Social, Behavioral and Cultural Factors in Public Health

Subject Code and Title PUBH6000: Social, Behavioural and Cultural Factors in Public Health
Assessment Assessment 2 Option 2: Report – Indigenous Health Inequities
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,500 words
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
1. Analyse the impact of social, environmental and behavioural factors on the health of different populations
2. Analyse population health outcomes and the major social, economic, political and cultural forces that contribute to health inequalities
3. Analyse health outcomes in Indigenous populations
4. Apply theoretical frameworks to develop effective health promotion interventions
Submission Due Sunday following the end of Week 11 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT*
Weighting 45%
Total Marks 100 marks
*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (e.g. Adelaide = 11:25pm).
“Closing the Gap is a government strategy that aims to reduce disadvantage among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with respect to life expectancy, child mortality, access to early childhood education, educational achievement, and employment outcomes. It is a formal commitment made by all Australian governments to achieve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality within 25 years.”
To prepare for this assignment, review the Closing the Gap, Prime Minister’s Report 2017 (
In 1500 words, answer the following points:
Part 1 (500 Words)
Provide a brief overview of the Closing the Gap strategy and describe what impact it has had on improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
(Hint: Briefly discuss the history of the strategy and then focus on ‘The Prime Minister’s 2017 Report to
Parliament’ and his assessment of Australia’s progress on the targets. Do not list the targets)
Part 2 (1000 Words)
The report outlines a new way of engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
“The Empowered Communities initiative is a new way for Indigenous communities and governments to work together to set priorities and deliver services at a regional level.”
Discuss this statement relating the potential impact of the initiative upon the social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ health.
(Hint: Provide a national overview of health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, then narrow focus to a brief overview of the Empowered Communities initiative, including the rationale for the initiative. You may wish to discuss the social determinants of health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples by reference to the Redfern Statement or by examining the Local Solutions described in the Closing the Gap 2017 Report. See
1. Australian Government, Department of health, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023, The social determinants of health. (2013). Retrieved from
2. Australian Government, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Indigenous Australians. (2017). Retrieved from:
3. Australian Human Right Commission, Close the Gap – Progress & Priorities Report 2017. (2017). Retrieved from
4. Australian Human Right Commission, Social determinants and the health of Indigenous peoples in Australia – a human rights based approach. (2007). Retrieved from
5. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. (2015). What is closing the gap? Retrieved from:
6. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2014 Report. (2014). retrieved from
7. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Closing the Gap Prime Minister’s Report 2017. (2017). Retrieved from or access via the web link:
8. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Empowered Communities. (2017). Retrieved from
9. National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, The Redfern Statement, A call for urgent Government Action, 2017. (2017). Retrieved from
10. The Australian, $5.9bn fails to close the indigenous gaps. (21 April 2017). Retrieved from
Assessment Criteria:
1. Knowledge (20%)
a. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of assessment brief focus
b. Shows evidence of reading beyond the required readings
c. Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
2. Synthesis (20%)
a. Shows ability to synthesise and analyse relevant information and literature to the topic
b. Demonstrates expert use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements
3. Conceptual (20%)
a. Shows ability to interpret relevant information and concepts in relation to chosen topic
b. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts
4. General Assessment Criteria (20%)
a. Addresses assessment questions
b. Provides a lucid introduction and population definition
c. Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merely assertions
d. Provides a conclusion or summary
5. Academic writing, presentation and grammar (20%)
a. Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details
(including reference list)
b. Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as proper sentence and paragraph construction
c. Appropriately and consistently applied citing and referencing conventions
d. Falls within an acceptable Originality score match (Plagiarism Score)
Marking Rubric
Fail 2 Fail 1 Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
0 Poor 1 Functional 2 Proficient 3 Advanced 4 Exceptional 5
Student Notes:
PUBH6000 Assessment 2 Option 2
Page of 5

The evolution of modern forms of treatment and care.

