How does the CDC communicate information on mass immunization clinics to the public? What is the procedure for establishing a mass immunization clinic for tetanus in the aftermath of a hurricane

Part 1: Researching Federal Initiatives There are numerous federal initiatives in place to address current public health issues in environmental health, emergency preparedness and response, and injury prevention. Educating the public and developing health promotion programs are essential for improving the nation- health and lowering healthcare costs associated with injury and disease. Using the Internet, research various federal initiatives that have addressed public health issues. Respond to the following: What federal initiatives are in place to address current public health issues? Explain in detail with a minimum of two examples. What are the outcomes of these initiatives? Explain with examples. Are there some issues that are not being adequately addressed? Explain giving examples from your research. Part 2: Federal Response to Mass Immunizations After a natural disaster or an infectious disease outbreak, immunizations are necessary to reduce the risk of infection. This is because immunizations work with the body- natural defenses to help the body safely develop immunity to a potentially life-threatening disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established protocols to initiate mass immunizations to reduce the risk and spread of infectious diseases. Consider the CDC- public health response to an infectious disease outbreak in the aftermath of a hurricane. Using the readings for this week and the Internet, respond to the following: What is the CDC- procedure for mass immunizations that are necessary for certain types of infectious outbreaks such as influenza, mumps, and tetanus? How does the CDC communicate information on mass immunization clinics to the public? What is the procedure for establishing a mass immunization clinic for tetanus in the aftermath of a hurricane because of the likelihood of injuries during the cleanup? Is this similar to the protocol established for influenza? Compare the two protocols. What are some of the controversies surrounding such vaccinations?


Consider the following scenario:

Marcus recalls the beginning of his career, when he started as a nurse at Grand View Hospital. He had heard the organization was soliciting proposals from various companies so they could weigh the pros and cons associated with adopting a new health information technology system. He has been curious about the request for proposal (RFP) process ever since. Now, as he looks forward to new professional opportunities, he would like to ensure that he develops the skills and expertise needed to formulate an RFP. 

What are your professional aims? How can you apply what you have learned in your coursework to your practicum setting? How will you leverage your experiences in the practicum to facilitate your development as a nurse leader-manager or informaticist?

In this Discussion, you reflect on your aspirations and consider the transitions that may be required to achieve them. You identify professional development objectives and evaluate opportunities for achieving them through your experiences in the practicum.

To prepare:

Think about the professional role changes you have been undergoing or that you may undertake following completion of this MSN program.

Review the information related to professional development and role change in the Learning Resources, and conduct additional research as necessary to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Consider the following questions:

What types of professional positions interest you? Are they significantly different from the types of positions you have held in the past? If so, how?

What challenges are you likely to encounter as you transition into a new role?

What resources could help you to manage this change? Consider your inner resources (e.g., drawing on previous experiences, stress management), resources available to you through your relationships with others, and institutional supports.

Consider how you could use this Practicum Experience to apply what you have learned and enhance or acquire specialization skills and knowledge, regardless of whether you intend to change roles or stay in your current position for the time being.

Review the NURS 6600 Course Outcomes listed in the Syllabus. Determine how your experiences in the practicum could help you to achieve one or more of these outcomes.

Review the information in the Introduction to the Practicum (in this week’s Practicum area) and the School of Nursing Practicum Manual as necessary to ensure you have a clear understanding of the practicum requirements.

Review the suggestions for developing effective learning objectives provided in the Learning Resources.

Think of two or three objectives that could help guide your professional development during your practicum. These objectives, referred to as your practicum professional development objectives, must be:






Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy (i.e., Application level and above)

Select one or more practicum professional development objectives to focus on for this Discussion. (You may continue to hone these objectives as you work on this week’s Application Assignment.)

Reflect on how you could achieve each objective through your Practicum Experience.

