Health care facilities are unique and have clearly defined characteristics based on the needs of the facility or population being served. Poor design may lead to staff, visitor, or patient stress. In large facilities, inability to find a department may lead to frustrations and disorientation for older patients. Poor layout may also lead to staff inefficiencies or fines because of failure to meet regulatory requirements.

 Resource: Facility Planning – Part III on the student Website

Download the SmartDraw Healthcare software located on your student Website in Week Four.

Complete a floor plan of the facility that you selected.

Select one of the following facilities and obtain approval from your faculty regarding this choice. Indicate if this will be a new facility or the renovation of an existing structure. If it is a new or existing structure, also explain why the renovation or new facility is needed.

An ambulatory care clinic

A clinic within a hospital, such as an emergency room, surgical center, or an OB unit

A family clinic

An outpatient clinic

A long-term care facility

Choose the template you want to use and it will then open in the SmartDraw software. From that point, you will be able to modify the template and add the information listed below. Once you have completed the floor plan and you are still in the SmartDraw software, save it as a Word .doc file. This will keep the file size small and you may post the file in your appropriate course folder.

Using your SmartDraw floor plan, focus on the following environmental design elements:

The healthcare structure

Diagnostic and treatment space equipment and location

Customer service and amenities, such as the reception desk, bathroom, shower, vending machine, and so forth

Clinical support areas, such as nurse’s station, charting areas, and so forth

Physician or dentist office space for patient consultation

Administrative offices

Building support, such as laundry, generator facilities, housekeeping, and so forth

Mechanical equipment, such as space for laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, gases such as oxygen, and suctions

Color and noise elements

Regulatory elements such as Occupational Safety and Health

 Administration and ADA guidelines

Other elements such as IT or creative healing environmental ideas

Write a 350- to 700-word summary that includes the following information:

Reason you selected the floor plan you designed

Any recommendations or suggestions for completing your floor plan differently – what would you do differently next time?

Something that you learned from doing this process and completing your own floor plan 

Professional Career Action Plan Grading Criteria

In addition to the personal goals you set in Week Three, this week you will be setting professional career goals. These are goals that relate to your chosen career, what type of job you want, and what steps you need to take to secure that job. These include gaining skills to include on your resume and a look at what hiring managers will focus on. You will do a gap analysis, where you identify the skills you currently posses and those you need to posses in your chosen career. This will help prepare you for job searches and interviews.

Review the American Council for Health Care Executives (ACHE) Career Management 101 workshop site. A link is provided on the student website.

Create a professional career plan using the University of Phoenix Material: Professional Career Action Plan Outline.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper, based on your action plan outline, addressing the following questions:

What are your professional goals?
What job do you plan to have in the health care sector?
What skills for this job do you currently have?
Which skills do you need to change or alter?
What is your plan for ultimately achieving these professional goals?
What professional organizations can help you achieve these goals?
What benefit does your career action plan outline provide?

Management plan for security and privacy

As an information systems manager, you need to consider an important aspect of your operation–patient information, privacy, and security. Review the following case scenarios and select one to use for your management plan for security and privacy.

Case Scenario 1 (Security Breach)

The administration at St. John’s Hospital takes pride in its sound policies and procedures for the protection of confidential client information. In fact, it serves as a model for other institutions in the area; however, printouts discarded in the restricted-access information systems department are not shredded. On numerous occasions, personnel working late have observed the cleaning staff reading discarded printouts. What actions, if any, should these personnel take toward the actions of the cleaning staff? What actions, if any, should be taken by the information systems administration?

Case Scenario 2 (Natural Disaster)

Living on the Gulf Coast is a benefit that many residents of a small Southern town enjoy; however, natural disasters are a concern. The town has just been struck by a hurricane and the entire basement of your operation is flooded by the storm surge. Patient files were destroyed or washed away with the receding water. What actions do you take when patients ask for their health records? What processes did you have in place to protect your records in anticipation of such an event?

Research management plans and choose one of the scenarios above and develop a process for maintaining patient privacy and security.

Create a detailed management plan for patient data privacy and security in the case of a security breach (Case Scenario 1) or a natural disaster (Case Scenario 2).

Based on the management plan format you found through your research write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that details your facility’s management plan.

