challenge facing ambulatory surgery centers

UMUC HMGT300Assignment USHCS Perspectives: Stakeholder

Select and investigate a stakeholder organization from the list below. Post your selection in the Assignment #1 Discussion section so that your fellow students are aware of your choice. Only one student per Stakeholder Organization!

In this assignment students will gain expertise in identifying and analyzing the role of stakeholders in the U.S. Health Care Sector, examining the health care sector from the perspective of stakeholders, and examining the leadership and management of a stakeholder organization.

This assignment calls for a 3-5 page report (not including title page or reference page). The student should address the following:

Name and provide a brief overview of the stakeholder organization. Identify and describe the key health care issue the stakeholder is influencing, who is being represented by the stakeholder, the desired impact of the stakeholder on the issue and what the stakeholder’s members or constituents stand to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.

Identify and explain the stakeholder organization perspective: Payer (insurers, government payers, and employers); Provider (entities and individuals providing services in the health care system); Patient (consumers); or Producer (a product developer) could also be examined in this assignment.

Identify an organization that the stakeholder partners with OR an organization that opposes the stakeholder and describe their perspective on the same issue.

Identify the most senior leader of the organization. Describe his or her educational and positional background. Identify the duties and responsibilities of this leadership position and why this position is important to the stakeholder organization and healthcare as a whole. Describe the knowledge and skills this position requires, list some of the other the stakeholders this individual would work with and describe the nature of the stakeholder relationships. Describe the impact a person in this career might have in improving the health care system.

As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all APA formatting standards.

Select an organization to investigate from the list below:

• Robert W. Johnson Foundation

• Health Care Management Foundation

• National Association for Health Care Quality

• Kaiser Family Foundation (Health Reform Source)

• Institute of Medicine

• American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management

• Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

• American Medical Association

• National Association of Dental Laboratories NADL

• Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

• Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America (PHARMA)

• The Brookings Institution- health

• National Mental Health Association

• The American Association of Physician Specialists

• Medical Device innovation, Safety & Security Consortium (

• AARP-Health

• Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (select a topic)

• Public Health Department (state or local level)

• Children’s Health Insurance Program (state)

• National Business Coalition on Health

• American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)

• Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (

• America’s Health Insurance Plans

• National Conference of State Legislators (choose issue)

• (choose Medicaid or Medicare)

• National Association of Healthcare Access Management

• American Health Information Management Association

• Alliance for Advancing Nonprofit Health Care

•Health Care Administrators Association

• Pharmacy Quality Alliance

• Special interest group on Behavior health

• Population Health Alliance

• National Coalition on Care Coordination

• National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

• The Alzheimer’s Association

• Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program

• National Health Care for the Homeless

• Immunization Action Coalition

• National Products Association

• Healthy Americans: Wellness and Prevention in Health Reform

• Corporate Health & Wellness Association

• US Food & Drug Administration- FDA Adverse Event Reporting Systems

• Mental Health Association of America

• Mobile Health Interlink

UMUC HMGT300Assignment # 2 Diagram The Health Care System: Linkages & Alliances

Organizations operating in the U.S. Health Care Sector (USHCS) are a part of a larger system of services. Identify a health care delivery organization, note how that organization is linked to other health care organizations in the delivery system. Every organization has a source of referral and a place they release their patients.

For this assignment, you will explore linkages and alliances. To this end, your paper should include:

A Title page

A 2-3 page (double spaced) description of the organization;

graphical representation of the linkages between the organization and other organizations/stakeholders. If you do a Google image search for organizational linkages, you will see plenty of examples of how they might look. You are not required to use a specific type of graphical representation; the key is to be able to understand the relationships between organizations by looking at your linkage graphic;

A properly formatted reference page.

As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all .


In the final project, students will apply the knowledge gained in this course to a case example.

Each student will select one of the scenarios below and develop a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation to discuss the current status of the organization, provide an overview of the organization, and make recommendations on how to manage the selected problem. You must include one or more slides that address the degree to which the Affordable Care Act might impact these services. Use APA formatting references and your reference slides. For this presentation, your title slide does not have to be in APA format.

Info on ASC’s here:

SCENARIO OPTIONS. Pick one of the scenarios below. Your role is the manager in charge of an ambulatory surgery center (ASC). Restate the problem you are addressing. Make some logical assumptions. Make brief recommendations as to a reasonable solution to the problem in the scenario.

POINT OF CLARIFICATION: You will use an established independent ASC for either of the four scenarios listed below. Your presentation should be drafted as the administrator of the surgery center working to address one of the four scenarios. In your response, please be sure to address all components of the scenario.

1) One of the greatest challenges facing ASCs is maintaining and increasing volume. With all the external pressures, i.e. physicians pressured to become employees, mergers, decreasing payments from insurers, etc. – ASCs are challenged to keep physicians motivated to increase the number of cases and keep patients satisfied.What are some strategies you would use to increase referrals to your ASC while maintaining high patient satisfaction scores?

2) Another challenge facing ambulatory surgery centers is the recruitment of new physicians. Following a national trend, many local hospitals and health systems are purchasing physician practices, which could eventually lead to doctors referring surgical cases to a hospital’s same day surgery department. Assuming there is ample opportunity to increase surgical volume, how do you intend to recruit physicians to practice via your ASC? What are some strategies/offerings you could employ?

3) The ASC you are currently managing is experiencing out of network challenges. Additionally, the proposed reimbursement rates from payers do not match Medicare rates for your market. Most of your ASC contracts are based on the Medicare fee schedule and because many of your surgeries are not on that schedule, you have to negotiate a fee schedule on a case-by-case basis. What strategies could you employ as you work with payors to contract for reasonable rates that could save you both money in the short term?

4) In this changing environment, you are required to do more with less. Reimbursement rates are declining; supply and implant costs, taxes, utilities, rent, salaries and benefits and other operating costs are increasing and there are more regulatory requirements i.e., increased standards for accreditation (Joint Commission's additional requirements as an example), ICD-10, adoption of an EHR, etc. Additionally, your staff is wearing multiple hats; many working to register, bill, code, schedule and assist with back house operations. What strategies and tools can you implement to increase productivity, reallocate resources and boost employee morale?