Assignment 2: Final Project

Overview/Description: The final assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator.

You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for which you were admitted, focusing on the scope of practice, core competencies, certification requirements, and legal aspects of practice for that specific role. You will also identify the practice environment and population you will be working with, as well as peers and colleagues. In addition, you will discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.

Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. The paper should be 10–12 pages excluding the title and reference, and APA format is required.


  • Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:
    • Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.
  • Selected Advanced Practice Role:
    • Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.
    • Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.
    • Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.
    • Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.
  • Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:
    • Determine your leadership style (http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm).
    • Identify leadership attributes you currently possess, and attributes you may need to develop.
    • Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.
  • Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role
  • Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (http://www.rwjf.org/en/about-rwjf/newsroom/features-and-articles/health-policy.html) and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:
    • Describe the current policy and what needs to change; justify your conclusions with citations from the literature.
    • Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.
    • Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.
    • Predict the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.

Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Thursday, August 25, 2016.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:Compared and contrasted the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.60
Individual Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Examined regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.Described the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.Identified required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.Predicted the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.80
Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Determined your leadership style.Identified leadership attributes you currently possess and attributes you may need to develop.Determined how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.60
Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Visited the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and identified a health policy issue. Conducted a review of literature and addressed the following:Described the current policy and what needs to change; justified your conclusions with citations from the literature.
Provided the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.Explained how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.Predicted the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.
APA Style/Format:Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. APA format was used.20

Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry

Resource: How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Imagine you are a writer for a health care trade magazine. The editor has asked you to write next month’s editorial on interpersonal relationships in the health care industry. You need to do some preliminary research. As such, you have decided that you need to find answer to the following questions.

Include at least 2 academic credible references. You may use the textbook as one of the references. Include in text citations in your answers as needed. Provide reference citations at the end of the worksheet for all sources used in completing this worksheet.

Word Count Requirement: The 500 to 700 words total for answers to questions 1- 5. Note: The word count for each answer will vary. Some answers will be shorter; some will be longer.
What is effective communication?
(Definition needed)

Why are quality interpersonal relationships important, particularly in the health care?
a. What are the types of supportive and defensive relationships?

b. Why is one type of relationship more appropriate for the health care industry.
What does assertive style mean and why is it appropriate in a health care workplace?
What can others do to self-assess their assertiveness so they might make changes in their style to positively influence their health care workplace?

To answer this, you will need to complete the How Assertive Are You? quiz in Ch. 6 of Communicating in the Workplace

Then use your self-assessment as an example to answer this question.

Your answer:

ReferencesView less »

Technology System Recommendations

In this paper you will submit your recommendations for technology for the institution and how it will be implemented.  
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: 
III. Technology System Recommendations: In this final section of your final project, you will review the provided technology options and make informed recommendations to the organization regarding which technology it should choose.  
A. Determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology. 
B. Recommend a new health information technology system that meets the following criteria. Be sure to justify how your recommendations meet the criteria. The new health technology must:  1. Abide by provided health regulations and laws 2. Align with the needs of all staff members of the previously described organization  3. Ensure the ethical management and use of health information. 
C. Determine how the organization could more effectively invest its financial resources into the recommended technology system. Be sure to justify your response. 
D. Determine how the organization could monitor the use of the new health information system. Be sure to justify your response.  
E. Determine how the organization could effectively invest its time into the implementation of the new health information technology system. Be sure to justify your response. 
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2“3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format. Please answer all question in details. NO PLAGIARISM!!!! Paper run through TURNITIN app. Thanks.

Determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology

In this paper you will submit your recommendations for technology for the institution and how it will be implemented.  
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: 
III. Technology System Recommendations: In this final section of your final project, you will review the provided technology options and make informed recommendations to the organization regarding which technology it should choose.  
A. Determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology. 
B. Recommend a new health information technology system that meets the following criteria. Be sure to justify how your recommendations meet the criteria. The new health technology must:  1. Abide by provided health regulations and laws 2. Align with the needs of all staff members of the previously described organization  3. Ensure the ethical management and use of health information. 
C. Determine how the organization could more effectively invest its financial resources into the recommended technology system. Be sure to justify your response. 
D. Determine how the organization could monitor the use of the new health information system. Be sure to justify your response.  
E. Determine how the organization could effectively invest its time into the implementation of the new health information technology system. Be sure to justify your response. 
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be 2“3 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references cited in APA format. Please answer all question in details. NO PLAGIARISM!!!! Paper run through TURNITIN app. Thanks.View less »


Pick from Questions 1 or 2 (Only answer one of the two questions) Thanks 

Due Date is August, Tuesday 9 2016

Discussion Question 1

There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice.

