and number of health problems in different countries. Countries have increased the tools and techniques in order to identify the current and optimal level of health care services and performance of healthcare department. Research and Development helps the healthcare department and practitioners to measure the cost effective and accurate methods of measuring the quality of healthcare (Shiver & Eitel, 2012). Moreover, it also recommends the methods to make improvement in the level of health care quality.Document Preview:

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with the commonalities among typical business plan models.     Research a minimum of four typical business plan models.   In a paper of 1,000 words: 1) Compare and contrast these typical business plan models. 2) Describe the strengths and limitations of these models. 3) Compare these models to the business plan models in either Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin. 4) Select the model that you believe will work best for your assigned CLC Business Plan; explain your rationale for this selection.   Research should be from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.   Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper:

You have worked with Tomika for the past five years. Tomika shares with you that she has resigned and plans to work in an agency that installs telemonitoring equipment into the homes of those with chronic illnesses. Nurses monitor the patients using the equipment with the goal of detecting problems before patients need to be readmitted to the hospital. Tomika will be working from her own home, with occasional meetings at the agency. She would not be visiting her patients in their homes, but rather would be assessing and interacting with them via videoconferencing. She tells you that there are still job openings and encourages you to apply.

You are intrigued by this, and decide to investigate whether telenursing would be a good choice for you, too. Is telenursing in your future?


1.       You are to research (find evidence), compose, and type a scholarly paper that describes telenursing as described above, and whether it is a good fit for you. Reflect on what you have learned in this class to date about technology, privacy rights, ethical issues, interoperability, patient satisfaction, consumer education, and other topics. Your text by Hebda (2013, Chapter 25) discusses telehealth in detail. However, your focus should be from the professional nurse’s role in telenursing. Do not limit your review of the literature to only what you read in your text. Nurses in various specialties need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing as it applies to their patients. For example, when you discharge a patient from an acute care setting, will a telenursing service assist that individual with staying out of the hospital? You may need to apply critical thinking skills to development of your paper. In the conclusion of your paper, describe your current employment situation, and whether a job in telenursing would, or would not, fit with your career goals and life situation once you graduate from Chamberlain.

2.       Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting to develop your paper. Consult the Publication manual of the APA, 6th edition if you have questions, for example, margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, and so forth. Take advantage of the writing service, Smarthinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home tab. Also, review and use the various documents in Doc Sharing related to APA.

3.       The length of the paper should be 4–5 pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit your references to key sources.

4.       The paper should contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader with interesting facts and supporting sources of evidence, which need to be mentioned as in-text citations. Keep in mind that APA guidelines state you are not to call this an “Introduction” but you should include it at the beginning of your paper. The Body should present the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing from your perspective as an employee, and the patient’s perspective as a recipient of the care nurses provide. The Conclusion and Recommendations should summarize your findings and state your position on whether you will apply for a position with the agency.

where healthis some quantitative measure of the person’s health, age, weight, height, andmaleare self-explanatory, workis weekly hours worked, and exerciseis the hours of exercise per week

5.2. Consider a model for the health of an individual:

health¼ b0 þ b1ageþ b2weightþ b3height

þ b4maleþ b5workþ b6exerciseþ u1 ð5:53Þ

where healthis some quantitative measure of the person’s healthageweightheight, andmaleare self-explanatory, workis weekly hours worked, and exerciseis the hours of exercise per week.

a. Why might you be concerned about exercisebeing correlated with the error term


b. Suppose you can collect data on two additional variables, disthomeand distwork, the distances from home and from work to the nearest health club or gym. Discuss whether these are likely to be uncorrelated with u1.

c. Now assume that disthomeand distworkare in fact uncorrelated with u1, as are all variables in equation (5.53) with the exception of exercise. Write down the reduced form for exercise, and state the conditions under which the parameters of equation (5.53) are identi?ed.

d. How can the identi?cation assumption in part c be tested?


Quantitative Mini Critique


1. Identify an area of clinical interest

2. Find one peer-reviewed journal article (no older than 5 years) related to your clinical topic of interest. Do not use a meta-analysis or systematic review.

3. Critique the journal article, fully answering the following questions

4. This critique should be 3-4 pages (not including the cover page and reference page)

5. Utilize the APA levels of headings on page 62 of the APA Manual

6. APA formatting required (Include appropriate APA level/headings)

Ethical Aspects of a Study

Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board or similar committee?

Were appropriate informed consent procedures used with all participants?


Research Problems, Research Questions and Hypotheses

What is the research problem?

Is the problem statement easy to locate?

Does the study have significance to nursing? Why or why not?

Research Design

Was the design experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental?

Was the study longitudinal or cross-sectional? What are the threats to the studies internal validity?


What type of sampling design was used?

Are possible sample biases or weaknesses identified?

Data Collection

What methods of data collection were utilized (Self-reports, Scales, Observation, Rating Scales)? If self-report methods were used, did the researchers make good decisions about specific methods (in-person interviews, mailed questionnaires, etc.)?

If observational methods were used, did the report adequately describe what the observations entailed?

status of quality of care for elderly

Long-Term Care Today

Demographics and epidemiological transitions result in dramatic changes in the health needs of individuals throughout the globe. In recent times, there has been increase in the prevalence of long-term disability in the population—causing increasing need for long-term care services. In addition, the present developing world is experiencing an increase in the demand for long-term care services at a cost much lower than industrialized countries.

Prepare a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document comparing the US long-term care system with the long-term care system of a developing country. Research the Internet to find relevant content. 

Include the following information in your report:

What are the chronic illness trends of each country?

