Online Resources in the Health Field

Online Resources in the Health Field

Online learning and research presents many challenges, just the same as traditional learning. These challenges include finding reliable, current, and legitimate scholarly resources. You may already have favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. As you begin your program of study, you will identify many resources you may rely on for current peer-reviewed information. Online Resources in the Health Field


For this Assignment, review your Learning Resources, then research and locate one peer-reviewed article in the Walden Library. These may include resources identified in this course through the Walden Library, as well as those not mentioned in this course.

The topic of your article should be an issue that is important to you and related to your health field. It should be different from the topic you chose for your initial posting to the Week 2 Discussion.

Note: In grading every required Application Assignment, your Instructor uses an Application Assignment Rubric, located in the Course Information area. Review the applicable rubric prior to completing your assignment.

The Assignment (2 pages)

  • Explain the process of finding your article and how you determined it was peer-reviewed.
  • Summarize the article and its findings.
  • Explain how this article expands your knowledge of an important issue related to your field of study.
  • Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources. Online Resources in the Health Field

International Comparison of Data

International Comparison of Data

The World Health Organization’s “Statistical Information System” is an interactive database that allows you to compare health indicators for multiple countries.

For this Assignment, you will compare data from the two countries you selected for Discussion 2 with the United States (i.e., compare the same countries in both Discussion 2 and the Assignment).International Comparison of Data


In preparation for this Assignment, consider the value of using standardized quantitative health measures or indicators to compare information internationally.

Examine the definitions of indicators presented in the Learning Resources, including pages 55–62 of the Shi and Singh (2015) textbook.

Use the WHO website found in this module’s Learning Resources to examine country statistics and profiles.

Create a table to record data related to three health indicators for the three countries (i.e., the two you have selected to compare with the United States, for a total of three countries) as illustrated in the “Module 5 Example” document (located in the Learning Resources).

Once your table is complete, compare the data and analyze it in light of the information presented in this module’s Learning Resources and the research you conducted for Discussion 2.

What insights does this comparison give you about health and disease within the U.S. health care delivery system and the systems of the two other countries you selected? International Comparison of Data

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you:

  • Identify the two countries that you are comparing with the United States.
  • Define the three health indicators you have selected for your analysis and explain why you chose them.
  • Include the table you created to record and compare your data.
  • Summarize the results of your comparison, sharing at least two insights that you gained through this analysis of health and disease in the United States and your two selected countries. International Comparison of Data



You will identify a case study and then develop a nutritional care plan forthe client associated with thatcase.

Project tasks tobecompleted:

Task 1:

a.  Choose from one ofthe following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. NUTRITION ISSUES AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS

b.  List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in yourselected stage.


Task 2:

a.  Choose a disease or medical condition thatcould possibly, or commonly, affectyour individual.  This could be anything ranging from diabetes tocirrhosis.

b.  Using the ABCDs ofnutritional assessment, create a case study based on an actual client or patient.  You can also make one up.  Include the NUTRITION ISSUES AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS

following in your case study:

(i).  Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests,clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis.

c.  Be sure toinclude a list ofcommon medications thatmay be usedto treatyour patient’s condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug

interactions thatmay be relevant.

d.  Identify your client’s cultural background and give clues as totheir socioeconomic statusand psychosocial variables.  For example, your

patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in

a nursing facility with reputed staff.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Selected a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect the individual. 10
Created a realistic case study using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment. 35
Included information about anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis. 35
Included a list of common medications that may be used to treat the patient’s condition. 30
Identified potential herb/nutrient-drug interactions that may be relevant. NUTRITION ISSUES AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS 35
Identified the client’s cultural background and gave clues as to his or her socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. 35
Written components. 20
Total: 200



The government has defined health literacy as “The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” (Healthy People 2020, 2011). HEALTH LITERACY SKILLS


Scholars have demonstrated that health literacy skills are stronger predictors of health status than age, income, employment status, education level, and race or ethnicity.

Individuals with inadequate health literacy often struggle with basic tasks when managing a chronic condition such as reading and comprehending prescription bottles, appointment slips, self-management instructions, and educational brochures.

The problems are compounded when the individual has several conditions requiring different medications. Inadequate health literacy can be a barrier to controlling disease that can lead to medication errors, increased hospitalization, poor health outcomes, and greater health care costs.

For this Discussion, review this week’s learning resources, including the media “Health Literacy.” As you review the resources, consider the differences between health literacy and literacy.

Then consider the populations who could be at risk for health related problems due to low health literacy levels, as well as how you might consider varying health literacy levels in your public health campaign.

