Student identifies global advocacy efforts in this area that the strategy relates to and synthesises findings in a cohesive manner

Evaluating Success in Public Health Advocacy Strategies: Advocacy Strategy Poster Assignment


Intent: To develop an advocacy strategy to address the needs of a vulnerable population using a mix of media.

Task: Students will design their own advocacy strategy poster to address a health issue of their own choice that targets the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. An extended abstract must accompany the poster outlining the health issue and the rationale for the choice of issue, a description of the advocacy strategy as well as
providing literature evidence of global advocacy efforts in this area that the strategy relates to. At least 10 references must be provided. Students will have the opportunity to discuss their assignment with the subject coordinator in class during the weeks starting October 10 & October 17.

Student highlights the engagement with the appropriate health professional(s) through their advocacy strategy

Student describes the health issue being advocated for, while identifying important gaps and unanswered questions related to the issue with statistics and evidence

Student articulates the role of health promotion and how it engages Indigenous and vulnerable population groups

Student identifies challenges and strategies to providing care to Indigenous and vulnerable population groups

Student identifies global advocacy efforts in this area that the strategy relates to and synthesises findings in a cohesive manner

Student uses clear language, supported by evidences using relevant and quality sources.