Patient Centered Technologies

Although health care professionals play a significant role in health outcomes, the day-to-day management of a patient’s health is also a personal responsibility. Physicians and nurses can provide diagnoses, interventions, treatments, and prescriptions, but they will only have an impact if patients follow through with their health care provider’s recommendations. 
The advent of diverse health-related technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities to assist patients in maintaining control of their health.  Consider for a moment health and fitness mobile apps, talking pill bottles, and smart apartments. New patient-centered technologies are being developed every day!

For this Assignment, you will select a health-related mobile app, personal health record, smart technology, or an interactive social media site that is helping patients to better manage their health.

Note: For the purposes of this assignment, a “mobile app” is defined as a technology application that can be viewed, played, and stored on smartphone devices and tablets.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”, in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics, and consider how technological innovations are transforming the ways patients’ access health-related information.
  • Reflect on the various patient-centered technologies that you or others may use, as well as those gaining attention in the media. 
  • Conduct research on patient-centered technologies that assist users in managing their own health.
  • Select one technology category such as apps, personal health records, smart technologies, or interactive social media sites to further explore. Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category. How does this technology put patients in control of their health?

To complete:

Submit a  5-page paper by Thursday 07/21/2016 that addresses the following:

  • Identify the patient-centered technology that you selected, as well as the population of patients for whom this technology is designed.
  • Describe how this technology is tailored toward patient use. Specifically, explain how the features, functions, and design can help patients manage their own health.
  • Explain the risks and benefits this technology might bring to users.
  • Predict the impact this technology might have on patient health outcomes. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources and any additional sources. 

Note: If you choose to select an interactive social media site, text- or article-based websites such as WebMD or may not be selected. For the purposes of this course, interactive social media is defined as a digital technology that allows users to manipulate, interact with, and/or engage with other users. Ensure that if you choose an interactive social media site, it adheres to this rule.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.

Required Resources


  • Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Review Chapter 1, “Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics”

      In this chapter, the authors explain the transition from paper-based records to electronic records. The chapter provides an overview of the historical events that contributed to the rise of electronic health records.
    • Chapter 25, “Care Delivery Across the Care Continuum: Hospital-Community-Home”

      Chapter 25 analyzes the impact of home health on the health care system. The chapter explains the current level of home health technology and how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) changes this aspect of health care.
    • Chapter 44, “Initiation and Management of Accessible, Effective Online Learning”

      This chapter explores the psat and present perspectives of distance education, important teractive electronic tools and essential strategies for the online learner.
    • Chapter 45, “Social Media in the Connected Age: Impact on Healthcare Education and Practice”

      The focus of this chapter is on the evolution of the Internet, mobile tools and the use of social media in healthcare education.
    • Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”

      As access to health care information increases, patients are becoming more informed about and engaged in their health. This chapter discusses current trends in health care, including patient empowerment, consumerism, and widespread use of computers and technologies for health.
  • Crilly, J. F., Keefe, R. H., & Volpe, F. (2011). Use of electronic technologies to promote community and personal health for individuals unconnected to health care systems. American Journal of Public Health, 101(7), 1163–1167.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article describe technologies that have been used to increase access to health care for underserved populations. The authors present strategies, benefits, and challenges of addressing this issue, and they provide examples of successful programs.
  • Walker, J., Leveille, S. G., Ngo, L., Vodicka, E., Darer, J. D, Dhanireddy, S., … Delbanco, T. (2011). Inviting patients to read their doctors’ notes: Patients and doctors look ahead: Patient and physician surveys. Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(12), 811–819.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors discuss the results of their study on the outcomes of allowing patients to read their doctors’ notes. The study highlights the benefits of sharing notes with patients and how doing so can promote better outcomes.
  • Wynia, M., & Dunn, K. (2010). Dreams and nightmares: Practical and ethical issues for patients and physicians using personal health records. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(1), 64–73.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article highlight the primary uses and benefits of personal health records (PHRs) as an electronic health record (EHR) tool. In addition, the article presents an overview of practical and ethical issues that may emerge from integrating PHR components into EHR systems. Media
  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012f). Electronic health records and data ownership. Baltimore: Author. 

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.

    In this media presentation, Dr. Roy Simpson discusses how the data derived from patient-centered technologies can be used to increase the quality of care given to patients. Dr. Simpson also highlights how patients can harness the power of these technologies to make more informed decisions about their health. Dr. Simpson concludes his segment by examining the ownership of patient information in EHR systems.

