Identify two major changes that have affected the U.S. health care system since World War II

HCS 212 Week 1 Complete Discussion 1. Identify two major changes that have affected the U.S. health care system since World War II. Why are they important? Where would you find resources to explain the changes and to keep you up to date with current changes? Discussion 2. Chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes are a major cost in health care expenditures. What are health care organizations and employers doing to encourage enrollees/employees to stay or become healthy? What have you done to keep yourself healthy or to encourage others to stay or become healthy? Individual Assignment – Health Care Resources Questionnaire Resource: Health Care Resources Questionnaire Grading Criteria in the Course Materials forum. DO NOT use the version under the Materials tab. Complete University of Phoenix Material: Health Care Resources Questionnaire. Answer each question based on your personal experiences as a consumer receiving health care services (or as a parent or guardian for another person receiving these services) or as a professional providing service. The questions are related to real-life experiences in which health care services are received or provided, to the consumer- satisfaction with those services, to changes you have seen or experienced over time, or to insurance coverage benefits you have or provide. Each response should be at least two to three sentences in length. While the survey asks personal questions, remember to keep your tone academic and professional.