Wellness Program Proposal

For this assignment, you will develop a proposal for a wellness program that will help bridge the gaps in health care service delivery for the population you identified in your Windshield Survey assignment.

Use the Capella library and the Internet to find scholarly and professional resources that will help you design a wellness program for the health concern of your population. Find at least four resources to use in this assignment.


Building on your Windshield Survey and Organizational Evaluation assignments, complete the following:

  • Design an evidence-based wellness program to address the primary health concern of the population that integrates:
    • Cultural considerations: Will you need to consult with someone from the population on how to approach the delivery of your program?
    • CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality considerations
    • Linguistic considerations: Will you need interpreters or translators for either written or oral presentations?
    • Educational considerations: What will be the best way to educate the population?
  • Describe how you will market or advertise the wellness program.
    • What are the benefits the program offers the population?
    • Will you need incentives to ensure participation and completion of the program?
  • Explain the ethical, legal, and economic factors that impact the health and wellness of the population. For example:
    • The ethical considerations (such as justice, non-malfeasance, and duty) that can affect preventative care and health promotion.
    • Local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act that can affect preventative care and health promotion.
    • The potential economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities of your population.

The format for this assignment should be a professional proposal. If possible, ask about the format used for proposals in your organization and follow that. Follow current APA style for your in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of paper: 5–7 double-spaced pages, not including a title page and reference page.
  • References: At least four current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Formatting: APA format for in-text citations and references.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Integrate cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.
Does not integrate cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the cultural considerations are not specific to any population.Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates cultural considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and shows a clear relationship between the considerations and the population.
Integrate CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.
Does not integrate CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates aspects of CAM, traditional, medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the aspects are not specific to any population.Integrates CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health and spirituality into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population, and explains how it will promote positive outcomes.
Integrate linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.
Does not integrate linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan, but the linguistic considerations are broad and not specific to any population.Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population.Integrates linguistic considerations into an evidence-based wellness plan for a population and shows how errors in communication can negatively impact the health of a population.
Explain strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention
Does not explain strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention.Identifies strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention.Explains strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention.Explains strategies for educating a population about health promotion and disease prevention, and identifies ways to market an education plan to the population.
Explain the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.
Does not explain the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.Lists the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.Explains the benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.Explains the long-term and short-term benefits of a health and wellness plan for a population.
Describe the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion.
Does not describe the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion.Lists the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion.Describes the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion.Describes the ethical principles that can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population.
Explain how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion.
Does not explain how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion.Explains how local laws or federal laws or the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion, but not all three.Explains how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion.Explains how local laws, federal laws, and the Affordable Health Care Act can affect preventative care and health promotion in both positive and negative ways for the organization and the population.
Explain the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population.
Does not explain the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population.Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population, but omits key elements.Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population.Explains the economic impact of clinical prevention and health promotion related to health disparities for a population in terms of both positive and negative aspects for the organization and the population.
Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Does not write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.Writes content clearly and logically, but grammar, punctuation, and mechanics have frequent errors.Writes content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; and uses relevant evidence to support a central idea.
Correctly format paper, citations, and references using APA style.
Does not correctly format paper, citations, and references using APA style.Correctly formats paper, but inconsistently formats citations and references using APA style.Correctly formats paper, citations, and references using APA style. Citations contain few errors.Correctly formats paper, citations, and references using APA style. Citations are free from all errors.

Clinical Decision Support Systems

Decision support systems were first designed and implemented in the corporate world to support business management. The integration of support systems into health care organizations brings a sharpened analysis capacity to data warehousing and data mining. This refined data analysis capability can lead to improved patient care and diagnoses through evaluation of various symptoms, prediction of certain drug interaction outcomes, and much more.