Optional Resources

  • Hertz, B. T. (2012). Physician-designed app empowers patients. Medical Economics, 89(1), 30, 32.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Sands, D. (2010). Dr. Danny Sands: Knowledge is power [Video File]. Retrieved from


Davis Health Care is dedicated to providing an excellent patient care experience. A recent survey indicated that they could improve their quality of service. Imagine you are charged with identifying an area of improvement for this organization.

You will focus on this area of improvement (PATIENT SAFETY)

Write a 1,400-word paper in which you address the following prompts for the area of improvement that you selected from above:

Part 1: Data Collection Tools

  • Explain data needed to monitor improvements.
  • Explain at least three data collection tools you can use to collect performance information.
  • Explain the types of information each tool collects.
  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each data collection tool.
  • Explain how the data collection tools are similar. Explain how the data collection tools are different. 

Part 2: Data Display, Measurement and Reporting

  • Identify at least two tools that measure and display the QI data that can be gathered with the data collection tools identified in Part 1.
  • Explain the types of information each tool measures, displays, and reports.
  • Explain each measurement, display, and reporting tool’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Explain how the measurement, display, and reporting tools are similar and different from each other.
  • Explain how the measurement, display and reporting tools are useful for health care organizations. 

Cite at least 5 sources according to APA guidelines to support your information.

DUE DATE: 7/21/16 @ 10 am PST


Continue to use the area of improvement (PATIENT SAFETY) selected in QI Plan Part l assignment to complete the following section of the QI plan.

Write a1,750-word paper in which you complete the following for the area of improvement:

  • Improvement Methodologies
    • Analyze each methodology you researched. Explain the pros and cons of each methodology for your chosen area of improvement.
    • Choose one of these methodologies for your organizational QI plan and explain why you chose this methodology over others.
  • Information Technology
    • Analyze each information technology application you researched.
    • Analyze how these applications will be used to help improve the area of improvement you have chosen.
  • Benchmarking
    • Analyze how benchmarks and milestones are involved in managing the use of quality indicators.
    • Analyze three potential benchmarks and milestones from quality indicators that could be used for your plan.
  • Mission, Vision, Strategic, and Operational Plans
    • Analyze how performance and quality measures are aligned to an organization’s mission, vision, and strategic plan in general.
    • Analyze how the measures are aligned with the mission, vision, and strategic plan of an organization.
  • Barriers
    • Challenges
      • Analyze barriers that can interfere with the implementation or revision of quality measures.
  • Successful Implementation
    • Implementation
      • Analyze strategies to ensure successful implementation of new quality measures.

Cite at least 4 sources according to APA guidelines to support your information.

DUE DATE: 7/23/16 @ 10 am PST


In week one, you formulated some initial ideas about a Practicum Change Project. You discussed possible change projects with your manager and identified a project for your practicum.

This week has presented information on change, change management, and how an organization’s mission, vision, and values are reflected in its strategic plan. Using the information presented in the resources, complete the following two activities with the guidance of your instructor.

Your instructor has assigned you to apply change theory to the proposed change. Check for consistency between the proposed change and the mission/vision/values/strategic plan for the agency. Read more about change theory in your textbook.

Please address the following:

  • Which change theory will you use as a framework for your change project and why?
  • Is there consistency between the proposed change and the mission, vision, and values of the agency?
    • If so, describe.
    • If not, how will you address the inconsistencies?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements. Your initial postings must be more than 350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources. Other scholarly sources may also be used to support your work. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Need this asap. No plagiarism! APA style & formatting.

Issue for essay: Racism

helpful link:

The three main core concepts of public health are assessment, policy formation and assurance. We will concentrate on assurance in this course from a psychological, behavioral and social aspect. For this assignment, write a 3-5 page paper in which you apply at least one behavioral theory to a specific behavioral, psychological or social problem. List the weaknesses that this theory may have. Make sure you paper includes the following:

  • Applies theories and models from the psychological, social, and behavioral disciplines.
  • Describes specific factors that affect the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations at both the local and global levels.
  • Identifies gaps within the discipline specific models and theories that affect public health delivery options for diverse issues and populations.
  • Distinguishes levels of intervention for programs and policies.

The Public Health Resources list contains several Web sites that are useful in identifying specific public health problems and gaining insight into current approaches toward prevention and education. You are encouraged to use one of the topics you are considering for your course project, but that is not required. Be sure to look at the different levels of public health interventions.

