available digital health resources for people with the chronic condition

Task DescriptionThe assignment will be based on “Dementia” a chronic condition.
For the purpose of this assignment, you are the nurse educator for a nursing unit/clinic that specialises in the chronic illness you have chosen. To support an ‘in-service’ education session you are to deliver, you have been asked by your Nurse Unit Manager to prepare a digital poster that identifies and makes recommendations on available digital health resources for people with the chronic condition you have chosen. Remember that your audience is other nurses who work in the field. Digital health resources include professional websites and mobile apps, but for the purpose of this assessment, ebooks or journal articles accessed online (academic literature) are not appropriate. What you need to do: 1) Prepare a digital poster using a single (1) Microsoft PowerPoint slide that provides the following: o An overview of the chronic condition o An overview of associated risk and protective factors for this condition o An overview of strategies for promoting health and wellness in people with the condition o Recommended digital health resources for health professionals and consumers (x 1 each) including details of how to access each resource o Reference list 2) Following completion of text/visual content, use the narration (or Insert Audio) function within PowerPoint to record a critique of each digital health resource listed on your poster. The critique should explain why it is recommended and consider: o Who is the most appropriate user of the resource (target population)? o Apparent benefits of and limitations to the resource? o What will the user gain from accessing the resource?


Consider the following scenario:

Progress Healthcare, a local hospital in South Carolina, recently installed a nurse tracking system. This Real Time Locating System (RTLS) from Stanley Healthcare is an expansion of the commonly known Aeroscout, which is used for asset tracking. The goal is to understand workflow streams and utilize the data to streamline the workflows through a LEAN event. Data is captured from the employee badges and sent wirelessly to a local server and then sent to an online database for business intelligence analysis and reporting.

Progress Healthcare also sends patient monitoring information to the floor monitoring server and then to the electronic medical record (EMR). The monitoring data is also stripped of personal health information (PHI) and sent to the same Internet server to correlate tracking information with each room. Understanding staff movement is seen by leadership and management as efficient. It is also a way to justify chargers and to validate the level of care a patient receives. Many of the staff nurses and assistants see it as a distraction and as another time consuming measure that diminishes patient care.

Write a 350-to-700-word summary in which you address the following:

  • Analyze the impact of using the Internet to communicate consumer information.
  • Assess the impact of organizational research and the use of IT to collect data.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of clinical efficiency research with monitoring and tracking data.

Use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references, not counting the textbook, that directly support your analysis.

Format your reference page according to APA guidelines.

Challenges of employee recruitment and retention

Challenges of employee recruitment and retention

As an administrator, address the challenges of employee recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Additional subtopics may include trends in the nursing workforce, shortage of primary care physicians, staff turnover, retention, and staffing patterns.

Write a Senior Project Summary paper on the selected topic from Week One. In your paper include the following:

1. Title Page:

a. Anticipated title (this may change for the completed project)
b. Your name
c. Course name and number
d. Instructor’s name
e. Date submitted

2. Introduction: Provide a description of your selected topic (i.e., health care trend) and a thesis statement. Identify the organization that you have chosen to address, including why the issue of your selected topic is important to the health care administrators in your organization, and to the health care industry in general. This should be about one-third of a page.

3. Scope of the Senior Project: This section should summarize the content topics and sub-topics related to the health care trend that will be addressed in the Senior Project.

4. Discussion: This section should be a constructive and analytical overview of what was found in the scholarly and professional literature. Make sure to discuss the pros/cons or strengths/weaknesses of the stakeholder group impacted (e.g., patient, provider, third-party payer, administrator, legislator, etc.) as applicable. In developing this section, it is important to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and the interventions and influences. This should be about one page.

5. Conclusion: Provide a summary of the main effects of the contemporary health care trend on costs, quality, and access to services as it impacts various stakeholder groups.


Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, find three articles describing the role technology will play in addressing the challenges ahead in long-term care. Summarize your findings and based on your learning, respond to the following questions:

  • Which challenges in long-term care system remain unmet? Why?
  • What changes can we expect to occur with the influx of baby boomers entering into the long-term care system?
  • Why do you think technology is important to long-term care? Support your answer with relevant examples.
  • What are the pros and cons of the implementation of technology in long-term care? Consider both providers and consumers while describing.
  • How does technology improve the type and quality of care received by long-term care consumers?
  • How important is the commitment by top management for the use of information technology in long-term care to be successful? Why?
  • How can the challenges be proactively addressed as opposed to being reactive?