My goal to develop educational plans for nursing in the Perioperative field

Employees found to have “moderate to high” health risks are assigned health coaches and given action plans

Setting—Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, Marysville, Ohio. Dilemma—Corporate executives are concerned about rising health-care costs. CEO Jim Hagedorn backs an aggressive wellness program and anti-smoking campaign to improve health of employees and reduce healthcare costs for the firm. Scott employees are asked to take extensive health-risk assessments; failure to do so increases their health insurance premiums by $40 a month. Employees found to have “moderate to high” health risks are assigned health coaches and given action plans; failure to comply adds another $67 per month. In states where the practice is legal, the firm will not hire a smoker and tests new employees for nicotine use. In response to complaints that the policy is intrusive, Hagedorn says, “If people understand the facts and still choose to smoke, it’s suicidal. And we can’t encourage suicidal behavior.” Decision—Is Hagedorn doing the right thing by leading Scotts’s human resource policies in this direction? Considerations—Joe Pellegrini’s life was probably saved by his employer. After urging from one of Scotts’s health coaches, he saw his doctor about weight and cholesterol concerns. This led to a visit with a heart specialist who inserted two stents, correcting a 95 percent blockage. Scott Rodrigues’s life was changed by his employer; he is suing Scotts for wrongful dismissal. A smoker, he claims that he was fired after failing a drug test for nicotine even though he wasn’t informed about the test and had been told the company would help him stop smoking. CEO Hagedorn says, “This is an area where CEOs are afraid to go. A lot of people are watching to see how badly we get sued.” Critique the decisions being made in these situations. Identify how, where, and why different decisions might be made. What are the issues involved in these situations? How are they best addressed by the decision makers?

Analyze how you might implement the policies from the country you selected in the United States and your own state

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the World Health Organization website in this week’s Learning Resources. Research health care disparities between the United States and another country of your choice.
  • Compare economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. How are they different? What is the economic motivation for each?
  • Analyze implications of these economic policies and disparities. How does this relate to volume-based versus value-based health care?
  • Analyze how you might implement the policies from the country you selected in the United States (macro) and your own state (micro). Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of health care. Note: If you are an international student, reflect on how you might implement the policies from the country you selected into your own country and/or region.

Note:This Assignment will be graded using this rubric: Document:Week 2 Assignment Rubric (Word document)

The Assignment:

In a 4- to 6-page paper, address the following:

  • Compare the economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. Include differences in approaches to wellness and prevention.
  • Analyze implications of these policies and disparities.
  • Analyze how you might implement the policies from the country you selected in the United States and your own state. Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of health care.

Note: The paper should be 4–6 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources, as appropriate.View less »

Apply medical terminology related to pharmacology or other treatment to a health topic.

HIM4610 – Medical Terminology

UNIT 8 Assignment

Health Topic Presentation

For this course project assignment, use credible sources to research the health topic, disease, or syndrome your instructor approved in Unit 5. Develop a presentation, and deliver it via screen and webcam recording so that your slides are visible, your face is included in a video capture, and your voice is recorded simultaneously. This is important, so that the instructor can evaluate your spelling, pronunciation, and use of the medical terminology related to your topic. Guidance for how to record your presentation can be found at Using Kaltura [PDF], listed in the Resources.

Your presentation should not exceed 30 minutes in length. In addition to the recording, submit your presentation slides and a transcript of your presentation. Use APA style and format to cite scholarly sources.

In your presentation, you should define and describe your topic, and present information about it, including causes, signs and symptoms, at-risk populations, prognoses, diagnostic and testing procedures, treatment protocols, support systems, and prevention.

You will be graded according to how well you demonstrate the course competencies, which will be measured by the following criteria and requirements:

Pronounce medical terms properly.

Spell health care terms correctly.

Apply medical terminology related to pharmacology or other treatment to a health topic.

Apply medical terminology related to the structure and functions of the human body to a health topic.

Apply medical terminology related to human body systems to a health topic.

Apply medical terminology related to a specialized area of medicine to a health topic.

Submission Requirements

Format: Recording, plus a transcript with title page and reference page in a Microsoft Word document.

References: Include references in APA style and format.

Writing: Create a presentation that is clearly written and generally free of grammatical errors.

How could nurses in the public health setting help clients to modify unhealthy behaviors at the primary and secondary prevention levels

NSG4074 Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention

Week 1 Discussion

Community, Culture, and Nursing

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

By the due date assigned, post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources.All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion Area.

Topic 1: Community-Based Nursing

Nursing services play an important role in caring for patients and families in the community and providing them the support they need. For patients with problems ranging from chronic health conditions to need of elder care, nursing has proved itself an important part of the healthcare team. In fact, many people now prefer sending their elderly parents to a daycare for nursing, rather than to a long-term care facility.

For this topic, interview a community-based nurse or nurse practitioner who sees individuals in the home setting. Ask the following questions:

What are your job responsibilities?