US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/

Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults. Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/new_

In this week’s lecture material, ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse have been discussed. Please expand on the following points:

  • Choose a potential ethical dilemma that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role.
  • Describe the situation and potential solutions, including collaboration methods with other healthcare professionals.
  • Examine the potential cost and benefits to your solution.
  • Predict who would potentially oppose your stance. Support your stance with current research (minimum of one research article)
Discussion Question 2

There is no right or wrong answer for this ethical question; however, you will need to discuss an ethical consideration or dilemma of the APRN. Please remember what is correct for one person may not be correct for another. Look at the Nuremburg Code (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2005; Washington, 2012) as it was the major start of ethics in research and that can carry over to nursing practice.

US Department of Health & Human Services. (2005). The Nuremberg code. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/

Washington, H. A. (2012). Non-consenting adults. Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/new_

Review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2011a, 2011b) and identify one barrier to ethical practice. Please expand on the following points:

  • Choose a potential barrier to ethical practice that you may face in your chosen advanced practice nursing role.
  • Discuss if there is a relationship between your personal beliefs and values and this barrier.
  • Describe at least one mechanism to overcome the barrier discussed.
  • Examine the potential cost and benefits to this barrier.

American Nurses Association. (2011a). Code of ethics. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/Mobile/Code-of-Ethics

American Nurses Association. (2011b). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved from http://www.

Analyze the influence of health policy and health reform on healthcare access, quality, and cost in the U.S.

1.    Suggest one (1) plan that you would use to purchase health insurance for your organization. Determine the extent to which employee lifestyle choices and health economics would factor in to your chosen plan. Provide a rationale for your response.

2.    Analyze the implication of the Affordable Care Act on your decision to purchase insurance. Debate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of purchasing health insurance for your employees, as opposed to having your employees receive governmental insurance.

3.    Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

·         Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

·         Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

·         Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.

·         Analyze the influence of health policy and health reform on healthcare access, quality, and cost in the U.S.

·         Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics.

·         Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics.

Advanced Computational Techniques in Engineering

ENGG7302 Advanced Computational Techniques in Engineering Lecturer: Hanna Kurniawati Assignment 2 – Stochastic Processes Applications Due: Friday, 1 June 2018 13:00. Submission: Codes and a .pdf file of the answers in a single .zip file through turnitin. Reminder: NO cheating!!! UQ-Maintenance is developing a Machine Health Monitoring System to help in maintaining the many machines in various parts of UQ. For efficiency, the machines’ maintenance record are kept at the school level. For resource allocation purposes, UQ-Maintenance models the arrival of new machines in each school as independent Bernoulli Process, though they may not be identical. UQ models the health of a machine as a Markov Chain, where the states represent the health levels of the machines at the end of each month and a single transition step represents the changes in the machine’s health over the duration of one month. The transition from one state to another is modeled as independent Binomial disDocument Preview:

The University of Queensland ENGG7302 Advanced Computational Techniques in Engineering Lecturer: Hanna Kurniawati Assignment 2 – Stochastic Processes Applications Due: Friday, 1 June 2018 13:00. Submission: Codes and a .pdf ?le of the answers in a single .zip ?le through turnitin. Reminder: NO cheating!!! UQ-Maintenance is developing a Machine Health Monitoring System to help in maintain- ing the many machines in various parts of UQ. For ef?ciency, the machines’ maintenance record are kept at the school level. For resource allocation purposes, UQ-Maintenance models the arrival of new machines in each school as independent Bernoulli Process, though they may not be identical. UQ models the health of a machine as a Markov Chain, where the states represent the health levels of the machines at the end of each month and a single transition step represents the changes in the machine’s health over the duration of one month. The transition from one state to another is modeled as independent Binomial distributions. This means, assuming X is the random variable that represents the state of the Markov Chain at time-step i, i P(X jX =s) is a Binomial distribution, for any states in the state space of the Markov t+1 t Chain ; the binomial distribution for different values ofX are independent, but they might t have different parameters. Of course, different types of machines may be modelled as different Markov Chain. How- ever, each Markov Chain will have one state that represents “break down and must be repaired” and one state that represents “pristine condition”. Furthermore, for simplicity, UQ-Maintenance models all machines in the same school with the same Markov Chain. Your tasks are: [40 points] I: Programming Please write a Matlab program (.m ?le) with 2 outputs: A single vector, where each element is the average number of machines at each of UQ school that are in state “break down and must be repaired” at the end of month-1, month-2, … , month-12, assuming at the…