Legal and Ethical Issues: Case Study

Cathy Smith, an eighty-eight-year-old woman, was admitted to the emergency room from the nursing facility with acute respiratory distress. Although Smith does not have a living will, her daughter Rose, a health care professional, has the power of attorney (POA) to make her mother’s health decisions.

Smith suffers from end-stage Alzheimer’s disease and recently experienced congestive heart failure. Her condition is alarming. The doctors want to place her on life-support equipment, including a ventilator. Smith’s son, Andrew, agrees with the doctor’s decision. However, Rose states her mother would never want to be placed on life-support machines to prolong her life.

Analyze the scenario and answer the following questions:

  • What are the autonomy-beneficial conflicts between Rose and Andrew related to placing their mother on life support in this case? Who has the right to make the decision on behalf of the client? Why?
  • What are the ethical issues related to the competency and decision-making capacity of the client while making the health care decisions? Do these issues impact the services offered in long-term care? How?
  • What are some of the critical issues related to informed consent? Who has the right to assume this responsibility? Why?

Health Life among decision makers

Health Life is a leading provider of employee wellness programs to Fortune 500 companies. Its programs are designed to improve employee health and wellness with the goal of developing a healthier, happier, more productive workforce. In addition, it has shown that its programs reduce medical claims for its clients. This is an important consideration given that nearly all of its clients are self-insured in regard to medical benefits. The company offers an array of programs and can tailor programs to the needs of individual clients. Health Life is about to start the second year of a brand image campaign. The company is planning to spend $3.5 million to promote awareness and a positive image of its services among Fortune 500 companies and their employees. It is pursuing this strategy because the market for its services is becoming more competitive as interest in employee wellness has grown and as more competitors have entered the market in recent years. In the first year of the brand image campaign, Health Life spent $3 million pursuing the same goals of increasing awareness and building its image. In order to see if the campaign was successful, the company conducted tracking research by telephone. It conducted a pretest before the campaign began and a posttest on its conclusion. The surveys were designed to measure awareness of Health Life and the image of Health Life among decision makers in Fortune 500 companies. Health life estimates an average of 20 executives were involved in the decision-making process for the purchase of its services per company, or a total target audience of around 10,000. Changes in either measure from the pretest to the posttest were to be attributed to the effects of the ad campaign. No other elements of this marketing strategy were changed during the course of the campaign. Unaided or top-of-mind awareness (what companies come to mind when you think of companies that provide group health care coverage?) increased from 21 percent in the pretest to 25 percent in the posttest. In the pretest, 42 percent reported having a positive image of Health Life. This figure increased to 44 percent in the posttest. Though both key measures increased, the sample sizes for the two tests were relatively small. Random samples of 100 decision makers were used for both tests. Sampling error for the measure of awareness at 95 percent confidence is 8.7 percent. The comparable figure for the image measure is 9.9 percent. The value used for p in the formula is the posttest result. With these relatively large sampling errors and the relatively small changes in awareness and image, Health Life could only say with 95 percent confidence that awareness in the posttest was 25 percent 8.7 percent, or in the range of 16.3 percent to 33.7 percent. In regard to the image measure, it could only say with 95 percent confidence that the percent of targeted decision makers with a positive image of Health Life in the posttest was 44 percent 9.9 percent, or in the range of 34.1 percent to 53.9 percent. Based on the relatively small changes in awareness and positive image and the relatively large errors associated with these measures, Health Life could not conclude with any confidence that either measure had actually changed. The CEO of Health Life is concerned about the amount of money being spent on advertising and wants to know whether the advertising is achieving what it is supposed to achieve. She wants a more sensitive test so that a definitive conclusion regarding the effect of the advertising can be reached.


1. Show how the sampling error calculations for the posttest measures were calculated.

2. If the CEO wanted to be sure that the estimates of awareness and positive image are within 2 percent of the true value at 95 percent confidence, what is the required sample size?

