What are some of the programmes you would implement at a health care facility to enhance patient safety

Written assignment 1 Weight: 40% of the unit assessment Word length: 3000 words (+ or – 10%) Due date: Is displayed at the bottom of the page This assessment relates to:Learning Outcomes 1-6 Questions: 1.What do you mean by patient safety? 2.What factors may contribute to errors in health care? 3.What strategies should the health care organisations take to improve patient safety? 4.What are some of the programmes you would implement at a health care facility to enhance patient safety? 5.Is transparency important after a patient safety error has been reported? Why?Document Preview:

Incident management in health care Written assignment 1 Weight: 40% of the unit assessment Word length: 3000 words (+ or – 10%) Due date: Is displayed at the bottom of the page This assessment relates to: HYPERLINK “https://my.une.edu.au/courses/2017/units/HSHM518” t “_blank” Learning Outcomes 1-6 Questions: What do you mean by patient safety? What factors may contribute to errors in health care? What strategies should the health care organisations take to improve patient safety? What are some of the programmes you would implement at a health care facility to enhance patient safety? Is transparency important after a patient safety error has been reported? Why? Referencing You must use the APA referencing system. Marking criteria Download these HYPERLINK “https://moodle.une.edu.au/pluginfile.php/1817251/mod_assign/intro/HSHM518%20Assignment%201%20marking%20criteria.docx” t “_blank” marking criteria and attach them to your completed assignment prior to submission. Submission Follow the instructions below to upload your completed assignment file and submit it for marking. MODULE 1 –  Overview Introduction to patient harm   What to doREAD: Wilson et al (2005); IOM (2000); Runciman et al (2001); deVries et al (2008); Shojania (2013)VISIT: review the PDF ‘Topic 1: what is patient safety? WHO (2011) Patient Safety Curriculum – Multi-professional Edition’, also embedded in these notesVIEW: The video of Professor Sidney Dekker talking about when things go wrong. INTERACT: Post your views on the discussion forum Understand the discipline of patient safety and its role in minimizing the incidence and impact of adverse events, and maximizing recovery from them 2 Patient Safety Curriculum Guide Knowledge requirements ? Harm caused by health-care errors and system failures ? Lessons about error and system failure from other industries ? History of patient safety and the origins of the blame culture ? Difference between system…