Developing an Advocacy Campaign

The following application (Part 1) will be due in week 4.

To prepare:

  • Select a population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue.
  • Locate two scholarly articles, each of which provides a description of an effective health advocacy campaign that addresses your issue. The articles need to focus on two different advocacy campaigns.
  • Analyze the attributes of the two campaigns to determine what made them effective.
  • Reflect on a policy you could propose or suggest a change to a current policy to improve the health of the population you selected.
  • Consider how you could develop an advocacy campaign, applying the attributes identified in similar, effective campaigns.

To complete:

For the Part 1 application (approximately 3–4 pages of content with a title page and references in APA format) address the following:

  • Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.
  • Summarize the two advocacy campaigns you researched in this area.
  • Explain the attributes that made those campaigns effective.
  • Begin to develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:

A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution

  • Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented
  • Begin to substantiate of your proposed campaign by data and evidence.
  • Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.
By Day 7 of Week 4

This Assignment is due.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria


A physician who  doubts the diagnosis of a patient  should order a consultation. In this  assignment, you will review a  scenario in which a consultation was ordered  for a patient, and you  will analyze the ethical obligations involved in the  physician-patient  relationship.


A family  practice doctor has a female  patient who is twenty-two weeks pregnant with  her third baby. The first  child was born at thirty weeks and survived;  however, her second  pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage at nineteen weeks.  The patient  would like to do all she can to have a successful pregnancy. As  of  today, the patient has no signs of premature labor, and her cervix is   closed. Given her history, the family practice doctor would like to  discuss  the possibility of a cerclage with an obstetric consultant.  Chances of  cerclage helping the pregnancy along are one in ten.

On the basis of  the above scenario, respond to the following questions:

  • Describe  the ethical obligations associated with the physician-patient relationship. 
  • Explain  the outcome of this consultation with your justification. 
  • Discuss  what you would have done differently to handle the case. 
  • Provide  a real-life example of a consultation. 

Compile your  responses in a 3-to-5-page Word document.


For your Capstone Project, you will be performing research on a real-life healthcare organization. Drawing upon your learning in previous courses, you will be asked to analyze various facets and provide a detailed picture of the organization. Each section is to be 1,600–2,000 words. Each section should have at least four references. 

Section 1 – Submitted in Unit 2

Proposal and introduction of project

  • Select hospital
  • Write introduction
  • State selected organization
  • State rational behind the selection of the organization

Analysis of the organization

  • Describe the organization’s structure:
    • Facility physical settings
    • Patient or client base
    • Level of clinical activity and research
    • Describe the mission, vision, and goals of the organization and how the organization supports these items
    • Community and global impact

Use Standard American English as described in the APA guidelines. You need to follow formal APA formatting for the project and include a title page and a reference page. Make sure you cite your reference in the text and on the reference page using proper APA format.



Effective disaster preparedness includes a pre-event plan. Community/public health nurses can facilitate effective disaster response by ensuring they have disaster plans for their families, their social groups, and/or their workplace. Consider your own family, and reflect on the following:


•What would you do in the event of a disaster? Would you evacuate? Would you spend time gathering precious memories? 

•What information do you feel would be critical to have to ensure appropriate care for your loved ones?EMERGENCY PLANNING  

•How would you ensure the safety of your children? 

•What would you do with your pets?  Develop and post your disaster plan for your family.  

Your initial post should be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference.

Older Adults

Each answer should be nothing less than 250 words

1. Safety is a major problem the older adults encounter. Evaluate mobility of an older adult. Perform a Home Safety Check. The following website has a checklist. Is the elder safe in their home? Most falls occur at home. Comprehensive Home Safety Checklist Search the internet for information on falls and the economic burden. Post a summary of your findings. (Do not post the entire checklist).EMERGENCY PLANNING

2.  In everyday life consider how the adult interacts with the environment around them. Interaction with the involves multiple senses, including vision, auditory and sensation based on your the information learned in this module. Perform an evaluation on an older adult. Address the issues  that you have found. What issues were identified? (Please be specific) EMERGENCY PLANNING



Each student will develop a strategic plan that highlights specific issues in the strategic management and marketing of a healthcare organization of his/her choice. The strategic plan will increase the student’s critical perspectives, awareness, and knowledge in the course subject area. Students may consult with me individually anytime during your paper writing. This is a mini strategic plan but it must include the following: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING OF A HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION


