Identify a Change Project

This week introduced the concepts of leadership and leadership theories. In addition, the media presentation and textbook readings discussed the difference between leadership and management. As you begin your practicum this week discuss with your manager possible change projects that focus on a quality and safety issue that are needed in the agency. Observe your manager and other leaders at your location. Identify how management and leadership activities contribute to successful change initiatives. Informally discuss options with your manager.

Please address the following:

  • What did you see as the difference between leadership activities and management activities?
  • How do management and leadership activities contribute to the success of change initiatives?
  • What change projects are needed in your agency at this time?
  • Which of these projects will you select for your practicum change project?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.


The body is constantly sending signals about its health. One of the most easily recognized signals is pain. Musculoskeletal conditions comprise one of the leading causes of severe long-term pain in patients. The musculoskeletal system is an elaborate system of interconnected levers that provide the body with support and mobility. Because of the interconnectedness of the musculoskeletal system, identifying the causes of pain can be challenging. Accurately interpreting the cause of musculoskeletal pain requires an assessment process informed by patient history and physical exams.

Case 1: Back Pain

A 42-year-old male reports pain in his lower back for the past month. The pain sometimes radiates to his left leg. In determining the cause of the back pain, based on your knowledge of anatomy, what nerve roots might be involved? How would you test for each of them? What other symptoms need to be explored? What are your differential diagnoses for acute low back pain? Consider the possible origins using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) guidelines as a framework. What physical examination will you perform? What special maneuvers will you perform?

A description of the health history you would need to collect from the patient in the case study to which you were assigned. Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate and how the results would be used to make a diagnosis. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each. Include how the patient X-ray helped you to refine the differential diagnosis.Use the image attached as a guide.  Answer must be IN SOAP format.

Discuss the lifespan considerations of the person and the psychosocial impact the lifelong condition has on their life and their family

Multiple sclerosis (2500 words) Task One (10%) • Introduce the person, their social circumstances and their life-long condition. • Provide an overview of the current impact of the illness on the person in their daily life Task Two (20%) Learning Outcomes 1,2 & 4 • Describe the typical onset, pathophysiology and potential illness trajectory of your person’s life-long condition. • Discuss the lifespan considerations of the person and the psychosocial impact the lifelong condition has on their life and their family/whanau • Support your discussion with relevant health professional literature Task Three (20%) Learning Outcome 1 & 3 • Describe the multi-disciplinary team roles involved in supporting this person to manage their life-long condition • Identify and discuss the nursing care needs of your person appropriate to the present stage of their condition • Support your discussion with relevant health professional literature Task Four (40%) Learning Outcome 2, 3, & 4 Consider three current health issues this person has identified and imagine you are the nurse working most closely with your person. • Define nursing partnership in the New Zealand context and discuss the benefits of a partnership role between the nurse and your person at their current stage of the illness trajectory • Discuss some specific nursing strategies that you will implement to address these three health issues, demonstrating nursing partnership with your person to develop individualised and person-centred care • Support your discussion with relevant nursing literature Scholarly presentation and Referencing (10%) Weighting Category Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score 10% Task One : Introduction to case study including: Identified lifelong condition and current impact on person. Maintains confidentiality Introduction contains none or one of the required elements. Confidentiality not maintained 0 2 Introduction contains the two required elements and confidentiality is maintained. 3 5 Introduction contains all the required elements. Limited discussion of identified elements 6 8 Introduction contains all the required elements. Thorough discussion of the identified elements 9 10 250 WORDS 10% Task Two: Description of • lifelong condition • onset pathophysiology • potential illness trajectory • lifespan consideration of the person Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Description of the psychosocial impact of the condition on the subject of the case study and their family/whanau Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of relevant health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Task Three: Description of the MDT management appropriate to the stage of the condition Description of one or more of the required elements is absent or inadequate. No Support from relevant health professional literature 0 2 Limited description/discussion of the required elements. Little support from relevant health professional literature 3 5 Developed description/discussion of the required elements. Supported by relevant health professional literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of the required elements. Strong support from a range of relevant health professional literature. 9 10 250 10% Identification of the nursing care needs of the person appropriate to their stage of their condition Description of appropriate nursing care needs is absent or inadequate. No support from relevant nursing literature 0 2 Limited description of nursing care needs of the person. Limited support from nursing literature. 3 1 5 Developed description of appropriate nursing care. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 6 8 In-depth discussion of appropriate nursing care. Supported by a range of relevant nursing literature. 9 10 250 20% Task Four: Discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the subject of the case study and the nurse Discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and the subject of the case study is absent or inadequate. No supporting nursing literature included. 0 5 Limited discussion of the benefits of the partnership roles between the nurse and the subject of the case study. Limited support from relevant nursing literature. 6 9 10 Developed discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and subject of the case study. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 11 15 In-depth discussion of the benefits of the partnership role between the nurse and the subject of the case study. Strong support from a range of nursing literature. 16 20 500 20% Discussion of specific strategies you as the nurse will implement relating to the 3 health issues identified to demonstrate person-centred care Discussion of nursing strategies related to three or less identified health issues is inadequate. No supporting nursing literature 0 5 Limited discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Limited support from nursing literature 6 10 Developed discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Supported by relevant nursing literature. 11 15 In-depth discussion of nursing strategies related to three identified health issues. Strong support from a range of relevant nursing literature . 16 20 500 10 % Scholarly presentation and referencing consistent with APA 6th edition requirements Sentences are not well constructed. Frequent grammatical and spelling errors. Repeated errors in APA referencing technique. 0 2 Most sentences are well constructed. Some grammatical and spelling errors evident. Several errors in referencing technique. 3 5 Sentences are well constructed. Minor errors in grammar and spelling and APA referencing technique 6 8 Excellent sentence construction, grammar and spelling. Referencing fully complies with APA requirements. 9 10 Consent form from case study subject supplied Yes / No Confidentiality maintained throughout Yes / No SUB-TOTAL