Support your points with sources from your readings, appropriately cited according to APA guidelines. Prior to submitting, read the Core Concepts Paper Scoring Guide to ensure you have met the expectations of this assignment.

Patient-Centered Technologies Research

Although health care professionals play a significant role in health outcomes, the day-to-day management of a patient’s health is also a personal responsibility. Physicians and nurses can provide diagnoses, interventions, treatments, and prescriptions, but they will only have an impact if patients follow through with their health care provider’s recommendations. 
The advent of diverse health-related technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities to assist patients in maintaining control of their health.  Consider for a moment health and fitness mobile apps, talking pill bottles, and smart apartments. New patient-centered technologies are being developed every day!

For this Assignment, you will select a health-related mobile app, personal health record, smart technology, or an interactive social media site that is helping patients to better manage their health.

Note: For the purposes of this assignment, a “mobile app” is defined as a technology application that can be viewed, played, and stored on smartphone devices and tablets.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”, in the course text, Essentials of Nursing Informatics, and consider how technological innovations are transforming the ways patients’ access health-related information.
  • Reflect on the various patient-centered technologies that you or others may use, as well as those gaining attention in the media. 
  • Conduct research on patient-centered technologies that assist users in managing their own health.
  • Select one technology category such as apps, personal health records, smart technologies, or interactive social media sites to further explore. Examine the parameters of a specific patient-centered technology within this category. How does this technology put patients in control of their health?

To complete:

 Please write a  5-page paper in APA format with 6 references. 3 of these references must come from the list provided under required resources. The other 3 must be scholarly and less than five years old. Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The introduction must include a purpose statement (for example: The purpose of this paper is to ….).

Include the level one APA headings as followed:

1) Identify the patient-centered technology that you selected, as well as the population of patients for whom this technology is designed (Personal health records, precisely “Patient Portals”)

2) Describe how this technology (Personal health records, precisely “Patient Portals”) is tailored toward patient use. Specifically, explain how the features, functions, and design can help patients manage their own health.

3) Explain the risks and benefits this technology (Personal health records, precisely “Patient Portals”) might bring to users.

4) Predict the impact this technology (Personal health records, precisely “Patient Portals”) might have on patient health outcomes. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources and any additional sources. 

P.S Meaningful Use law is a big part of my selected technology which is Personal Health Records, as such it should be mentioned in this paper.

Pay attention to the Highlighted areas as they are extremely important to this paper.

This assignment is due on Thursday 07/24/206 by 08:00 AM. Thank you!

Note: If you choose to select an interactive social media site, text- or article-based websites such as WebMD or may not be selected. For the purposes of this course, interactive social media is defined as a digital technology that allows users to manipulate, interact with, and/or engage with other users. Ensure that if you choose an interactive social media site, it adheres to this rule.

Required Resources


  • Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Review Chapter 1, “Historical Perspectives of Nursing Informatics”

      In this chapter, the authors explain the transition from paper-based records to electronic records. The chapter provides an overview of the historical events that contributed to the rise of electronic health records.
    • Chapter 25, “Care Delivery Across the Care Continuum: Hospital-Community-Home”

      Chapter 25 analyzes the impact of home health on the health care system. The chapter explains the current level of home health technology and how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) changes this aspect of health care.
    • Chapter 44, “Initiation and Management of Accessible, Effective Online Learning”

      This chapter explores the psat and present perspectives of distance education, important teractive electronic tools and essential strategies for the online learner.
    • Chapter 45, “Social Media in the Connected Age: Impact on Healthcare Education and Practice”

      The focus of this chapter is on the evolution of the Internet, mobile tools and the use of social media in healthcare education.
    • Chapter 35, “Consumer/Patient Engagement and eHealth Resources”