In this Discussion, you explore the use of clinical decision support systems and consider their value in assisting advanced practice nurses in making informed decisions and providing quality health care.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in the Learning Resources focusing on the use of clinical decision support systems.
  • Consider where you seek support for clinical decisions. Do you seek advice from other health care professionals in your organization? Do you use computerized clinical decision support systems? Do you perform your own research? Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
  • Reflect on how decision support technologies, including databases, might assist nurses in clinical practice.
  • Consider how you can validate the integrity of the data you are using in a clinical decision support system.
  • Peruse the information presented at the Open Clinical website presented in this week’s Learning Resources. Locate an article that focuses on how clinical decision support systems can be used to support or improve patient care. How does the information in the article align with or differ from your own experiences?Post by tomorrow 8/2/16 550 words in APA format and 3 references from the list below. Include the level one heading below:
  • 1)  a description of how you currently seek support for clinical decision making and how you determine the integrity of the information you gather.
  • 2) Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using computerized clinical decision support systems in clinical practice. Justify your response.
  • 3) Finally, summarize the article you selected from the Open Clinical website and include an evaluation of how computerized clinical decision support systems can be used to improve care.




Required Resources



  • Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 13, “Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses” (review) (pp. 559–623)
  • Wright, A., Sittig, D. F., Ash, J. S., Feblowitz, J., Meltzer, S., McMullen, C., …& Middleton, B. (2011). Development and evaluation of a comprehensive clinical decision support taxonomy: Comparison of front-end tools in commercial and internally developed electronic health record systems. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 18(3), 232–242.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article compare front-end and back-end clinical decision support (CDS) tools. They also evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of taxonomies in the design and implementation of EHR system features.
  • Souza, N. M., Sebaldt, R. J., Mackay, J. A., Prorok, J. C., Weise-Kelly, L., Navarro, …& Haynes, R. B. (2011). Computerized clinical decision support systems for primary preventive care: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review of effects on process of care and patient outcomes. Implementation Science, 6(1), 87–100.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the authors explore applied computerized clinical decision support systems (CCDSSs). In addition, they evaluate how much these systems improved drug prescription processes and patient care outcomes.
  • Roshanov, P. S., Misra, S., Gerstein, H. C., Garg, A. X., Sebaldt, R. J., Mackay, J. A., …& Haynes, R. B. (2011). Can computerized clinical decision support systems improve practitioners’ diagnostic test ordering behavior? A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review. Implementation Science, 6(88), 1–12.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article explore the relationship between CCDSSs and effective diagnostic testing. Through their decision-maker-researcher partnership systemic review, they evaluate efforts to improve diagnostic testing through data collection and assessment requirement procedure and EHRs.
  • Frisher, M., Short, D., & Bashford, J. (2010). Determining patient characteristics for decision analysis support systems using anonymized electronic patient records. Health Informatics Journal, 16(1), 49–57.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article reports on a study conducted with stroke patients that examined how decision analysis support systems can be applied. The authors discuss how evidence-based consultations of patients and data analysis can improve decision making.
  • Huryk, L. A. (2012). Information systems and decision support systems. American Journal of Nursing, 112(1), 62–65.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act has encouraged the implementation of technologies in evidence-based practice, diagnostics, and research. One result of this is the growing reliance on decision support systems in patient care. The author of this article examines how the nursing field and curricula are adapting to meet this change in practice.
  • Ensuring data integrity. (2009). Nature Neuroscience,12(10), 1205.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article explores methods that health care organizations can employ to ensure the integrity of collected and stored data.
  • Open Clinical: Knowledge Management for Medical Care. (2011). Decision support systems. Retrieved from http://www.openclinical.org/dss.html

    This site explores decision support systems and their functions in health care. It also explores how each organization can integrate decision support systems to their own task sets.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Clinical decision support systems. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.

    Dr. Patricia Abbott, a highly experienced nurse, nurse educator, and informatics researcher, describes decision support systems and provides health care-based examples. She also explains how critical it is to involve nurses in the development of health care standards.

Subscribing to a Newsletter

Many of today’s health care organizations utilize digital communications to keep professional communities up to date on latest trends, technologies, and evidence-based practices. As you progress through your informatics specialization, the communications can support your professional growth as a scholar practitioner.
For this Assignment, you will subscribe to a daily newsletter from Fierce Healthcare.

To prepare:

  • Access the Fierce Healthcare website at http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/.
  • Enter your e-mail address into the “sign up for our newsletter” section of the website. You will receive a confirmation e-mail shortly after signing up. Copy and paste this confirmation into a Word document. If you are having trouble copying the e-mail in its entirety, you may also utilize the “print screen” button on your keyboard and then paste the copy of your screen into your Word document. Save this confirmation document, as you will submit this with your final paper.
  • Over the next weeks, make time to regularly browse the newsletters that you receive, selecting two informatics articles that are of particular interest to you. Each of the articles that you select must come from a different newsletter. SEE ATTACHED FILES

To complete:

Submit a 3-page paper  Due by Thursday  8/04/2016 and 5 references that addresses the following:

1) Summarize the key points of each article you have selected (See attached files). In your summary, include how the informatics topic, trend, initiative, etc. is impacting nursing practice and/or health care settings. In addition, explain how nursing practices, the needs of patient populations, and society in general are influencing the informatics topics being discussed.

