Explain how the target relates to health and should be an important consideration for health professionals

Explain how the target relates to health and should be an important consideration for health professionals. For example, how is a gap in education or employment an important consideration for health professionals?This is a group power point presentation. Subject is Child Mortality. My part is to explain question 3 as above, into 3-4 slides with main points and pictures. but as well i need to explain it in the bottom and references. I have attached description, marking rubric and other’s part as a final presentation. If someone can help me please.Document Preview:

HEALT2114 Semester 2, 2018: Group Digital Presentation Assessment – Task 1b Please read this information in conjunction with the Book ‘Information about Group Digital Presentation Assessment – Task 1b’; found on the Assessment section of Moodle. For this assessment task you are required to submit a 10 minute digital presentation on one of the topic options listed on Moodle, using Kaltura software. Details on how to make and submit the digital presentation can be found in the Assessment section of Moodle. In your presentation please cover the following points: – Describe the ‘Closing the Gap’ strategy. – Define your chosen target – what is the target and why has it been included in the ‘Closing the Gap’ strategy? Provide historical background and discuss social and cultural issues. – Explain how the target relates to health and should be an important consideration for health professionals. For example, how is a gap in education or employment an important consideration for health professionals? – Briefly discuss: Has this target been achieved? Is it on track, or is it unlikely to be met within the timeframe? Include statistics here about how your target is progressing, and future projections for the target (i.e. when is the target likely to be met). Helpful Hints: – Refer to the Marking Rubric available on Moodle when preparing your presentations. – The presentation must be approximately 10 minutes (i.e., 9 minutes minimum and 11 minutes maximum). – Slides should be visually appealing and not too cluttered; simple formatting on slides is easy to read and will not detract from your message. Please refer to the Book ‘Information about Group Digital Presentation Assessment – Task 1b’ found on the Moodle Assessment section. – Group work will be assessed – we are looking for consistency in presentation and language used. – You must include references in your presentation (as you would in a written assignment). th – Referencing should be in APA…