Why is a policy cycle an appropriate tool for developing a new policy

Students will write a brief response (approximately 300 words) in response to five (5) of the eight (8) choices provided.

1. Why is a policy cycle an appropriate tool for developing a new policy? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

2. How is a health policy different to a government policy document? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

3. How does the 'new public health' differ from the old public health approach? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

4. What are key sociological issues and how do they determine a person's state of health? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

5. What is meant by the term 'power' in policy development and change? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

6. What policy considerations should be included in a national obesity health campaign? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

7. If you were to create a new policy to develop a smoke free environment for the university what are at least 4 factors you would include and why? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).

8. In what ways are interconnected systems problematic for health care policy development? (your response must include referenced materials and do not use dot points).


Your discussion clearly orientates the reader to the relevance of health care policy. Your superior response includes concise well developed discussion of relevant factors in addressing the question with superior construction of debate and insight into chosen issues. Your well-constructed discussion accurately addresses the question through the use of literature support that is relevant, current and highly appropriate.