Part A: Working in the mental health sector Prepare a short presentation plan for a group of new counsellors. Imagine you have been asked to give a presentation to inform the counsellors how changes in the mental health sector have led from institution-based care to the development of the recovery model and community care. Write some notes in preparation for your presentation. Briefly outline: ? The evolution of modern forms of treatment and care. ? The recovery model and its objectives. ? Working with people at risk of self harm. Ensure that you include the following points: ? How changing community attitudes on mental illness have informed the treatment and care of clients. ? What is stigma and how affect clients with mental illness. ? How current models of mental health service delivery promote client advocacy and consumer participation. ? The objective of recovery programs and how they benefit individual clients. ? Practises related to working with people at risk of self harm, considering duty of care. ? How current models for mental health service delivery promote and protect client rights. ? How the community aids delivery of services to clients. Write approximately 30 words for each point Part B: Developing knowledge of mental health work Answer the questions below: ? Briefly describe two (2) of the current issues affecting mental health work? Write approximately 50 words ? How can state or territory Mental Health Acts support people with mental illness? Write 30 – 50 words ? Who can provide you with information about the mental health sector? Write approximately 30 words ? How can you collect information from a client, whilst respecting their personal and legal rights? Write approximately 30 words ? What aspects of the legal system make decisions on behalf of the client, to determine how to protect and advocate for a person with a mental illness? Write approximately 60 words ? List the two (2) Acts ensure that personal information is kept private, confidential but also ensure transparency and disclosure take place? Write approximately 30 words ? In your own words give a brief explanation for each of the following: ? Carer’s Recognition Act ? Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Defendants) Act ? Equal employment opportunity principles ? National Mental Health Service Standards and National practice standards for the mental health workforce ? United Nations Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental illness and the Improvement of Health Care ? Available government benefits in areas such as housing and accommodation and finance ? Early intervention ? Facts/myths about mental illness and psychiatric disability ? Principles of clinical governance ? Legal system ? Regulations and guidelines regarding the handling of medication Write approximately 30 words per point for question 7.
 Part C: Committing to the philosophies and standards of working within the mental health sector Describe how you demonstrate a commitment to the values of the mental health sector. In your writing address the following points: ? Your understanding of the underpinning values and philosophy of the mental health sector ? Your commitment to access and equity principles ? The methods you would use to ensure clients are empowered and participating in service delivery ? Your personal values and attitudes in regard to mental health and illness ? How counselling features in the recovery model and client centred holistic care. Write approximately 50 words for each point in Part C Part D: Working with people with mental health including people from different backgrounds and cultures Write a short report on two (2) specific mental illnesses such as; depression, schizophrenia, dementia or obsessive compulsive disorder. Use appropriate sub headings for each section of the report. For example: Mental Illness; Services for all; Indigenous Australian’s needs. For both of the mental illnesses that you have chosen: 1. Briefly describe the illnesses Write 50 – 100 words 2. Pick one of the mental illnesses you have written about in Question1. Research what services are provided to clients with this mental illness and what support is available for clients from different cultures. Write approximately 50 words 3. Gather information specific to the needs of people from an indigenous Australian culture who have the mental illness. What are some special needs to consider? How might you meet these needs? Write approximately 100 words 
 Part E: Sustainability Consider the four areas of sustainability: environment, economic, social and workforce. How you can contribute to sustainability in your role as counsellor? List one (1) way for each area. Areas of sustainability Ways you can contribute Environment-ways you can contribute Economic-ways you can contribute Social -ways you can contribute Workforce- ways you can contribute

Customer-to-business exchanges between the e-business's individual consumer students/users and business/organizational customers