Healthy People 2020. (2011). Retrieved from

With these thoughts in mind: HEALTH LITERACY SKILLS

submit a 750-1000 word Discussion post to address the following:

·         Provide an example that illustrates the difference between literacy and health literacy.

·         Describe one potential health-related consequence to low health literacy and a population at risk for this potential consequence, explaining why they are at risk.

·         Explain two ways the information provided in the media and resources may impact the development of your public health campaign and why.

Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

·         Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting and ask a probing question.

·         Offer and support an opinion.

·         Validate an idea with your own experience.

·         Make a suggestion.

·         Expand on your colleague’s posting and ask a probing question.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.


·         Course TextHealth Communication in the New Media Landscape. HEALTH LITERACY SKILLS·          

o    Chapter 1, “The Challenge of Health Care and Disability”

o    Chapter 11, “Health Literacy in the Digital World”

·         Article: Jibaja-Weiss, M. L., et al. (2011). Entertainment education for breast cancer surgery decisions: A randomized trial among patients with low health literacy. Patient Education and Counseling, 84(1), 41-48.
Copyright 2011 by ELSEVIER HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNALS. Reprinted by permission of ELSEVIER HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNALS via the Copyright Clearance Center.

·         Article: Zoellner, J., et al. (2011). Health literacy is associated with health eating index scores and sugar-sweetened beverage intake: Findings from the rural lower Mississippi delta. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111(7), 1012-1020.
Copyright 2011 by ELSEVIER HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNALS. Reprinted by permission of ELSEVIER HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNALS via the Copyright Clearance Center.

·         Article: Bonuck, K.A., Schwartz, B., Schechter, C. (2016) Sleep health literacy in head start families and staff: exploratory study of knowledge, motivation, and competencies to promote healthy sleep. Sleep Health. Mar;2(1):19-24. Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

·         Article: Qin, L., Xu, H. (2016). A cross-sectional study of the effect of health literacy on diabetes prevention and control among elderly individuals with prediabetes in rural China. BMJ Open.  May 27;6(5):e011077. Retrieved from Walden Library databases. HEALTH LITERACY SKILLS



A 28-year-old elementary school teacher begins to exhibit uncharacteristic behaviors such as having multiple sexual partners, engaging in compulsive online shopping, barely sleeping, dressing in a more provocative fashion, and attending frequent “wild” parties. Friends and family report these recent behaviors as “totally unlike her,” describing her as a normally conservative, responsible person. Her cousin, who lives nearby, becomes concerned and accompanies the woman to a Crisis Unit where she is subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and admitted to a Mental Health Unit. MENTAL HEALTH CARE


Initial Discussion Post:

Address the following:

· What is the priority RN action for this client?

· Which medical concerns may be significant, considering this client’s recent behavior?

· Discuss what the RN would teach the client about Bipolar Disorder.

· Provide two nursing diagnosis statements (each statement must include an actual nursing diagnosis (no risk-for diagnoses), related factor and as evidenced by) that might apply to this client. MENTAL HEALTH CARE

Health Service Systems

Health Service Systems


Use the following questions below as a template and address all questions within your written assignment.

Each student will examine and critically analyze ONE of the issues associated with the USA Health Care Organization and Delivery System. The focus can be on: (1) the health services systems identified (i.e. Hospitals, Ambulatory Care, Mental Health Services, Long Term Care) by exploring and researching the selected agencies’ strengths and challenges faced in providing services to their target population; (2)the types of health professions associated with the health care workforce with a special emphasis on the professional discipline to which you aspire including education, challenges, and controversies faced by that discipline;  (3) the structural issues associated with health care delivery such as technology or financing with an emphasis on innovation, funding, challenges and controversies including making recommendations for improving the system, especially from the perspective of the agency and the clients in need of services. Health Service Systems


You are to include in your examination and analysis of USA Health Care Organization and Delivery the impact of the Affordable Care Act of 2010.  There are also Major Problems of the U.S. Healthcare System that is currently a trend continually surface throughout most literature written on health care and health insurance in the US; you might want to focus on.

See link:

  1. Develop a problem statement about the health service system issue you select.
  2. Devise a strategy to maximize learning and afford a multi-faceted view of the health system studied. For example, you can conduct an interview with appropriate individuals who can help answer the question; explore media resources to answer the question; or use other innovative research methods to answer the question. Health Service Systems

Assignment #1 “Health Services Systems” is worth 100 points (15%) of your course weighted grade. A minimum of Two (2) references are required in proper APA format. References can come from a refereed peer reviewed journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source.

The following below should be included in your assignment:  This assignment requires 3-4 pages (Excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment should be typed and submitted on a Word Document font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced.