      As access to health care information increases, patients are becoming more informed about and engaged in their health. This chapter discusses current trends in health care, including patient empowerment, consumerism, and widespread use of computers and technologies for health.
  • Crilly, J. F., Keefe, R. H., & Volpe, F. (2011). Use of electronic technologies to promote community and personal health for individuals unconnected to health care systems. American Journal of Public Health, 101(7), 1163–1167.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article describe technologies that have been used to increase access to health care for underserved populations. The authors present strategies, benefits, and challenges of addressing this issue, and they provide examples of successful programs.
  • Walker, J., Leveille, S. G., Ngo, L., Vodicka, E., Darer, J. D, Dhanireddy, S., … Delbanco, T. (2011). Inviting patients to read their doctors’ notes: Patients and doctors look ahead: Patient and physician surveys. Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(12), 811–819.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors discuss the results of their study on the outcomes of allowing patients to read their doctors’ notes. The study highlights the benefits of sharing notes with patients and how doing so can promote better outcomes.
  • Wynia, M., & Dunn, K. (2010). Dreams and nightmares: Practical and ethical issues for patients and physicians using personal health records. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(1), 64–73.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article highlight the primary uses and benefits of personal health records (PHRs) as an electronic health record (EHR) tool. In addition, the article presents an overview of practical and ethical issues that may emerge from integrating PHR components into EHR systems. Media
  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012f). Electronic health records and data ownership. Baltimore: Author. 

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.

    In this media presentation, Dr. Roy Simpson discusses how the data derived from patient-centered technologies can be used to increase the quality of care given to patients. Dr. Simpson also highlights how patients can harness the power of these technologies to make more informed decisions about their health. Dr. Simpson concludes his segment by examining the ownership of patient information in EHR systems.

Optional Resources

  • Hertz, B. T. (2012). Physician-designed app empowers patients. Medical Economics, 89(1), 30, 32.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Sands, D. (2010). Dr. Danny Sands: Knowledge is power [Video File]. Retrieved from