Does a correlation exist between your job description and your practice?

Are you involved in policy formulation that affects client services?

Do you belong to a professional organization related to your current job position?

Topic 2: Culturally Competent Care

A broad range of cultures exists in the world today. Nursing professionals often interact with people from cultural backgrounds that differ from their own.

Share an experience where you cared for a patient in the healthcare setting who was from a culture different from your own. How did you accommodate this patient’s needs? How would you apply the Purnell Model to future cultural encounters?

Which one of the twelve domains of culture from the Purnell Model do you feel is most important? Why?

NSG4074 Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention

Week 2 Discussion

Epidemiology’s Role in Infectious and Communicable Diseases

As you discovered in this week’s lecture and readings, epidemiology studies various occurrences and health-related states or events that effect the general population. Epidemiologists examine the dispersion of health events in populations and use this knowledge to control and prevent future health problems.

By the due date assigned, post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources.All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion Area.

Topic 1: Disease Outbreak

Select an infectious disease and research the CDC website for information about the disease, its natural history, presenting symptoms, and outbreak characteristics. Identify an occurrence of the disease by searching the Internet for recent reports of this disease and compare that episode or occurrence with information from the CDC website.

How closely did that outbreak resemble the case definition?

Topic 2: Epidemiological Applications

Describe how the concept of multifactorial etiology relates to the natural history of disease and the different levels of prevention.

How should the nurse incorporate these concepts into health promotion of clients in community settings?

How should the nurse approach client risk in these health promotion activities?

NSG4074 Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention

Week 3 Discussion

Health Risks, Disasters, and Nursing

By the due date assigned, post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources.All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion Area.

Topic 1: Child and Adolescent Health Risks

As you discovered in this week's lectures and readings, several populations face multiple health risks across their lifespan. Children and adolescents are a population that is at a higher health risk for obesity. A national movement is underway to reduce risk factors for developing obesity in children. Part of this movement is the “Let's Move!” campaign, which is a comprehensive and coordinated initiative to prevent childhood obesity. The initiative emphasizes four primary components: healthy schools, access to affordable and healthy food, raising children's physical activity levels, and empowering families to make healthy choices.

Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that will combat childhood and adolescent obesity.

Provide suggestions on how community health nurses can contribute to these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of decreasing obesity among this population.

Topic 2: Disaster Management

Contact your local public health department to learn about its role in a local disaster, including the role of the nurses who work there.

Would you be a good candidate to serve on a disaster team?

Would your current employer be flexible in allowing you to participate in a disaster situation?

What is your personal preparedness to face a disaster?

NSG4074 Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention

Week 4 Discussion

Sociocultural Norms, Health, and Nursing

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

By the due date assigned, post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources.All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion Area.

Topic 1: Vulnerable Populations

As you discovered in this week’s lectures and textbook readings, numerous vulnerable populations exist in the community. Identify three local organizations in your community that deliver healthcare services to vulnerable populations. Based on your research findings, answer the following:

Which population does each organization serve?

What services does it provide?

Where does it get its funding (local, state, or federal sources)?

Evaluate the relative value of each organization's services to individuals and families in the vulnerable population it serves.

Topic 2: Stigma Associated with Disease

Some vulnerable populations may have diseases, health impairments, and pregnancy that bring humiliation and predisposed judgment. Unfortunately, these health conditions can cause vulnerable populations to become ostracized by the general public.

What ways would you choose to function as an advocate for vulnerable populations?

Discuss the types of assistance you might provide to each of the following clients:

A 24-year-old pregnant woman who is currently homeless and unmarried

A 16-year-old girl who has run away from her foster home and who has an IV drug habit

An immigrant worker whose TB skin test just came back positive

An employed, married man who contracted Hepatitis B through a blood transfusion 30 years ago

NSG4074 Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention

Week 5 Discussion

Healthy People 2020 and Nursing

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

By the due date assigned, post a response to one of the two discussion topics below, using information from the lectures, reading assignments, library resources, and Internet resources.All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion Area.

Topic 1: Faith-Based Nursing

Review Healthy People 2020. Identify objectives that are amenable to parish nurse intervention.

Describe how faith communities can contribute to the accomplishment of these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of improving the health of the public.

How can nurses working in the community form partnerships with parish nurses and faith communities?