2) Explain how (or if) you found the Fierce Healthcare newsletters to be beneficial to your studies and/or your professional growth as a scholar practitioner. In your explanation, include whether or not you intend to continue your subscription  (YES),and whether or not you are considering signing up for any other digital communications from professional organizations (YES). Explain your rationale.

3) Provide a copy of your confirmation e-mail at the end of your paper. (Note that this does not contribute towards your page count.) (Don’t worry about this part)

Reminder:The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.

PS. The introduction must include a purpose statement. The last sentence must begin with  “The purpose of this paper is …”

Required Resources


  • American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

    Read the following Chapter:
    • “Functional Areas for Nursing Informatics”

      This section details nine distinct functional areas that nurse informaticists often fulfill in their various job titles and specific positions. These functional areas include administration, analysis, integrity management, consultation, and others.
  • Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Chapter 48, “Information Literacy and Computerized Information Resources”

      In this chapter, the authors focus on electronic sources that are easily accessible to nurses and how vital they are to professional credibility and growth. They elaborate on three main points: staying up-to-date with the published literature, developing and maintaining a list of resources, and collaborating and networking with your colleagues. 
  • Ericksen, A. B. (2009). Informatics: The future of nursing. RN, 72(7), 34–37.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. 

    This article explores the use of technology in the nursing field and how the informatics specialty came into existence. The article also discusses the role of informatics in patient safety, its use in today’s technological sphere, and the future role it may play in health care.
  • Huryk, L.A. (2011). Interview with an informaticist. Nursing Management, 42(11), 44–48.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    The author of this article interviews an experienced informatics nurse specialist (INS) to acquire a nurse’s perspective on electronic health records. The interviewee highlights common topics that future informatics nurses need to consider such as improved patient safety, evidence-based practices, legal/ethical implications, and health care reform.
  • Murphy, J. (2011). The nursing informatics workforce: Who are they and what do they do? Nursing Economic$, 29(3), 150–153.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    The author of this article details roles within the nursing informatics workforce. The article also examines the chief nursing informatics officer position.
  • Rimmerman, C., Heidenreich, D., & Appel, D. (2009). The role of a clinical operations analyst in implementing a successful electronic medical record. Physician Executive, 35(6), 34–39.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    This article describes electronic medical record (EMR) implementations and their associated benefits. The authors list goals and challenges of EMRs and also discuss how clinical operations analysts can help to increase the probability of a successful implementation.
  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.f). Working group: Nursing informatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/programs/working-groups/nursing-informatics

    This web page lists a variety of job descriptions that are applicable to the nursing informatics specialty. You should review how the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) defines nursing informatics. Scroll down the page and use the left navigation bar to browse the hyperlinks under the “Informatics Core” and “Informatics Areas” for more information on this. You will also need to explore the hyperlinks under the “Related Working Groups” and “Cross-cutting Working Groups” headings on the right-hand side of the page for more information, as well. (Note: You will use this resource for this week’s discussion, so make sure to explore these links thoroughly.)
  • HIMSS Nursing Informatics Awareness Task Force. (2007). An emerging giant: Nursing informatics. Nursing Management. Retrieved from http://s3.amazonaws.com/rdcms-himss/files/production/public/HIMSSorg/handouts/An%20Emerging%20Giant%20Nursing%20Informatics.pdf

    This foundational piece created by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)Task Force examines the ever-growing need for nurse informaticists.  The authors also specify the roles that are associated with nursing informatics, as well as relevant education programs and certification processes.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012g). The role of nurse informaticists. Baltimore: Author. 

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 15 minutes.

    In this week’s media presentation, Gail Latimer, Dr. Patricia Button, and Dr. Roy Simpson share their professional experiences in the informatics field, as well as their perceptions about the evolution of nursing informatics.  Each also outlines the varied roles that informatics professionals can play within health care settings.