3. Using all the same information used in question 2, what is the required sample size if the CEO wants to be 99.5 percent confident?

4. If the current budget for conducting the telephone interviews is $20,000 and the cost per interview is $19, can Health Life reach the goal specified in question 3? What error levels can it reach for both measures with the $20,000 budget? What is the required budget to reach the goal set in question 3?

Comparison of State and National Data

Comparison of State and National Data

Note: Before completing this Discussion, please familiarize yourself with the Week 5 Discussion Rubric located in the Course Information area of the course navigation menu.

Cassandra’s father has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Although she already knows that diabetes is a major health problem in the United States, she is surprised to discover that it is one of the leading causes of death. As she researches diabetes, she is even more surprised to learn that the prevalence of diabetes is significantly higher in the state of Tennessee, where she and her family live, than in most other states. Although the data she looks at sometimes vary depending on the source, comparing data from her state with national data gives her a better understanding of the impact of this disease. As Cassandra examines genetic, lifestyle, and environmental risk factors for the disease, she uncovers compelling distinctions between Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes that heighten her interest in addressing this health problem through her work as a health care administrator and as an advocate for improving health outcomes, not only for her father, but also for others who suffer from complications of Type 2 diabetes.

In this Discussion, you will research one of the leading causes of death in the United States, comparing data from your state with national data and examining risk factors associated with the health problem.

To prepare for this Discussion, examine the leading causes of death in the United States using the following websites from this week’s Learning Resources:

  • CDC: Leading Causes of Death
  • Medical News Today: What Are the Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the US?

Select one leading cause of death on which to focus for this Discussion.

Using credible websites, research how your state’s data compare to national data related to this health condition. For example, you may search for information on the following websites, found in this week’s Learning Resources:

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • United Health Foundation: America’s Health Rankings
  • Trust for America’s Health
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Ensure that you examine comparable data from reliable sources. For instance, look at state and national prevalence rates from the same year and, ideally, from the same source.

Review the information on determinants of health (also referred to as risk factors) presented in Chapter 2 of the Shi and Singh (2015) textbook. In addition, conduct research using the Walden library and credible websites to identify and analyze the causes of your selected health problem and associated lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors.

If you are an international student, you may research a leading cause of death in your country and compare data from your local community with national data.

Post by Day 3 a substantive and cohesive response to the following:

  • Describe one of the leading causes of death.
  • Compare your state’s (Georgia) data with national data related to this health problem. Identify your sources of data.
  • Describe the causes of this health problem and associated lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors/determinants.

General Guidance on Discussion Posts: Your original post, due by Day 3, will typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length (not including references) as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond by Day 5 to at least two of your colleagues’ postings, evaluating how the analysis informs your understanding of death and disease and its impact on health care delivery in various locations.

General Guidance on Discussion Responses: Your Discussion responses, due by Day 5, will each typically be 1–2 paragraphs in length as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of reading the comments your colleagues made.


In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths, then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.

Consider the following scenario:

As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic, you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies. One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest? What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi articles in the Learning Resources.
  • Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
  • Locate and review additional articles about research on hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
  • Based on your research of the strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
  • Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.


a description of the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.


Chromosomal Mutations

Gene mutations can occur spontaneously or could be induced by exposure to chemicals or radiations. Mutations are of various types, ranging from point mutations to expanding repeats. Each mutation is classified by the way it alters the DNA.

Types of Mutation
A sentence made of three-letter words can provide an analogy to the effect of mutations on a gene’s DNA sequence.
Expanding mutation 

Complete the following discussions:

  • Describe a genetic disorder resulting from one of the mutations listed in the table. What is the mode of inheritance of your chosen disorder? What does the affected gene sequence look like in comparison to the normal sequence? What is the change in the amino acid sequence as a result of the disorder?
  • Describe the DNA repair process in eukaryotes. Why do you think this process is absent in mitochondrial DNA? What properties of mitochondrial DNA prevent it from repairing itself?
  • Describe two purposes of performing a karyotype (other than detecting abnormal chromosome numbers). In your opinion, should karyotyping be performed in the early stages of pregnancy to look for genetic disorders? Why or why not?
  • Identify two types of chromosomal abnormalities that can result from addition, deletion, or duplication of genetic material and describe how it happens. Describe a genetic disorder that can result from one of the aberrations identified by you


