Evidence of a health concern among Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people and contributing factors to this health concern

The student is required to develop a Health Promotion Initiative including a resource that could be used to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders health.

This assessment will provide evidence you have the underpinning knowledge to:

  • Deal with the cultural awareness required for effective communication and cooperation with persons of diverse cultures.
  • Function independently in developing strategies to practise within the current and future health care environment taking into account the Australian health care system.
  • Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

The assignment is in two parts and is equivalent to 30 – 40 hours of work per student.

Students must work in groups of up to 5-6 people.

Each group is to present their health promotion initiative at a health expo on assessment day. Members of the Mater community will be invited to attend this expo.

Each member of the group must individually submita copy of the group presentation (Part A) and a copy or photograph of the resource developed (Part B).

Part A.

Develop a Health Promotion Initiative

This initiative must follow the principles of primary health care and include:

  1. Identification of three (3) historical events that have impacted on Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander culture that is related to the primary health initiative chosen by the group.
  2. Evidence of a health concern among Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people and contributing factors to this health concern (e.g. diet, alcohol, remoteness).
  3. Identification of a need for the health promotion initiative.
  4. Identification of the target audience (e.g. mothers, children, young teenagers).
  5. Evidence of consultation with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander groups
  6. Discussion of any difficulties experienced or that could be foreseen with the introduction of the initiative and how they could be addressed/ would address these issues.
  7. Discussion of the funding required to implement the initiative and where the funding might be sourced. Please identify how much money the health promotion initiative may cost to establish and maintain.
  8. Acknowledge any existing initiatives or services that are currently provided for the chosen health concern among Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people.
  9. Identify services that would assist in the successful implementation of the initiative e.g. local established schools or health services.
  10. Discuss an evaluation method that would be appropriate for this initiative.