Optional Resources

  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.a). Informatics areas: Clinical informatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/clinical-informatics
  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.b). Informatics areas: Clinical research informatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/clinical-research-informatics
  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.c). Informatics areas: Consumer health informatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/consumer-health-informatics
  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.d). Informatics areas: Public health informatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/public-health-informatics
  • American Medical Informatics Association. (n.d.e). Informatics areas: Translational bioinformatics. Retrieved October 17, 2012 from http://www.amia.org/applications-informatics/translational-bioinformatics
  • Anderson, C., Barthold, M. F., Duecker, T., Guinn, P., MacCallum, R., & Sensmeier, J. (2012). Nursing informatics 101. Retrieved from http://www.himss.org/files/HIMSSorg/handouts/NI101.pdf


NR 305 Week 3 Discussions & Assignment Health Assessment

Week 3

NR 305 Week 3 TD 1:

 General Survey and Health History
Casey is a 17-year-old high school student admitted to the ER with a compound fracture of the left leg obtained falling at the local skateboard park while practicing for a national competition. He has never been hospitalized before. His mother has been notified and is on her way. The EMTs gave him morphine and he reports his pain level as “okay.”
•           What part of the interview and examination can be done prior to his mother’s arrival?
•           As you enter the room for the first time, what should you observe as part of the general survey?
•           As you complete his history, what areas are especially important?
•           What are the important developmental considerations for Casey?

NR 305 Week 3 TD 2:

 The Older Adult
Jean is a 68-year-old female admitted for a total hip replacement. In her interview you learn that she has a history of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with a neck circumference of 16 inches and snores much of the night. She is 5’7” and weighs 265 pounds. She states she is sleepy throughout the day. Her other medical history includes: hypertension treated with angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB), Diabetic with an Hgb A1c over 8%. Hypercholesteremia treated with a Statin drug. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) with a history of a drug eluting cardiac stent placed 14 months ago and currently on Plavix and ASA. History of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is on Prilosec. Her husband has a history of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) several years ago.
What medications should she take pre-op and what should she hold?
Should Jean be allowed to continue ASA pre-operatively?
Should cardiology be consulted on this matter?
What are Jean’s risks for diabetes complications? What concerns do you have about her social support system?

NR 305 Week 3 Assignment:

Family Genetic History

You are to obtain a family genetic history on a willing, non-related, adult participant.

This assignment enables to meet the following course outcomes:

CO #3: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO #3)

CO #5: Explore the professional responsibilities involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (PO #6)


Week 6

NR 305 Week 6 TD 1:

Assessment of Cardiac Status

Describe a patient with a cardiac symptom or group of symptoms, such as palpitations, hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia, or bradycardia. Do not limit yourself to these examples.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history might be associated with the symptom, if any?
  • What are the known risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use?
  • What patient education would you give to the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about this symptom or condition.

NR 305 Week 6 TD 2:

Assessment of Respiratory Status

Choose one area of the respiratory system and then select a common complaint (symptom or group of symptoms) patients may have in that area. For example, you may select wheezes, pulmonary congestion, absence of breath sounds on one side, productive cough, and so on. Do not limit yourself to these examples.

  • What questions would you ask as part of your focused assessment?
  • What history would be associated with the symptom?
  • What are the risk factors for this condition?
  • What physical examination techniques would you use? What patient education would you give the patient?
  • Find a nursing journal article about this symptom or condition.

NR 305 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 2:

Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan Assignment

Activity will be a continuation of the Milestone 1: Health History that you submitted in Week 4. In this part of the assignment you will take the information you gathered, analyze the data, and develop a nursing care plan.
The assignment enables to meet the following course outcomes:
CO #3: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO #3)
CO #4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)
CO #5: Explore the professional responsibilities involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (PO #6)



NR 443 Week 2 DQ 1 :

Census Data and Epidemiological Data (Graded)

Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau atwww.census.gov. Obtain information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your county of residence. Once you are on the website, choose the link to “QuickFacts”, and from there you can choose state, county, and city data. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. There is also a tab where you can see U.S. comparable data, too.