Assignment 2: Leadership and the Graduate Nursing Role

The graduate nurse evidences leadership as seen in the four domains: the profession of nursing, clinical practice arena, health policy arena, and systems level. In order to complete this assignment, complete the short eighteen-question quiz (this takes approximately five minutes) about your leadership style at

About.com Psychology. (n.d.). Quiz – What’s your leadership style? Retrieved
           from http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm

In a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page, references and appendices), you will address the following criteria:

  • Report your findings from the quiz:
    • What kind of leader were you?
    • How does this fit into your beliefs about your leadership style?
  • Examine the attributes of leadership that may be needed for graduate level nurses.
  • Analyze your personal leadership attributes you feel you have that will help you in your graduate nursing role. Also discuss those attributes that you feel you may need to develop in your graduate nursing role.

Finish with a quotation from a library article related to leadership in an advanced nursing role. Look in some of the known leadership journals like The Journal of Nursing Scholarship or Nursing Leadership Forum or the American Journal of NursingJournal of Nursing Administration, Nursing Administration Quarterly, Nursing Management or Health Care Management Review (found in the South University Online Library).

Name your document: SU_NSG5000_W2A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the W2 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Friday, August 5, 2016.

Ten Great Public Health Achievements

HLT 605 Public Health Administration Entire Course
GC HLT605 WEEK 1 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Public health practice was initially concerned with infectious and environmentally related diseases, but in recent years has evolved to focus more on injury
prevention, substance abuse, violence, tobacco-related, and other chronic diseases. Present at least one pivotal legal and historical occurrence that resulted in this shift of public health effort. Justify your rationale with supportive evidence.
DQ 2
Review the Ten Great Public Health Achievements (Exhibit 2.3) of your textbook. Select one of the 10 achievements. What is the importance of your chosen achievement to society? In your own words, defend its right to be considered a “Great Public Health Achievement.” Select three other peers’ postings and debate their analysis. Keep in mind all postings should be substantive and well supported with examples, details, and evidence. Brief responses are not appropriate.
GC HLT605 WEEK 2 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Focus on a “current event” ethical dilemma in public health. Apply the principles of the ethical practices of public health to resolve the issue (see page 125 of the textbook). You may integrate recommendations based on conclusions from public health acts and principles to support your position. Select three other peers’ postings and provide feedback on the presented resolution. Offer further suggestions, details, or examples.
DQ 2
State agencies typically follow one of two general structure models: the free-standing agency model or the super agency model. What are the pros and cons of each model? Which model do you think is “ideal” for a state agency and why?
GC HLT605 WEEK 3 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Within a budget there are two categories: mandatory and discretionary. In which categories do most public health programs fall? Provide an example of an expenditure that is considered mandatory. Justify your rationale. Provide an example of an expenditure that is discretionary. Justify your rationale.
DQ 2
What are the responsibilities and role of the Appropriations Committee? What is the importance of this committee to public health spending as it relates to Medicaid and Medicare?
GC HLT605 WEEK 4 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
The public health workforce is found in both population-based and institutional services that stem from the official public health agencies. What are the most frequent employment sites for health care workers? Present an example of an organization, institution, or agency that would be categorized under each service, population-based and institutional. Provide an example of a job title and an associated job description at each level of service. Select three other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.
DQ 2
Review the Root Cause Analysis Topic Materials to learn more about conducting a root cause analysis. Using the “Root Cause Analysis Template,” conduct a root cause analysis of the “Root Cause Analysis Scenario.” Post a description of the problem and a summary of your root cause analysis, including recommendations for proposed action to eliminate the problem from reoccurring. Select other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.
GC HLT605 WEEK 5 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Identify five sources of data available at the federal level. What is the importance of each data source in public health funding and surveillance? Describe the information/content that can be found in these data sources. Present an example of an industry that might find each of these data sources useful.
DQ 2
What is the difference between service-based and population-based applications for information systems in public health organizations? Present an example of each application and justify your rationale. Select three other peers’ postings to peer review. Provide appropriate feedback.
GC HLT605 WEEK 6 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
As it relates to the development and management of public health assessment activities, what is your response to the following statement?
