Describe what individuals or groups are opposed to the bill and why they are opposed

DIRECTIONS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY ANALYSIS (110 pts) California State Legislative Information California maintains a website that follows proposed bills throughout the legislative process. Students will identify one key piece of legislation that is currently making its way through a state legislative process in California, but that has not yet passed or been enacted. Students should select a bill that has been proposed in response to a perceived public health problem and write a 8-10 page paper (1” borders, 12 pt font, double spaced), which includes the following: 1. Overview of the health problem: And overview of the public health problem to be addressed. Discuss number of people affected by it and by the proposed bill. (10 pts) 2. Severity of the health problem: Discuss the research behind the health problem. What are the causes of the health problem, risk factors, groups most at risk, statistics, etc? What would realistically happen if no intervention was implemented? Please make sure to cite all references to the literature to support your statistics and data. (25 pts). 3. Overview of the bill: Provide an overview of the proposed bill in terms of its specific provisions. Make sure to read the fine print and see exactly hat the bill will do. (15 pts) 4. Promises/Expected Outcomes: Who are the promoters of the bill and why they are in support of this legislation. Describe what the promoters of the bill believe that the bill will accomplish. Make sure to discuss what specific health outcomes that the promoters say will occur if the bill is passed. (20 pts) 5. Problems: Describe what individuals or groups are opposed to the bill and why they are opposed. What are the possible challenges with implementing this legislation? (15 pts) 6. Recommendation: What is your recommendation regarding this bill. Make sure to back up your opinion with the facts and with support from the class readings. (15 pts) APA english format and style