Discuss the merits and disadvantages of voluntary industry self-regulation as an approach to providing health warnings for consumers on alcohol containers

For this assessment task you will write a case study, in a report format, addressing the legislative and regulatory requirements of a contemporary public health issue.You are required to select a topic from the list provided below. If you have your own topic that you are interested in, you will need to first seek written approval from the Lecturer in Charge (LIC).
Due date 
Monday22 October (6:00pm)
2,500 words (+/-10%)
To enable students to develop their legal knowledge of public health reforms, and the likely effect the implementation of these reforms may have on public health practice and individual health
Learning outcomes assessed 
3, 4, 5
Turnitin(viathePUBH632LEO page)
Marks and feedback will be provided via LEO
Selectone of the following public health topics:
1)A voluntary health warning scheme for alcohol containers was implemented in Australia in 2011. Discuss the merits and disadvantages of voluntary industry self-regulation as an approach to providing health warnings for consumers on alcohol containers. In addressing this topic, you will need to discuss the literature about voluntary vs mandatory approaches to public health regulation as well as the circumstances in which the voluntary scheme was introduced and the research evidence about its effectiveness.
2)Discuss the regulation of electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarettes) in Australia. (Note: you will need to consider regulation at both national and state/territory levels). To what extent is Australia’s regDocument Preview:

PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND POLICY (PUBH632) Assessment Task 2 – Information and instructions Assessment Task 2: Legal case study addressing a public health issue Background For this assessment task you will write a case study, in a report format, addressing the legislative and regulatory requirements of a contemporary public health issue. You are required to select a topic from the list provided below. If you have your own topic that you are interested in, you will need to first seek written approval from the Lecturer in Charge (LIC). Due date Monday 22 October (6:00 pm) Length 2,500 words (+/-10%) Purpose To enable students to develop their legal knowledge of public health reforms, and the likely effect the implementation of these reforms may have on public health practice and individual health Value 50% Learning outcomes assessed 3, 4, 5 Submission Turnitin (via the PUBH632 LEO page) Feedback Marks and feedback will be provided via LEO Assessment criteria See marking criteria below Referencing APA6 Instructions Select one of the following public health topics: 1) A voluntary health warning scheme for alcohol containers was implemented in Australia in 2011. Discuss the merits and disadvantages of voluntary industry self-regulation as an approach to providing health warnings for consumers on alcohol containers. In addressing this topic, you will need to discuss the literature about voluntary vs mandatory approaches to public health regulation as well as the circumstances in which the voluntary scheme was introduced and the research evidence about its effectiveness. 2) Discuss the regulation of electronic nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarettes) in Australia. (Note: you will need to consider regulation at both national and state/territory levels). To what extent is Australia’s regulation of e-cigarettes consistent with the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control and the World Health Organization’s report on Electronic nicotine delivery systems…