How would such partnerships be beneficial?

Topic 2: Collaboration at the Local, State, and Federal Levels

Describe the roles of your local and state health departments in the accomplishment of healthcare promotion and goals.

How do their goals of health promotion meet the objective of Healthy People 2020?

How could nurses in the public health setting help clients to modify unhealthy behaviors at the primary and secondary prevention levels? Please provide an example for each prevention level.

Demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical relevance and relationship between social determinants, human rights, cultural competence and health outcomes

Job App. Topic I choose is Personal Development Health Physical Education secondary teacher
You are applying for a position as a cultural liaison in the NSW Health Community Programs unit. You need to address the following topic with reference to specific theory as well as putting that theory in context.
Cultural and social diversity are increasingly recognised as major issues in the delivery of health care. As such, cultural competency and cultural safety are important skills health professionals must have in order to improve individual and population health outcomes.
First, this assessment asks you to focus specifically on the relevance and relationship between cultural and social diversity (i.e., ethnicity/culture and socioeconomic status), for the individual health care provider (your specific health profession), health care institutions and the health consumer. Second, how can cultural competency at the healthcare provider (your specific health profession) and institutional levels help to improve health outcomes. Finally, how will you know that your answers to the first two points promote a culturally safe healthcare environment?
Answer this questions
1. What about your profession/discipline, makes you the best candidate for the role of ’cultural liaison’ within the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service? (approx. 100 – 150 words)
2. Demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical relevance and relationship between social determinants, human rights, cultural competence and health outcomes. (approx. 150 – 200 words)
3. Identify, with practical examples and links to your professional guidelines, how you would support and/or enact the five key constructs of cultural competency within the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service. (approx. 300 – 400 words)
4. Demonstrate knowledge of your professional guidelines/policy and their relationship to cultural safety. (approx. 250 – 300 words)
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the barriers and facilitators to culturally safe and competent professional practice for both staff in your profession and health consumers. (approx. 200 – 250 words)
6. Given your disciplinary expertise, understanding of cultural competence and cultural safety demonstrate how your understanding of health theory (e.g., social determinants, human rights, etc.) makes you the best person for this role/position at the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service? (approx. 150-200 words)
7. References
Here is an example but please don’t copy it
1. What about your profession/discipline, makes you the best candidate for the role of ‘cultural liaison’ within the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service? (approx. 100 – 150 words)
I consider myself to be the best candidate for this job due to the study I am currently undertaking as an Occupational therapist including my recent and past work experience. My degree is equipping me with the skills to recognise that it is not only specific OT frameworks relating to the person, environment and occupation, (Willard, Schnell & Boyt, 2014). However, culture, identity and one’s social economic status are also pivotal in impacting health outcomes. I am learning to interpret, understand, engage and implement legislation including the Occupational Therapy Board Code of conduct (2014) and the New South Wales Health Policy – Code of Conduct (2015) to provide a holistic service to people from diverse cultures, genders, social backgrounds and abilities. I will utilise examples and theoretical underpinning to address my suitability in relation to the selection criteria.
Needs Improvement
As a Sports and Exercise scientist I explore the therapeutic benefits of physical exercise. My ability to facilitate social cohesion and formation of bonds amongst Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people renders me the ideal candidate for the role of Cultural Support Worker. This allows me to target social, emotional, and mental health providing a highly comprehensive regimen.
2. Demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical relevance and relationship between social determinants, human rights, cultural competence and health outcomes. (approx. 150 – 200 words)
