2. Read the scenario below.
  3. Respond to the questions in full sentences. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling
    1. What biological, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and health system factors are influencing this situation?
    2. Is this a crisis situation? If so, what type of crisis would this be?
    3. What nursing interventions will you employ with this family?
    4. How might your interventions be different if you find that many families in the population are experiencing similar problem? HUMAN HEALTH


Scenario:Juanita Brown is a 48-year-old African American single mother who live in a rural community with three children, a 13-year-old daughter, an 18-year-old son, and a 9 year-old step-daughter, and her 72-year-old mother who has been living with diabetes, hypertension, and is a breast cancer survivor who is unable to walk and function independently. Her 69 year-old father died of a heart attack 5 years ago.Mrs. Brown has been a widow for the past two years. She has no other siblings. She has no marketable skills and has not been able to find a job within her community. She receives aid from the government through social security and does not have any health insurance for her, the three children, and for her mother. She informs you, the community health nurse, that she feels depressed and does not want to live anymore.

Write an 800-1,000 word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term “spirituality,” and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:

  1. What is prime reality?
  2. What is the nature of the world around you?
  3. What is a human being?
  4. What happens to a person at death?
  5. Why is it possible to know anything at all?
  6. How do people know what is right or wrong?
  7. What is the meaning of human history? HUMAN HEALTH

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. HUMAN HEALTH



The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change.  A leader does not always carry an official title or position, but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance the leader takes to make a change for the good of others. Nurses have been noted by the Gallop poll year after year as the most trusted professionals. NURSING HEALTH LEADERSHIP


This assignment requires thought about a public policy that is needed or needs to be changed that relates to nursing, health care, or the public.  Policy changes can occur by working with members of your legislature, and state or national nurses associations, to introduce a new bill and/or change to a current law in your state or federal government.

Examples of public policy includes any component of the current legislation governing health care, Medicare Part D, Medicaid, nursing regulation, medication technicians, etc.

In 750-1,000 words, propose a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that you believe needs to change and why. NURSING HEALTH LEADERSHIP

  1. The policy must not be a clinical care policy for individual care. The policy involved may include public or community health, legislative or regulatory, professional organization (nursing-oriented), advanced nursing practice, health plan, or hospital plan.
  2. Include a specific section for the exact wording for the bill or change in wording of the law.
  3. Include the plan for the implementation of your policy development, to lobbying for passage, to next steps after passage.
  4. Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in office that you want to help you make this change?


  1. Review different pieces of legislation for ideas on wording.
  2. Visit your state’s legislative governmental affairs website site to understand the process your policy change could take if you wanted to introduce to into legislation.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. NURSING HEALTH LEADERSHIP



This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

In your Collaborative Learning Community, write a paper of 500-1,000 words that describes the history of the identified health issue. Include the following:

  1. Influences such as determinants of health and socioeconomic status.
  2. Past and present initiatives to address the issue.
  3. Outcome indicators that have been developed and utilized to measure progress on the issue.
  4. The current status of the issue based on measured outcomes. HEALTH ISSUE ANALYSIS


Refer to “CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview.”

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract and conclusion are not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Case Study On Moral Status

Write a 750-1000 word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions:

  1. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.
  2. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendation for action?
  3. What theory do you agree with? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. HEALTH ISSUE ANALYSIS



Develop a 3–4-page educational plan to help improve the health and welfare needs of a vulnerable population in your community. In your plan, include the demographics of your community and the health care needs of the selected vulnerable population. EDUCATIONAL PLAN



  • Read the scenario below.
  • Reflect on your community and review the literature to obtain recent demographic information regarding population, age, gender, socio-economic status, education, ethnic distribution, types of diseases, and morbidity and mortality rates.
  • Once you have gathered this data you should be able to determine what the greatest health care needs are in your community and select an at-risk population that could benefit from a health education program.
  • Search for scholarly and professional peer-reviewed articles on your selected health issue. Examining the nursing literature will help to identify how to approach the health concern that should be addressed within the selected population. You will need at least four articles to use as support for your lesson plan. EDUCATIONAL PLAN

The Patient Outreach department where you work has asked you to create an education plan for an at-risk population that is underserved in your community.

As an active member of your community you are aware of several health disparities among the population; some members have difficulty accessing care, others have little knowledge of their chronic disease process, and often cultural issues influence medical care.

Patient Outreach would like you to select a group and create a lesson plan that will help educate them and help them better understand how to manage or prevent illness or disease. Consider characteristics of culture, ethnicity, and social background that might affect the target group.