Pick one Question 

Discussion Question 1

Our readings this week focused on advanced practice roles that include blended roles of the CNS and NP, the CNM and the CRNA. In addition, you have had the opportunity to consider evolving and innovative roles that are emerging.

For this question, select a specialty (nurse educator, nurse informaticist, nurse administrator, nurse executive, nurse manager, and clinical nurse leader) that you think is in some stage of evolution toward advanced practice or has the potential to evolve.

Conduct an Internet search (including the online library as well as specialty organizations) and address the following:

  • Examine the current stage in the specialty’s evolution.
  • Describe the reasons why the specialty has the potential to evolve.
  • Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages for the specialty as it is evolving to the advanced practice level.

URLs to assist you in answering this question:

  • AACN for Nurse Informatics
  • AACN for Clinical Nurse Leader
  • ANCC for Nurse Managers
  • AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives
  • NLN for Nurse Educators 
Discussion Question 2

The nurse administrator is an advanced practice role in nursing, and as such has very distinctive competencies. In addition to basic administrative skills, there are advanced administrative skills that can be acquired in this role:

  • Gathering information from current literature (your choice), and/or the American Organization of Nurse Executive Competencies, and/or the American Nurses Credentialing Center outline of competencies for nurse managers, compare and contrast the differences between the role of nurse manager, nurse administrator, and nurse executive. Please provide references to the sources that you choose to use.

URLs to assist you in answering this question:

  • ANCC for Nurse Managers
  • AONE for Nurse Administrators/Executives
  • Nurse Administrator/Manager


NURS 4020/NURS 4021: Week 3 Application Rubric: Organizational and Change Theory Paper

For this Application Assignment, analyze a change that has happened at your place of employment and how effectively it was handled. Write a 3-page paper addressing how well the change process worked. As a nurse leader, what would you have done differently to make the change more effective? Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria and the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional websites in addition to the literature references.

  • Overview—20 points

    Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”
  • Organizational and Change Management—40 points

    Analyze a change that has happened at your place of employment and how effectively it was handled. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.
  • Effective Change—30 points

    Outline your suggestions for how to make the change more effective. Utilize a change theory to support your analysis and recommendations. Support each selected best practice with references from the professional literature. This section will be 2–3 paragraphs.

  • Summary—10 point

    End the paper with a 1-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper.


Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper in the Dropbox. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required references.

Total points for assignment = 100 points


Working on the same two facilities that you identified in W3 Assignment 2, prepare a 8- to 10-page report in a Microsoft Word document including the following:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the administration in each department of your chosen facilities.
  • Identify and list the sources of financing available to consumers for the various programs provided by your chosen facilities. Identify the key public and private sources of reimbursement available. Also discuss the role played by managed care and its impact on long-term care reimbursement.
  • Describe the various government and private resources available that assist in developing and maintaining quality improvement programs in your chosen facilities. Describe the ways in which quality and cost are controlled in your chosen facilities. Also discuss the ethical aspect of access to care in the facilities, including rationing.

Based on your observations and learning from the two facilities, discuss the changes brought in the long-term care system to make it reach full status as a competition-driven system. You may include the following points in your discussion:

  • Discuss the changes made in the control mechanisms (external and internal) in order to control the management, financing, and quality in the long-term care systems.
  • Discuss the changes taking place in long-term care reimbursement system in order to provide better reimbursement options both to consumers and providers.
  • Discuss the changes made in the efforts of providers to accommodate changing magnitude of the day-to-day needs of long-term care consumers.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.