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You will briefly justify that a community and health behaviour are in need of a health promotion intervention. Over the first half of the semester, you will apply knowledge of behaviour change theories and source evidence from the literature to explain a health behaviour in the community of your choosing. You will do this using this workbook, which is to be uploaded via Turn It In on the Blackboard page for grading.
Assume that:
1. You are part of a group of health professionals called to address the health needs of a local community in Australia or in your home country. You have convinced the group that primary or secondary prevention is important and that as part of primary/secondary prevention, the group should address problem behaviours in the community. The group has agreed, and has decided to focus on one behaviour as a start.
2. As the health promotion officer on the project and the only one who knows about behaviour change theories, you are charged with leading the group in understanding the determinants of the selected behaviour (most importantly theoretical constructs) that should be considered.
3. Begin your work by selecting a behaviour important enough to address in the community, even before you learn about the theoretical and non-theoretical determinants of the behaviour.
PLEASE NOTE: You are expected to confirm with the unit coordinator, within the first 3 weeks of the semester, the community you have chosen and the behaviour you are addressing.
To effectively respond to the needs of this community, you will need to rely on theories within an ecological framework for your work in explaining why individuals do the problem behaviour/do not do the health-enhancing behaviour. You also know that your work will need to be tailored to the needs of the community.
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PUP032 Workbook for Assessment 1 2018 Unit Coordinator: Dr Kristiann C. Heesch YOUR NAME YOUR STUDENT ID Queensland University of Technology School of Public Health and Social Work © Published by the QUT Department of Teaching and Learning Support Services. Excerpts are copied under the provisions of the Australian Copyright Act and the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) Licensing Agreement, exclusively for the use of QUT students, February 2018. Overview of the assessment You will briefly justify that a community and health behaviour are in need of a health promotion intervention. Over the first half of the semester, you will apply knowledge of behaviour change theories and source evidence from the literature to explain a health behaviour in the community of your choosing. You will do this using this workbook, which is to be uploaded via Turn It In on the Blackboard page for grading. Assume that: 1. You are part of a group of health professionals called to address the health needs of a local community in Australia or in your home country. You have convinced the group that primary or secondary prevention is important and that as part of primary/secondary prevention, the group should address problem behaviours in the community. The group has agreed, and has decided to focus on one behaviour as a start. 2. As the health promotion officer on the project and the only one who knows about behaviour change theories, you are charged with leading the group in understanding the determinants of the selected behaviour (most importantly theoretical constructs) that should be considered. 3. Begin your work by selecting a behaviour important enough to address in the community, even before you learn about the theoretical and non-theoretical determinants of the behaviour. PLEASE NOTE: You are expected to confirm with the unit coordinator, within the first 3 weeks of the semester, the community you have chosen and the behaviour you are addressing….