Health information exchange (HIE) is the electronic exchange of medical information to healthcare providers and patients

Health information exchange (HIE) is the electronic exchange of medical information to healthcare providers and patients (, 2014). The goal of the HIE is to become fully standardized across all health institutions and can further improve patient care. Avoiding readmissions and medication errors, improve diagnoses and decrease the amounts of duplicate testing are the main improvements of healthcare delivery that can be enhanced through HIE (, 2014). There are three key forms of HIE: directed exchange, query-based exchange, and consumer mediated exchange. Directed exchange is the ability to send and receive health information electronically between providers and coordinated care. The information is sent over the internet over securely, allowing for collaboration between patients and providers (, 2014). This information can be lab results, medications, health summaries and other private data. Query-based exchange is used by providers to discover accessible clinical sources on a patient. When clinicians would like to learn about medical histories, they use query-based exchanges to find this information. This is evident when emergency room physicians can access past patient information to avoid allergic reactions or duplicative testing (, 2014). Consumer-mediated exchanges allows patients to access their own health information online. The responsibility of some parts of healthcare are given to the patient. These exchanges allow the individual to track follow-up appointments, schedule rehab services or treatments, identify and correct billing and health information and monitor their own health data (, 2014).

Health information exchanges are very important for healthcare because it is the beginning of having an integrated system across all of healthcare. The benefits include: increasing efficiency by eliminating paperwork, eliminates redundant testing, improves quality of care by reducing medical errors, involves patients in their own care, facilitates emerging health care technologies and services, provides backbone for national and state level infrastructure, and provides interoperability among electronic health records (, 2014). This list correlates to improved healthcare delivery, improved communication across all medical industries, lowering of health related costs, and enables technologies to continue growing within the medical field. This is where healthcare is headed, a more connected, more efficient, and more user-friendly system. Adopting these exchanges is essential for success as technology continues to advance within healthcare.

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