School of Public Health and Social Work Queensland University of Technology

This assessment item asks you to think about workplace based health promotion in a
workplace. That is, how does the workplace do settings based health promotion? You
should consider yourself as a consultant employed to undertake an audit of the health
promotion activity in the workplace. You need to make an assessment of what health
promotion activity is or isn’t undertaken, whether it is done well or not, why it is or isn’t
done and what could be done or done better. The health promotion activity can be
aimed at any or all people associated with the workplace or just a range of people, for
example, professional staff, operational staff or the public.
This assessment is not about the implementation of health promotion programs. If the
workplace does health promotion as business, make sure you do not audit these
health promotion programs. This assessment is about workplaces as settings for
health promotion so how health promotion pervades the organisation as a culture and
a philosophy, for the people who work in the workplace.
The aim of this assessment item is to conduct a workplace needs assessment. The
findings of this workplace needs assessment will provide the foundation for Project
Part C.
You should have found a workplace by now.
Before you start, you should approach your workplace to gain permission to do this
assessment. When you undertake your workplace audit and observation and semistructured
interview, you will be representing QUT. Please ensure you respect the
workplace, and their activity at all times. Do not make any assumptions about your
entitlement to be there. Please ensure you are polite, unobtrusive and grateful at all
If you really, really, really sure you cannot find a workplace, you can choose a shopping
centre as your setting but you must speak with me first.Document Preview:

School of Public Health and Social Work Queensland University of Technology PUP038 Health Promotion 1: Paradigms Semester 1 2019 Assessment Item 2: Project Part B Needs Assessment Grading Criteria Description 7 6 5 4 3-2-1 1. Workplace description 10% Detailed description of workplace including Exceptional description Excellent description of Satisfactory description Sound description of Poor or no description of type of industry and activities, of workplace. workplace. of workplace. workplace. workplace. vision/mission, size and structure, and composition of employee’s. 2. Workplace audit 20% Details of audit tool, for example, authors, Exceptional details of Excellent details of audit Satisfactory details of Sound details of audit Poor or no details of published date, source, retrieval date and audit tool. tool. audit tool. tool. audit tool. date audit undertaken. Audit tool is recognised and appropriate to Audit tool is recognised Audit tool is recognised Audit tool is recognised Audit tool is recognised Audit tool is not workplace. and totally appropriate to and largely appropriate and partially appropriate and somewhat recognised and/or is not workplace. to workplace. to workplace. appropriate to workplace. appropriate to workplace. . Audit tool is complete and detailed. Audit tool is complete with Audit tool is complete with Audit tool is complete with Audit tool is complete Audit tool not is complete exceptional detail. excellent detail satisfactory detail with some detail with no detail 3. Workplace observation 20% Observational evidence (eg: photos / Exceptional Excellent observational Satisfactory Sound observational Poor or no observational screen shots). observational evidence. evidence. observational evidence. evidence. evidence. 1Description 7 6 5 4 3-2-1 4. Participant information sheet and consent form 0% (but needs to be…