the role of the stakeholders about the health policy of the aboriginals

Assignment -01
Health policy stakeholders
Executive summary In this report, the six different topics on the health policy stakeholders will be discussed. The topics include the mental health policy stakeholders, aboriginal health policy stakeholders, hospital policy stakeholders, nursing education policy stakeholder, pediatric health policy stakeholder and women and child policy stakeholder. An introduction on all these topics has been provided along with its importance and influence on the various policies. 
Topic 1: Mental health policy stakeholders Holden, C.A. and Lin, V., 2012. Network structures and their relevance to the policy cycle: A case study of The National Male Health Policy of Australia.Social Science & Medicine,74(2), pp.228-235.
The main theme of this paper is the understanding of a network formation obtained from the network analysis method that is broadly described in the paper providing the stake holders and policy makers the means to analyse the other stakeholders position in context to consideration of the policy process.
Competing interests in relation to health care is a conflict of value, which has a direct effect on the care the physicians provide and even evaluates the factor that whether the competing interests has any negative impact on the divergent interests. There is an involvement of the government in the policy making process and the health care organisations are often asked to have some policies that will guard the negative impacts of the competing interests.
The approach used in this paper is important for understanding the influence of stakeholders in public health policy because this paper focuses on the performers of a policy, which is helpful in providing the insight about how to feature a policy. To provide a broader view of the stakeholders in the mental health policy this paper provides a case study on the competing interest. This study provides with a network analysis style as an instrument, which will help the policy makers to identify the stakeholders and their considerations regarding the policy process. this study focuses on the structural functional framework and this helps in evaluating on role of the network analysis in providing of alternative methods to the stakeholders for participating in the policy cycle process. This paper highlights the point about how the network based on the relationship of the policy makers and stakeholders’ impacts on the policy process and hence has relevance to the topic and can be used as assistance to the topic.
Topic 2: Aboriginal health policy stakeholder Flicker, S. and Worthington, C.A., 2012. Public health research involving aboriginal peoples: research ethics board stakeholders’ reflections on ethics principles and research processes.Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante’e Publique, pp.19-22.
The main theme of this study is to identify the role of the stakeholders about the health policy of the aboriginals. This study highlights the fact of having a presence of considerable discussions about the principles that are best for researching the health process of the aboriginals in context to the stakeholders’ perspective.
This study deals with the term community health or the health issues of any community. The study of community health focuses on mainly kinds of groups and deals with aspects of health of that certain group. Community health mainly focuses on health issues of the whole group rather than pointing on any individual. This is why this study relates to the topic and this study deals with the system in which the health characteristics of a given community can be sorted and mentions that health of any group or community is dependent on the social and demographic position of that particular group. Health dimension encompasses the complete physical and mental situation of an individual. The stakeholders are not always involved in the health policy of the stakeholders and they do not particularly have the decision making right if not they are given the objective of the meaningful engagement that allows them to be a part of the decision making process.
This study is relevant to the topic because it highlights that the stakeholders do not have the right to get involved in the health and health policy matters of the aboriginals. They are not always allowed to take part in every decision making process and as the topic of the study is the aboriginal health policy stakeholders, the overall topic is discussed in the chosen paper providing a clear view. Thus, this paper can be accessed as an assistance to the topic to define the stakeholders position in aboriginal health policy.
Topic 3: Hospital policy stakeholders Gagnon, M.P., Desmartis, M., Poder, T. and Witteman, W., 2014. Effects and repercussions of local/hospital-based health technology assessment (HTA): a systematic review.Systematic reviews,3(1), p.129.
This chosen article is about the health technology assessment of hospitals and this paper highlights the perceptions of the stakeholders in the process of HTA in the hospitals. There is also mentioning of the implementation of the stakeholders recommendations for improving outcomes.
This research paper has an analysis of a conducted research to find the answer to the relevant questions and to find the answer to the perceptions of the stakeholders in the hospital policy. The method chosen by this paper was PRISMA and it was conducted in two methods; firstly the screening and selection method and the extraction of the data. The study was conducted using around 700 articles and the research was done in the hospitals of a country.
As the study was only about the effects of HTA and finding the perceptions of the stakeholders along with implementation of the recommendations, this study had limited access to research. The overall research provides an understanding of the impact of decision with introducing modern technologies in the hospitals. The study does not broadly emphasize on the stakeholder term in the whole paper but it is well known that the stakeholders of a hospital are the providers, payers, patients and the employers. Hence, through this paper one can critically evaluate the stakeholders’ perception about the hospital policy.
This article discusses the perception of stakeholders in the hospital policy; though not by mentioning the term stakeholders in every term still this article is relevant to the topic and can be used to discuss the topic in a broader way. This article focuses on the given topic, though it discusses the context of the topic in a different way it still highlights the importance of the decision-making by the stakeholders of a hospital and can be used as a help to describe the topic clearly.
Topic 4: Nursing educational policy stakeholders Tobiano, G., Marshall, A., Bucknall, T. and Chaboyer, W., 2015. Patient participation in nursing care on medical wards: an integrative review.International journal of nursing studies,52(6), pp.1107-1120. This article is about the participation of the patients in the way of their own nursing care. This study highlights the role of the patients in the nursing process. The objective of the study is to provide the perceptions of the patients towards the patient involvement in nursing process. This research paper has implied some methods to integrate the reviews of the patients as well as the nurses in the nursing process or policy. The methods with the help of which the study was conducted are data sources and the review methods, which provided a clear idea about the topic of the paper. The limitations of the paper are that the paper had some discrepancies. The results of the conducted research helped the research with some themes, which were the enacted participation, challenges in the participation process and the promotion of participation and lastly the participation types. There is a large number of enacted participation of the patients in the medical wards. The known challenges are willingness of the patients and the approach of the nurses. Sharing of the information can be a way of promoting the participation. The question may arise how the above discussion is relevant to the topic. The above discussion is about the participation of the patients in nursing policy. This is the answer of the question. Broadly describing, this paper discusses about one of the stakeholders’ participation in the health care system and that is the patient. The patients are a type of stakeholders in any health care system. Hence, this paper is relevant to the topic and has the information, which can be used for defining the topic. The topic is about the nursing policy stakeholders and the paper is about the patient participation in the nursing policy, therefore, this paper can actually be a guide to discuss the topic. Topic 5: Paediatric health policy stakeholder Young, I., Gropp, K., Pintar, K., Waddell, L., Marshall, B., Thomas, K., McEwen, S.A. and Rajic, A., 2014. Experiences and Attitudes Towards Evidence-Informed Policy-Making Among Research and Policy Stakeholders in the Canadian Agri-Food Public Health Sector.Zoonoses and public health,61(8), pp.581-589.
This paper discusses the principle for developing the policy making process more evidence informed for the paediatric or food sector. This paper focuses on the interface of the food sector and policy making with highlighting its impact.
This paper covers a research of food and public health policy makers of Canada, to understand the perspectives of the policy makers. This paper focused on few groups on which the study was conducted and the participants were from paediatric and food departments. The participants introduced the research to all the principles required in this sector. The first one was clarifying the objectives of the policy. Second was the supporting the policy making with evidence third was evidence of the stakeholders interest in the policy inputs. Fourth, the ensuring of the evidence is delivered to the stakeholders in an informative way. Fifth was creating interdisciplinary perspective among the communities and the stakeholders. Sixth aspect was enhancing of individual skills for the policy makers. The results found after consideration of above facts are that the planned effort can lead to proper policy making along with evidence. Understanding of the policy realms can be effective in the policy making of the food industry. The limitation of this study is that it is conducted on few groups and hence there is a problem of implementing the results on wider perspective.
This paper is relevant to the topic as this paper highlights the integration of evidence based policy makers with the stakeholders interest and even the importance of the information sharing about the policy making of food industry to the stakeholders. Thus this paper can be used to discuss the topic broadly. This paper provides the proper importance of the policy makers in the paediatric policymaking system. Thus, this paper can be used as an assistance to look up to the topic of paediatric policy making.
Topic 6: Women and Child health policy stakeholder Nyondo, A.L., Chimwaza, A.F. and Muula, A.S., 2014. Stakeholders’ perceptions on factors influencing male involvement in prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV services in Blantyre, Malawi.BMC Public Health,14(1), p.691.
This paper is mainly about the factors that plays an influential role in determining the involvement of a man in preventing the transmission of HIV from mother to child. This paper is based on the stakeholders’ perspective on the given topic.
The paper discusses the prevention of HIV transmission as a topic from the stakeholders end and adapts many strategies and methods that are required to prevent and evaluate the overall transmission factor. This study highlights the role of the men in the prevention of HIV transmission as society is mainly patriarchal as mentioned by the stakeholders. There are many methods used in the study for conducting a research on the topic. The stakeholders perspective is clearly provided in the overall study and the limitations are that this study is about the role of male to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child but this study does not mention any other point about the other measures.
Though this paper is based on the stakeholders perspective in role of men in prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child this study highlights the certain factors of the topic. This paper highlights the women and child health factor along with highlighting the role of the stakeholders in the women and child health care policy. This paper discusses the stakeholders’ perspective in defining the importance of the male role in the prevention of the transmission of HIV from mother to child and the topic is also based on women and child care. Hence, both the paper and the topic is relevant to each other though not fully but to a great extent and hence this can be used in defining the topic broadly and giving a clear view of the topic of women and child health care and its importance from stakeholders perspective.



