Pathophysiology and Nursing Management of Clients Health -Genetic Alterations and Cancer

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:

1.      Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.

2.      Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

2)Imagine you are an administrator in a small, rural mental health facility, and you are dealing with a growing trend in mental illnesses in your community. Outline a plan to assess the ability to provide services to your mental health patients. Classify the major problems that you may encounter in providing these services. Provide specific examples of your plan’s benefits to both the patients and the facility.

3)Imagine you are an administrator in a small, rural mental health facility, and you are dealing with a growing trend in mental illnesses in your community. Outline a plan to assess the ability to provide services to your mental health patients. Classify the major problems that you may encounter in providing these services. Provide specific examples of your plan’s benefits to both the patients and the facility.


• When selecting a clinical issue (the clinical issue chosen is Hand washing) to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint: assurance of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the preservation of the patient’s psychosocial and physiological integrity.

• Length of paper 8‐10 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.

• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted according APA 6th edition guidelines.

• A minimum of six (6) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Evidence‐based Capstone Evidence‐based Paper.

• This assignment will be graded using the Capstone Evidence‐ based Paper Rubric available in Unit 6 of the course.


The student will be required to:

• Produce an 8‐10 page evidence‐based paper addressing a significant clinical issue

• Identify and explore a solution to a clinical issue

• Gather additional background information on:

o the clinical issue

o the patient population

• Develop a plan that could be carried out by a nurse to resolve the clinical issue.

• Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the nursing program

• Draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint

o assurance of a safe and effective care environment,

o health promotion and maintenance of health,

o preservation of the patient’s psychosocial

o preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity

• With the exception of the Introduction, each criterion listed below will serve as the major headings of this assignment due in Unit Six and will include the following:

• Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)

• Introduction:

o Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.

o Identifies a clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint:

§ Assurance of a safe and effective care environment

§ Health promotion and maintenance of health

§ Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity

§ Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity

• In this paper the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint and the clinical issue.

• The reference to the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint found at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website constitutes one scholarly reference.

• Importance: The student will describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of a patient population. This discussion will include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue unresolved.


• Patient Population: The student will describe the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue. With a focus on the diversity of the human condition found within this patient population, the student will describe the influence that cultural values may have on the proposed solution.

• Proposed Solution: The student will set the stage for proposing the best solution to the clinical problem by using appropriate evidence‐based data and integrating data from peer‐reviewed journal articles. In this paper, the student will:

o Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of three scholarly, peer‐reviewed journal articles.

o Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.

• Goals: While the intervention will not actually be carried out, the student will discuss the plan that could be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue. One short‐term and one long‐term goal of the intervention will be identified. The student will include a description of how attainment of each of the goals would be measured.

• Barriers: The student will identify a minimum of two potential barriers to the success of the plan as well as a strategy for addressing each one.

• Benefits: The student will describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit to the nursing profession that will result from carrying out the plan. Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient population.

• Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach: The student will identify all of the parties whose participation is important for the success of implementing the plan.

o This list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing.

o A description of the benefit of including each member from another discipline to the success of the plan.

o A minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source providing support for the success of the plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.

• Conclusion:

o Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help to resolve the clinical issue.

o Includes a complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to whom.

o Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)

Veins and Arteries' Disorders

Advanced practice nurses often treat patients with vein and artery disorders such as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). While the symptoms of both disorders are noticeable, these symptoms are sometimes mistaken for signs of other conditions, making the disorders difficult to diagnose. Nurses must examine all symptoms and rule out other potential disorders before diagnosing and prescribing treatment for patients. In this Assignment, you explore the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of CVI and DVT.

To Prepare

  • Review the section “Diseases of the Veins” (pp. 585–587) in Chapter 23 of the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis. Consider the similarities and differences between these disorders.
  • Select a patient factor different from the one you selected in this week’s Discussion: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Think about how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of CVI and DVT. Reflect on how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.
  • Review the “Mind Maps—Dementia, Endocarditis, and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)” media in the Week 2 Learning Resources. Use the examples in the media as a guide to construct two mind maps—one for chronic venous insufficiency and one for venous thrombosis. Consider the epidemiology and clinical presentation of both chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis.