Include information about age, income, housing, and education. Post a brief summary of the key demographic characteristics of the population in your county (do not copy and paste directly from the website) and apply these data to your community by answering the following questions:

  • How do the data from your county compare to the sets of data from the other counties posted by other students in your discussion group?
  • Based on the demographic data, what health needs might you anticipate for the population in your county?

NR 443 Week 2 DQ 2 :

Communicable Diseases (Graded)

Review the levels of prevention of communicable diseases discussed in Chapter 25 (Nies& McEwen, 2011). Choose a communicable disease objective listed within theHealthy People 2020 topic area (p. 492). Discuss a role (function) that you, as a CHN, could play in implementing the objective. What community health nursing intervention would you implement? Describe at least two levels of prevention you could address and how you can address them.

NR 443 Caring for Populations: Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Form

Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points.

Type your name above and your answers below directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment name and your last name (e.g., “NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith”). When you are finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines.


  1. Community introduction:

Identify the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting.

  1. Windshield survey
  2. vitality
  3. Indicators of social and economic conditions
  4. Health resources
  5. Environmental conditions related to health
  6. Social functioning
  7. Attitude toward healthcare
  8. Conclusion:

Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify?

  1. References:

OPTIONAL: List any references that you cited.


One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

•   Select a health issue of interest to you: OBESITY

•   Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue: HISPANIC AMERICANS

•   Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.

•   Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

•   Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.

◦                     Include a cover page.

◦                     Include an introduction that provides:

▪                                       An explanation of your issue and why you selected it

▪                                       A description of the audience you are addressing

◦                     In the handout itself:

▪                                       Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.

▪                                       Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).

▪                                       Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.

Population Genetics and Human Evolution

Complete the following discussions:

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that allele frequencies remain constant across generations unless certain influences are introduced, such as nonrandom matings or mutations.

  • Describe the Hardy-Weinberg principle.
  • Are there influences that deviate from the principle? If so, what are they? If no, why?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiling is a tool used in forensic investigation and paternity testing. This technique is often used by forensic scientists to identify individuals on the basis of their DNA profiles.

  • How is DNA profiling performed?
  • What are some of the novel uses of DNA profiling, other than those described in your textbook?

Sickle-cell disease is an example of balanced polymorphism as carriers of this disease are protected against malaria.

  • Describe an example of balanced polymorphism, other than sickle-cell disease, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, phenylketonuria (PKU), prior protein mutation, cystic fibrosis (CF), and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS).

Genetic ancestry testing is becoming popular as more and more people are trying to trace their ancestry. Two different types of tests are generally offered, mitochondrial DNA, which traces maternal lineages, and Y chromosome testing, which traces paternal lineages.

  • Does genetic ancestry testing provide a complete picture of a person’s heritage? If so, how? If not, why not?


Description / Instructions: Complete the Week 3 Quiz.

    Question 1 When vitamin A is deficient:

  night blindness can occur.  xerophthalmia can occur.  the regeneration of rhodopsin is delayed.  All of the choices are correct.     
    Question 2 Which food is an excellent source of vitamin E?

  Whole-wheat bread  Oranges  Sunflower seeds  Cheddar cheese     
    Question 3 Which of the following organizations is responsible for ensuring their supplements are safe?

  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)  The manufacturer of the supplement  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)     
    Question 4 Identify the foods that would best meet the vitamin needs identified for bone health:

  Peaches, spinach, milk and tomatoes  Whole grain bread, brown rice, milk and tomatoes  Whole grain cereal, corn oil, rye flour and peaches  Peaches, tomatoes, cantaloupe and apricots     
    Question 5 Sailors of the 18th century would often be at sea for months living on dried bread and meats, water and cheese. After approximately three months on this diet, some sailors would exhibit symptoms of irritability, achy joints and bleeding gums/loose teeth. These symptoms can be explained by:

  Their diet lacked enough protein to make collagen  Their diet lacked the Vitamin B6 so necessary to make non-essential amino acids  Their diets lacked Vitamin B1, so they had impaired energy production  Their diets lacked the Vitamin C necessary for collagen tissue formation and repair     
    Question 6 Which of the following is NOT a fat soluble vitamin?

  vitamin A  vitamin C  vitamin D  vitamin E     
    Question 7 In order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, the most important time for a woman to consume adequate amounts of folate is:

  shortly before, and early in her pregnancy.  between the third and sixth months of pregnancy.  during the seventh and eighth months of pregnancy.  shortly before giving birth.     
    Question 8 Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because:

  it calms our nerves.  we must get it in our diet from plant foods that grow in the sun.  it can be made in the skin by exposure to UV light.  it is used to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that enhances feelings of happiness.     
    Question 9 Which of the following is/are antioxidants?

