How the Australian healthcare system works

Comparative Essay : Health Care – Nursing Assignment

Essay Writing :

Topics :

1. How the Australian healthcare system works:

We are looking for a detailed account of what the Australian healthcare system entails. E.g.
-Medicare: students should mention what percentage of tax goes towards medicare? What is the medicare levy and who does this apply to?

-What are the positives for medicare? Negatives?

-What is PBS? What is the approximate cost if you have a health care card? Mediare card? No healthcare or medicare card? Who subsidises PBS? Is every medication covered and on the list? What are the limitations to PBS?

2. How the other countrys healthcare system works: 
-This same information provided for Australia needs to be provided for their chosen country (different to the country they chose for the group presentations!).

-Students should be giving an excellent break-down on the details surrounding the country’s public health care system and the private health care system. Most countries have a dual healthcare system.

3. Distinctive economic characteristics of healthcare and health services in two contrasting healthcare systems: 
SExcellent discussion surrounding the social aspects of healthcare in BOTH their chosen country and Australia:
-What do BOTH countries provide towards the social aspects of healthcare?

-What health educations are in place to educate the population on improving health outcomes in BOTH countries?

-Are there any community initiatives happening in different parts of the country to assist with access to healthcare e.g. van to take the elderly to hospital etc.

-Is there tele-health for patients in the rural areas to be able to access specialist’s advice etc? Is there a focus on immunisation or sanitation to improve health outcomes?

-Is there a gap between health in the rural regions compared to the urban cities?

-Is there anything in place for tackling the top 5 diseases in the population? Healthcare reforms in place?

4.Evaluation of political, economic and social influences from an organisation and administration perspective: 
Excellent evaluation of political, economic and social influences from an organisation and administration perspective.
– How does the political make-up of the country influence health and implement their policies on the way health is carried out in both countries. Do the same for the economic and social influences.

-Students to go into detail how the decisions made towards health will be administered/implemented/carried out etc. Perhaps the political decisions made at the top carry out decisions through health reforms? How does the government organise the spending on healthcare – do they distribute to the different levels of government to then distribute or does the country rely on money from other wealthy countries etc. How doe they implement health education programs etc, through actual programs being in place run by the Health Department or do some areas receive lots of money to improve social characteristics while other countries are too busy focusing on war or
lack of money to even consider the social aspects of health?