The population you choose could be a subset such as the elderly, an ethnic minority, a lower socio-economic group, or one that you have identified from your own observations. Some examples might be producing a lesson plan on how to manage diabetes or how to decrease the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.


Create a lesson plan for your selected population. Be sure you identify the population your lesson is meant for. As you develop your lesson plan, keep in mind the comprehension level of your target audience and the information you want them to take away. Include the following: EDUCATIONAL PLAN

  • Explain why a specific population in your community qualifies as at-risk.
  • Recommend evidence-based strategies to improve health outcomes for this at-risk group.
  • Describe health care resources that serve this vulnerable population.
  • Explain appropriate nursing interventions that will provide quality care to this vulnerable population.
  • Create strategies to support plan implementation, addressing characteristics of culture, ethnicity, and social background that could affect the plan.

Additional Requirements

  • Write between 1000 and 1250 words (4–5 pages).
  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Provide adequate documentation of ideas and appropriate APA citations of relevant literature.
  • Use a minimum of 4 references. (These must be recent, from within the past five years.)
  • Double space, and use Times New Roman font, 12 point. EDUCATIONAL PLAN



Nurses work together in many environments. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each type of graduate nurse will foster cooperative relationships.


  1. Select and describe a specialty that has evolved in a different direction from that of advanced practice nursing (e.g., informatics, administration, health policy, and/or forensic nursing).
  2. What key differences do you see in this evolution as compared with developed APN specialties?
  3. Describe the future vision and goals each role and relate to emerging healthcare trends and needs. ROLES AND NURSES’ RESPONSIBILITIES



Your 1 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article.

Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3.

Link: Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts

Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what thenurse did wrong. ROLES AND NURSES’ RESPONSIBILITIES


Assignment Requirements:

  • Your paper must be presented in a single Word document. The paper must be between 2 to 3 pages in length, not including the title and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA Publication Manual, 6th Editionformatting, including title page, running head, and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper. 
  • Utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; and
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. ROLES AND NURSES’ RESPONSIBILITIES



How Do Various Factors Influence Health in Your Community? 

  1. Respond to the prompts below in full sentences.  Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling:
  • Individual, interpersonal, community, and environmental influences all affect the health status of a community.
    • For a community you are involved in, name two key factors in each area. 
    • For your community, which factors have the most effect? The least?


  • Healthy People 2010 follows a variety of health indicators, such as physical activity and obesity; drug, alcohol, and tobacco use; mental health; incidence of violence and injury; environmental issues; and access to health care. 

    • For a population in your community, which of these indicators do you think has the greatest impact on health and wellness? FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH
  • What media are used in your community to promote health and prevent illness or disease? 
    • Give three examples and discuss how effective they are for their target audience
    • m2a1

2.You were asked to choose a quality-improvement standard within health care to discuss. This standard could be related to credentialing, patient safety, utilization management services, home health care, or long-term care. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 6–8 slides with speaker notes of 75-150 words not including title and reference pages that will display the following information:

  • Define and explain the quality process you chose.
  • Define descriptive versus inferential statistics. If you were to survey your members, describe the form of the 4 levels of measurement that would be suited for your task (i.e. nominal, interval, ordinal, and ratio).
  • Identify the purpose of the measure.
  • Illustrate how patients or members have benefited or will benefit from the process.
  • Identify which types of health care organizations are impacted by the standard.
  • Based on your knowledge of the standard being discussed, provide 1–3 changes that you might recommend. If you do not have any recommendations, then provide your reasons for not having a recommendation FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH

Nurse Educator Interview

Nurse Educator Interview

Following the assignment guidelines below, you will submit a written reflection paper on your nurse educator interview.

Assignment Guidelines

Your interview paper should include:

  • Who does the interviewee teach?
  • What does your interviewee teach and where?
  • Trends and changes in nursing education as experienced by the person you interviewed.
  • A reflection that compares your interview data to class readings and the literature that you reviewed prior to conducting the interview (pay special attention to trends, themes, concepts, and changes in nursing education)
  • What you learned as a result of this assignment
  • A conclusion discussing your personal thoughts, opinions, views, and insights related to the specific area of nursing education of your interviewee Nurse Educator Interview


Your paper should be at least 3 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages), typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. Your paper should be written in APA format (6th edition) with correct spelling and grammar and include references as appropriate.