Policy Summary and Critique related to Quality and Safety

You should obtain a policy from a healthcare organization related to a contemporary work site issue about safety, quality, staffing, advanced practice nursing, education, or other health related topic. The initial thread should contain a summary of the policy including a description of the policy, rationale, outcomes, such as what defines success (i.e., adequate staffing per the policy, no back injuries related to a no lift policy, etc).

  • You should relate the policy to quality and safety standards based on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) standards and readings in the text.
  • Does the policy increase the safety or quality of the provision of heath care?
  • You should also discuss the following considerations: socioeconomic, legal, ethical, and political issues relevant to the making of the policy.
  • Consider reviewing political viewpoints and positions of a professional organization such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the impact that the organizations viewpoint may have on the development of the policy.
  • If you are not employed in a health care setting, you may use a policy from any health care organization. Policies such as staffing/patient ratios, no lift policies, fall protocols, policies that support National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI), or the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health care Providers, and Systems (HCAHPS ) are topics of interest, but you may choose other policies related to quality and safety as well

Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care to Avoid Malpractice

Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care to Avoid Malpractice

For this Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that explains any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care, the key elements of malpractice, and compare the differences in malpractice policy options.

To prepare:

Consider the importance of using professional resources such as the National Guideline Clearinghouse to guide care delivered

Create a PowerPoint presentation no more than 15 slides in length that addresses the following:

Identify and explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care

Identify and explain the key elements of malpractice

Compare the differences in malpractice policy options


Required Readings

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2016). National Guideline Clearinghouse. Retrieved from

Buppert, C. (2015). Risk Management. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (285 – 302). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Buppert, C. (2015). Negligence and Malpractice. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (285 – 302). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Jordan, L. M., Quraishi, J. A., & Liao, J. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank and CRNA Anesthesia-Related Malpractice Payments. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 81(3), 178-182.

Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725.

Watson, E. (2014). Nursing Malpractice: Costs, Trends and Issues. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 25(1), 26-31.

Westrick, Susan J., & Jacob, N. (2016). Disclosure of Errors and Apology: Law and Ethics. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 12(2), 120-126.

HEALTH Career Planning

Required Uniform Assignment: Career Planning

PURPOSE Having a clear vision for the future, setting reasonable goals, and developing strategies for meeting those goals are important steps in ensuring control of one’s professional future. This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development through the creation of a one‐year and five‐year professional career plan in nursing.

REQUIREMENTS In this assignment, the student will be producing a 4‐5 page essay that includes the following components:

• Transition into the Professional Nursing Role:  Identify actions to be considered in the transition from student to BSN graduate nurse including:   

 o Identify the state in which the student is seeking employment.

 o Detail a minimum of three (3) criteria set forth by the Board of Nursing for obtaining an RN license in that state.

o Conduct a new BSN graduate job search in a 30 mile radius of where the student lives or plans to relocate.

§ Provide the details of what is required to submit an application for hire for the top two choices of employment.

• Holistic Life Balance:  Provide a description of the ways in which the student intends to maintain holistic balance in their personal life as well as in the role of professional nurse within the first year and at five years.

• Stressors and Challenges:  Identify known stressors and anticipated challenges as well as plans for managing each of them within the first year and at five years.  

• Lifelong Learning:  Determine a plan for lifelong learning and educational development anticipated within the first year and at five years.  

o This plan can include, but is not limited to, specialty certification, advanced nursing education, and the pursuit of formal education outside of the nursing discipline.

• Professional Contributions:  Summarize plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the student’s general community in the healthcare professional role within the first year and at five years  

• Scholarly Resources:

o A minimum of three (3) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of this assignment.  

o A minimum of one (1) professional nursing organization website or Board of Nursing website is required in support of this assignment.  


• Maximum of 4‐5 pages including the title page and the reference page. •

Students may find the following list of resources helpful in completing the assignment:

o American Nurses Credentialing Center at o Board of Nursing Contact at‐bon.htm

o Holistic Nursing at‐Us/What‐is‐Holistic‐Nursing o National Council of State Boards of Nursing at

o Nursing Community at

 o Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at

o Sigma Theta Tau International  at

• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted according APA 6th edition guidelines.  

