The Population Health Service Plan

Health Services Facilities Planning
Weight: 60%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Format: Word document
Length: 2000 words ( excluding executive summary along with tables , graphs and references).
Curriculum Mode: Report
The Population Health Service Plan will present a health service review and development for one clinical stream for South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWS LHD). The main source document for the development of the health service plan is The Strategic and Healthcare Services Plan – Strategic Priorities in Health Care Delivery to 2021 (SWS LHD, 2013). The SWS LHD SHSP provides an overview of the LHD and then the planning process used to develop the SHSP. Section 7.3 provides a Clinical Stream and Service Network Perspective. The assignment will need to present a health service plan (HSP) for one of the following clinical streams or service networks shown below :
Clinical Streams and Service Networks, SWS LHD are : Aged care and Rehabilitation, Gastroenterology and Liver, Cancer, Mental Health, Cardiovascular, Oral Health, Paediatric and Neonatology, Community Health Services , Women’s Health ,Drug Health . Source: SWS LHD, 2014.p.11. ( choose only one stream )
The following sections are to be included in the plan:
• Executive Summary( should contain overall summary and findings of report )
• Table of Contents (in proper format)
• Introduction
• Environmental Scan including:
-Policy and planning framework -Demographic analysis, including relevant population projections -Determinants of Health
-Burden of Disease data for the selected population
-Relevant morbidity and mortality data
• Needs Assessment
• Service Profile within LHD, including relevant facilities, services, Role Delineation Levels and Models of Care
• Current inpatient and outpatient activity levels, including separations and bed days by facility and clinical area and across the LHD
• Catchment and reverse catchment profiles
• Situational Analysis – Strategic Issues and Priorities
• Future Services Profile by facility and across the LHD and Proposed Role Delineation Levels and
Models of Care (include projected inpatient activity if available)
• Key goals, objective and strategies in table format, including proposed facility development. • Overarching recommendations and conclusions
Tables and graphs are very necessary in needed places to represent the data. If possible please put annexes also. And the references should be minimum 10 with proper APA format along with in- text citation .
Your assignment will be assessed on the following:
– Writing clearly and in an appropriate formal style for an academic report. – Evidence of the ability to analyse and present relevant data including tables and graphs
– Capacity to present a cohesive and well-structured health service plan covering all sections
– Critical analysis support the proposed goals, objectives and strategies and recommendations.
Resources: The majority of the information will be available in the South Western Sydney Local Health District Strategic and Health Care Service Plan ( SWS LHD SHSP). However, additional resources should be used to supplement this information
Since this assignment covers 60% of total marks , i hope to get relevant content in assignment . Please do refer marking criteria attached below