How will I apply my knowledge of the determinants of health as I care for my future clients

Journal 3: Determinants of My Health (Outcome 2)

In this journal you will apply your knowledge of the determinants of health to yourself. This Journal is worth 40 marks. Your mark will be adjusted so your final mark is out of 10. In a paper of no more than 2-3 pages address each of these questions and directions.

  • Explain how each of the determinants of health affects your health. Honest self-reflection will identify how these 12 factors interact to influence and determine the current state of your health. (24 marks)
  • Which of the determinants have (or has) been most influential in determining your health? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
  • How will I apply my knowledge of the determinants of health as I care for my future clients? (4 marks)
  • To what degree do government health care policies influence the determinants of health? (2 marks)
  • Answer the question, “How healthy are you?” Refer to the self-assessment criteria andonline tools listed in the practical exercise in learning outcome 2, learning step 2.3. You don’t need to provide your results on all of these tools, but do give a brief summary of your results overall. For example, what are your strengths? Are there some areas that you need to pay more attention to? (4 marks)
  • Write your Journal so that it is the required length, and contains well-organized sentences and headings, without grammatical and spelling errors. (2 marks)