Clinical Challenges for the NP

Case Study Three: Patient and professional relationships.

Jennifer, a 45 year old Caucasian returns to your clinic for a refill of her hydrocodone. She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last year, followed by successful removal and treatment. All vital signs are stable and preventive care is up to date. She wants to discuss filing a lawsuit against the surgeon that initially turned her away and told her she had gastritis and needed to eat healthier.

Review the following articles found in this week’s Learning Resources:

Miller, K. P. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank: An Annual Update. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (9)9, 576-580.

Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725.

Review endocrine disorders and erectile dysfunction in your Primary Care Medicine text (Gorrol, Ah. & Mulley, A.G., 2009).

Consider strategies and treatment options that would be most effective for these patient scenarios to improve compliance and health outcomes.

Reflect on how to approach the non-compliant patient and the importance of a separate preventive care visit.

Post an explanation that addresses the following for the Case study you selected: 1 to 2 pages

Identify and briefly summarize the case study you selected

Explain any legal implications for standard of care related to the case study you selected

Identify and explain the key components of a malpractice policy related to the case study you selected

Explain the collaborative agreements and knowledge the rules for your state in regards to NP practice the case study you selected


Miller, K. P. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank: An Annual Update. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (9)9, 576-580.

Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725.

Review endocrine disorders and erectile dysfunction in your Primary Care Medicine text (Gorrol, Ah. & Mulley, A.G., 2009).

Project Charter Elements

When considering the elements of a project charter, project managers focus on the three vitally important elements of scope, cost, and time. Project managers call these elements the “triple constraint” and group them together, as modifying one will typically affect the remaining two. Although the “triple constraint” may serve as the backbone of a project charter, other elements can also prove to be important.

In this Discussion, you analyze how the “triple constraint” impacts the development of a project charter and describe two additional project charter elements that you believe to be influential.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on the elements of a project charter.
  • Think about the impact of SCOPE on the development of a project charter.
  • By Day 1 of this week, your Instructor will assign you one element of the “triple constraint.”(SCOPE) Reflect on how SCOPE impacts the development of a project charter.
  • Consider which project charter elements aside from the “triple constraint” are highly influential.

Post in 24 hours a minimum of 550 words in APA format with a minimum of 3 references which include:

1) An analysis of how the element of the “triple constraint” (SCOPE) that you were assigned impacts the development of a project charter.

2) Describe two additional elements of a project charter that you believe to be highly influential. Provide a rationale for your selections.

Required Readings

Biafore, B. (2010). Microsoft Project 2010: The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.

  • Chapter 1, “Projects: In the Beginning”
    • “Publicizing a Project and Its Manager” (pp. 35–37)

In this section of Chapter 1, the author describes the typical elements of a project charter. The author also provides guidelines for generating stakeholder support using a project charter.

Coplan, S., & Masuda, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare information technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

  • Chapter 3, “Project Management”
    • “Prepare Project Charter” (pp. 42–43)

 This section of Chapter 3 explains the basic principles of preparing a project charter. The authors summarize a project charter’s key elements.

Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author.

  • Chapter 3, “Project Management Processes” (pp. 47–61)

 Review this chapter, which supplies information on managing a single project that uses networked processes. The chapter describes project management processes related to each phase of a project. Chapter 4, “Project Integration Management”

  • 4.1, “Develop Project Charter” (pp. 66–72)

 This section of Chapter 4 details the process of developing a project charter. The text focuses on the inputs, outputs, and tools and techniques of project chartering.

Patel, V. N. (2008). Project management [Ebrary version]. Jaipur, India: Oxford.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

  • Chapter 2, “Project Origination/Initiation” (pp. 22–74)

 This chapter explores the initiation phase of a project in great detail. The chapter focuses on the key tasks and performers of this phase.

Cortelyou-Ward, K., Noblin, A., & Martin, J. (2011). Electronic health record project initiation and early planning in a community health center. Health Care Manager30(2), 118–124

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article explores the application of project initiation and early planning in a community health center. The authors delve into the issues of quality improvement, planning, and finance.