 Your Paper should include:

-The problem statement (Minimum of one sentence)

– Explain a minimum of TWO methods for examining the problem (i.e. interview, exploration of media resources). (Min. of two paragraphs (4-6 sentences).

– Discussion on background of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences). Health Service Systems

-Discussion on controversies of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).

-Discussion of solutions of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).

-Discussion of recommendations to improve the problem (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences).

Grading Rubric:

This assignment requires 3-4 pages (Excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment should be APA format, typed on a Word Document, font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced.

Content Total Possible Points
Title Page :
Student Name (First and Last)
Student Panther ID  Number
Title of Assignment
The problem statement (Minimum of one sentence) 10
– A minimum of TWO methods for examining the problem (i.e. interview, exploration of media resources). (Two paragraphs (4-6 sentences). 20
– Discussion on background of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences). 15
-Discussion on controversies of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences). 15
-Discussion of solutions of the problem. (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences). 10
-Discussion of recommendations to improve the problem (Min. of One paragraph (4-6 sentences). 10
Reference Page:  Proper APA format for Two references and citations in the body of the presentation is seen. Citations/references can came from a refereed/peer review journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source. 5
College level writing seen which includes; Complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics and APA formatting Health Service Systems 10
Deductions: Turn It in Originality Report over 30%. Assignment on wrong document. Assignment minimum page count not met. N/A
Total Points 100



The CDC is proposing to train public health professionals nationally on improving Influenza A prevention strategies targeting particular high-risk groups in the state. In order to prepare for next year’s flu season, the CDC needs to identify the locations where possible mass vaccination clinics need to be set up. PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TRAINING


You are the head of a nine-member public health committee at the state public health department. You need to present the proposed data analysis design to the public health department chair. Your proposed data analysis design should include the following:

  • A proposal for the research design.
  • A sample, methods, and data analysis strategy that you would use for this study.
  • Specifics of your research.
  • Updated estimates on the number of influenza cases and related hospitalizations and deaths in your state in the previous years.
  • An analysis of data by geographical area.
  • An analysis of data by demographics.
  • Key flu indicators and their prevalence in your state.
  • Recommendations on the locations of future clinics. PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TRAINING

Infectious Disease Outbreak

Infectious Disease Outbreak

In an infectious disease outbreak, there is often an urgent need to control the outbreak and prevent the disease from spreading. An infectious disease outbreak can be costly—both in health risks and in healthcare expenditures. A common method to confirm that an outbreak is indeed occurring is to examine the surveillance data. Examining the surveillance data is also crucial throughout the outbreak to determine if the control measures were adequate. Infectious Disease Outbreak


From the assigned textbook readings this week, review the chapter, “Controlling an Outbreak of Shigellosis with a Community-Wide Intervention in Lexington County, Kentucky.”

Respond to the following:

  • Examine the infectious disease outbreak of shigellosis in Lexington County, Kentucky.
  • Based on the information contained within the case study, describe additional measures that could have been taken to identify and control the spread of the Shigella infection in a timely manner.
  • In addition to the standard laboratory surveillance, describe other surveillance measures that would have been useful to identify the continued number of shigellosis cases.
  • Suggest other strategies to monitor the potential for an outbreak of this particular infection. Infectious Disease Outbreak

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Part 2: Surveillance Data and Health Implications

Surveillance systems are crucial in identifying trends both for infectious diseases and chronic diseases. The CDC maintains the Surveillance Resource Center that provides the most up-to-date data on numerous topics. Health educators and public health professionals can use this data to establish the need for health promotion programs to reduce the incidence of disease.

From the assigned readings this week, review the following Web site: Infectious Disease Outbreak

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2010). CDC Surveillance Resource Center. Retrieved from

Using the above CDC Web site, select a health topic from the interactive database system that is of interest to you. Based on this Web site and the data you have reviewed, respond to the following:

  • Briefly describe the various study designs, statistical findings, and their application in current public health topics.
  • Examine the trends you have noticed for your selected topic.
  • Recommend the type of health promotion program that would be effective in meeting the needs of the target population of your selected topic. Infectious Disease Outbreak



Your son is graduating from high school and is about to enter the work force. He has developed a strong curiosity about our economic system and how it works. Because you have a good understanding of basic economics, he has asked you to explain several concepts that are essential to an understanding of how the economy works. Your son has asked you to explain the following concepts and ideas: ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND HOW IT WORKS