* I attached the Interview questions and answers

You can elobrate on the answers, please include th 6 assignment guidelines in the paper Nurse Educator Interview



Write a research paper of 5-6 pages of content without counting the title page and reference pages. It will contain 3-4 peer reviewed articles and 6-7 other outside sources (credible websites or agencies).  ROLE OF A PRACTITIONER NURSE

The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced nurse practitioner and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue. 

The issue must be related to the topic of Obesity in children and adolescents. The policy you consider may be somehow in reaction to the previous topic or something larger that is still related to that issue. Here is a list of a few topics to consider:


  • Child and elder care
  • Civil rights
  • Domestic violence
  • Drug abuse/addiction
  • Homelessness
  • Native American and migrant workers’ health
  • Long-term care
  • Immigration/illegal aliens
  • Legislative issues affecting advanced practice nursing
  • Barriers to practice
  • Access to care

These paper should have the following APA headings:

  • Describe the health policy issue: Identify the issue and explore its background
  • Legislation Type: Identify the type of legislation, such as state and federal, scope of practice, reimbursement, loan repayment, or others that relate the issue of concern
  • Review of Literature: Review of a minimum of 3–4 peer-reviewed articles and 6–7 other outside sources.
  • Current Policy: Describe the current policy that deals with the health policy issue and specify how it impacts nursing or healthcare. ROLE OF A PRACTITIONER NURSE
  • Aspects of Proposed (or Changed) Policy: Describe the specific aspects of your proposed policy or the change you would do to the previous policy and how it would impact nursing or healthcare.  Explain possible methods of addressing the issue; as well as goals and options for changes
  • Who Benefits and Who Supports: Identify the individuals who would benefit from the policy change and explain where support for the change would be found. Risks and benefits of the changes
  • Impact of Policy Change on Nursing and Healthcare: Describe the impact of the policy change on nursing practice and health care.
  • Analysis of Policy and Influence on My Practice : Explain the policy from your point of view and how this will influence your practice. ROLE OF A PRACTITIONER NURSE

Health Problems among Teens and Young Adults

Health Problems among Teens and Young Adults

The course textbook An Introduction to Community Health refers to teens and their risky behaviors. The number of single parent households with children under the age of eighteen continues to rise. Unemployment is higher for teens and young adults, especially for minority populations. Health behavior and lifestyle choices are tested during this timeframe, with tobacco use, underage drinking, abuse of prescription illegal drugs, and risky sexual behavior. Teen violence and suicide are also a cause of concern to families and the community. Health Problems among Teens and Young Adults


Based on your understanding of the topic, create a report in a Microsoft Word document answering the following questions:

  • How do social and environmental factors affect teens and young adults making healthy or unhealthy decisions? How influential is the family environment?
  • What motivates teens to form groups and how do negative behaviors increase when teens are involved in small or large gangs?
  • What specific issues does the U.S. minority population face in terms of health issues, lack of healthcare, and risky behaviors?
  • What specific type of community program would you develop if you were in charge of improving options for teens and young adults? What community members would you seek to speak with about your program proposal and how important is it to include influential community members who can help support legislation, space, or financial services to help a community program succeed?
  • How will education reduce risk taking behaviors? What type of follow up and evaluation will you do to ensure a successful program? Health Problems among Teens and Young Adults

Handling Influx and Evacuation

Handling Influx and Evacuation

The ability to deal with the unexpected influx of patients is a key challenge in a disaster scenario. In order to be truly prepared, a healthcare organization must be ready to deal with the increased number of patients. In some cases, the military is also available to assist in dealing with the influx of patients. The military is highly trained and has a vast number of resources that most citizens are not aware of. They are equipped and have the skill-set and the mentality to respond efficiently to disasters. Handling Influx and Evacuation


Using the South University Online library or the Internet, search some articles on civilian response to disaster situations and military disaster response process. Based on your research, answer the following questions:

  • Would you request the military to assist you in dealing with the influx of patients at the hospital? Why or why not? If yes, how would you use the military, and if no, what would you and your staff do to deal with the influx of patients?
  • How would you go about garnering the assistance of the military if the situation called for it?

Following Hurricane Katrina, a hospital needed to be evacuated because of the rising water. The evacuation was conducted in stages as the patients were moved to other safe hospitals in batches using a helicopter, an ambulance, and a boat. After four days, the evacuation was complete, thanks to a coordinated effort with other agencies such as the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. In regard to the given scenario, answer the following questions:

  • What would have happened if the hospital had not been assisted by other agencies? Why?
  • How would you have addressed the situation? What would you include in your disaster plan to handle such a situation? How? Handling Influx and Evacuation