I have come to understand through my study, that the ideas stated above are integral to the holistic and integrated framework of the social determinants of health (Baum et al., 2014). Cultural competence (CC) is required when engaging with this framework to avoid a variety of barriers that inhibit good health outcomes (Jackson and Gracia, 2014). During my work experience within the paediatric ward at Campbelltown Hospital, I applied my theoretical knowledge in practical based scenarios in accordance with my placement. Considering the social determinants of health, I suggested to my supervisor that an information flyer be produced for parents/carers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups regarding a unique MLAK key that provides entry to accessible locations throughout Sydney for people living with a disability. This is aligned with human rights as it supports the need for access to health services as fundamental facilitators for improved health outcomes (Eckermann et al., 2010). Through client interaction, I became aware of the difficulty CALD parents/carers face when endeavouring to access equitable facilities to provide opportunities for inclusion for their child while still endeavouring to avoid the consequential discrimination (Steed, 2010). This led to the updating of organisational cultural competence practices for CALD groups of people living with a disability. This practical application shows my grasp of the importance of relationship linking cultural competence, social determinants and human rights towards improved health access and outcomes.
Needs Improvement
According to the world health organisation, the social determinants of health are “The conditions, in which people are born, grow, work, live and age” (“Social Determinants Of Health”). This theory encompasses the inter-twined issues of culture, socioeconomic status and cultural competence. Cultural competence involves cultural competence of the other two variables, culture/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. My past experience in ‘Save the World Day’ included working within a group composed of CALD individuals, of varying socioeconomic status. It was to my satisfaction that my previous donations had helped fund the trees and equipment that these volunteers were able to use, bridging the gap between socioeconomic statuses (Morrow-Howell, Hong and Tang 91-102). This collective effort brought various cultures together under a well-intentioned objective cause. This friendly practice was able to increase cultural competence for all of those involved.
3. Identify, with practical examples and links to your professional guidelines, how you would support and/or enact the five key constructs of cultural competency within the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service. (approx. 300 – 400 words)
Increasing CC within the OT field involves implementing the elements and principals of CC into everyday business practices. Change needs to occur at the highest levels of the National Health and Medical Research Council (2006) and have a cascading affect downward. For example, CC elements and principles need to be incorporated into the mission statement, policies and procedures of an organisation which in turn affects the culture and practice of the business (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2006) (Ethnic Community Councils of Victoria, 2006). Actions at each National Health and Medical Research Council (2006) level are stated in Table 1.
Table 1. Links between Cultural Competence and Codes of Conduct (TABLE IS INCOMPLETE)
NHMRC levels & CC Dimensions CC Constructs Polices/Guidelines for OT’s NHMRC Actions
CC Dimension:
? Education
? consumer participation Awareness
Desire NSW Health policy – Code of conduct
OT code of conduct
Cultural competency training courses Encourages culturally competent behaviour through:
Policies & procedure
Monitoring mechanisms
Providing sufficient resources
Policies that support involvement of culturally diverse communities in health matters
Working on the paediatric ward most communication is via parents/caregivers. I had to obtain medical history for a child, but due to cultural etiquette, I had to gain consent from the child’s father to speak to the child’s mother. An interpreter enabled a deeper level of communication so all parties could speak, be heard and then listen (Mu et al., 2016). By gaining consent from the husband to converse with his wife, the family instantly relaxed, were at ease freely and shared information with me through the interpreter. Interacting with the family at an individual level (Table 1.1) and sidestepping the traditional OT jargon/language because we were using an interpreter meant that I could enact culturally competent and sensitive behaviour which was backed up by the hospitals CC framework when interaction with individuals from CALD groups and the use of interpreters.
The New South Wales Health Policy – Code of Conduct (2015) and the Occupational Therapy Board Code of conduct (2014) provide guidelines to practitioners regarding standards of behaviour in the provision of equitable and ethical health service to clients, in relation to CC, safe and social professional practice which links into all National Health and Medical Research Council (2006) levels as stated in Table 1. The National Health and Medical Research Council (2006) levels interact in a reciprocal relationship, through interaction initiated in the dimensional areas, supported and solidified by policy and guidelines which in turn provokes action.