  1. Absolute and comparative advantage: Explain how these concepts describe the benefits and costs of international trade.
  2. “Invisible hand”: What is it and how does it affect the decision-making process in our economic system?
  3. Circular flow diagram: Include the government sector in your explanation, a description of the roles that each participant plays in the economy, and how the different sectors interact in the markets.
  4. The Production Possibilities model: Provide an example and include a summary of what the model is illustrating and the economic implications for the economy.
  5. Microeconomics and macroeconomics: Explain the differences between the two and why economics is divided into these two subdivisions. ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND HOW IT WORKS


  • Prepare a 5-10 page Microsoft Word document that addresses the above-noted concerns and meets APA standards.
  • Include a summary section in your report that contains 5-7 bullet points identifying your major findings or conclusions of your paper. 
  • Submit this report (as an attachment) as your initial post in the W1: Assignment 2 Discussion Area by Saturday, October 1, 2016.
  • For the convenience of your classmates, post your summary 5-7 bullet points in the dialogue box of the discussion area along with the attachment (full report).
  • By the end of the week, comment on at least two other presentations and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each.

All submissions must be original and all resources must be properly acknowledged. ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND HOW IT WORKS

Respiratory Alterations

Respiratory Alterations

In clinical settings, patients often present with various respiratory symptoms such as congestion, coughing, and wheezing. While identifying a symptom’s underlying illness can be challenging, it is essential because even basic symptoms such as persistent coughing can be a sign of a more severe disorder. Advanced practice nurses must be able to differentiate between moderate and severe respiratory disorders, as well as properly diagnose and prescribe treatment for their patients. For this reason, you must have an understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory disorders. Respiratory Alterations


Consider the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Ms. Teel brings in her 7-month-old infant for evaluation. She is afraid that the baby might have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) because she seems to be coughing a lot, and Ms. Teel heard that RSV is a common condition for infants. A detailed patient history reveals that the infant has been coughing consistently for several months. It’s never seemed all that bad. Ms. Teel thought it was just a normal thing, but then she read about RSV. Closer evaluation indicates that the infant coughs mostly at night; and, in fact, most nights the baby coughs to some extent. Additionally, Ms. Teel confirms that the infant seems to cough more when she cries. Physical examination reveals an apparently healthy age- and weight-appropriate, 7-month-old infant with breath sounds that are clear to auscultation. The infant’s medical history is significant only for eczema that was actually quite bad a few months back. Otherwise, the only remarkable history is an allergic reaction to amoxicillin that she experienced 3 months ago when she had an ear infection. Respiratory Alterations

Scenario 2:

Kevin is a 6-year-old boy who is brought in for evaluation by his parents. The parents are concerned that he has a really deep cough that he just can’t seem to get over. The history reveals that he was in his usual state of good health until approximately 1 week ago when he developed a profound cough. His parents say that it is deep and sounds like he is barking. He coughs so hard that sometimes he actually vomits. The cough is productive for mucus, but there is no blood in it. Kevin has had a low-grade temperature but nothing really high. His parents do not have a thermometer and don’t know for sure how high it got. His past medical history is negative. He has never had childhood asthma or RSV. His mother says that they moved around a lot in his first 2 years and she is not sure that his immunizations are up to date. She does not have a current vaccination record.

Scenario 3:

Maria is a 36-year-old who presents for evaluation of a cough. She is normally a healthy young lady with no significant medical history. She takes no medications and does not smoke. She reports that she was in her usual state of good health until approximately 3 weeks ago when she developed a “really bad cold.” The cold is characterized by a profound, deep, mucus-producing cough. She denies any rhinorrhea or rhinitis—the primary problem is the cough. She develops these coughing fits that are prolonged, very deep, and productive of a lot of green sputum. She hasn’t had any fever but does have a scratchy throat. Maria has tried over-the-counter cough medicines but has not had much relief. The cough keeps her awake at night and sometimes gets so bad that she gags and dry heaves. Respiratory Alterations

To Prepare

  • Review the three scenarios, as well as Chapter 26 and Chapter 27 in the Huether and McCance text.
  • Select one of the scenarios and consider the respiratory disorder and underlying alteration associated with the type of cough described.
  • Identify the pathophysiology of the alteration that you associated with the cough.
  • Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the disorder.
By Day 3

Post a description of the disorder and underlying respiratory alteration associated with the type of cough in your selected scenario. Then, explain the pathophysiology of the respiratory alteration. Finally, explain how the factors you selected might impact the disorder.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a different scenario than you, in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share insights on how the factor you selected impacts the disorder your colleague identified.
  • Ask a probing question regarding the disorder that your colleague identified.
  • Suggest an alternative disorder for the scenario your colleague selected. Respiratory Alterations