  1. Introduction and overview of the organization selected
  2. What are the mission, vision and values of the organization?
  3. Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the organization.  Research for information on the organization.
  4. Identify two areas for improvement based on the SWOT analysis and develop two strategic goals
  5. Outline short term/long terms objectives and what steps and procedures would be necessary for achieving these objectives? How you will evaluate/control each strategy (and thus each objective) in your plan.  How will you know whether your strategy/objective is on target?  Who will be responsible? 
  6. Keep in mind that resources may be scarce or limited. If you plan to do something, make sure that you are considering costs/expenses and also how you will finance such activities.
  7. Describe two approaches to marketing or promoting these goals within the organization or to the community/service area. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING OF A HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION

The strategic plan outline must be approved by the instructor. Students may send me a proposal by email before plan writing. In the proposal, students should tell me the full title of your strategic plan, why the organization/institution is your best choice, and how you plan to write. I will approve your proposal if I think it is suitable and feasible. Students may consult with me individually anytime during your paper writing. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING OF A HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION



Have you ever gone online to search for a journal article on a specific topic? It is amazing to see the large number of journals that are available in the health care field. When you view the library in its entirety, you are viewing untapped data. Until you actually research for your particular topic, there is little structure. Once you have narrowed it down, you have information and once you apply the information, you have knowledge. Eventually, after thoughtful research and diligent practice, you reach the level of wisdom—knowledge applied in meaningful ways. NURSING TECHNOLOGIES


Are there areas in your practice that you believe should be more fully explored? The central aims of nursing informatics are to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. This continuum represents the overarching structure of nursing informatics. In this Assignment, you develop a research question relevant to your practice area and relate how you would work through the progression from data to information, knowledge, and wisdom.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in Figure 6–2 in Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.
  • Develop a clinical question related to your area of practice that you would like to explore.
  • Consider what you currently know about this topic. What additional information would you need to answer the question?
  • Using the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, determine how you would go about researching your question.
    • Explore the available databases in the Walden Library. Identify which of these databases you would use to find the information or data you need.
    • Once you have identified useful databases, how would you go about finding the most relevant articles and information? NURSING TECHNOLOGIES
    • Consider how you would extract the relevant information from the articles.
    • How would you take the information and organize it in a way that was useful? How could you take the step from simply having useful knowledge to gaining wisdom?
By Day 7 of Week 4

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Summarize the question you developed, and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. Be specific.
    • Identify the databases and search words you would use.
    • Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge.
  • Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have found during your database search.

Your paper must also include a title page, an introduction, a summary, and a reference page. NURSING TECHNOLOGIES




Throughout this course, you were provided case studies that focused on cardiovascular, pulmonary, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal disorders. You will pick one of these cases to analyze and create a comprehensive care plan for acute/chronic care, disease prevention, and health promotion for that patient and disorder. CHRONIC CARE DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION


Your care plan should be based on current best practices and supported with citations from current literature, such as systematic reviews, published practice guidelines, standards of care from specialty organizations, and other research based resources. In addition, you will provide a detailed scientific rationale that justifies the inclusion of this evidence in your plan.

Your paper should adhere to APA format for title page, headings, citations, and references. The paper should be no more than 10 pages typed excluding title page and references. CHRONIC CARE DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION


  • Case Study Evaluation
    • Analyze the disorder addressing the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options.
    • Differentiate the disorder from normal development.
    • Discuss the physical and psychological demands the disorder places on the patient and family.
    • Explain the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
    • Identify key interdisciplinary team personnel needed and how this team will provide care to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
    • Interpret facilitators and barriers to optimal disorder management and outcomes. CHRONIC CARE DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION
    • Describe strategies to overcome the identified barriers.
  • Care Plan Synthesis
    • Design a comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder.   
    • Address how the patient’s socio-cultural background can potentially impact optimal management and outcomes.
    • Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to address key issues identified in the case study.               
    • Formulate a comprehensive but tailored approach to disorder management.
Criteria Weight
Case Study Evaluation
Analyzed the disorder addressing the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options.Differentiated the disorder from normal development.
Discussed the physical and psychological demands the disorder places on the patient and family.
Explained the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
Identified key interdisciplinary team personnel needed and how this team will provide care to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
Interpreted facilitators and barriers to optimal disorder management and outcomes.
Described strategies to overcome the identified barriers.







Care Plan Synthesis Designed a comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder.  
 Addressed how the patient’s socio-cultural background can potentially impact optimal management and outcomes.
Demonstrated an evidence-based approach to address key issues identified in the case study.Formulated a comprehensive but tailored approach to disorder management. CHRONIC CARE DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION




APA Style/Format: Free of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Citations and references are written in correct APA Style. 10
Total 150



Medical trauma and muscular tension based on past research. APA reference,  single line on each- stating it it presently researched, if so most  current research add link. 275 word of fewer succumbing Prásie in  bibliography.  Simple research. MEDICAL TRAUMA


 Locate Oxford study breathing in trauma- link and APA  references.Find research on: 

– primal scream therapy?