Kloppenborg, T. (2012). Project selection and initiation questions leading to good risk management [Special section]. PM World Today14(1), 1–5.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 This article presents questions that project managers may ask to promote effective risk management. The author details questions applicable to the creation of a project charter and the selection of a project. (n.d.). Project charter. Retrieved March 12, 2013, from

 This is one of the three files for this week that are examples of project charters for health care organizations.

Hart, S. (2012, July 28). PM-foundations – the project charter [Blog post]. Retrieved from

 The author of this article reviews the basic elements and considerations of a project charter. In particular, the article explains project charter content, the assignment of charter responsibilities, and six attributes of a good project charter.

Karim, S. (2012, May 24). A project with no project charter? [Blog post]. Retrieved from

 This article focuses on cases in which projects have no corresponding project charter. The author specifies reasons for neglecting a charter and analyzes the potential negative repercussions.

Microsoft Corporation. (2012c). Project management goal: Initiate a project. Retrieved from

 This article describes the process of initiating a project. The article provides a large-scale overview of planning a project.

Microsoft Corporation. (2012e). The project triangle. Retrieved from

 This article examines the impact of time, money, and scope on any project. The article suggests various strategies for balancing these three constraints.

Purdue University. (2006). Electronic health record project charter. Retrieved from

This is one of the three files for this week that are examples of project charters for health care organizations.

University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2006). Course guides on the web: Project charter (Version 2.2). Retrieved from

 This is one of the three files for this week that are examples of project charters for health care organizations.

Document: Team Project Scenario (PDF)

 This document contains the scenario you will use for your Team Project.

Document: Team Project Overview (PDF)

 This document provides an overview of the Team Project you will work on throughout this course.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013f). Project initiation [Video file]. Retrieved from

Anaphylactic Shock

The treatment of anaphylactic shock varies depending on a patient’s physiological response to the alteration. Immediate medical intervention and emergency room visits are vital for some patients, while others can be treated through basic outpatient care.

Consider the January 2012 report of a 6-year-old girl who went to her school nurse complaining of hives and shortness of breath. Since the school did not have any medication under her name to use for treatment and was not equipped to handle her condition, she was sent to an emergency room where she was pronounced dead. This situation has raised numerous questions about the progression of allergic reactions, how to treat students with severe allergies, how to treat students who develop allergic reactions for the first time, and the availability of epinephrine in schools. If you were the nurse at the girl’s school, how would you have handled the situation? How do you know when it is appropriate to treat patients yourself and when to refer them to emergency care?

To Prepare

·         Review “Anaphylactic Shock” in Chapter 23 of the Huether and McCance text, “Distributive Shock” in Chapter 10 of the McPhee and Hammer text, and the Jacobsen and Gratton article in the Learning Resources.

·         Identify the multisystem physiologic progression that occurs in anaphylactic shock. Think about how these multisystem events can occur in a very short period of time.

·         Consider when you should refer patients to emergency care versus treating as an outpatient.

·         Select two patient factors different from the one you selected in this week’s first Discussion: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the process of anaphylactic shock.

Post an explanation of the physiological progression that occurs in anaphylactic shock. Then, describe the circumstances under which you would refer patients for emergency care versus treating as an outpatient. Finally, explain how the patient factors you selected might impact the process of anaphylactic shock.


For your Final Paper, choose one of the following health care organizations:

  • Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
  • Tenet Health System
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Henry Ford Health System
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Children’s Miracle Network
  • Deborah Heart and Lung Center
  • Medtronic
  • Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • Health Markets

Conduct an evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis, which includes the strengths and/or weaknesses that are internal to the organization and opportunities and/or threats external to the organization.  Your strategic plan analysis must include at least three strengths and three weaknesses that are internal to the organization and at least three opportunities and three threats that are external to the organization. You must utilize at least five valid sources in your analysis. Examples of valid sources include organizational websites, annual reports, personal interviews with organizational leadership, investigative reports, government reports, and conference transcripts.  Your Final Paper must address at least five key areas, concepts, and strategies that are outlined in the course text.  These include: 

  • Internal and external assessments
  • Competitive marketing analysis
  • Identification of stakeholders
  • Overview and assessments of services provided
  • Competencies and resource
  • Public entities and regulatory requirements
  • Demographics served
  • Strategic financial planning
  • Financial and operational outcomes
  • Current and future direction of the organization of choice

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and references pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.