Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
Task 3, SAT1-0517/1217
Kimberly Haley-Frazier
December 3, 2019
Western Governors University
Healthcare Financing
A1. Country to Compare
Healthcare differs all around the world. The United States healthcare is much different than that of Japan. In this paper we will see the differences between the health care systems of Japan and the US.
A1. Access
Since 1961, Japan has required everyone by law to have health insurance and this is made easy by having government regulated universal coverage. Japan universal Statutory Health insurances (SHIS) offers its people freedom of choice on who their physician is, and premiums are based on income and ability to pay. In Japan, all citizens have access to healthcare at a low rate which covers all medical, dental, and prescription drugs.
The United States current legislatures are being passed to require all citizens to have health care insurance, however health insurance is offered through private parties. The United States healthcare plans are mainly offered through employers and can have strict guidelines as to who your provider is and what costs the cover. If a person chooses a healthcare provider outside of their insurance plans network a person can expect to pay up to 100% of treatment.
A2A. Coverage of Medications
Japan’s Healthcare system will cover all prescription medications that have been approved by the government and that are listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia .Prescription drug prices are determined by the National Health Insurance DrugDocument Preview:

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Task 3, SAT1-0517/1217 Kimberly Haley-Frazier December 3, 2019 Western Governors University Healthcare Financing A1. Country to Compare Healthcare differs all around the world. The United States healthcare is much different than that of Japan. In this paper we will see the differences between the health care systems of Japan and the US. A1. Access Since 1961, Japan has required everyone by law to have health insurance and this is made easy by having government regulated universal coverage. Japan universal Statutory Health insurances (SHIS) offers its people freedom of choice on who their physician is, and premiums are based on income and ability to pay. In Japan, all citizens have access to healthcare at a low rate which covers all medical, dental, and prescription drugs. The United States current legislatures are being passed to require all citizens to have health care insurance, however health insurance is offered through private parties. The United States healthcare plans are mainly offered through employers and can have strict guidelines as to who your provider is and what costs the cover. If a person chooses a healthcare provider outside of their insurance plans network a person can expect to pay up to 100% of treatment. A2A. Coverage of Medications Japan’s Healthcare system will cover all prescription medications that have been approved by the government and that are listed in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia .Prescription drug prices are determined by the National Health Insurance Drug Price Standard, which also defines the scope of medical supplies that can be prescribed by physicians within the public health insurance system and the insurance billing price for prescribed items (Can J Hosp Pharm). Prescription drug prices in the United Sates have been among the highest in the world. The high cost of prescription drugs became a major topic of discussion in the new millennium, leading up to the U.S….