Within the format of a scholarly paper systematically explore a professional issue relevant to thenursing profession. The issue must be covered in depth with a significant analysis of the implication forthe nursing profession. Research peer reviewed journals and identify an issue that is relevant tonursing and is of interest to you. Write a 1200 – 1500 word scholarly paper analyzing the issue and theimplication for the nursing profession. This paper must be in APA format.AbstractIntroduction: State the purpose of the paper and give an overview of the content.Review the scholarly literature in the area of the issue. With documentation from nursing journals andprofessional nursing literature the essential content of the paper should:a. Identify the issueb. Describe the historical development and background of the issuec. Describe current trends related to the issue; headlines and feature articles within last 5 yearsd. Identify and describe the significance of issue to the nursing profession and professional nursingpractice in today’s work environmente. Describe how this issue influences the nursing profession and professional nursing practicef. Discuss controversies related to the issue that are unique to nursingg. Discuss the most successful and/or potential strategies in preventing and dealing with the issueDescribe your position regarding the particular issueConclusion: Summarize the major points that of paper


Application: Creating and Using a Microsoft Access Database, Part 3

Part 3 – Queries and Reports

In Week 5, you began working on Parts 1 and 2 of this Assignment. This week you begin working on Part 3. The entire Application (all three parts) is due in or before Day 7 of Week 8.

Instructions – Creating Queries

  1. Create a query that displays all patient records for each provider (PROVIDERS and PATIENT RECORDS)
    1. Provide an appropriate query title.
  2. Create another query that displays the nurse and patient information for each patient visit listed in PATIENT RECORDS. This query should display the following fields from PATIENT RECORDS, PATIENTS, and NURSES:Nurse Last Name
    Nurse First Name
    Patient Last Name
    Patient First Name
    Date Admitted
    Chief Complaint
    1. Provide an appropriate query title.
  3. Create another query that displays the provider and nurse information for each patient visit listed in PATIENT RECORDS. This query should display the following fields from PATIENT RECORDS, PATIENTS, PROVIDERS, and NURSES:

Provider Last Name
Provider ID
Nurse Last Name
Nurse ID
Medical Record Number
Account Number
Patient Last Name
Date Admitted
Chief Complaint

  • Provide an appropriate Query title.

Instructions – Creating Reports

Prepare two (2) reports as follows from queries #2 and #3 created above:

  1. Create a report from each customizing the header to “Community Health and Wellness Clinic”
  • Using query #2 create a summary report; group the contents under Nurse Last Name
  • Using the query #3 create a summary report; group the contents under Provider Last Name.


Application: Creating and Using a Microsoft Access Database, Part 3

Part 3 – Queries and Reports

In Week 5, you began working on Parts 1 and 2 of this Assignment. This week you begin working on Part 3. The entire Application (all three parts) is due in or before Day 7 of Week 8.