– when was last  research with results? 

– what were results?

APA reference to said  research.Find most recent research on Lowen’s bio energetics, any  repeated measures, add reference. Succinct sentence or two regarding any  work done since 1979 add to APA style bib. Muscular tension research  relived by breathing- search for, find positive result studies emphasis  neuroses. PTSD. Muscular rigidity. Research studies: Rolfing:succinct  account of studies done and the results of, APA ref links to studies.
Please ensure all links are free or kindly include a PDF copy of any which are health professional only accessible. MEDICAL TRAUMA
Emphasis  muscles, trauma positives results in breathing therapy. Brain change  and tension decreased in muscles and psych through breathing deep and  rapid shallow, HYPERVENTILATION- ant research.
My dominant hand  affected hence research and typing difficult.Just need bibliography of  recent studies on above topics listed and a sentence or tiny Praise/  sentence on subject in event evidence found is empirical/thesis &  evidenced recently.

Diverse Leadership St the Week 8 Discussion, you discussed the implementation of a new product or service, aligned with organizational goals and professional standards, and described the management and leadership competencies that would facilitate successful implementation of this project.

For this Discussion, think again about the new product or service discussed in week 8, now consider a new product or service that you would initiate adoption. Consider the importance of building a team of leaders from across the organization to implement the new product or service you are recommending.

To Prepare

  • Think of a new product or service such as the one  in the Week 8 Discussion.
  • Consider the leaders across the organization you would work with to roll out the product or service. Which leadership styles and skills might you encounter as you work with various individuals? 
  • What opportunities and challenges may arise as a result of individuals with differing leadership styles and skills working together? How would you work on a team or in a group with those whose style differs from your own? MEDICAL TRAUMA

Post a description of how the leadership styles and skills of others you would work with to roll out the product or service would support, complement, or contrast your own. Describe challenges and opportunities that may arise as a result of working with individuals with differing leadership styles and skills in a team or group setting. MEDICAL TRAUMA

Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment

To complete this assignment, read the scenario below and address the specific questions and issues indicated. Review the SOC313 Family Document for specific information on each member of the family. 

Grandmother Ella has had cancer for years now and has followed alternative remedies from the time she was first diagnosed.  Ella had a period of remission; however, the cancer returned and has metastasized to her bones, liver, and lungs. Summative Assessment

She is in the hospital after collapsing from weakness.  She is being released from the hospital as she wishes to spend her last days and months at home.  Ella has her preferences for care, though she is now so weak that she has given up in many ways.


The family members are each experiencing their own fears and are grieving as they face the loss that will occur when Ella’s life ends.  Ella feels stressed by the discord and discomfort of family members.  

For this final assignment, you are the social worker for this case.  You meet this family in the hospital setting.  You learn that Ella wants to return home with care from the Hospice nurse and health aide.  Ella’s husband also wants her to return home; however, several of her children and their spouses want Ella to remain in the hospital or move to a nursing home so she gets professional care. 

For this assignment, you are required to use the outline form with subtopic headers from the Week 3 assignment.  Address the following items in your work:

  • Synthesize the current research that is relevant to this scenario.  Discuss the current practices for end of life and palliative care from the Western Medicine as well as the Complementary and Alternative Medicine perspectives.
  • Comprehensively discuss the cultural and/or traditional issues that could arise at this time.  Consider how the integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and beliefs, mainstream medical practices, and cultural/traditional rituals and practices might create issues and what they might include.
    • Describe how the family might react to each of the following possible scenarios: Summative Assessment
      • Ella wishes to continue the Complementary and Alternative practices.
      • Ella is coerced into following mainstream medical advice.
      • Ella’s husband, John, insists that, as father and husband, his family traditions should be followed.
    • Examine the biological basis for care and describe how the choices for care might affect the other family members with respect to their individual problems, if at all.
      • Son Sam, the alcoholic
      • Daughter Lila, with Type II diabetes
      • Grandson Josh, starting to have drug problems
      • Granddaughter Lucy, bipolar with more entrenched drug problems
      • Daughter-in-law, Sarah’s stress related to her family’s medical issues (son with leukemia and brother with HIV)
  • Discuss the micro, meso, and macro influences affecting both the patient and the diverse family members in this scenario as impacted by Ella’s medical condition and prognosis.
    • What are the pertinent and likely family (micro) conflicts and differences, and concerns that could be encountered? 
    • How is the neighborhood and extended family (meso) reacting to the situation?
    • Using your local area, research and discuss two community resources (macro) that support Ella’s needs for care and/or improve her quality of life.  Evaluate the ability of these community resources to meet the needs of this diverse family’s circumstances adequately.
  • Discuss the relevant medical issues and the advantages and disadvantages of hospital versus home.  In this case, when discussing medical issues use appropriate medical terminology. 
  • Discuss the psychological and social issues that are present and will possibly be more pronounced at this stressful time.  How has the fact that this illness has been ongoing (chronic) affected the family?
  • Analyze the current scenario as it pertains to diversity, as well as to cultural, psychological, and social perspectives and influences, taking into account the stories that you have been discussing throughout the course.
  • Discuss the impact of lifespan development on the perspectives of the various members of the family (i.e., their intellect, cognitive abilities, insight, and judgment) as well as their sociocultural perspectives, preferences, understandings, and positions on the situation. Summative Assessment