The e-business’s board of trustees wants Will Learner to provide assurances that the e-business’s health
institute’s traditional customer constituents are served well by its e-marketing process.
Mr. Learner has turned to your team to provide current information on the ability of online portals, such
as the e-business health institute Web site, to facilitate more adaptable links among the e-business
customer types.
You will draw on your e-marketing expertise to compose a team, a presentation analyzing the following
4 key strategic connections availed by the e-business’s health institute Web site portal:
Business-to-business customer exchanges among the e-business’s business/organizational customers
Business-to-customer exchanges between the e-business’s business/organizational customers and its
individual consumer network of online users and visitors
Customer-to-business exchanges between the e-business’s individual consumer students/users and
business/organizational customers
Customer-to-customer exchanges among the e-business’s constituents
In addition, President Learner has made you aware of the extreme concern among powerful members
on the Med Ed board of trustees regarding ethical and cross-cultural considerations associated with an
online learning platform. Your team’s presentation should also propose policies for ethical safeguards
related to online privacy and guidelines for embracing cross-cultural ethnic health care education
diversity considerations.
Research and complete the e-business presentation slides for
B2B-pattern e-marketing processes that entail exchanges among business/organization customers (e.g.,
financial donors supporting suppliers/vendors, or advertisers promoting educational involvement of
health care organizations): 2 slides
B2C-pattern e-marketing processes that entail exchanges between business/organization customers and
individual consumer students/users (e.g., health care organizations and practical student learning, or
government agencies and student financial aid): 2 slides
C2B-pattern e-marketing processes that entail exchanges between individual consumer students/users
and business/organizational customers (e.g., administrative records management for health care
organizations, or online advertising graphics for advertising sponsors): 2 slides
C2C-pattern e-marketing processes that entail exchanges among individual consumers (e.g., providing
health care education webzine/blog subscriptions, or selling health care education merchandise such as
electronic textbooks and virtual lab programs): 2 slides
Ethical and cross-cultural considerations related to the e-business’s online safeguards for health care
education and student ethnic diversity: 2 slides.
The final product should include an overview and introduction to the e-business customer exchange
patterns as target markets in the e-marketing process strategy at the beginning (1–2 slides) and a
summary of the e-business e-marketing process implementation strategy for the 4 key customer
exchange patterns at the end (1–2 slides).
This is a two part assignment. Do you understand it and can you do it? Remember it is POWERPOINT!

examples of health “report cards.

1. The Internet publishes many examples of health “report cards.” For example, look at material on the website , which was compiled by the State of California’s Office of the Patient Advocate. To what extent do you think consumers can use this information to make effective choices regarding health plans, hospitals, and medical groups? What sorts of individuals will be the most likely to be successful at making these choices?

2. View the You Tube video Pareto Optimality and Pecan Pie.  If various assumptions are met, market competition results in Pareto optimality. What are the advantages of an economy being in a Pareto optimal state? What shortcomings are there to the concept? Argue for or against the following statement: “If we can improve the health of a wealthy person while keeping a poor person’s health the same, we should do so.”

3.  How is the concept of diminishing marginal utility relevant to healthcare? Demonstrate your point with an example.

4.  Suppose a person is considering the purchase of a health insurance policy with a premium of $4,000 per year. For simplicity, assume that it covers all costs (i.e., there are no patient cost-sharing requirements). Further assume that he does not have any coverage options from his employer or spouse. After conducting some research, he finds that a person of his age and health status spends, on average, $3,500 on healthcare services. Explain why such a purchase might be economically rational. Can you think of an instance where it might not be rational for him to purchase the coverage?

5.  Health savings accounts (HSAs) are often touted as a way in which health expenditures can be lowered. Suppose that an individual is given a $1,500 account and a health insurance plan with a $1,500 annual deductible, but that covers all expenses thereafter. The person can use the account toward meeting the deductible, and any money not spent is transferred into the person’s account the following year. Advocates say that such a system would provide coverage for catastrophic losses but make people think twice before using services of marginal benefit. Critics believe that such a system would be harmful to those with chronic illnesses and would not save much money. Do you favor such a system over the status quo? Why?

6.  It is sometimes contended that people are better off if they face more choices in the Marketplace. This issue has been raised in the context of the US Medicare program, where seniors often face 50 or more different health plan choices (in Medicare Advantage and Part D, combined). Provide and discuss two reasons why more choice might be advantageous to seniors and two reasons why it might be detrimental.

