Explain strategies for developing and evaluating therapeutic relationships with mental health consumers, carers and significant others across the lifespan

NRSG210: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING – Australia Catholic University(ACU)

Task Description :

Knowledge of the physical, mental and biopsychosocial factors that contribute to personal, individual, family and community mental health. It also examines the role of the nurse and the health team in caring for persons who have alterations to their emotional 
and mental well being across the lifespan. In particular, it will enable the student to develop a holistic and consumer-oriented recovery approach to the provision of nursing care highlighting the therapeutic use of self, including ethical, legal and professional boundaries that influence practice.

Need Outcomes :

1. Outline social, developmental and cultural factors that impact on mental health and wellness; 
2. Discuss major mental health priorities and related strategies, including models of mental health care; 
3. Reflect critically on the experiences of mental illness from consumer and carer perspectives; (GA 4) 
4. Assess a person’s mental health status within the contexts of an holistic health assessment and potential underlying pathology; 
5. Determine appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions and describe medical and allied health interventions for the promotion of mental health, and prevention, early intervention, management of and recovery from common mental illnesses;

6. Plan, implement and evaluate safe, holistic, person-centered nursing care taking account of a person’s / family’s mental health status, strengths, risks and resilience; 
7. Explain strategies for developing and evaluating therapeutic relationships with mental health consumers, carers and significant others across the lifespan. 
8. Discuss legal and ethical issues pertaining to mental health and mental illness. 
9. Work effectively in a group to identify and address your learning needs.