The Final Paper

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use five scholarly sources in addition to the course text (six total).
  • Must document all sourced material in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Summative Assessment

Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk

Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk

How often have you heard someone say, “Wow! I didn’t see that coming!”? Project failure is frequently attributed to unforeseen circumstances (risks) that emerge during the different phases of a project. Though project managers may be unable to fully anticipate all risks, they can make provisions for addressing potential risks that may arise in later phases of a project. It is essential to continually weigh and mitigate risks. But what about cases in which risk is deliberately increased to reach a desired outcome? Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk


In this Discussion, you consider a scenario in which these questions arise. Based on the scenario, you generate strategies for mitigating potential project risks.

To prepare, consider the following scenario:

You are on the project team for an IT project that must be completed on time to coincide with the opening of a new hospital wing that will rely in part on this technology. You learn that the project manager has been ordering shortcuts on testing to meet the deadline. You can see that these actions keep the project on schedule and the product seems to work well, but you are concerned about the additional risk caused by the shortcuts. Do you intervene? Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk

Post by tomorrow 9/27/16 a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references, addressing the level one headings as numbered below:

1) A description of how you would respond to the situation described in the scenario.

2) Identify potential risks to the project if you do or do not take action.

3)Explain strategies you might use to mitigate the risks you identified. Is it ever beneficial to accept or increase risks in order to meet project goals? Justify your response.

Required Readings

Coplan, S., & Masuda, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare information technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

  • Chapter 3, “Project Management”
    • “Risk Management” (pp. 100–104)

 This section of Chapter 3 provides an overview of the basics of risk management in the context of project management. In particular, the text details how to prepare risk management plans, identify risks, perform quantitative and qualitative risk analyses, plan risk response, and monitor and control risk.

Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author.

  • Chapter 11, “Project Risk Management” (pp. 309–354)

 This chapter provides an overview of project risk management processes. These processes include plan risk management, risk identification, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, planning risk responses, and monitoring and controlling risk.

Dearstyne, B. W. (2012). Smoothing the turbulence: Project management strategies for the changing workplace. Information Management Journal46(2), 28–33.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 The author of this article examines numerous successful project management strategies. The article goes into detail about essential elements of successful project management. Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk

de Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., & Wortmann, H. (2012). Risk managements’ communicative effects influencing IT project success. International Journal of Project Management, 30(4), 444–457.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 In this article, the authors explore how risk management contributes to the success of information technology projects. The article also differentiates the instrumental and communicative effects of risk management.

Engle, P. (2011). Crunch time. Industrial Engineer43(6), 20.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

 This article examines the causes of information technology projects failing to achieve their objectives on time. The article focuses in particular on estimating scope, fluctuating project requirements, and a variety of distractions.

Kendrick, T. (2009). Identifying & managing project risk: Essential tools for failure-proofing your project(2nd ed., Ebrary version). New York, NY: AMACOM.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

  • Chapter 4, “Identifying Project Schedule Risk.” (pp. 70–99)

 In this chapter, Tom Kendrick explores the causes of project failure. Kendrick emphasizes schedule delays and problems with estimates and dependencies.

Langley, M., & Hoffman, E. (2012, June 6). How risk reduction is (and isn’t) rocket science [Blog post]. Retrieved from

 In this article, the authors provide examples of how NASA reduces risk in its project management process. The article focuses on the importance of strategic vision, executive sponsors, and talent development.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013g). Project risk [Video file]. Retrieved from  

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

In this video, Dr. Judy Murphy speaks in depth about minimizing project risks through the use of a SWOT analysis. She also offers methods to minimize psychological risks in order to ensure everyone is on board with a new project from the beginning. Planning Risk Responses and Monitoring and Controlling Risk