  Vitamin C.  Vitamin E.  Selenium.  All of these nutrients serve as antioxidants.     
    Question 10 An antioxidant is a substance that protects against oxidative damage.

  True  False     
    Question 11 When a person has not consumed enough water, blood volume _____ and solute concentration in the blood ______.

  increases; increases  decreases; increases  decreases; decreases  decreases; stays the same     
    Question 12 All of the following are functions of water EXCEPT:

  it regulates acid base balance.  it helps regulates body temperature.  it lubricates eyes and joints.  it acts as a hormone.     
    Question 13 All of the following are correct statements about mineral bioavailability EXCEPT:

  The body’s need for a mineral may affect its absorption.  The presence of one mineral may affect the absorption of another.  The minerals in plant foods are better absorbed than the minerals in animal foods.  Pregnancy can affect the absorption of certain minerals.     
    Question 14 An older woman is gardening in the direct sun for three hours without any rest. She suddenly feels weak and dizzy before she faints. She is taken to an emergency room where the doctor suspects she is suffering from dehydration. This is a common problem in older people because:

  They have a larger body mass, which makes them more likely to become thirsty  They have a greater body surface area, which makes them more likely to become thirsty  They have enhanced kidney function, with causes them to increase water reabsorption  They have a reduced sensitivity to their thirst mechanism     
    Question 15 A diet rich in fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains is most likely to result in:

  A population with low rates of clinical hypotension  A population with low rates of clinical hypertension  A population that has similar rates of hypertension to individuals eating a meat based diet  A population that has similar rates of hypertension to individuals eating the typical American diet     
    Question 16 The following substances are all normally eliminated by the kidney as waste products EXCEPT:

  urea  glucose  sodium  ketones     
    Question 17 Eating a salty meal:

  Decreases your blood sodium concentration  Makes you less thirsty  Causes temporary weight gain due to intake of more fluids  Has no effect on the body     
    Question 18 Fluoride protects the teeth

  Because it is a natural component of water  Because it helps makes tooth enamel more resistant to acids  Because it serves as a buffer from acids that are released from bacteria in the mouth  It forms a film on teeth that prevent food sticking to teeth     
    Question 19 When intracellular concentrations of protein and sodium are high, you would expect that water is drawn into the

  blood capillaries  cells  extracellular fluid  red blood cells     
    Question 20 Diets that are high in ____ are associated with an increased incidence of hypertension.

  calcium  magnesium  sodium  sugar 

Designing Culturally Appropriate Wellness Programs

For this discussion

  • Refer to Chapter 7 of your Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion text and review the case study on page 189.


The rate of teen pregnancy is rising in a culturally diverse community in which an estimated 25 percent of the population are immigrants. In addition, the community is nearly 50 percent Latino and has a high number of at-risk youth. Its high school graduation rate is 73 percent, well below the state average of 82 percent. Statewide data estimate that 34 percent of the population 16 years and older in this community lack basic prose literacy skills.

1.Define the steps required to develop a needs assessment of the problem in this community, including primary and secondary data.
2.Who are the collaborative partners that need to be included in coalition to address the teen pregnancy problem?

3.What steps are needed to develop a program, implementation, and evaluation plan?
4.Describe the cultural considerations that must be addressed in the program plan, implementation, and evaluation design.

Address the following questions: 

  • What steps are required to develop a needs assessment of the problem in this community, including primary and secondary data?
  • Who are the collaborative partners that need to be included in a coalition to address the teen pregnancy problem?
  • What steps are needed to develop a program, implementation, and evaluation plan?
  • What cultural considerations must be addressed in the program plan, implementation, and evaluation design?

Your initial posting should be at least 150 words, and you must reference the work of another writer (either as a quotation, paraphrase, or summary) to provide support for your ideas. The source can be the course text, another relevant book, any assigned reading, . When you incorporate the other writer’s ideas in your work, use APA citation style to give credit to that writer. Remember that an APA citation includes both the in-text citation (the author’s last name and the year of publication) and the full reference for the source.