Instructions – Creating Queries

  1. Create a query that displays all patient records for each provider (PROVIDERS and PATIENT RECORDS)
    1. Provide an appropriate query title.
  2. Create another query that displays the nurse and patient information for each patient visit listed in PATIENT RECORDS. This query should display the following fields from PATIENT RECORDS, PATIENTS, and NURSES:Nurse Last Name
    Nurse First Name
    Patient Last Name
    Patient First Name
    Date Admitted
    Chief Complaint
    1. Provide an appropriate query title.
  3. Create another query that displays the provider and nurse information for each patient visit listed in PATIENT RECORDS. This query should display the following fields from PATIENT RECORDS, PATIENTS, PROVIDERS, and NURSES:

Provider Last Name
Provider ID
Nurse Last Name
Nurse ID
Medical Record Number
Account Number
Patient Last Name
Date Admitted
Chief Complaint

  • Provide an appropriate Query title.

Instructions – Creating Reports

Prepare two (2) reports as follows from queries #2 and #3 created above:

  1. Create a report from each customizing the header to “Community Health and Wellness Clinic”
  • Using query #2 create a summary report; group the contents under Nurse Last Name
  • Using the query #3 create a summary report; group the contents under Provider Last Name.

sources of exposure to UV radiation

Noise Control; Radon; UV-Radiation

Paper instructions:
A number of research studies indicate that the exposure of the world’s population to UV radiation has increased in the last few decades.

You are a health educator

in the public health department of the community where you live. In this assignment, you will implement an education program that aims at protecting the public from

the adverse health effects of ultraviolet radiation. In a 2-3 pages paper:
1. Describe the health effects that may result from exposure to UV radiation.
2. Describe the environmental sources of exposure to UV radiation. Include the role of the ozone layer in your discussion.
3. Describe the measures that you will suggest in your community to reduce the public’s exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

4. Describe how you would disseminate this educational information to the public.

Please provide evidence from the literature to support your answers.

Below you will find the material to support the paper. You will have to copy and paste to your browser to view it.

Kim M. et al (2012). Road Traffic Noise: Annoyance, Sleep Disturbance and Public Health Implications.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43(4): 353-360.

Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2011). Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion. Retrieved on April 1, 2014,


United State Environmental Protection Agency (2012). Noise Pollution. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2010). Ozone Layer Depletion: Basic Information. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2013). Radon: Health Risks. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Optional Readings

Allen J. (September 6, 2001).  Ultraviolet Radiation: How it Affects Life on Earth. NASA Earth Observatory. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, from

Berglund B., Lindvall T. and Schwela D.H. (1999). Guidelines for Community Noise. World Health Organization.  Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012). Workplace Safety and Health Topics: UV Radiation. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Children’s Environmental Health Network (2009). Noise Pollution. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Noise Guide for Local Government (n.d.). Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2013). A Citizen’s Guide to Radon. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2013). Sunwise: Sun Safety for Kids and Educators. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Noise Control; Radon; UV-Radiation

Paper instructions:
Noise Control

Question 1:  You have been notified that before City Council is an agenda item to get approval from local residents for a freeway expansion that will allow for

more heavy truck traffic on a freeway that runs through your neighborhood.  Residents in nearby homes are concerned about the increased noise levels that will be

brought by a larger freeway with more car traffic and particularly, more heavy-truck vehicles.

As an environmental health professional, you are asked by this

community to represent them and address the City Council in regards to this agenda item:

•Discuss the public health effects that may result in an urban  community exposed to noise produced by traffic.
•Describe the restrictions you would recommend the city plans and implements so that residents approve of the new freeway expansion and increased truck traffic.

Please be sure to support your position with evidence from the literature.


Question 2:  Exposure to radon gas may cause health hazards.  You have friends who are about to purchase a new home in an area where it is perceived that radon gas

levels may be high. Please respond to the following:
• Describe the type of radiation that is emitted by radon gas and how it poses a health risk.
•Identify potential human health risks associated with living in a home where radon gas levels may be high
•Describe corrective/remediation measures that can be taken to reduce radon levels in a home.

Please be sure to support your position with evidence from the literature.

Below you will find the references for this paper. You will have to copy and paste to your browser to view them.

Kim M. et al (2012). Road Traffic Noise: Annoyance, Sleep Disturbance and Public Health Implications.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43(4): 353-360.

Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2011). Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2012). Noise Pollution. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2010). Ozone Layer Depletion:

Basic Information. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2013). Radon: Health Risks. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Optional Readings

Allen J. (September 6, 2001).  Ultraviolet Radiation: How it Affects Life on Earth. NASA Earth Observatory. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, from

Berglund B., Lindvall T. and Schwela D.H. (1999). Guidelines for Community Noise. World Health Organization.  Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012). Workplace Safety and Health Topics: UV Radiation. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Children’s Environmental Health Network (2009). Noise Pollution. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

Noise Guide for Local Government (n.d.). Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United State Environmental Protection Agency (2013). A Citizen’s Guide to Radon. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2013). Sunwise: Sun Safety for Kids and Educators. Retrieved on April 1, 2014, at


is a Latin word that translates to “something that is wanted or needed.” It is obvious that James Cimino had this translation in mind when he created his “Desiderata for Controlled Medical Vocabularies.” In his work, Cimino outlines 12 desiderata he believes the health care community should consider when constructing medical vocabularies. He also highlights the need to control the vocabulary used within terminology sets, as well as the requirements for doing so.

For electronic health records (EHR) and clinical decision support systems (CDS) to truly be successful, Cimino, along with many other health care professionals, expresses the vital need to standardize and control the terminology being used in health care settings.

For this Discussion, you will use one of Cimino’s desiderata (or themes) to critically appraise a nursing terminology set:

Cimino’s 12 themes for the 21st century: 

  • Vocabulary content
  • Concept orientation
  • Concept permanence
  • Nonsemantic concept identifiers
  • Polyhierarchy
  • Formal definitions
  • Reject NEC “Not Elsewhere Classified”
  • Multiple granularities
  • Multiple consistent views
  • Representing context
  • Graceful evolution
  • Recognize redundancy

To prepare:

  • Review the article “Desiderata for Controlled Medical Vocabularies in the Twenty-First Century” in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how each theme aims to control the vocabulary used by nursing terminologies.
  • Reflect on prominent standardized nursing terminologies sets, such as NIC, SNOMED, SABA, NANDA, and NOC. How might these terminologies compare to the requirements outlined in Cimino’s 12 themes?
  • Select one nursing terminology set and one of Cimino’s themes to further examine. Does the terminology align with the requirements of this theme? Why or why not?

Post on by tomorrow 7/19/2016, 550 words in APA format and 2 references which include the level one  headings below:

 1) A brief description of the nursing terminology set and theme you selected.

2) Explain whether this terminology aligns with the requirements and why. Provide terminology and vocabulary examples to support your answer

Required Resources


  • Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Chapter 8, “Standardized Nursing Terminology” 

      This chapter introduces the problems related to terminology and vocabulary standardization across the broader health care field. Nursing-specific .
    • Review Chapter 7, “Health Data Standards: Development, Harmonization, and Interoperability”

      Health standards, rules, and definitions are requirements for effective and efficient electronic health records (EHRs). This chapter explains various options for these areas and discusses how they can be incorporated into EHRs.
    • Appendix A, “Overview of the Clinical Care Classification System”

      In this chapter, the authors describe challenges in health care related to clinical care classification and terminology standards. These issues are analyzed and possible solutions are overviewed.
  • Scherb, C. A., & Weydt, A. P. (2009). Work complexity assessment, nursing interventions classification, and nursing outcomes classification: Making connections. Creative Nursing, 15(1), 16–22.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article discuss the Work Complexity Assessment (WCA), a process that allows nurses to better understand interventions for patient care. The connection between the WCA, the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) are also discussed.
  • Truran, D., Saad, P., Zhang, M., & Innes, K. (2010). SNOMED CT and its place in health information management practice. Health Information Management Journal, 39(2), 37–39.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. 

    This article focuses on the Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terminology (SNOMED CT) and how it can be used to support electronic health records (EHRs). The authors describe how SNOMED CT can contribute to EHR improvement with regard to patient safety, quality care delivery, and decision support functionality.
  • Cimino, J. J. (1998). Desiderata for controlled medical vocabularies in the twenty-first century. Retrieved from


Establishing security standards that protect patient data is an important step in the database design process. Protecting the confidentiality of personal health information is not optional; it is mandated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA violations can result in both fines and legal consequences. Failing to protect private information can also damage a health care organization’s reputation as well as result in the loss of patients’ peace of mind.

For this Discussion, you consider the clinical information systems presented in the case studies below and identify the security and integrity problems and risks that need to be addressed.

Case Study 1:

A busy academic hospital has grown rapidly and acquired multiple clinical information systems that interface with each other. Physicians and practitioners require access to each system and frequently have workflows that require access to multiple systems at the same time. In addition, practitioner responsibilities often require them to complete documentation or access clinical information at home and during off hours.

Case Study 2:

An increase in the number of clinical research studies and the use of undergraduate students as research assistants for subject recruitment was perceived as a risk for a medium-sized academic hospital. Students were enrolled at the hospital-affiliated university but still required a credentialing process to be able to access clinical areas of the hospital and clinical systems. The hospital wants to meet IRB and HIPAA research regulations, and to exceed HIPAA’s minimum necessary principle.