What is the incidence and prevalence of elderly consumers of long-term care in the United States as compared to your chosen developing country?

How does each country expect these numbers to change in the next ten years?

What are the main characteristics of the elderly population in both the countries? Is there any difference in the long-term health care needs of consumers in both the countries? Provide a rationale for your answer.

Who are the institutional and noninstitutional caregivers in both the countries? Support your answer with relevant examples. Explain the factors that affect care giving in each country.

Is there any difference in the status of quality of care of the elderly consumers in the United States as compared to the developing country?

Is there any difference in the health care cost provided in the United States as compared to the developing country? Define any social support that may exist to cover health care in both countries.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.


Genetic History/ Genogram and Interpretation (25 points)

Complete a family history from a client of your choosing. The following form can be found on the AMA website at and is available for use. Please use this form when completing the Family History Assignment. Download this copy to your computer and type in the appropriate information. Use and complete this form thoroughly. Then each student is to go to the website and sign up for the free access. Please be aware that the free access is time limited. Follow the directions on the website. Starting with the paternal and maternal grandparents, construct a genogram of the client’s family using the appropriate symbols and connections. Include a grid explaining the symbols that you have used. Include parental siblings and the client’s siblings. Type a brief 1 – 2 page explanation of the genogram. Provide a narrative of your interpretation of the family history to include the following:

1.            Patterns of disease.

2.            Opportunities for patient education.

3.            Factors complicating your interpretation.

4.            Risk Classification.

5.            Identify where more information is needed.

6.            This is to be written according to the APA guidelines. Use a title page. Attach the grading criteria to the back of your paper.

Genetic History, Genogram and Interpretation Rubric (25 Points)

CATEGORY 5310 Score
HistoryClient history is complete and the correct form is used80 to 90 % Client history is completed and non-applicable items are explained70 to 60% of the client history is completed50% or more of Client history is completed 
 5 points3 points2 points0 points 
GenogramGenogram is in the appropriate format and all the criteria is addressedGenogram is in the appropriate format but has only four (4) of the expected components are includedGenogram is in the appropriate format but there are less than three (3) of the expected components includedGenogram is not in the proper format and the expected components are not included 
 5 points4 points3 points1 points 
DiscussionAll five (5) of the criteria are discussed and addressed fully with at least one reference from an acceptable source Only four (4) of the criteria are discussed and addressed with at least one reference from an acceptable sourceOnly three (3) criteria are discussed and addressed with at least one reference from an acceptable sourceTwo (2) or less of the criteria are discussed and addressed. No references are included 
 5 points4 points3 points1 points 
Organization100% of the information is very well organized with well-constructed paragraphs80-90% of the information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs70-60% of the information is organized with well-constructed paragraphsOverall, 50% or more of the paper is poorly organized  
 4 points3 points2 points0 points 
APA100% correct APA format.1 APA format error.2-3 APA format errors.4 or more format errors. 
 3 points           2 points1 points0 points 
Grammar and SpellingNo grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.1-2 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.3-4 grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. 5-6 grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. 
 3 points2 points1 points0 points 
Total Points  /25


Questions 1:

Read the following scenario and respond to it as a risk manager.

Mr. And Mrs. Watros came to the Memorial Hospital for the delivery of their first child. While Mrs. Watros was in labor, the couple had to wait for nearly two hours to get a room. During that time, no hospital nurse attended to her. As the waiting room was full of patients, an exhausted Mrs. Watros sat on the floor. Mr. Watros reported this to a nurse. The nurse responded that it was past her shift, and she could do nothing.

These problems were later reported to a physician. The physician said, “It is just the way things go wrong here sometimes. You just have to get used to it.”

After delivery, the nurse carrying the infant slipped. The baby was unharmed. The explanation given was, “there was disinfectant fluid on the floor, which makes the floor a little slippery.” 

On discharge, Mr. and Mrs. Watros decided to sue the hospital. The physician admitted negligence and poor treatment, but did not see a reason to apologize.

Put yourself in the position of all the people involved (as well as the hospital), and describe what could have been done differently.

Questions 2:

Would you support the idea that patient satisfaction ratings should be tied to reimbursement payments? Is this idea appropriate? As a risk manager, how might you respond to a nurse who says, “That’s not fair because some patients will never be happy”? How will you go about explaining the importance of this metric to staff?

Stem Cell Research

You have been asked to give a presentation on the benefits that embryonic stem cell research can yield in the treatment of chronic and life-threatening diseases to a group that opposes this research on moral and religious grounds. In preparing your presentation, you want to be sure that you convey accurate information on the potential benefits of this research, as well as, address the safeguards employed to minimize the risks of abusive use of the research. This activity is comprised two parts. Cite all sources using an APA-formatted bibliography with references.

Part AFirst, prepare a narrative outline of your presentation. The outline should include a description of at least three (3) potential medical benefits of embryonic stem cell research. It should also define how the stem cell will be obtained and how the research effort will provide safeguards against abuses.
 Your outline should clearly communicate important information you want to share with the group, but it is not the text of your presentation. Your outline should help crystallize your thinking in order to focus your presentation on the important information you want to convey to your audience. (36 points) (A 1-page response is required.)
Part BThis part of the activity requires you to anticipate the objections of your audience to embryonic stem cell research and constructively engage them. You are to identify four (4) objections likely to be raised by the audience and prepare your response to these objections. Your response should seek to advance understanding, not solidify or polarize positions. It should be persuasive without attacking or devaluing the opinions or positions of the audience. (64 points) (A 2-page response is required.)