It is suggested that the assessment process is driven by decisions made by the community members themselves, rather than by influences from the outside community.
Select three other peers’ postings and debate their response. Keep in mind all postings should be substantive and well supported with examples, details, and evidence. Brief responses are not appropriate.
DQ 2
What are the four organizational strategy types? Describe how an organization chooses which strategy to implement.
GC HLT605 WEEK 7 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Provide an example of the three prevention strategies: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention as they relate to disaster epidemiology. Justify your rationale. Select three other peers’ postings and debate their responses.
DQ 2
How are surveillance systems used in post-disaster situations? Support your answer with examples and evidence.
GC HLT605 WEEK 8 DQ 1 & DQ 2 NEW
DQ 1
Explain the life cycle of public health partnerships. Why are collaborative partnerships important? What reasons or issues lead to the termination of partnerships?
DQ 2
What is the difference between intervention research and systems research? Provide an example of a public health advancement or accomplishment that represents each type of research. In addition, explain the role of systems research and the integration of systems theory for public health programs implemented within community-based organizations. Justify your rationale.
Design a PowerPoint presentation (6-8 slides) that includes the following components:
1.Your definition of public health.
2.An overview of Healthy People 2020 and your perspectives regarding at least one of the leading health concerns posed by Healthy People 2020.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Submit a paper (1,250-1,500 words) focusing on public health reform. Provide an overview of the current status of public health in the United States.
Review a portion of the Affordable Care Act and present the strengths and weaknesses of the plan, as well as make suggestions for plan improvement.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Create a small budget for a hypothetical state program based on priority health concerns from Healthy People 2020.
In addition, create a narrative (2-4 sentences) that identifies the most appropriate federal funding source for your proposed program.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Select a database from NCHS or complete a query using CDC WISQARS.
Select a specific health concern or injury using the population of your choice. Be sure not to limit your query so you have enough data to evaluate, and include a substantial time frame so you are able to identify trends.
Submit a 750-1,000 word report that provides an overview the database or query results. The report should consist of a demographic description of the chosen population including a review of noticeable trends in morbidity and/or mortality by race, gender, and geographic location where specified.
Based on the results and possible trends, present the implications for public health intervention or involvement.
In your report, include considerations of basic ethical and legal principles pertaining to the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of epidemiologic data. As Chapter 13 of the text describes, focus on privacy and security issues surrounding protected health information and how HIPAA protects the confidentiality of the patient. Consider the ethical implications of whether public health organizations have too much latitude in the use and dissemination of epidemiologic data.
Use examples and evidence to support your report.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
The instructor will assign each student to a CLC group.
Each CLC group will be assigned one of the following public health emergencies to analyze: swine flu, shortages of influenza vaccine, anthrax, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Hurricane Katrina, California wildfires, syphilis outbreak, salmonella outbreak, and mass trauma (such as that associated with terrorists/bombings).
In a report format of 500-750 words, address the following:
1.Describe the chain of command and the method of public health response that was conducted in this situation.
2.Determine the important public health issues related to medical care in this situation.
3.Describe the possible public health risks as well as the pros and cons of communicating the situation to the public and the media.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
One member of the CLC group will post the assignment on Day 1 of the Topic 8 discussion forum for peer review. Individually, provide constructive feedback and commentary and ask specific questions to all posted public health emergencies. In particular, focus on the chain of command as it relates to addressing the specific emergency, the benefits of effective communication, and the risks associated with miscommunication of emergency-related events and statistics. It is the CLC group’s responsibility to decide who will respond to the postings provided by peers. This will account for part of your participation grade for the week.
Review your state public health department and environmental quality departments online to identify vector-related diseases affecting your community.
In a report format of 1,250-1,500 words, address the following:
1.Describe the health concerns of the community.
2.Identify current environmental risk assessment methods which apply to public health issues.
3.Suggest a modifier or new prevention or intervention program based on your research.
4.Create a sample program budget.
5.Complete a SWOT analysis of the proposed program.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center