Assess the likelihood of Mental health first aid participants to assist a mental health patient.

Length: Questionnaire – 5 pages;
This assessment requires you to develop a questionnaire to evaluate the implementation and impact of a Mental Health First Aid program conducted with nursing students at Curtin University aimed at increasing mental health literacy. Below is some background information to provide the context of the questionnaire. Please read it carefully!
Mental health issues contribute to a large portion of Australia’s health burden, especially in young adults. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training courses reduce stigma and increase literacy regarding mental health. MHFA courses are needed in a university setting, where the burden and the stigma of mental illness are high, while health literacy and help-seeking is low. Specifically targeting nursing students provides a unique and sustainable opportunity to not only impact the immediate university setting but also the healthcare of the future.
Mental Health First Aid courses were developed by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia in 2000. These courses primarily serve to train participants to recognise symptoms of mental health problems and assist someone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. For example, situations such as panic attacks, suicidal behaviour, and other mental health illnesses, including depression and anxiety, are covered in the courses, as well as risk factors, symptoms, and co-morbidity. In 2011, just ten years after its initial start, 1% of Australian adults (170,000 adults) have received MHFA training and over 850 instructors had been trained. These courses have demonstrated increased mental health literacy and mental health of course takers and decreased stigma around mental health problems and disorders. The program has been selected as one of 10 global initiatives to demonstrate “radical efficiency,” the ability of an intervention to deliver greater public outcomes than previous interventions for a reduced cost. You can find out more about MHFA here
The MHFA program you are developing this questionnaire for will recruit undergraduate, internal, full-time enrolled nursing students at Curtin University into a randomised controlled trial and they will be randomly assigned to either receive the MHFA course (intervention group) or be waitlisted to receive the MHFA course (control group) after the first group has concluded their training. Participants will complete two questionnaires (immediately pre and post the intervention). The primary impact indicator is mental health literacy. The secondary impact indicators are attitudes towards mental health (i.e. stigma), confidence in applying mental health first aid and intention to apply mental health first aid.
This assessment requires you to develop a questionnaire to assess the indicators detailed above as well as process indicators. The questionnaire will be used before and after the intervention has been implemented to see if any changes have been produced in the target group. We are also interested in seeing if sub-groups in the population experience changes differently to others and their perception of the quality of the MHFA course including satisfaction. Therefore your questionnaire should include:
1 Demographic questions so that if the data was analysed you could describe the population;
2 Questions measuring the primary and secondary indicators mentioned above (impact evaluation); and
3 Questions measuring the implementation of the intervention (process evaluation).
Given that participants will complete the questionnaire before and after the training there may be some minor differences in tense or wording for these two versions; therefore approach this assessment as if you are developing the questionnaire for completion after the training. Your questionnaire should be approximately five pages and should include a variety of question formats. The majority of your questionnaire should be closed questions to collect quantitative data however a small number of qualitative questions may be appropriate. You do not need to write all of the questions from scratch but you must reference and justify use of questions developed elsewhere i.e. validated scales.
Please include all kinds of questions starting with
Objectives Questions
1. Assess the likelihood of Mental health first aid participants to assist a mental health patient. 
2. Measure the confidence of Mental health first aid participants in assisting a mental health patient 
3. Question the change of perception and increase in knowledge in nursing students after taking the Mental health first aid training. 
To assess the attribution and participant satisfaction of Mental Health First Aid Course.
You have to make enough questions to cover 5 pages with font ARIAL 11.
You can refer to attached lecture slide to see the different kind of questionnaire examples and put a mix and match of all types of questions.
You can use questions from OTHER surveys/questionnaires, but please REFERENCE them.
Do not use questionnaires older than 10 years (unless the study is still continuing).
Ignore the discussion part, I will do it on my own. Please refer to the rubric for marking of questionnaire.