The systemic and organisational levels encourage consumer participation from CALD and vulnerable people groups retrieved from population data on diversity and culture in the structured planning, development, research and evaluation stages of policy and guidelines within health organisations which ultimately impact the internal business culture and the community (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2006). Culturally competent and responsive education is provided on these levels to equip business and employees on roles, responsibilities and accountability procedure and providing a culturally competent vision for the organisations future (National Health and Medical Research Council, 2006). During my work experience within a project for Macarthur Access Group for Inclusive Communities or MAGIC, (2015) I completed a short training program for my role, which included responsibilities and the projects accountability mechanisms. Once completed I produced a report providing evidence that I fully comprehended the MAGIC projects business practice. The CC dimensions for professional and individual are stated in Table 1. Self-reflection and information in both dimensions requires respectful service to CALD patients, acknowledging the influence their heritage has had on health outcomes by being able to acquire knowledge and data on CALD groups (Booth and Nelson, 2013). Section 3.7 of the Occupational Therapy Board Code of conduct (2014) and the New South Wales Health Policy – Code of Conduct (2015) detail responsibilities for the delivery of ethical and culturally appropriate business and professional practice.
Needs Improvement
There are five essential elements of cultural competence as identified by Campinha-Bacote (2002). I will promote these five key concepts in my practice by firstly integrating individuals of various cultures into exercise groups. As individuals commonly possess misconceptions of unknown cultures rendering them anxious or scared, I draw upon current research which in fact states that exercise significantly diminishes this feeling. This evidence also demonstrates decreases in depression, neurosis, and increases in extraverted activity (De Moor et al. 273-279). Results were found to be very consistent across gender and age, meaning it this theory can be very malleable in regards to a diverse populous. The double whammy of team sport will simultaneously force individuals to work together objectively, furthering bonding.
Another key aspect is institutionalising cultural knowledge. I will integrate aspects of many cultures in to programs, boosting comfort levels of individuals of which share that culture, whilst also building on understanding of those foreign. Exercise will not be limited to specific activities, pastimes popular in various cultures will be included. For example, the most popular sport in India is currently Cricket (Russell), Lacrosse is the national summer sport of Canada (“National Sports Of Canada Act”), and football being dominant in many European countries. With this in mind I will design group activities to include a range of sports. Regular cultural self-assessment is paramount in my method as to keep track of progress.
With a combination of all of these features I hope to ensure a high level of cultural competence within my cohort and myself.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of your professional guidelines/policy and their relationship to cultural safety. (approx. 250 – 300 words)
The phrase Cultural safety started to be used in reference to indigenous New Zealanders and Australians, regarding health care provider’s cultural values towards power imbalances because of colonisation (Taylor & Guerin, 2010) though can be adapted to CALD groups.
Within my first week as an OT student at Campbelltown hospital I utilised the CC training I received as part of the hospitals induction policy process. My supervisor and I visited a school to ascertain if the facilities were up to standard for a CALD student living with a disability. My supervisor requested an interpreter accompany us on this visit so that the student’s mother fully understood the assistance and accommodations her child would be receiving from the school and hospital. The use of an interpreter to CALD for Indigenous peoples is part of hospital policy, in the provision of an equitable health service ensuring the practitioner and client are enabled to communicate on a practical and contextual level avoiding communication barriers. The main link between columns 1, 2 and 3 is the emphasis put on self-reflection. Continually practicing their own cultural self-reflection enables the practitioner to adapt health service provision in a social/culturally safe way to diverse groups (Booth & Neilson, 2013).
Benefits for the health consumer can be seen in columns 1 with the engagement of CC elements within each dimension. The National Centre for Cultural Competence (2006), has recognised the five elements of CC within each dimension stated in Table 1, when relating to health consumers in a socially and culturally competent manner (National Centre for Cultural Competence, 2006). As a cultural support worker within NSW health, adhering to the NSWHCC would be essential in the ethical delivery of professional practice.
Needs Improvement
Being a future cultural support worker no elements of the criteria can be overlooked if I wish to provide a well-rounded service. As such I will apply these criteria in my work by first of all encouraging healthy personal habits, advancing in to social habits. Meditation has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety (“Effectiveness Of A Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Program In The Treatment Of Anxiety Disorders” 936-943), promotion of this among not only my cohort but myself will result in clearer and calmer thinking, acting as social lubrication. This will directly target sections a to c and significantly raise social competence via improving sociability.