For this assignment, you will need to review an organization. You may want to focus on the organization where you work, but you can also look at any local health care organization. It may be beneficial to select a health care organization located within the neighborhood or community you used in your Windshield Survey assignment as this is likely where the vulnerable or diverse population you identified receives health care.

Your goal is to evaluate how able the organization is to serve the specific health care needs of the vulnerable or diverse population you identified in the Windshield Survey assignment.

Use the Internet and the Capella library to locate at least three academic or professional resources to use in this assignment.


Once you have selected an organization, complete the following:

  • Describe the primary health concern for the vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Explain how the organization currently serves this health care concern. Be sure you include information on how the organization communicates to the population.
  • Identify gaps in the health care service provided to the population.
  • Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge the gaps in health care service provided to the population.
  • Identify any possible barriers to implementing your strategies.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of paper: 2–4 double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
  • References: At least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Formatting: APA format for in-text references and citations.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.


Reflect on a patient who presented with a hematologic or metabolic disorder during your Practicum experience. Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family. Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 8 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

Practicum: Journal Entry wk9

Reflect on a patient who presented with gastrointestinal disorders during your Practicum experience. Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family. Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last 9 weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences


Report Issue

In this part of the Evaluation Project, you construct an evaluation plan by aggregating all of your work on the project thus far into one cohesive document. The document should contain your PICO question, literature review (with summary table), evaluation methodology, and evaluation tool.

To prepare:

Consider the issues or concerns you might have when developing an evaluation plan. Reflect on the ethical issues you and your colleagues identified in the Week 9 Discussion.

Reflect on potential limitations and opportunities (Note: This topic will be addressed in the Week 10 Discussion).

To complete Part 6 of the Evaluation Project:

In no more than 10 pages, aggregate all of your work on the Evaluation Project so far into a single document. This document should contain:

Your PICO question

An explanation of the goals of your evaluation plan

Literature review (with summary table as an appendix)

Evaluation methodology (including research design)

Evaluation tool

A description of any ethical issues or concerns you may have with implementing your plan and how you could handle them if they arose

A summary of the criteria you will use to define the success of your plan and how you will disseminate findings

An outline of limitations to the scope of the plan and opportunities resulting from your evaluation pla