Mental Health Services

HCS 235 Week 2 Complete Discussion 1 . Select one of the delivery system groups and post a 150-300 word response explaining the role* of the selected group. Chapter 8: Primary Care: Health Care Providers Offices and Clinics Chapter 9: Secondary Care: Hospitals Chapter 10: Tertiary Care: The Long-Term Care Continuum Chapter 11: Mental Health Services: A Combination of Systems Chapter 12: The Public Health System: The Governments Role *What functions, responsibilities or tasks does the selected group play in delivering products and services to health care consumers? DQ 2. What is the definition of an allied health professional? Why must allied health professionals in all disciplines be visionary as they address the components of education, training, and leadership style? Identify your own leadership style* and identify what changes you need to make in education and training in order to develop “…a vision for the health care marketplace over the next 20 years and see it with clarity” (Miller, Gallicchio, 2007). Individual Assignment – Health Care Terms As you start your journey into the world of health care it is essential that you begin developing a vocabulary of the health care industry. Resources: Health Care Terms in the Course Materials forum; required reading, and outside research. Define the following 20 terms in your own words* based on the readings and outside research: · Acute · Allopathic · Ambulatory care · Behavioral Health · Chronic · Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) · Compliance · Epidemiology · Evidence-based · Health Care Reform Act of 2010 · Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) · Hospice · Informed Consent · Insurance (Health) · Managed Care · Medical Necessity · Medicare · Medicaid · Public Health · Utilization Review *Assignments are checked for originality (Turnitin©) so all direct quotes used must be cited and referenced according to American Psychological Association (APA) Style, Sixth edition. Requirements: Use a Microsoft® Word v. 2003 document in APA 6th edition format for the assignment. Complete and grammatically correct sentences required. Each term should be defined or explained in 75-100 words with complete sentences using correct grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling. Any direct quotes must be properly cited and formatted according to APA 6th edition. Complete the Certificate of Originality Submit assignment and Certificate to ‘Assignments’