Policy Analysis and Development Health Care Policy Learnscape

Health Care Policy Learnscape 1: Policy Analysis and Development Health Care Policy Learnscape 1 FINAL October 25, 2012 1 Policy Analysis and Development Introduction: You are in a health care policy internship program in a Senator’s office in Washington, D.C. The Senator wants to develop policy that requires all health care organizations that receive federal funds to implement the recommendations presented in the Institute of Medicine reports on quality care. You will develop a policy, so that it can become proposed legislation. To do so, you must collect data, describe the problem, solutions and related ethical issues, examine the cost-benefit analysis, identify stakeholders (such as lobbyists from American Hospital Association, health care providers, health care corporations, pharmaceuticals, insurers, etc.), and impact. Based on this information, you will create a policy description that will be the foundation for a bill.
In this LearnScape, the student is in a health care policy internship program in a Senator’s office in Washington, D.C. The Senator wants to develop a policy that requires all health care organizations that receive federal funds to implement the recommendations presented in theInstitute of Medicine reports on quality care.
While it isn’t the case that many healthcare administrators find themselves working with elected officials to formulate healthcare legislation, it is very much the case that administrators are directly and indirectly involved in the lobbying and legislative processes. In fact, most healthcare systems have a government liaison office, which is dedicated to following key pieces of legislation that may have a positive or negative impact on their organizations. When proposed legislative poses a threat to the organization, the government liaison office mobilizes key stakeholders (industry leaders, professional organizations, lobbyist representing the industry, as well as elected officials) in an attempt to spur necessary changes to the bill. In those instances where the bill will become law and may potentially have a negative impact on the firm, the government liaison office will work with the leadership to discuss the potential implications and devise a mitigation strategy. As this scenario presents, policies (legislation) are typically developed to address what are perceived to be opportunities for

What evidence do you have from your community to specify the health issue and focus population for this program?

NURBN2009: Health Promotion and Illness Prevention – Healthcare Assignment

Part 1:

According to women health, east 65% of lung cancer cases in women are caused by has continued to rise among women
with the rate of death increases by 56% the between the year 1992-2012 and it has been anticipated that lung cancer rates will continue to rise. Therefore to prevent the lung cancer we need to control smoking rates. According to Monash LGA profile of vic health indicator
survey 2015 Results, 10.8% residents of the city of Monash are current smokers which is not significantly different from the Victorian estimate. In Victorian health population health survey 2014, it has been declared that 6.6% of Monash population smokes daily and 4.2% smokes occasionally. However, in Eastern metropolitan area, there are a total of 13% of the population who are current smokers and 9% of this population are younger adult females between the age group of 18 to 24. Therefore, the focus population of this health issue program will be the adult females because, in the Monash, there are 4.8% females of age group 18-24 are current smokers.


What evidence do you have from your community to specify the health issue and focus population for this program?

Part 2:

Due to highest rates of smoking in Monash, Health and wellbeing partnership plan of the city of Monash introduced the strategic framework in which they have listed smoking as a big problem and priorities it under active and healthy Monash. To promote the prevention of smoking the council of the city is promoting The local law No. 4 and 3A, which prohibits the smoking inside 10 meters of buildings or council – lands such as playgrounds, and sponsored events. – Advocating and supporting the state government legislation to ban smoking in outdoor area and children sporting events. Even though there are so many policies and strategies that are developed to limit the use of tobacco but there are fewer numbers of programmes which concentrate on educating the community and women need more education regarding consequences of smoking.


Are there any existing programs/policies etc., already addressing this issue in this community? If so, what are they and are they being effective?

the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character

In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.


Away From Her Lorenzo’s Oil Mask My Sister’s Keeper Philadelphia Rain Man Steel Magnolias Stepmom The Elephant Man The Mighty The Tic Code Directions:

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.” Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client). Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie. Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client. Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples. Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment. Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance. Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices. In addition to submitting the presentation to the instructor, post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other students’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

Define the three health indicators you have selected for your analysis and explain why you chose them

International Comparison of Data

The World Health Organization’s “Statistical Information System” is an interactive database that allows you to compare health indicators for multiple countries. For this Assignment, you will compare data from the two countries (Turkey and Pakistan) you selected for the Discussion with the United States (i.e., compare the same countries (Turkey and Pakistan)  in both the Discussion and the Assignment).

In preparation for this Assignment, consider the value of using standardized quantitative health measures or indicators to compare information internationally. Examine the definitions of indicators presented in the Learning Resources, including pages 55–62 of the Shi and Singh (2015) textbook.