Case Study 3:

As a large multi-specialty academic medical practice, providers are often utilizing laptop computers and mobile devices in patient care and research-related activities. Tracking, securing, and managing the numerous devices to mitigate loss, theft, or other breaches is important to the enterprise.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the security and integrity of clinical information systems. Consider the importance of security and integrity, as well as the consequences of failing to address these aspects of database design.
  • Select one of the case studies above to examine further for this Discussion.
  • Determine the security or integrity problems in the clinical information system in the case study. What legal, ethical, and organizational risks do these issues pose?
  • Begin to formulate a potential solution or strategy to address the security and integrity problems. How would this solution or strategy mitigate the security or integrity risks you identified?Post by tomorrow 07/19/16, 550 words in APA format with 3 references. Include the level one headings below:  1) A description of the security and integrity problems identified with regards to the case study you selected. 2) Select at least two specific risks (legal, ethical, or organizational) related to the case study and propose a solution or strategy to address each. Justify your response 

Required Resources


  • Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 15, “Database Administration and Security” (pp. 670–713)

      This chapter describes the role of the database manager and highlights responsibilities covered in the database administration process. These responsibilities ensure that data is protected and continually monitored to yield the most accurate information.
  • Murray, M. C. (2010). Database security: What students need to know. Journal of Information Technology Education, 9, IIP61–IIP77.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Security is an important requisite of database design. This article describes the pitfalls of vulnerability in databases and the importance of data security methods.
  • Forrest, M., Maclean, D., Towers, H. K., & Younes, H. (2012). The accuracy of real-time procedure coding by theatre nurses: A comparison with the central national system. Health Informatics Journal, 18(1), 3–11.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors compare the differences in real-time coding performed by clinical coders and non-clinical coders. They observed that complications arose during attempts to embed coding in clinical workflow.
  • Imran, S.,&  Hyder, I. (2009). Security issues in databases. Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, 2009. FITME ’09. Second International Conference, 541–545.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article explains discretionary and mandatory database security models, their implementation, and their efficiency. It also evaluates how these methods may be inefficient with regard to specific database designs.

Gaff, B. M., Smedinghoff, T. J., & Sor, S. (2012). Privacy and security. Computer, 45(3), 8–10.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Privacy regulation and the protection of sensitive information are still inconsistently established and enforced. This article addresses the legal issues surrounding database security. It also evaluates protection methods that are the most effective

Public policy implementation

From within the context of a health system dominated by the power and influence of acute hospitals, what strategic advice would you give to help that system move towards placing a greater emphasis on prevention?
(500-750 words,Havard referencing style,More reflection on the UK Health system)
Document Preview:

References •Beckhard,R. & Harris, R (1987) Organizational transitions: managing complex change. Wokingham: AddisonWesley. •Bullock, M. & Batten, D. (1985) ‘Its just a phase we’re going through’, Group and Organizational Studies, 10, pp. 383– 412. •Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2009) Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organisational change.London: Kogan Page. •Elmore, R. (1982)‘Backward mapping: Implementation research and policy decisions’ in Williams, W. et al (eds) Studying Implementation: Methodological and Administrative Issues, Chatham, NH: Chatham House. •Kotter, J. (1996) Leading change.Boston: Harvard Business School Press. •Lewin, K. (1951) Field theory in social science. NewYork:Harper Row. •Lipsky. M, (1980) Street level bureaucracy: dilemmas of the individual in public services. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. •Matland, R. (1995) ‘Synthesising the implementation literature: The ambiguity-conflict model of policy implementation’, Journal of Public Administration, Research and Theory, 5 (2), pp. 145–177. •Morgan, G. (1998) Images of organization Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. •Nadler, D., Tushman, M. & Nadler, B. (1997) Competing by design: the power of organizational architecture. New York: Oxford University Press. •Pulzl, H. & Trieb, O. (2006) ‘Policy implementation’. In: Fischer, F., Miller, G. & Sidney, M. (eds.),Handbook of public policy analysis. New •Sabatier, P. (1986) ‘Top-down and bottomup approaches to implementation research: a critical analysis and suggested synthesis’,Journal of Public Policy,6, pp. 21–48. •Schofield, J. (2001)‘Time for a revival? Public policy implementation: a review of the literature and an agenda for future research’, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(3), pp. 245–263 [Online]. •Senge, P. (1990) The fifth discipline. London: CenturyBusiness. •Stacey, R. (2001) Complex responsive processes in organizations: learning and knowledge…