Include the following:

  • Create a business problem statement.
  • Analyze how you will respond to these situations.
  • Evaluate the training you can provide to your staff.
  • Analyze the considerations of HIPAA and patient privacy compliance requirements in planning.
  • Analyze the need for an information technology management plan for natural disasters and security breaches.
  • Evaluate how you will implement your management plan.

Create a 350-to 700-word executive summary in which you review the management plan you designed. Explore possible challenges and the utilization of your plan.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references, other than the textbook, that directly support your analysis.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Review the Week 3 Case Study that is found in Doc Sharing. This case study focuses on a vulnerable young woman who is facing many risk factors.

  • Discuss several risk factors that may impact health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Assurance is one of the three core functions of public health. Find a resource in your community (other than WIC) that could assist Mary during her pregnancy. Start by searching the internet for your local health department’s website. What services do they provide for pregnant women, those living in poverty, or those with mental health concerns? What about your local welfare office? Do they provide prenatal or mental health services? Are there any service organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, or churches providing help for pregnant women or those experiencing mental health concerns? (The Internet, your local newspaper, and the telephone book may also help you locate resources)

  • Briefly describe the types of services that you found.
  • Choose one agency and assess this agency in terms of the 4 A’s. Is it accessible, acceptable, affordable, or available for Mary or other pregnant women that you case-manage?
    • Are there adequate resources for other vulnerable populations in your community?
  • Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.Choose one of the following five chapters.
    • Chapter 16: Child and Adolescent Health
    • Chapter 17: Women’s Health
    • Chapter 18: Men’s Health
    • Chapter 19: Senior Health
    • Chapter 20: Family Health
    Also choose one of the following four chapters.
    • Chapter 21: Populations Affected by Disabilities
    • Chapter 22: Homeless Populations
    • Chapter 23: Rural and Migrant Health
    • Chapter 24: Populations Affected by Mental Illness


research the conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and the neurologic systems. Based on your research and understanding, respond to one of the following scenarios:

A patient is admitted to the unit. He is a diabetic on chronic hemodialysis. He has an Arteriovenous (A-V) graft, which is annulated each time he undergoes dialysis treatments. You notice an area on his graft arm that is red and warm to the touch. He states that he has had this on his arm for several weeks. He asked the dialysis staff about the area, but they told him to apply warm compresses to the site. The staff at the dialysis center continues to use the graft, but they are careful to avoid the area when they cannulate for his treatments. Now the patient presents with extreme low back pain, fever, nausea, and swelling of his lower extremities. On checking his fasting serum glucose, you notice that the reading is 159 (Normal fasting blood glucose range 64 to 110 mg/dl), and his white blood cell count is 36,000 (normal range is 4,500-10,000 white blood cells/mcl). He states that his sugars were normally well controlled, but in the past ten days he seems to be requiring more insulin.

How would you proceed with this patient?

What could be the underlying problem?


Choose two long-term care facilities—one from nursing facilities, assisted living, or subacute care and another from adult day care, home health care, or hospice care—on which you would want to base your research work. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to read about your chosen long-term care facilities.

Assume you are responsible for the management and administration of the two facilities. You have to orient the newly appointed manager by providing an overview on managing long-term care. You also need to discuss the programs of the two facilities. From this perspective and based on your research about the facilities, prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 10–15 slides including the following:

  • What are the various multidisciplinary departments (teams) included in your facilities?
  • Who comprise the target population being served by the various programs provided by your chosen facilities?
  • What are the major staffing and human resource issues faced by your chosen facilities?
  • What are the significant trends in long-term care likely to impact the operation of the various programs provided by your chosen facilities, and what is your plan of action to overcome them?
  • What are the various forms of cooperation and integration existing in your chosen facilities? Discuss the nature of management, financing, and quality issues related to integration and cooperation in the facilities?

Support your responses with examples.

Use the Notes section of the slides to provide additional information.

Cite any sources in APA format.

3Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Described the various multidisciplinary departments included in your facilities.20
Described the target population being served by the various programs provided by your chosen facilities.20
Described the major staffing and human resource issues faced by your chosen facilities.30
Discussed significant trends in long-term care likely to impact the operation of the various programs provided by your chosen facilities.30
Described the plan of action to overcome the impact of trends on the operation of the various programs.20
Described the various forms of cooperation and integration existing in your chosen facilities.20
Discussed the nature of management, financing, and quality issues related to integration and cooperation in the facilities.20
Written components.40

Assessing Muscoskeletal Pain

The body is constantly sending signals about its health. One of the most easily recognized signals is pain. Musculoskeletal conditions comprise one of the leading causes of severe long-term pain in patients. The musculoskeletal system is an elaborate system of interconnected levers that provide the body with support and mobility. Because of the interconnectedness of the musculoskeletal system, identifying the causes of pain can be challenging. Accurately interpreting the cause of musculoskeletal pain requires an assessment process informed by patient history and physical exams.

Case 1: Back Pain

A 42-year-old male reports pain in his lower back for the past month. The pain sometimes radiates to his left leg. In determining the cause of the back pain, based on your knowledge of anatomy, what nerve roots might be involved? How would you test for each of them? What other symptoms need to be explored? What are your differential diagnoses for acute low back pain? Consider the possible origins using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) guidelines as a framework. What physical examination will you perform? What special maneuvers will you perform?

A description of the health history you would need to collect from the patient in the case study to which you were assigned. Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate and how the results would be used to make a diagnosis. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each. Include how the patient X-ray helped you to refine the differential diagnosis.Use the image attached as a guide.  Answer must be IN SOAP format.


Davis Health Care is dedicated to providing an excellent patient care experience. A recent survey indicated that they could improve their quality of service. Imagine you are charged with identifying an area of improvement for this organization.

You will focus on this area of improvement (PATIENT SAFETY)

Write a 1,400-word paper in which you address the following prompts for the area of improvement that you selected from above:

Part 1: Data Collection Tools

  • Explain data needed to monitor improvements.
  • Explain at least three data collection tools you can use to collect performance information.
  • Explain the types of information each tool collects.
  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each data collection tool.
  • Explain how the data collection tools are similar. Explain how the data collection tools are different. 

Part 2: Data Display, Measurement and Reporting

  • Identify at least two tools that measure and display the QI data that can be gathered with the data collection tools identified in Part 1.
  • Explain the types of information each tool measures, displays, and reports.
  • Explain each measurement, display, and reporting tool’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Explain how the measurement, display, and reporting tools are similar and different from each other.
  • Explain how the measurement, display and reporting tools are useful for health care organizations. 

Cite at least 5 sources according to APA guidelines to support your information.

Apply Change Theory to the Proposed Change

In week one, you formulated some initial ideas about a Practicum Change Project. You discussed possible change projects with your manager and identified a project for your practicum.

This week has presented information on change, change management, and how an organization’s mission, vision, and values are reflected in its strategic plan. Using the information presented in the resources, complete the following two activities with the guidance of your instructor.

Your instructor has assigned you to apply change theory to the proposed change. Check for consistency between the proposed change and the mission/vision/values/strategic plan for the agency. Read more about change theory in your textbook.

Please address the following:

  • Which change theory will you use as a framework for your change project and why?
  • Is there consistency between the proposed change and the mission, vision, and values of the agency?
    • If so, describe.
    • If not, how will you address the inconsistencies?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements. Your initial postings must be more than 350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources. Other scholarly sources may also be used to support your work. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.



There are many federal and state regulations when it comes to long-term care. Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research any four specific regulations related to long-term care and summarize them.

Based on the regulations you identified, respond to the following questions:

  • What are the benefits and shortcomings of your identified regulations? Which of these shortcomings have an effect on the quality and the cost of health care services? How?
  • Do you believe there is a link between regulations and better care? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think long-term care services are subjected to so much external control by government agencies? Provide a rationale for your responses.
  • How is quality measured in long-term care? Is there only one, or are there several approaches to measure quality? What are they? Who should be given the responsibility to measure quality?

The federal and state governments are the largest payers of health care services in the United States. The largest federal programs are the Medicare and Medicaid services.

Using the information from the textbooks, lectures, and Internet resources, provide a brief summary of Medicare and Medicaid services in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document. To get up-to-date information on the programs, review the information shared on the following websites :

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • The Social Security Administration

In your summary, include the following points:

  • An overview of the different Medicare and Medicaid services
  • The population covered under Medicare and Medicaid services
  • The services of long-term care covered under Medicare and Medicaid, including the restrictions placed on them

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.