Sports are a reflection of the host culture of which they came from; as a result a diverse mixture of sporting games incorporated will objectively overhaul subject’s levels of social and cultural competence. The team work required to achieve a set a goal, in the context of many different sports is a direct manifestation of the theory behind section d. Of course referring back to section c, this method won’t be executed without regard for various genders, physical capabilities and age. Furthermore, whilst also respecting the disparities among socioeconomic status, equipment required will be minimal and that which is essential will be provided free of charge.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the barriers and facilitators to culturally safe and competent professional practice for both staff in your profession and health consumers. (approx. 200 – 250 words)
Colonisation and contemporary institutional racism is still impacting indigenous people’s ability to access and sustain employment affecting their sustainable income, and ultimately health outcomes (Keleher 2016). Working as a cultural support worker would enable me to put your CC policy into practice. I would complete and continue to update my CC awareness training toward CALD and Indigenous groups, by collaborating with Indigenous support units/workers and CALD community groups. Acquiring and institutionalising cultural knowledge as stated in National Centre for Cultural Competence (2006), through gaining a knowledge of diverse cultures then integrating this knowledge into daily practice will benefit not only the health consumer but also National Health and Medical Research Council (2006) levels and dimensions by reducing institutional racism.
As technology advances the provision of health services needs to progress and adapt to benefit all stakeholders. Core aspects of the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (2014) and Occupational Therapy Board Code of conduct (2014)) states practitioners should develop and maintain professional behaviour and skills while, responsibly contributing to the virtue and productivity of the health system. Evidence of my commitment to the above concepts include the two online CC training courses I have complete and the CALD community events I attend throughout the year. To practically apply the training courses in an innovative way a health facility could hold a cultural community day attended by local CALD community leaders/groups, where food from that specific country would be served in order for the staff to interact with CALD groups in an informal relaxed environment. Staff would have the opportunity to socialize with different cultures, by attending CALD community events as part of CC training.
Self-development, staff development and business development occurs at each NHMRC level of the elements and principles (the National Health and Medical Research Council, 2006) and needs to be an ongoing process to ensure that staff and business practices do not stagnate but update as policy and socioeconomic status of community’s changes, to provide best practice to clients.
Needs Improvement
There are numerous issues affecting CALD health consumers. Examples include overall poorer health outcomes of those born outside of Australia, higher rates of diabetes complications for those born in Lebanon, Fiji, Italy. Individuals born in the United Kingdom experiencing higher than usual instances of lung cancer (NSW Health 2004). In order for a practice to remain professional these instances must be accounted for not only for the consumer but also for the professionals themselves. Practice must also be socially safe by preventing the occurrence of hateful outbursts among CALD individuals. Social inclusion must be achieved as this will result in participation in community lifestyles and healthy social and cultural outcomes. Racism and alienation will both be combatted. Strong leadership and guidance can aid in achieving our goals, ensuring that no policies are broken (McCormick 22-33).
6. Given your disciplinary expertise, understanding of cultural competence and cultural safety demonstrate how your understanding of health theory (e.g., social determinants, human rights, etc.) makes you the best person for this role/position at the NSW [insert your discipline] Health Service? (approx. 150-200 words)
I believe I am the best candidate for this job because my commitment to self-improvement is demonstrated in my studies as Occupational therapist, relevant work experience and CC training undertaken. I have participated in many CALD and community events in my previous jobs which include, cook, waitress, barista and hospitality trainer. Policy and guidelines encourage me to continue self-development and study to ensure best practice for the health consumer, by recognising that CC, concepts in criteria 1 and the social determinants are linked to the health outcomes of venerable people groups (Occupational Therapy Board Code of conduct (2014).
Needs Improvement
I am a highly motivated individual with a dynamic work style ready to adapt to new theories, expectations and cultural phenomena. As a punctual and well-spoken individual I feel as though my ability to synthesize ideas in to actual results is hard to come by. Apart from that, being a CALD person myself I understand how the world looks under such a lens and can offer a great deal of understanding in my work.

