Making health decisions The impact of social influences and inequalities in making decisions about health

Discussion Sections Suggested topic areas to be considered may include: Introduction to the… 

Discussion SectionsSuggested topic areas to be considered may include:
Introduction to the clientWho is the client? Identify the health concern. What model of Health care is apparent.
Factors affecting health decisions and behaviourMaking health decisions The impact of social influences and inequalities in making decisions about health
Psycho-physiological aspects of healthRelationship between emotions and health  stress and stress management. Identify types of behavioural responses that are evident.
Prevention of illness and promotion of healthIllness prevention & Health promotion impacts – propose an intervention to benefits your clients situation

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Assessment item 2 Weighting:50%Length:Individual Essay (2000 words + or – 10%) Details Using the case study details provided – Choose One of the Three Scenarios. Apply the theory, terms and concepts encountered throughout NURS11157 to analyse and discuss the behaviours of Either Bill, Ahmed or Ella. An essay format is required including an abstract, table of content, introduction, discussion, conclusion and a reference list. Resources have been provided in the unit Moodle site to assist with preparing this assessment. Scenario 1: Bill Scenario 1: Bill Bill who is 65 years of age, lives with chronic hypertension. Bill lives in a small coastal town and describes himself as “semi-retired”. He works part-time at the local golf course as a grounds man. Bill is married however; the marriage has experienced extreme difficulties over the past 5 years following his diagnosis. His wife Betty describes him as “a crabby old man” who is constantly complaining about “everything”. Bill has two grown children and 5 grandchildren who all live in distant states. He loves to go fishing in his spare time and is a keen gardener however, is finding it increasingly difficult to perform heavy manual labour due to his age and declining health. Bill is also extremely overweight (98kg and 168cm tall) and avoids going to see his GP as much as possible. He likes to eat take away food and makes many poor life style choices such as drinking too much red wine and not exercising enough. Betty is now threatening to leave Bill and is seeking counselling in relation to the unhappy state of this marriage and the consequent stress and anxiety it is causing her. Bill is in denial that there is a problem with the marriage and has started spending a large amount of time at the local Hotel playing the “pokies”. Consequently, the family’s financial status is not solid as money seems to keep disappearing at a rapid rate. Recently, they have not had enough money to pay the rates and are…