How can public health professionals best promote and enhance the health of the people worldwide

Write an essay answering “How can public health professionals best promote and enhance the health of the people worldwide?” (2 pages). if there is nay question or concerns.A similar and example as provided for the assignment please go by the example provide and contact meDocument Preview:

IBU606 DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS DIRECTIONS FOR THREADED DISCUSSIONS Post your weekly contributions commenting on the key issues assigned by the instructor, and also comment on contributions of two of your colleagues. A total of three postings are required for each Discussion. Submit your original posting by Wednesday, two peer reviews by Sunday. Contributions must display original thinking and good knowledge of the subject matter, including links and references to sources used to back up your arguments. 1. Your contribution must be a Substantial Contributions. A Substantial Contributions is a posting that adds value to the conversation by providing relevant different views or a personal relevant experience. A point of view from an authority on the subject is also a substantial contribution. 2. Postings such as: I agree with Joe, ……… and I am herewith repeating what Joe has already said…are not substantial contributions and do not add value to the discussion. This person in simply using someone else’s contribution, not her/his own. If you agree with someone, explain why and provide new information. 3. Provide links and references of resources used. Expert sources add credibility to your statements and provide new views on the subject. 4. This is an MBA-level business course. Use professional business language. Provide facts and quantitative information such as figures (numbers), statistics, charts, graphs, to justify your arguments.