Use the WHO website found in this week’s Learning Resources to examine country statistics and profiles. Create a table to record data related to three health indicators for the three countries (i.e., the two (Turkey and Pakistan) you have selected to compare with the United States, for a total of three countries) as illustrated in the Week 6 Example document (located in the Learning Resources).

Once your table is complete, compare the data and analyze it in light of the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources and the research you conducted for the Discussion. What insights does this comparison give you about health and disease within the U.S. health care delivery system and the systems of the two (Turkey and Pakistan) other countries you selected?

The Assignment

Write a paper in which you:

  • Identify thetwo (Turkey and Pakistan) countries that you are comparing with the United States.
  • Define thethree health indicators you have selected for your analysis and explain why you chose them.
  • Include the table you created to record and compare your data.
  • Summarize the results of your comparison, sharing at leasttwo insights that you gained through this analysis of health and disease in the United States and your two selected countries.

General Guidance on Assignment Length: Your Assignment should be 2–3 pages, excluding a title page and references. Refer to the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

To critically replicate your understanding of the readings and your skill to apply them to your Health care Setting

From the textbook: 
Critical Reflection Paper: Chapters 3 & 4 
Objective: To critically replicate your understanding of the readings and your skill to apply them to your Health care Setting. 
Students will judgmentally investigate the readings from Chapter 3 & 4 in your textbook. This assignment is intended to help you appraisal, analysis, and apply the readings to your Health Care setting as well as become the foundation for all of your outstanding assignments. 
You are requirement to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for week 1 and develop a 2-3-page paper reproducing your understanding and capacity to apply the readings to your Health Care Setting. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page. 

1. Introduction (25%) Arrange for a brief summary of the meaning (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words. 
2. Your Critique (50%) 
What is your feedback to the content of the articles? 
What did you learn about the evolution of Health Services in the United States? 
What did you learn about Medical Services in the Preindustrial and Postindustrial era? 
How you can apply your new knowledges to Era of Health Care Reform? 
What does the Health Care Administrator need to know about Health Services Professional? 
Did these Chapter and articles change your thoughts about Issues in Medical Practice, Training and Supply Medical Practice? If so, how? If not, what remained the same? 
3. Conclusion (15%) 
Fleetingly recapitulate your thoughts & deduction to your assessment of the articles and Chapter you read. How did these articles and Chapters influence your thoughts on the evolution of US Healthcare system? 
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular: 
a) The clarity with which you critique the articles; 
b) The depth, scope, and organization of your paper; and, 
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting.

It is important to base health promotion strategies on a patient’s predictive factors

Caring for Adults with Developmental Delays

Ward, R.L., Nichols, A.D. & Freedman, R.I. (2010). Uncovering health care inequalities among adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Health & Social Work, 35(4), 280-290.

Read above and respond with below
Caring for Adults with Developmental Delays
When caring for patients with developmental delays (DD) there are many different aspects of care that the Advance Practice Nurse needs to be aware of. Many times pediatricians will care for patients with

DD well into adulthood because the transition of care is very difficult for the patients, families, and caretakers. Patient’s become extremely vulnerable when entering the adult orientated healthcare system because there are lack clinicians who are knowledgeable and skilled in the treatment of adults with DD, lack of regular health assessment and care, and lack of coordination among provider teams.

The healthcare disparities not only exist in the acute and long term care but also in preventative care.

DD is defined as a severe chronic disability caused by physical or mental impairments manifesting before the age 22 and is likely to continue indefinitely. The impairments may be self-care, receptive and expressive language,

mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency. The limitations would be in three or more of the categories. Many states define DD according to the specific diagnosis and all states have support and services to individuals that meet that state’s requirement for DD.

Some common syndromes seen in primary care are intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, genetic disorders, and epilepsy.

This unit also focuses on health promotion strategies. Health promotion is an important aspect of the role of the Advance Practice Nurse. In the last unit you focused on cost effective care and the increasing cost of providing care and the burden that it has placed on the economy.

One way to help decrease cost is to provide health promotion to the patients. It is important to base health promotion strategies on a patient’s predictive factors. In the Assignment this unit you will create a health promotion strategy that is culturally competent based on a prevalent culture in your area