Identify a list of cultural competency related domains and accompanying knowledge, skills and abilities for attendees to measure the effectiveness of the virtual training session

Cultural Competency Organizational Assessment and Solutions

Scenario: Cross, Bazron, Dennis and Isaacs (1989) defined cultural competence as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together as a system, that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations”. Cultural Competency is vital to sustainability of a health care organization and the ability to provide high quality health care to the community in which serves. Cultural competency consists of a blend of ethics, values, morals, a health care organizations mission statement and the recognition of all employees, patients and visitors are and shall be treated equally.

A new community health center has opened in your county offering basic health care services and preventative care and education to migrant workers, illegal residents and recent immigrants. To ensure the health center promotes and establish a culturally competent environment, as the health center’s chief privacy and compliance officer (CPO) (CCO), you have been tasked to develop a cultural competency training tool kit.

Deliverables: The final product to submit is robust cultural competency training tool kit for departmental and organizational wide use. Your final submission must include the following listed below. Submit one (1) single Microsoft Word document along with an accompanying Microsoft PPT presentation at the conclusion of Week Five no later than Sunday, by 11:59 PM EST. This is a individual assignment.

  • A 1-2 page proposal for language assistance as an effort to offer additional pay for bilingual employees willing to serve as a designated language interpreter
    • Process identifying language interpreters
    • Determine supplemental pay
    • Schedule of interpreters (be sure schedule does not interfere with regular work schedule)
    • Process to locate identified interpreters when needed
  • Design an actual forty-five (45) minute to one (1) hour (approximately 15 PPT slides) virtual training session for departmental and organizational use on the topic of Cultural Competency (the intent is for a future mandatory automated training; therefore audio is required)
    • Presentation can include clip art, links to additional sources
    • Must include recorded audio of each presentation’s slide
    • Topics must include at minimum cultural competency discussion: employees, patient care, importance, alignment with mission, vision of and values of the organization, define and discuss cultural competency, compare and contrast cultural competency and diversity, ethics, health disparities, impact on decision making, measures to establish and maintain a cultural competent organization and environment
  • Using Microsoft Excel, Word or a survey software, design a tool for attendees to assess the cultural competency training
    • Identify a list of cultural competency related domains and accompanying knowledge, skills and abilities for attendees to measure the effectiveness of the virtual training session
    • Integrate data analytics to assess, evaluate and/or recommend local state and federal cultural competence (and/or related) regulatory compliance measures.

References & Resources:

Cross TL, Bazron BJ, Dennis KW, Isaacs, M.R. Towards a Culturally Competent System of Care: Vol I. Washington, DC: National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health, Georgetown University Child Development Center; 1989.

Cultural Competence in Health Care: Emerging Framework for Practical Approaches:

Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings:

Tools for Assessing Cultural Competence Training:

Movie “Language Barrier”:

Recommend one or two communication techniques that are appropriate for the consumer population

It needs to be original work, this instructor is very strict. Okay. Assignment: 
Assignment: Marketing and Communication Techniques for Health Care Products 
When selecting marketing and communication techniques, health care organizations must carefully examine their consumer populations, as not all techniques are effective for all consumers. Depending on the product, organizations might even choose two or three different techniques in an effort to reach multiple consumer segments. For this Assignment, you examine the consumer populations of your organization and create an advertisement using marketing and communication techniques appropriate for your consumers.

To prepare:

Select a health care product to market within your organization. Note: If you do not currently work for a health care organization, select one that is of interest to you. You may use the same organization you selected in Week 3.

Identify the consumer population of your organization, including general and business consumer.

Consider traditional and/or contemporary marketing techniques that may be appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Reflect on why you might select this technique and how you might use it to market the product.

With the marketing technique you select in mind, consider how you might create an advertisement to market the health care product and what communication techniques might be appropriate for your population.

The Assignment

Write a 2-page brief that addresses the following:

Describe the health care product you selected.

Analyze the consumer population of your health care organization.

Recommend a marketing technique that is appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Include why you selected this technique and how you will use it to market the product you selected.

Recommend one or two communication techniques that are appropriate for the consumer population.

Then, create an advertisement using the marketing technique you selected. Be sure to utilize communication techniques that would be appropriate for the consumer population you identified.

Consider the policies from the country you selected and analyze how you might implement them in the United States and in your own state

Assignment: Economic Policies for Health Promotion, Wellness, and Prevention

Note: Before completing this Assignment, please familiarize yourself with the Week 1 Assignment Rubric, located in the Course Information area of the course navigation menu.

In the United States, the healthcare system emphasizes health promotion, wellness, and prevention as a strategy to improve population health and lower per capita spending. Around the world, however, healthcare systems vary considerably in terms of cost, quality, and provisions. For this Assignment, you explore the World Health Organization website and research healthcare in the United States and another country of your choice.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the World Health Organization website in this week's Learning Resources. Research healthcare disparities between the United States and another country of your choice. Compare economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. How are they different? What is the economic motivation for each? Analyze implications of these economic policies and disparities. How does this relate to volume-based versus value-based healthcare? Consider the policies from the country you selected and analyze how you might implement them in the United States (macro) and in your own state (micro). Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of healthcare.

Note: If you are an international student, reflect on how you might implement the policies from the country you selected into your own country and/or region.

The Assignment

In a two to four page paper, address the following:

·         Compare the economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. Include differences in approaches to wellness and prevention.

·         Analyze implications of these policies and disparities.

·         Consider the policies from the country you selected and analyze how you might implement them in the United States and in your own state. Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of healthcare.