Relationships in the health care

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Relationships in the health care. It needs to be at least 1500 words.If leadership and management are defined by the ability or the position to implement change, then in this case, leadership and management become a role appropriated to the health care providers-more specifically in this paper, to the nurses.The roles that nurse’s play in patient care is as critical as that of any other health care professional because they are considered the “frontliners” of health care (Consumer Health Care Products Association 2002).They are usually the ones who are directly involved and are aware of every minute circumstance that happens to the patient.Nurses provide the patients and families a favorable environment for healing which must be both humane and caring. They serve as the clinicians, educators and researchers. Nurses are the initial assessors of the patients’ health status. Part of their roles is to identify and intervene with clinical problems, appraise the risks, manage those problems and be able to lead effective change. They interpret diagnostic tests, plan and sometimes prescribe both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment of health conditions and also monitor the patients’ treatment and health status (Ed4nurses 2006. Quan 2006).